tribe 004 002 Jos /^{tribe /a man ,

tribe 003 012 Jos /^{tribe /a man .

tribe 004 004 Jos /^{tribe /a man :

tribe 031 004 Num /^{tribe /a thousand ,
throughout all the tribes of Israel , shall ye send to the war .

tribe 018 019 Jug /^{tribe /and a family in
Israel ?

tribe 018 004 Jos /^{tribe /and I will send
them, and they shall rise , and go through the land , and
describe it according to the inheritance of them; and they shall
come again to me.

tribe 021 024 Jug /^{tribe /and to his family ,
and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance .

tribe 021 017 Jug /^{tribe /be not destroyed
out of Israel .

tribe 036 009 Num /^{tribe /but every one of
the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his
own inheritance .

tribe 021 006 Jug /^{tribe /cut off from
Israel this day .

tribe 001 004 Num /^{tribe /every one head of
the house of his fathers .

tribe 036 007 Num /^{tribe /for every one of
the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of
the tribe of his fathers .

tribe 034 015 Num /^{tribe /have received
their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward ,
toward the sunrising .

tribe 021 003 Jug /^{tribe /lacking in Israel ?

tribe 007 014 Heb /${tribe /Moses spake
nothing concerning priesthood .

tribe 006 061 ICh /^{tribe /namely, out of the
half tribe of Manasseh , by lot , ten cities .

tribe 002 036 Luk /${tribe /of Aser : she was
of a great age , and had lived with an husband seven years from
her virginity ;

tribe 007 006 Rev /${tribe /of Aser were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed
twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve
thousand .

tribe 021 006 Jos /^{tribe /of Asher , and out
of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the half tribe of Manasseh
in Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 006 062 ICh /^{tribe /of Asher , and out
of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the tribe of Manasseh in
Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 021 030 Jos /^{tribe /of Asher , Mishal
with her suburbs , Abdon with her suburbs ,

tribe 013 013 Num /^{tribe /of Asher , Sethur
the son of Michael .

tribe 001 041 Num /^{tribe /of Asher , were
forty and one thousand and five hundred .

tribe 002 027 Num /^{tribe /of Asher : and the
captain of the children of Asher shall be Pagiel the son of
Ocran .

tribe 006 074 ICh /^{tribe /of Asher ; Mashal
with her suburbs , and Abdon with her suburbs ,

tribe 003 005 Php /${tribe /of Benjamin , an
Hebrew of the Hebrews ; as touching the law , a Pharisee ;

tribe 012 021 IKi /^{tribe /of Benjamin , an
hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men , which were warriors ,
to fight against the house of Israel , to bring the kingdom
again to Rehoboam the son of Solomon .

tribe 013 021 Act /${tribe /of Benjamin , by
the space of forty years .

tribe 034 021 Num /^{tribe /of Benjamin ,
Elidad the son of Chislon .

tribe 021 017 Jos /^{tribe /of Benjamin ,
Gibeon with her suburbs , Geba with her suburbs ,

tribe 013 009 Num /^{tribe /of Benjamin ,
Palti the son of Raphu .

tribe 020 012 Jug /^{tribe /of Benjamin ,
saying , What wickedness is this that is done among you?

tribe 021 004 Jos /^{tribe /of Benjamin ,
thirteen cities .

tribe 001 037 Num /^{tribe /of Benjamin , were
thirty and five thousand and four hundred .

tribe 011 001 Rom /${tribe /of Benjamin .

tribe 002 022 Num /^{tribe /of Benjamin : and
the captain of the sons of Benjamin shall be Abidan the son of
Gideoni .

tribe 006 060 ICh /^{tribe /of Benjamin ; Geba
with her suburbs , and Alemeth with her suburbs , and Anathoth
with her suburbs . All their cities throughout their families
were thirteen cities .

tribe 009 021 ISa /^{tribe /of Benjamin ?
wherefore then speakest thou so to me?

tribe 010 021 ISa /^{tribe /of Benjamin to
come near by their families , the family of Matri was taken ,
and Saul the son of Kish was taken : and when they sought him,
he could not be found .

tribe 010 020 ISa /^{tribe /of Benjamin was
taken .

tribe 007 008 Rev /${tribe /of Benjamin were
sealed twelve thousand .

tribe 013 012 Num /^{tribe /of Dan , Ammiel
the son of Gemalli .

