twenty 007 022 Neh /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 007 027 Neh /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 007 016 Neh /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 002 041 Ezr /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 002 023 Ezr /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 011 008 Neh /^{twenty /and eight .

twenty 011 014 Neh /^{twenty /and eight : and
their overseer was Zabdiel , the son of one of the great men .

twenty 036 009 Exo /^{twenty /and eight cubits ,
and the breadth of one curtain four cubits : the curtains were
all of one size .

twenty 008 011 Ezr /^{twenty /and eight males .

twenty 011 021 IICh /^{twenty /and eight sons ,
and threescore daughters .

twenty 012 035 ICh /^{twenty /and eight
thousand and six hundred .

twenty 010 036 IIKi /^{twenty /and eight years .

twenty 006 015 Neh /^{twenty /and fifth day of
the month Elul , in fifty and two days .

twenty 002 033 Ezr /^{twenty /and five .

twenty 020 035 Jug /^{twenty /and five thousand
and an hundred men : all these drew the sword .

twenty 020 046 Jug /^{twenty /and five thousand
men that drew the sword ; all these were men of valour .

twenty 020 031 IICh /^{twenty /and five years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of
Shilhi .

twenty 022 042 IKi /^{twenty /and five years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of
Shilhi .

twenty 008 024 Num /^{twenty /and five years
old and upward they shall go in to wait upon the service of the
tabernacle of the congregation :

Twenty 018 002 IIKi /^{Twenty /and five years
old was he when he began to reign ; and he reigned twenty and
nine years in Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Abi , the
daughter of Zachariah .

twenty 036 005 IICh /^{twenty /and five years
old when he began to reign , and he reigned eleven years in
Jerusalem : and he did that which was evil in the sight of the
LORD his God .

twenty 027 001 IICh /^{twenty /and five years
old when he began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Jerushah , the daughter
of Zadok .

twenty 025 001 IICh /^{twenty /and five years
old when he began to reign , and he reigned twenty and nine
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of
Jerusalem .

twenty 014 002 IIKi /^{twenty /and five years
old when he began to reign , and reigned twenty and nine years
in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

twenty 023 036 IIKi /^{twenty /and five years
old when he began to reign ; and he reigned eleven years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Zebudah , the daughter of
Pedaiah of Rumah .

twenty 007 023 Neh /^{twenty /and four .

twenty 007 088 Num /^{twenty /and four bullocks
, the rams sixty , the he goats sixty , the lambs of the first
year sixty . This was the dedication of the altar , after that
it was anointed .

twenty 027 009 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 007 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 013 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 011 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 004 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 002 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 025 009 Num /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 001 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 005 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 014 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 010 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 008 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 015 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 027 012 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand

twenty 023 004 ICh /^{twenty /and four thousand
were to set forward the work of the house of the LORD ; and six
thousand were officers and judges :

twenty 015 033 IKi /^{twenty /and four years .

twenty 009 001 Neh /^{twenty /and fourth day of
this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting ,
and with sackclothes , and earth upon them.

twenty 002 004 IICh /^{twenty /and he overlaid
it within with pure gold .

twenty 015 032 Jos /^{twenty /and nine , with
their villages :

twenty 038 024 Exo /^{twenty /and nine talents ,
and seven hundred and thirty shekels , after the shekel of the
sanctuary .

twenty 025 001 IICh /^{twenty /and nine years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

twenty 014 002 IIKi /^{twenty /and nine years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

twenty 018 002 IIKi /^{twenty /and nine years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Abi , the daughter of
Zachariah .

twenty 002 026 Ezr /^{twenty /and one .

twenty 007 030 Neh /^{twenty /and one .

twenty 007 037 Neh /^{twenty /and one .

twenty 024 018 IIKi /^{twenty /and one years old
when he began to reign , and he reigned eleven years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hamutal , the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

twenty 008 009 Est /^{twenty /and seven
provinces , unto every province according to the writing thereof,
and unto every people after their language , and to the Jews
according to their writing , and according to their language .

twenty 009 030 Est /^{twenty /and seven
provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus , with words of peace and
truth ,

twenty 020 030 IKi /^{twenty /and seven
thousand of the men that were left . And Benhadad fled , and
came into the city , into an inner chamber .

