country 003 003 Luk /${country /about Jordan ,
preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins ;

country 047 022 Eze /^{country /among the
children of Israel ; they shall have inheritance with you among
the tribes of Israel .

country 006 022 Jer /^{country /and a great
nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth .

country 011 016 Jos /^{country /and all the land
of Goshen , and the valley , and the plain , and the mountain of
Israel , and the valley of the same;

country 004 030 IKi /^{country /and all the
wisdom of Egypt .

country 006 004 Mar /${country /and among his
own kin , and in his own house .

country 017 015 Jos /^{country /and cut down for
thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants ,
if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee.

country 020 001 Gen /^{country /and dwelled
between Kadesh and Shur , and sojourned in Gerar .

country 023 008 Jer /^{country /and from all
countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in
their own land .

country 008 007 Zec /^{country /and from the
west country ;

country 007 003 Act /${country /and from thy
kindred , and come into the land which I shall shew thee .

country 012 001 Gen /^{country /and from thy
kindred , and from thy father's house , unto a land that I will
shew thee:

country 031 008 Jer /^{country /and gather them
from the coasts of the earth , and with them the blind and the
lame , the woman with child and her that travaileth with child
together : a great company shall return thither.

country 004 016 Jer /^{country /and give out
their voice against the cities of Judah .

country 047 008 Eze /^{country /and go down into
the desert , and go into the sea : which being brought forth
into the sea , the waters shall be healed .

country 011 022 IKi /^{country /And he answered ,
Nothing: howbeit let me go in any wise .

country 015 015 Luk /${country /and he sent him
into his fields to feed swine .

country 006 001 Mar /${country /and his
disciples follow him .

country 013 057 Mat /${country /and in his own
house .

country 026 010 IICh /^{country /and in the
plains : husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains ,
and in Carmel : for he loved husbandry .

country 028 018 IICh /^{country /and of the south
of Judah , and had taken Bethshemesh , and Ajalon , and Gederoth
, and Shocho with the villages thereof, and Timnah with the
villages thereof, Gimzo also and the villages thereof: and they
dwelt there.

country 001 008 Jon /^{country /and of what
people art thou?

country 023 026 Luk /${country /and on him they
laid the cross , that he might bear it after Jesus .

country 007 002 Jos /^{country /And the men went
up and viewed Ai .

country 006 006 Zec /^{country /and the white go
forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south
country .

country 018 008 IISa /^{country /and the wood
devoured more people that day than the sword devoured .

country 015 013 Luk /${country /and there wasted
his substance with riotous living .

country 050 009 Jer /^{country /and they shall
set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be
taken : their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man ; none
shall return in vain .

country 005 014 Mar /${country /And they went
out to see what it was that was done .

country 024 004 Gen /^{country /and to my
kindred , and take a wife unto my son Isaac .

country 032 009 Gen /^{country /and to thy
kindred , and I will deal well with thee:

country 002 012 Mat /${country /another way .

country 025 009 Eze /^{country /Bethjeshimoth ,
Baalmeon , and Kiriathaim ,

country 009 014 IICh /^{country /brought gold and
silver to Solomon .

country 046 010 Jer /^{country /by the river
Euphrates .

country 002 024 Jos /^{country /do faint because
of us.

country 011 009 Heb /${country /dwelling in
tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob , the heirs with him of the
same promise :

country 020 014 IIKi /^{country /even from
Babylon .

country 020 009 Luk /${country /for a long time .

country 051 009 Jer /^{country /for her judgment
reacheth unto heaven , and is lifted up even to the skies .

country 024 022 Lev /^{country /for I am the
LORD your God .

country 020 042 Eze /^{country /for the which I
lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers .

country 006 032 IICh /^{country /for thy great
name's sake, and thy mighty hand , and thy stretched out arm ;
if they come and pray in this house ;

country 008 041 IKi /^{country /for thy name's

country 013 006 Jos /^{country /from Lebanon
unto Misrephothmaim , and all the Sidonians , them will I drive
out from before the children of Israel : only divide thou it by
lot unto the Israelites for an inheritance , as I have commanded

country 013 005 Isa /^{country /from the end of
heaven , even the LORD , and the weapons of his indignation , to
destroy the whole land .