tribe 038 023 Exo /^{tribe /of Dan , an
engraver , and a cunning workman , and an embroiderer in blue ,
and in purple , and in scarlet , and fine linen .

tribe 021 005 Jos /^{tribe /of Dan , and out
of the half tribe of Manasseh , ten cities .

tribe 021 023 Jos /^{tribe /of Dan , Eltekeh
with her suburbs , Gibbethon with her suburbs ,

tribe 001 039 Num /^{tribe /of Dan , were
threescore and two thousand and seven hundred .

tribe 035 034 Exo /^{tribe /of Dan .

tribe 031 006 Exo /^{tribe /of Dan : and in
the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom , that
they may make all that I have commanded thee;

tribe 018 030 Jug /^{tribe /of Dan until the
day of the captivity of the land .

tribe 021 005 Jos /^{tribe /of Ephraim , and
out of the tribe of Dan , and out of the half tribe of Manasseh ,
ten cities .

tribe 013 008 Num /^{tribe /of Ephraim , Oshea
the son of Nun .

tribe 001 033 Num /^{tribe /of Ephraim , were
forty thousand and five hundred .

tribe 006 066 ICh /^{tribe /of Ephraim .

tribe 021 020 Jos /^{tribe /of Ephraim .

tribe 078 067 Psa /^{tribe /of Ephraim :

tribe 020 008 Jos /^{tribe /of Gad , and Golan
in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh .

tribe 021 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Gad , and out
of the tribe of Zebulun , twelve cities .

tribe 006 063 ICh /^{tribe /of Gad , and out
of the tribe of Zebulun , twelve cities .

tribe 013 024 Jos /^{tribe /of Gad , even unto
the children of Gad according to their families .

tribe 013 015 Num /^{tribe /of Gad , Geuel the
son of Machi .

tribe 021 038 Jos /^{tribe /of Gad , Ramoth in
Gilead with her suburbs , to be a city of refuge for the slayer ;
and Mahanaim with her suburbs ,

tribe 001 025 Num /^{tribe /of Gad , were
forty and five thousand six hundred and fifty .

tribe 002 014 Num /^{tribe /of Gad : and the
captain of the sons of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel .

tribe 006 080 ICh /^{tribe /of Gad ; Ramoth in
Gilead with her suburbs , and Mahanaim with her suburbs ,

tribe 007 005 Rev /${tribe /of Gad were sealed
twelve thousand .

tribe 036 008 Num /^{tribe /of her father ,
that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance
of his fathers .

tribe 036 007 Num /^{tribe /of his fathers .

tribe 021 006 Jos /^{tribe /of Issachar , and
out of the tribe of Asher , and out of the tribe of Naphtali ,
and out of the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen
cities .

tribe 006 062 ICh /^{tribe /of Issachar , and
out of the tribe of Asher , and out of the tribe of Naphtali ,
and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 013 007 Num /^{tribe /of Issachar , Igal
the son of Joseph .

tribe 021 028 Jos /^{tribe /of Issachar ,
Kishon with her suburbs , Dabareh with her suburbs ,

tribe 001 029 Num /^{tribe /of Issachar , were
fifty and four thousand and four hundred .

tribe 002 005 Num /^{tribe /of Issachar : and
Nethaneel the son of Zuar shall be captain of the children of
Issachar .

tribe 006 072 ICh /^{tribe /of Issachar ;
Kedesh with her suburbs , Daberath with her suburbs ,

tribe 007 007 Rev /${tribe /of Issachar were
sealed twelve thousand .

tribe 013 011 Num /^{tribe /of Joseph , namely,
of the tribe of Manasseh , Gaddi the son of Susi .

tribe 007 008 Rev /${tribe /of Joseph were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed
twelve thousand .

tribe 005 005 Rev /${tribe /of Juda , the Root
of David , hath prevailed to open the book , and to loose the
seven seals thereof .

tribe 007 005 Rev /${tribe /of Juda were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed
twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve
thousand .

tribe 021 004 Jos /^{tribe /of Judah , and out
of the tribe of Simeon , and out of the tribe of Benjamin ,
thirteen cities .

tribe 013 006 Num /^{tribe /of Judah , Caleb
the son of Jephunneh .

tribe 034 019 Num /^{tribe /of Judah , Caleb
the son of Jephunneh .

tribe 038 022 Exo /^{tribe /of Judah , made
all that the LORD commanded Moses .

tribe 078 068 Psa /^{tribe /of Judah , the
mount Zion which he loved .

