country ......... a country 3968 -patris->

country ......... all the country 5561 -chora->

country ......... and country 0068 -agros->

country ......... and in the country 0068 -agros->

country ......... and of the country 1085 -genos->

country ......... but in his own country 3968 -patris->

country ......... country , dwelling 2730 -katoikeo->

country ......... country , that is , an heavenly 2032 -

country ......... country 0068 -agros->

country ......... country 3968 -patris->

country ......... country 5561 -chora->

country ......... country of Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

country ......... country with haste 4710 -spoude->

country ......... his own country 3968 -patris->

country ......... in his own country 3968 -patris->

country ......... in thy country 3968 -patris->

country ......... into a far country 0589 -apodemeo->

country ......... of that country 5561 -chora->

country ......... of that country from whence 3739 -hos->

country ......... of the country , Sergius 4588 -Sergios->

country ......... of the country 4066 -perichoros->

country ......... out of the country 0068 -agros->

country ......... out of the country 5561 -chora->

country ......... that country 1093 -ge->

country ......... that country 4066 -perichoros->

country ......... the country 0068 -agros->

country ......... the country 4066 -perichoros->

country ......... the country 5561 -chora->

country ......... thee out of thy country 1093 -ge->

country ......... their country 5561 -chora->

country ......... their own country 5561 -chora->

country ......... unto a country 5561 -chora->

countrymen ......... by mine own countrymen 1085 -genos->

countrymen ......... countrymen 4853 -sumphuletes->

idolatry ......... from idolatry 1495 -eidololatreia->

Idolatry ......... Idolatry 1495 -eidololatreia->

idolatry ......... is idolatry 1495 -eidololatreia->

idolatry ......... wholly given to idolatry 2712 -kateidolos->

ministry ......... and the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... and to the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... by his ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... ministry 3009 -leitourgia->

ministry ......... of the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... of the ministry 3009 -leitourgia->

ministry ......... of thy ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... their ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... thing , that the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... to me for the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... to the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

ministry ......... to us the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

try ......... but try 1381 -dokimazo->

try ......... shall try 1381 -dokimazo->

try ......... to try 3985 -peirazo->

try ......... trial which is to try 3986 -peirasmos->

trying ......... this , that the trying 1383 -dokimion->

Tryphena ......... Tryphena 5170 -Truphaina->

Tryphosa ......... and Tryphosa 5173 -Truphosa->