country 036 006 Gen /^{country /from the face of
his brother Jacob .

country 011 015 Heb /${country /from whence they
came out , they might have had opportunity to have returned .

country 006 022 Jos /^{country /Go into the
harlot's house , and bring out thence the woman , and all that
she hath, as ye sware unto her.

country 006 008 Zec /^{country /have quieted my
spirit in the north country .

country 013 054 Mat /${country /he taught them
in their synagogue , insomuch that they were astonished , and
said , Whence hath this man this wisdom , and these mighty works

country 001 007 Isa /^{country /is desolate ,
your cities are burned with fire : your land , strangers devour
it in your presence, and it is desolate , as overthrown by
strangers .

country 008 019 Jer /^{country /Is not the LORD
in Zion ? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to
anger with their graven images , and with strange vanities ?

country 011 054 Joh /${country /near to the
wilderness , into a city called Ephraim , and there continued
with his disciples .

country 009 006 Jos /^{country /now therefore
make ye a league with us.

country 003 014 Deu /^{country /of Argob unto
the coasts of Geshuri and Maachathi ; and called them after his
own name , Bashanhavothjair , unto this day .

country 032 008 Jer /^{country /of Benjamin :
for the right of inheritance is thine, and the redemption is
thine; buy it for thyself. Then I knew that this was the word of
the LORD .

country 021 014 IISa /^{country /of Benjamin in
Zelah , in the sepulchre of Kish his father : and they performed
all that the king commanded . And after that God was intreated
for the land .

country 047 004 Jer /^{country /of Caphtor .

country 004 036 Act /${country /of Cyprus ,

country 032 003 Gen /^{country /of Edom .

country 030 010 IICh /^{country /of Ephraim and
Manasseh even unto Zebulun : but they laughed them to scorn ,
and mocked them.

country 018 023 Act /${country /of Galatia and
Phrygia in order , strengthening all the disciples .

country 004 019 IKi /^{country /of Gilead , in
the country of Sihon king of the Amorites , and of Og king of
Bashan ; and he was the only officer which was in the land .

country 022 009 Jos /^{country /of Gilead , to
the land of their possession , whereof they were possessed ,
according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

country 010 041 Jos /^{country /of Goshen , even
unto Gibeon .

country 047 027 Gen /^{country /of Goshen ; and
they had possessions therein, and grew , and multiplied
exceedingly .

country 001 065 Luk /${country /of Judaea .

country 021 011 Jos /^{country /of Judah , with
the suburbs thereof round about it.

country 018 014 Jug /^{country /of Laish , and
said unto their brethren , Do ye know that there is in these
houses an ephod , and teraphim , and a graven image , and a
molten image ? now therefore consider what ye have to do .

country 008 008 ICh /^{country /of Moab , after
he had sent them away ; Hushim and Baara were his wives .

country 001 002 Rut /^{country /of Moab , and
continued there.

country 001 001 Rut /^{country /of Moab , he,
and his wife , and his two sons .

country 004 003 Rut /^{country /of Moab ,
selleth a parcel of land , which was our brother Elimelech's :

country 021 020 Num /^{country /of Moab , to the
top of Pisgah , which looketh toward Jeshimon .

country 002 006 Rut /^{country /of Moab :

country 001 022 Rut /^{country /of Moab : and
they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest .

country 001 006 Rut /^{country /of Moab : for
she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had
visited his people in giving them bread .

country 001 006 Rut /^{country /of Moab how that
the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread .

country 044 001 Jer /^{country /of Pathros ,
saying ,

country 004 019 IKi /^{country /of Sihon king of
the Amorites , and of Og king of Bashan ; and he was the only
officer which was in the land .

country 012 012 Hos /^{country /of Syria , and
Israel served for a wife , and for a wife he kept sheep.

country 014 007 Gen /^{country /of the
Amalekites , and also the Amorites , that dwelt in Hazezontamar .

country 020 001 ICh /^{country /of the children
of Ammon , and came and besieged Rabbah . But David tarried at
Jerusalem . And Joab smote Rabbah , and destroyed it.

