but if this thing be true

execute true judgment

hath executed true judgment between man

it was true which was done by

only true god

this man were true

this witness is true

thou art true

thou art true

thy record is not true

thy words be true <2SA7 -:28 >

true bread from heaven

true god <1JO5 -:20 >

true god <1TH1 -:9 >

true god <2CH15 -:3 >

true god

true grace <1PE5 -:12 >

true heart

true holiness

true laws

true light

true light now shineth <1JO2 -:8 >

true proverb <2PE2 -:22 >

true report <1KI10 -:6 >

true report which <2CH9 -:5 >

true sayings

true tabernacle

true vine

true witness

true witness delivereth souls

true worshippers shall worship

two men is true

which thing is true <1JO2 -:8 >