tribe 007 001 Jos /^{tribe /of Judah , took of
the accursed thing : and the anger of the LORD was kindled
against the children of Israel .

tribe 007 018 Jos /^{tribe /of Judah , was
taken .

tribe 001 027 Num /^{tribe /of Judah , were
threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred .

tribe 031 002 Exo /^{tribe /of Judah :

tribe 007 012 Num /^{tribe /of Judah :

tribe 035 030 Exo /^{tribe /of Judah ;

tribe 012 020 IKi /^{tribe /of Judah only.

tribe 017 018 IIKi /^{tribe /of Judah only.

tribe 007 016 Jos /^{tribe /of Judah was taken

tribe 001 049 Num /^{tribe /of Levi , neither
take the sum of them among the children of Israel :

tribe 018 001 Deu /^{tribe /of Levi , shall
have no part nor inheritance with Israel : they shall eat the
offerings of the LORD made by fire , and his inheritance .

tribe 018 002 Num /^{tribe /of Levi , the
tribe of thy father , bring thou with thee, that they may be
joined unto thee, and minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons
with thee shall minister before the tabernacle of witness .

tribe 010 008 Deu /^{tribe /of Levi , to bear
the ark of the covenant of the LORD , to stand before the LORD
to minister unto him, and to bless in his name , unto this day .

tribe 023 014 ICh /^{tribe /of Levi .

tribe 013 014 Jos /^{tribe /of Levi he gave
none inheritance ; the sacrifices of the LORD God of Israel made
by fire are their inheritance , as he said unto them.

tribe 013 033 Jos /^{tribe /of Levi Moses gave
not any inheritance : the LORD God of Israel was their
inheritance , as he said unto them.

tribe 003 006 Num /^{tribe /of Levi near , and
present them before Aaron the priest , that they may minister
unto him.

tribe 007 007 Rev /${tribe /of Levi were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed
twelve thousand .

tribe 013 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,

tribe 022 001 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,

tribe 005 026 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , and
brought them unto Halah , and Habor , and Hara , and to the
river Gozan , unto this day .

tribe 006 061 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , by
lot , ten cities .

tribe 026 032 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , for
every matter pertaining to God , and affairs of the king .

tribe 013 011 Num /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,
Gaddi the son of Susi .

tribe 006 071 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,
Golan in Bashan with her suburbs , and Ashtaroth with her
suburbs :

tribe 018 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh , have
received their inheritance beyond Jordan on the east , which
Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.

tribe 022 013 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh , into
the land of Gilead , Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest ,

tribe 027 020 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , Joel
the son of Pedaiah :

tribe 005 018 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , of
valiant men , men able to bear buckler and sword , and to shoot
with bow , and skilful in war , were four and forty thousand
seven hundred and threescore , that went out to the war .

tribe 004 012 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,
passed over armed before the children of Israel , as Moses spake
unto them:

tribe 001 012 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,
spake Joshua , saying ,

tribe 021 025 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ,
Tanach with her suburbs , and Gathrimmon with her suburbs ; two
cities .

tribe 021 005 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh , ten
cities .

tribe 022 015 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh , unto
the land of Gilead , and they spake with them, saying ,

tribe 001 035 Num /^{tribe /of Manasseh , were
thirty and two thousand and two hundred .

tribe 012 037 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh , with
all manner of instruments of war for the battle , an hundred and
twenty thousand .

tribe 029 008 Deu /^{tribe /of Manasseh .

tribe 020 008 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh .

tribe 012 006 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh .

tribe 002 020 Num /^{tribe /of Manasseh : and
the captain of the children of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the
son of Pedahzur .

tribe 013 029 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh : and
this was the possession of the half tribe of the children of
Manasseh by their families .

tribe 003 013 Deu /^{tribe /of Manasseh ; all
the region of Argob , with all Bashan , which was called the
land of giants .

tribe 006 070 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh ; Aner
with her suburbs , and Bileam with her suburbs , for the family
of the remnant of the sons of Kohath .

tribe 017 001 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh ; for
he was the firstborn of Joseph ; to wit, for Machir the
firstborn of Manasseh , the father of Gilead : because he was a
man of war , therefore he had Gilead and Bashan .

tribe 022 021 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh
answered , and said unto the heads of the thousands of Israel ,

tribe 022 010 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh built
there an altar by Jordan , a great altar to see to .