country 008 026 Luk /${country /of the Gadarenes
, which is over against Galilee .

country 005 001 Mar /${country /of the Gadarenes

country 008 037 Luk /${country /of the Gadarenes
round about besought him to depart from them ; for they were
taken with great fear : and he went up into the ship , and
returned back again .

country 008 028 Mat /${country /of the
Gergesenes , there met him two possessed with devils , coming
out of the tombs , exceeding fierce , so that no man might pass
by that way .

country 010 040 Jos /^{country /of the hills ,
and of the south , and of the vale , and of the springs , and
all their kings : he left none remaining , but utterly destroyed
all that breathed , as the LORD God of Israel commanded .

country 020 006 Jug /^{country /of the
inheritance of Israel : for they have committed lewdness and
folly in Israel .

country 027 011 ISa /^{country /of the
Philistines .

country 006 001 ISa /^{country /of the
Philistines seven months .

country 027 007 ISa /^{country /of the
Philistines was a full year and four months .

country 004 043 Deu /^{country /of the
Reubenites ; and Ramoth in Gilead , of the Gadites ; and Golan
in Bashan , of the Manassites .

country 012 012 Jug /^{country /of Zebulun .

country 017 015 Lev /^{country /or a stranger ,
he shall both wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water ,
and be unclean until the even : then shall he be clean .

country 016 029 Lev /^{country /or a stranger
that sojourneth among you:

country 018 035 IIKi /^{country /out of mine hand
, that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem out of mine hand ?

country 014 035 Mat /${country /round about ,
and brought unto him all that were diseased ;

country 006 036 Mar /${country /round about ,
and into the villages , and buy themselves bread : for they have
nothing to eat .

country 009 012 Luk /${country /round about ,
and lodge , and get victuals : for we are here in a desert place

country 014 021 ISa /^{country /round about ,
even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with
Saul and Jonathan .

country 004 037 Luk /${country /round about .

country 032 033 Num /^{country /round about .

country 012 028 Neh /^{country /round about
Jerusalem , and from the villages of Netophathi ;

country 042 033 Gen /^{country /said unto us,
Hereby shall I know that ye are true men; leave one of your
brethren here with me, and take food for the famine of your
households , and be gone :

country 034 002 Gen /^{country /saw her, he took
her, and lay with her, and defiled her .

country 013 007 Act /${country /Sergius Paulus ,
a prudent man ; who called for Barnabas and Saul , and desired
to hear the word of God .

country 032 015 Eze /^{country /shall be
destitute of that whereof it was full , when I shall smite all
them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I am the LORD

country 015 013 Num /^{country /shall do these
things after this manner, in offering an offering made by fire ,
of a sweet savour unto the LORD .

country 010 013 IKi /^{country /she and her
servants .

country 002 008 Luk /${country /shepherds
abiding in the field , keeping watch over their flock by night .

country 009 011 Jos /^{country /spake to us,
saying , Take victuals with you for the journey , and go to meet
them, and say unto them, We are your servants : therefore now
make ye a league with us.

country 027 005 ISa /^{country /that I may dwell
there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with

country 011 016 Heb /${country /that is , an
heavenly : wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God :
for he hath prepared for them a city .

country 015 021 Mar /${country /the father of
Alexander and Rufus , to bear his cross .

country 012 008 Jos /^{country /the Hittites ,
the Amorites , and the Canaanites , the Perizzites , the Hivites
, and the Jebusites :

country 022 018 Isa /^{country /there shalt thou
die , and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of
thy lord's house .

country 004 002 Jon /^{country /Therefore I fled
before unto Tarshish : for I knew that thou art a gracious God ,
and merciful , slow to anger , and of great kindness , and
repentest thee of the evil .

country 006 056 Mar /${country /they laid the
sick in the streets , and besought him that they might touch if
it were but the border of his garment : and as many as touched
him were made whole .

country 025 031 Lev /^{country /they may be
redeemed , and they shall go out in the jubile .

