Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1790 + and quake + trembling +/ . entromos {en'-trom-os}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and 5156 + trembling + and trembling + for they trembled +/ ; terrified: --X quake, X trembled .

5141 + trembling + and trembling + And he trembling + they are not afraid +/ . tremo {trem'-o}; strengthened from a primary treo (to "dread", "terrify"); to "tremble" or fear: --be afraid, trembling .

5156 + trembling + and trembling + for they trembled +/ . tromos {trom'-os}; from 5141 + trembling + and trembling + And he trembling + they are not afraid +/ ; a "trembling", i .e . quaking with fear: --+ tremble(-ing) .