tribe 005 023 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh dwelt
in the land : they increased from Bashan unto Baalhermon and
Senir , and unto mount Hermon .

tribe 012 031 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh
eighteen thousand , which were expressed by name , to come and
make David king .

tribe 022 011 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh have
built an altar over against the land of Canaan , in the borders
of Jordan , at the passage of the children of Israel .

tribe 034 014 Num /^{tribe /of Manasseh have
received their inheritance :

tribe 006 062 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh in
Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 021 006 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh in
Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 027 021 ICh /^{tribe /of Manasseh in
Gilead , Iddo the son of Zechariah : of Benjamin , Jaasiel the
son of Abner :

tribe 022 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh Moses
had given possession in Bashan : but unto the other half thereof
gave Joshua among their brethren on this side Jordan westward .
And when Joshua sent them away also unto their tents , then he
blessed them,

tribe 022 009 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh
returned , and departed from the children of Israel out of
Shiloh , which is in the land of Canaan , to go unto the country
of Gilead , to the land of their possession , whereof they were
possessed , according to the word of the LORD by the hand of
Moses .

tribe 032 033 Num /^{tribe /of Manasseh the
son of Joseph , the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites , and
the kingdom of Og king of Bashan , the land , with the cities
thereof in the coasts , even the cities of the country round
about .

tribe 021 027 Jos /^{tribe /of Manasseh they
gave Golan in Bashan with her suburbs , to be a city of refuge
for the slayer ; and Beeshterah with her suburbs ; two cities .

tribe 007 006 Rev /${tribe /of Manasses were
sealed twelve thousand .

tribe 007 014 IKi /^{tribe /of Naphtali , and
his father was a man of Tyre , a worker in brass : and he was
filled with wisdom , and understanding , and cunning to work all
works in brass . And he came to king Solomon , and wrought all
his work .

tribe 021 006 Jos /^{tribe /of Naphtali , and
out of the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 006 062 ICh /^{tribe /of Naphtali , and
out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities .

tribe 021 032 Jos /^{tribe /of Naphtali ,
Kedesh in Galilee with her suburbs , to be a city of refuge for
the slayer ; and Hammothdor with her suburbs , and Kartan with
her suburbs ; three cities .

tribe 013 014 Num /^{tribe /of Naphtali ,
Nahbi the son of Vophsi .

tribe 001 043 Num /^{tribe /of Naphtali , were
fifty and three thousand and four hundred .

tribe 002 029 Num /^{tribe /of Naphtali : and
the captain of the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the son
of Enan .

tribe 006 076 ICh /^{tribe /of Naphtali ;
Kedesh in Galilee with her suburbs , and Hammon with her suburbs
, and Kirjathaim with her suburbs .

tribe 007 006 Rev /${tribe /of Nepthalim were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed
twelve thousand .

tribe 036 004 Num /^{tribe /of our fathers .

tribe 006 063 ICh /^{tribe /of Reuben , and
out of the tribe of Gad , and out of the tribe of Zebulun ,
twelve cities .

tribe 021 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Reuben , and
out of the tribe of Gad , and out of the tribe of Zebulun ,
twelve cities .

tribe 020 008 Jos /^{tribe /of Reuben , and
Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad , and Golan in Bashan
out of the tribe of Manasseh .

tribe 006 078 ICh /^{tribe /of Reuben , Bezer
in the wilderness with her suburbs , and Jahzah with her suburbs

tribe 021 036 Jos /^{tribe /of Reuben , Bezer
with her suburbs, and Jahazah with her suburbs,

tribe 013 004 Num /^{tribe /of Reuben ,
Shammua the son of Zaccur .

tribe 001 021 Num /^{tribe /of Reuben , were
forty and six thousand and five hundred .

tribe 001 005 Num /^{tribe /of Reuben ; Elizur
the son of Shedeur .

tribe 007 005 Rev /${tribe /of Reuben were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve
thousand .

tribe 021 004 Jos /^{tribe /of Simeon , and
out of the tribe of Benjamin , thirteen cities .

tribe 013 005 Num /^{tribe /of Simeon ,
Shaphat the son of Hori .

tribe 001 023 Num /^{tribe /of Simeon , were
fifty and nine thousand and three hundred .

tribe 002 012 Num /^{tribe /of Simeon : and
the captain of the children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son
of Zurishaddai .

tribe 007 007 Rev /${tribe /of Simeon were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve
thousand . Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand .

tribe 034 027 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Asher , Ahihud the son of Shelomi .