country 009 009 Jos /^{country /thy servants are
come because of the name of the LORD thy God : for we have heard
the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt ,

country 002 007 Jer /^{country /to eat the fruit
thereof and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered , ye
defiled my land , and made mine heritage an abomination .

country 029 026 Gen /^{country /to give the
younger before the firstborn .

country 010 022 Jer /^{country /to make the
cities of Judah desolate , and a den of dragons .

country 019 012 Luk /${country /to receive for
himself a kingdom , and to return .

country 039 003 Isa /^{country /unto me, even
from Babylon .

country 011 055 Joh /${country /up to Jerusalem
before the passover , to purify themselves .

country 048 021 Jer /^{country /upon Holon , and
upon Jahazah , and upon Mephaath ,

country 006 018 ISa /^{country /villages , even
unto the great stone of Abel , whereon they set down the ark of
the LORD : which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of
Joshua , the Bethshemite .

country 003 020 IIKi /^{country /was filled with
water .

country 008 028 Jug /^{country /was in quietness
forty years in the days of Gideon .

country 012 020 Act /${country /was nourished by
the king's country.

country 020 017 Num /^{country /we will not pass
through the fields , or through the vineyards , neither will we
drink of the water of the wells : we will go by the king's high
way , we will not turn to the right hand nor to the left , until
we have passed thy borders .

country 019 028 Gen /^{country /went up as the
smoke of a furnace .

country 015 023 IISa /^{country /wept with a loud
voice , and all the people passed over : the king also himself
passed over the brook Kidron , and all the people passed over ,
toward the way of the wilderness .

country 020 038 Eze /^{country /where they
sojourn , and they shall not enter into the land of Israel : and
ye shall know that I am the LORD .

country 022 026 Jer /^{country /where ye were
not born ; and there shall ye die .

country 012 007 Jos /^{country /which Joshua and
the children of Israel smote on this side Jordan on the west ,
from Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon even unto the mount Halak ,
that goeth up to Seir ; which Joshua gave unto the tribes of
Israel for a possession according to their divisions ;

country 016 024 Jug /^{country /which slew many
of us.

country 032 004 Num /^{country /which the LORD
smote before the congregation of Israel , is a land for cattle ,
and thy servants have cattle :

country 026 003 Deu /^{country /which the LORD
sware unto our fathers for to give us.

country 025 014 Mat /${country /who called his
own servants , and delivered unto them his goods .

country 001 039 Luk /${country /with haste ,
into a city of Juda ;

country 046 011 Isa /^{country /yea, I have
spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I
will also do it.

country 006 020 Jer /^{country /your burnt
offerings are not acceptable , nor your sacrifices sweet unto me.

countrymen 002 014 ITh /${countrymen /even as they
have of the Jews :

countrymen 011 026 IICo /${countrymen /in perils by
the heathen , in perils in the city , in perils in the
wilderness , in perils in the sea , in perils among false
brethren ;

entry 043 009 Jer /^{entry /of Pharaoh's house
in Tahpanhes , in the sight of the men of Judah ;

entry 008 003 Pro /^{entry /of the city , at
the coming in at the doors .

entry 019 002 Jer /^{entry /of the east gate ,
and proclaim there the words that I shall tell thee,

entry 040 011 Eze /^{entry /of the gate , ten
cubits ; and the length of the gate , thirteen cubits .

entry 003 022 IICh /^{entry /of the house , the
inner doors thereof for the most holy place, and the doors of
the house of the temple , were of gold .

entry 036 010 Jer /^{entry /of the new gate of
the LORD'S house , in the ears of all the people .

entry 026 010 Jer /^{entry /of the new gate of
the LORD'S house.

entry 040 040 Eze /^{entry /of the north gate ,
were two tables ; and on the other side , which was at the
porch of the gate , were two tables .

entry 027 003 Eze /^{entry /of the sea , which
art a merchant of the people for many isles , Thus saith the
Lord GOD ; O Tyrus , thou hast said , I am of perfect beauty .

entry 042 009 Eze /^{entry /on the east side ,
as one goeth into them from the utter court .

entry 038 014 Jer /^{entry /that is in the
house of the LORD : and the king said unto Jeremiah , I will ask
thee a thing ; hide nothing from me.

entry 046 019 Eze /^{entry /which was at the
side of the gate , into the holy chambers of the priests , which
looked toward the north : and, behold, there was a place on the
two sides westward .

entry 016 018 IIKi /^{entry /without , turned
he from the house of the LORD for the king of Assyria .

idolatry 015 023 ISa /^{idolatry /Because thou
hast rejected the word of the LORD , he hath also rejected thee
from being king .