tribe 019 031 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Asher according to their families , these cities with their
villages .

tribe 019 024 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Asher according to their families .

tribe 010 026 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Asher was Pagiel the son of Ocran .

tribe 006 065 ICh /^{tribe /of the children of
Benjamin , these cities , which are called by their names .

tribe 018 021 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Benjamin according to their families were Jericho , and
Bethhoglah , and the valley of Keziz ,

tribe 018 011 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Benjamin came up according to their families : and the coast of
their lot came forth between the children of Judah and the
children of Joseph .

tribe 010 024 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Benjamin was Abidan the son of Gideoni .

tribe 034 022 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Dan , Bukki the son of Jogli .

tribe 019 048 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Dan according to their families , these cities with their
villages .

tribe 019 040 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Dan according to their families .

tribe 034 024 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Ephraim , Kemuel the son of Shiphtan .

tribe 016 008 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Ephraim by their families .

tribe 034 014 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Gad according to the house of their fathers , have received
their inheritance; and half the tribe of Manasseh have received
their inheritance :

tribe 010 020 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Gad was Eliasaph the son of Deuel .

tribe 036 008 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Israel , shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of
her father , that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the
inheritance of his fathers .

tribe 034 026 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Issachar , Paltiel the son of Azzan .

tribe 019 023 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Issachar according to their families , the cities and their
villages .

tribe 010 015 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Issachar was Nethaneel the son of Zuar .

tribe 006 065 ICh /^{tribe /of the children of
Judah , and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon , and out
of the tribe of the children of Benjamin , these cities , which
are called by their names .

tribe 021 009 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Judah , and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon , these
cities which are here mentioned by name ,

tribe 015 020 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Judah according to their families .

tribe 015 001 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Judah by their families ; even to the border of Edom the
wilderness of Zin southward was the uttermost part of the south
coast .

tribe 015 021 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Judah toward the coast of Edom southward were Kabzeel , and Eder
, and Jagur ,

tribe 034 023 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Manasseh , Hanniel the son of Ephod .

tribe 013 029 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Manasseh by their families .

tribe 010 023 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Manasseh was Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur .

tribe 034 028 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Naphtali , Pedahel the son of Ammihud .

tribe 019 039 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Naphtali according to their families , the cities and their
villages .

tribe 010 027 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Naphtali was Ahira the son of Enan .

tribe 034 014 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Reuben according to the house of their fathers , and the tribe
of the children of Gad according to the house of their fathers ,
have received their inheritance; and half the tribe of Manasseh
have received their inheritance :

tribe 013 015 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Reuben inheritance according to their families .

tribe 006 065 ICh /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon , and out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin ,
these cities , which are called by their names .

tribe 034 020 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon , Shemuel the son of Ammihud .

tribe 021 009 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon , these cities which are here mentioned by name ,

tribe 019 008 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon according to their families .

tribe 019 001 Jos /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon according to their families : and their inheritance was
within the inheritance of the children of Judah .

tribe 010 019 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Simeon was Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai .

tribe 034 025 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Zebulun , Elizaphan the son of Parnach .

tribe 010 016 Num /^{tribe /of the children of
Zebulun was Eliab the son of Helon .

tribe 018 001 Jug /^{tribe /of the Danites
sought them an inheritance to dwell in ; for unto that day all
their inheritance had not fallen unto them among the tribes of
Israel .

tribe 004 018 Num /^{tribe /of the families of
the Kohathites from among the Levites :

tribe 036 012 Num /^{tribe /of the family of
their father .

tribe 036 005 Num /^{tribe /of the sons of
Joseph hath said well.

tribe 036 006 Num /^{tribe /of their father
shall they marry .

tribe 013 002 Num /^{tribe /of their fathers
shall ye send a man , every one a ruler among them.

tribe 001 047 Num /^{tribe /of their fathers
were not numbered among them.

tribe 018 002 Num /^{tribe /of thy father ,
bring thou with thee, that they may be joined unto thee, and
minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons with thee shall
minister before the tabernacle of witness .

tribe 007 013 Heb /${tribe /of which no man
gave attendance at the altar .

tribe 007 008 Rev /${tribe /of Zabulon were
sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed
twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve
thousand .

tribe 013 010 Num /^{tribe /of Zebulun ,
Gaddiel the son of Sodi .

tribe 021 034 Jos /^{tribe /of Zebulun ,
Jokneam with her suburbs , and Kartah with her suburbs ,

tribe 006 077 ICh /^{tribe /of Zebulun ,
Rimmon with her suburbs , Tabor with her suburbs :

tribe 021 007 Jos /^{tribe /of Zebulun ,
twelve cities .

tribe 006 063 ICh /^{tribe /of Zebulun ,
twelve cities .

tribe 001 031 Num /^{tribe /of Zebulun , were
fifty and seven thousand and four hundred .

tribe 002 007 Num /^{tribe /of Zebulun : and
Eliab the son of Helon shall be captain of the children of
Zebulun .

tribe 014 003 Jos /^{tribe /on the other side
Jordan : but unto the Levites he gave none inheritance among

tribe 011 036 IKi /^{tribe /that David my
servant may have a light alway before me in Jerusalem , the city
which I have chosen me to put my name there.

tribe 047 023 Eze /^{tribe /the stranger
sojourneth , there shall ye give him his inheritance , saith the
Lord GOD .

tribe 031 006 Num /^{tribe /them and Phinehas
the son of Eleazar the priest , to the war , with the holy
instruments , and the trumpets to blow in his hand .

tribe 036 009 Num /^{tribe /to another tribe ;
but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep
himself to his own inheritance .

tribe 034 018 Num /^{tribe /to divide the land
by inheritance .

tribe 011 013 IKi /^{tribe /to thy son for
David my servant's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake which I have
chosen .

tribe 036 007 Num /^{tribe /to tribe : for
every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the
inheritance of the tribe of his fathers .

tribe 031 005 Num /^{tribe /twelve thousand
armed for war .

tribe 006 061 ICh /^{tribe /were cities given
out of the half tribe , namely, out of the half tribe of
Manasseh , by lot , ten cities .

tribe 036 003 Num /^{tribe /whereunto they are
received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance .

tribe 036 004 Num /^{tribe /whereunto they are
received: so shall their inheritance be taken away from the
inheritance of the tribe of our fathers .

tribe 007 014 Jos /^{tribe /which the LORD
taketh shall come according to the families thereof; and the
family which the LORD shall take shall come by households ; and
the household which the LORD shall take shall come man by man .

tribe 029 018 Deu /^{tribe /whose heart
turneth away this day from the LORD our God , to go and serve
the gods of these nations ; lest there should be among you a
root that beareth gall and wormwood ;

tribes 014 003 Jos /^{tribes /and an half tribe
on the other side Jordan : but unto the Levites he gave none
inheritance among them.

tribes 010 019 ISa /^{tribes /and by your
thousands .

tribes 014 002 Jos /^{tribes /and for the half
tribe .

tribes 001 013 Deu /^{tribes /and I will make
them rulers over you.

tribes 007 014 Jos /^{tribes /and it shall be,
that the tribe which the LORD taketh shall come according to the
families thereof; and the family which the LORD shall take shall
come by households ; and the household which the LORD shall take
shall come man by man .

tribes 028 001 ICh /^{tribes /and the captains
of the companies that ministered to the king by course , and the
captains over the thousands , and captains over the hundreds ,
and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the
king , and of his sons , with the officers , and with the mighty
men , and with all the valiant men , unto Jerusalem .

tribes 034 015 Num /^{tribes /and the half
tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan near
Jericho eastward , toward the sunrising .

tribes 013 007 Jos /^{tribes /and the half
tribe of Manasseh ,

tribes 011 023 Jos /^{tribes /And the land
rested from war .

tribes 024 002 Num /^{tribes /and the spirit of
God came upon him.

tribes 007 016 Jos /^{tribes /and the tribe of
Judah was taken :

tribes 016 018 Deu /^{tribes /and they shall
judge the people with just judgment .

tribes 034 013 Num /^{tribes /and to the half
tribe :

tribes 007 002 Num /^{tribes /and were over
them that were numbered , offered :

tribes 005 023 Deu /^{tribes /and your elders ;

tribes 031 028 Deu /^{tribes /and your officers
, that I may speak these words in their ears , and call heaven
and earth to record against them.

tribes 030 001 Num /^{tribes /concerning the
children of Israel , saying , This is the thing which the LORD
hath commanded .

tribes 003 009 Hab /^{tribes /even thy word .
Selah . Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers .

tribes 023 004 Jos /^{tribes /from Jordan ,
with all the nations that I have cut off , even unto the great
sea westward .