Idolatry 005 020 Gal /${Idolatry /witchcraft ,
hatred , variance , emulations , wrath , strife , seditions ,
heresies ,

ministry 001 025 Act /${ministry /and apostleship
, from which Judas by transgression fell , that he might go to
his own place .

ministry 007 006 IICh /^{ministry /and the priests
sounded trumpets before them, and all Israel stood .

ministry 004 047 Num /^{ministry /and the service
of the burden in the tabernacle of the congregation ,

ministry 012 025 Act /${ministry /and took with
them John , whose surname was Mark .

ministry 004 001 IICo /${ministry /as we have
received mercy , we faint not ;

ministry 006 003 IICo /${ministry /be not blamed :

ministry 008 006 Heb /${ministry /by how much
also he is the mediator of a better covenant , which was
established upon better promises .

ministry 004 012 Eph /${ministry /for the
edifying of the body of Christ :

ministry 012 007 Rom /${ministry /let us wait on
our ministering : or he that teacheth , on teaching ;

ministry 005 018 IICo /${ministry /of
reconciliation ;

ministry 012 010 Hos /^{ministry /of the prophets

ministry 016 015 ICo /${ministry /of the saints ,

ministry 006 004 Act /${ministry /of the word .

ministry 004 012 Num /^{ministry /wherewith they
minister in the sanctuary , and put them in a cloth of blue ,
and cover them with a covering of badgers skins , and shall put
them on a bar :

ministry 020 024 Act /${ministry /which I have
received of the Lord Jesus , to testify the gospel of the grace
of God .

ministry 003 017 Col /${ministry /which thou hast
received in the Lord , that thou fulfil it .

tapestry 031 022 Pro /^{tapestry /her clothing is
silk and purple .

tapestry 007 016 Pro /^{tapestry /with carved
works, with fine linen of Egypt .

try 003 013 ICo /${try /every man's work of
what sort it is .

try 007 018 Job /^{try /him every moment ?

try 032 031 IICh /^{try /him, that he might
know all that was in his heart .

try 139 023 Psa /^{try /me, and know my
thoughts :

try 026 002 Psa /^{try /my reins and my
heart .

try 003 040 Lam /^{try /our ways , and turn
again to the LORD .

try 011 004 Psa /^{try /the children of men .

try 017 010 Jer /^{try /the reins , even to
give every man according to his ways , and according to the
fruit of his doings .

try 004 001 IJo /${try /the spirits whether
they are of God : because many false prophets are gone out into
the world .

try 006 027 Jer /^{try /their way .

try 013 009 Zec /^{try /them as gold is
tried : they shall call on my name , and I will hear them: I
will say , It is my people : and they shall say , The LORD is my
God .

try 007 004 Jug /^{try /them for thee there:
and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go
with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say
unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go .

try 003 010 Rev /${try /them that dwell upon
the earth .

try 011 035 Dan /^{try /them, and to purge ,
and to make them white , even to the time of the end : because
it is yet for a time appointed .

try 009 007 Jer /^{try /them; for how shall
I do for the daughter of my people ?

try 012 011 Job /^{try /words ? and the
mouth taste his meat ?

try 004 012 IPe /${try /you , as though some
strange thing happened unto you :

trying 001 003 Jam /${trying /of your faith
worketh patience .

Tryphena 016 012 Rom /${Tryphena /and Tryphosa ,
who labour in the Lord . Salute the beloved Persis , which
laboured much in the Lord .

Tryphosa 016 012 Rom /${Tryphosa /who labour in
the Lord . Salute the beloved Persis , which laboured much in
the Lord .

vestry 010 022 IIKi /^{vestry /Bring forth
vestments for all the worshippers of Baal . And he brought them
forth vestments .