tribes 048 023 Eze /^{tribes /from the east
side unto the west side , Benjamin shall have a portion.

tribes 048 001 Eze /^{tribes /From the north
end to the coast of the way of Hethlon , as one goeth to Hamath ,
Hazarenan , the border of Damascus northward , to the coast of
Hamath ; for these are his sides east and west ; a portion for
Dan .

tribes 122 004 Psa /^{tribes /go up , the
tribes of the LORD , unto the testimony of Israel , to give
thanks unto the name of the LORD .

tribes 026 007 Act /${tribes /instantly serving
God day and night , hope to come . For which hope's sake , king
Agrippa , I am accused of the Jews .

tribes 014 004 Jos /^{tribes /Manasseh and
Ephraim : therefore they gave no part unto the Levites in the
land , save cities to dwell in, with their suburbs for their
cattle and for their substance .

tribes 029 021 Deu /^{tribes /of Israel ,
according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in
this book of the law :

tribes 020 010 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel , and
an hundred of a thousand , and a thousand out of ten thousand ,
to fetch victual for the people , that they may do , when they
come to Gibeah of Benjamin , according to all the folly that
they have wrought in Israel .

tribes 029 006 ICh /^{tribes /of Israel , and
the captains of thousands and of hundreds , with the rulers of
the king's work , offered willingly ,

tribes 015 017 ISa /^{tribes /of Israel , and
the LORD anointed thee king over Israel ?

tribes 024 002 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel , from
Dan even to Beersheba , and number ye the people , that I may
know the number of the people .

tribes 003 012 Jos /^{tribes /of Israel , out
of every tribe a man .

tribes 020 002 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel ,
presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God , four
hundred thousand footmen that drew sword .

tribes 015 010 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel ,
saying , As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet , then ye
shall say , Absalom reigneth in Hebron .

tribes 019 009 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel ,
saying , The king saved us out of the hand of our enemies , and
he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines ; and now he
is fled out of the land for Absalom .

tribes 009 001 Zec /^{tribes /of Israel , shall
be toward the LORD .

tribes 031 004 Num /^{tribes /of Israel , shall
ye send to the war .

tribes 012 013 IICh /^{tribes /of Israel , to
put his name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an
Ammonitess .

tribes 014 021 IKi /^{tribes /of Israel , to
put his name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an
Ammonitess .

tribes 007 007 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel , whom
I commanded to feed my people Israel , saying , Why build ye not
me an house of cedar ?

tribes 033 007 IICh /^{tribes /of Israel , will
I put my name for ever :

tribes 021 007 IIKi /^{tribes /of Israel , will
I put my name for ever :

tribes 019 028 Mat /${tribes /of Israel .

tribes 015 002 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 006 017 Ezr /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 027 022 ICh /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 049 016 Gen /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 047 022 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 048 019 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 021 015 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 022 030 Luk /${tribes /of Israel .

tribes 024 004 Exo /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 047 021 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 018 001 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel .

tribes 011 032 IKi /^{tribes /of Israel :

tribes 049 028 Gen /^{tribes /of Israel : and
this is it that their father spake unto them, and blessed them;
every one according to his blessing he blessed them.

tribes 047 013 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel :
Joseph shall have two portions .

tribes 027 016 ICh /^{tribes /of Israel : the
ruler of the Reubenites was Eliezer the son of Zichri : of the
Simeonites , Shephatiah the son of Maachah :

tribes 048 031 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel : three
gates northward ; one gate of Reuben , one gate of Judah , one
gate of Levi .

tribes 022 014 Jos /^{tribes /of Israel ; and
each one was an head of the house of their fathers among the
thousands of Israel .

tribes 009 021 ISa /^{tribes /of Israel ? and
my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin
? wherefore then speakest thou so to me?

tribes 012 007 Jos /^{tribes /of Israel for a
possession according to their divisions ;

tribes 048 029 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel for
inheritance , and these are their portions , saith the Lord GOD .

tribes 005 009 Hos /^{tribes /of Israel have I
made known that which shall surely be .

tribes 037 019 Eze /^{tribes /of Israel his
fellows , and will put them with him, even with the stick of
Judah , and make them one stick , and they shall be one in mine
hand .

tribes 020 012 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel sent
men through all the tribe of Benjamin , saying , What wickedness
is this that is done among you?

tribes 011 016 IICh /^{tribes /of Israel such as
set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to
Jerusalem , to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers .

tribes 021 008 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel that
came not up to Mizpeh to the LORD ? And, behold, there came none
to the camp from Jabeshgilead to the assembly .

tribes 021 005 Jug /^{tribes /of Israel that
came not up with the congregation unto the LORD ? For they had
made a great oath concerning him that came not up to the LORD to
Mizpeh , saying , He shall surely be put to death .

tribes 002 028 ISa /^{tribes /of Israel to be
my priest , to offer upon mine altar , to burn incense , to wear
an ephod before me? and did I give unto the house of thy father
all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel ?

tribes 008 016 IKi /^{tribes /of Israel to
build an house , that my name might be therein; but I chose
David to be over my people Israel .

tribes 006 005 IICh /^{tribes /of Israel to
build an house in, that my name might be there; neither chose I
any man to be a ruler over my people Israel :

tribes 010 020 ISa /^{tribes /of Israel to come
near , the tribe of Benjamin was taken .

tribes 005 001 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel to
David unto Hebron , and spake , saying , Behold, we are thy bone
and thy flesh .

tribes 078 055 Psa /^{tribes /of Israel to
dwell in their tents .

tribes 027 001 Jos /^{tribes /of Israel to
Shechem , and called for the elders of Israel , and for their
heads , and for their judges , and for their officers ; and they
presented themselves before God .

tribes 020 014 IISa /^{tribes /of Israel unto
Abel , and to Bethmaachah , and all the Berites : and they were
gathered together , and went also after him.

tribes 033 005 Deu /^{tribes /of Israel were
gathered together .

tribes 049 006 Isa /^{tribes /of Jacob , and to
restore the preserved of Israel : I will also give thee for a
light to the Gentiles , that thou mayest be my salvation unto
the end of the earth .

tribes 004 008 Jos /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel , and carried them over with them unto the place where
they lodged , and laid them down there.

tribes 014 001 Jos /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel , distributed for inheritance to them.

tribes 019 051 Jos /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel , divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before
the LORD , at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .
So they made an end of dividing the country .

tribes 036 003 Num /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel , then shall their inheritance be taken from the
inheritance of our fathers , and shall be put to the inheritance
of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken
from the lot of our inheritance .

tribes 007 004 Rev /${tribes /of the children
of Israel .

tribes 021 012 Rev /${tribes /of the children
of Israel :

tribes 032 028 Num /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel :

tribes 004 005 Jos /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel :

tribes 021 001 Jos /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel ;

tribes 036 009 Num /^{tribes /of the children
of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance .

tribes 024 030 Mat /${tribes /of the earth
mourn , and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds
of heaven with power and great glory .

tribes 122 004 Psa /^{tribes /of the LORD ,
unto the testimony of Israel , to give thanks unto the name of
the LORD .

tribes 018 031 IKi /^{tribes /of the sons of
Jacob , unto whom the word of the LORD came, saying , Israel
shall be thy name :

tribes 001 016 Num /^{tribes /of their fathers ,
heads of thousands in Israel .

tribes 026 055 Num /^{tribes /of their fathers
they shall inherit .

tribes 063 017 Isa /^{tribes /of thine
inheritance .

tribes 033 054 Num /^{tribes /of your fathers
ye shall inherit .

tribes 005 002 IICh /^{tribes /the chief of the
fathers of the children of Israel , unto Jerusalem , to bring up
the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David ,
which is Zion .

tribes 008 001 IKi /^{tribes /the chief of the
fathers of the children of Israel , unto king Solomon in
Jerusalem , that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of
the LORD out of the city of David , which is Zion .

tribes 012 014 Deu /^{tribes /there thou shalt
offer thy burnt offerings , and there thou shalt do all that I
command thee.

tribes 019 013 Isa /^{tribes /thereof.

tribes 012 005 Deu /^{tribes /to put his name
there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek , and thither thou
shalt come :

tribes 018 005 Deu /^{tribes /to stand to
minister in the name of the LORD , him and his sons for ever .

tribes 011 031 IKi /^{tribes /to thee:

tribes 001 001 Jam /${tribes /which are
scattered abroad , greeting .

tribes 018 002 Jos /^{tribes /which had not yet
received their inheritance .

tribes 001 015 Deu /^{tribes /wise men , and
known , and made them heads over you, captains over thousands ,
and captains over hundreds , and captains over fifties , and
captains over tens , and officers among your tribes .

tribes 029 010 Deu /^{tribes /your elders , and
your officers , with all the men of Israel ,