twenty 016 010 IKi /^{twenty /and seventh year
of Asa king of Judah , and reigned in his stead.

twenty 016 015 IKi /^{twenty /and seventh year
of Asa king of Judah did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah . And
the people were encamped against Gibbethon , which belonged to
the Philistines .

twenty 015 001 IIKi /^{twenty /and seventh year
of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of
Judah to reign .

twenty 007 040 ICh /^{twenty /and six thousand
men .

twenty 020 015 Jug /^{twenty /and six thousand
men that drew sword , beside the inhabitants of Gibeah , which
were numbered seven hundred chosen men .

twenty 016 008 IKi /^{twenty /and sixth year of
Asa king of Judah began Elah the son of Baasha to reign over
Israel in Tirzah , two years .

twenty 038 010 Exo /^{twenty /and their brasen
sockets twenty ; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets were
of silver .

twenty 038 011 Exo /^{twenty /and their sockets
of brass twenty ; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of
silver .

twenty 002 019 Ezr /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 002 011 Ezr /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 002 028 Ezr /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 002 017 Ezr /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 002 021 Ezr /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 007 032 Neh /^{twenty /and three .

twenty 026 062 Num /^{twenty /and three
thousand , all males from a month old and upward : for they were
not numbered among the children of Israel , because there was no
inheritance given them among the children of Israel .

twenty 010 002 Jug /^{twenty /and three years ,
and died , and was buried in Shamir .

twenty 036 002 IICh /^{twenty /and three years
old when he began to reign , and he reigned three months in
Jerusalem .

twenty 023 031 IIKi /^{twenty /and three years
old when he began to reign ; and he reigned three months in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hamutal , the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

twenty 033 039 Num /^{twenty /and three years
old when he died in mount Hor .

twenty 007 017 Neh /^{twenty /and two .

twenty 007 031 Neh /^{twenty /and two .

twenty 002 012 Ezr /^{twenty /and two .

twenty 002 027 Ezr /^{twenty /and two .

twenty 011 012 Neh /^{twenty /and two : and
Adaiah the son of Jeroham , the son of Pelaliah , the son of
Amzi , the son of Zechariah , the son of Pashur , the son of
Malchiah ,

twenty 012 028 ICh /^{twenty /and two captains .

twenty 019 030 Jos /^{twenty /and two cities
with their villages .

twenty 013 021 IICh /^{twenty /and two sons ,
and sixteen daughters .

twenty 003 039 Num /^{twenty /and two thousand .

twenty 007 003 Jug /^{twenty /and two thousand ;
and there remained ten thousand .

twenty 007 007 ICh /^{twenty /and two thousand
and thirty and four .

twenty 026 014 Num /^{twenty /and two thousand
and two hundred .

twenty 020 021 Jug /^{twenty /and two thousand
men .

twenty 007 005 IICh /^{twenty /and two thousand
oxen , and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep : so the king
and all the people dedicated the house of God .

twenty 003 043 Num /^{twenty /and two thousand
two hundred and threescore and thirteen .

twenty 010 003 Jug /^{twenty /and two years .

twenty 016 029 IKi /^{twenty /and two years .

twenty 021 019 IIKi /^{twenty /and two years old
when he began to reign , and he reigned two years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Meshullemeth , the daughter of Haruz
of Jotbah .

twenty 007 069 Neh /^{twenty /asses .

twenty 008 027 Ezr /^{twenty /basons of gold ,
of a thousand drams ; and two vessels of fine copper , precious
as gold .

twenty 036 025 Exo /^{twenty /boards ,

twenty 026 020 Exo /^{twenty /boards :

twenty 026 019 Exo /^{twenty /boards ; two
sockets under one board for his two tenons , and two sockets
under another board for his two tenons .

twenty 036 024 Exo /^{twenty /boards ; two
sockets under one board for his two tenons , and two sockets
under another board for his two tenons .

twenty 036 023 Exo /^{twenty /boards for the
south side southward :

twenty 026 018 Exo /^{twenty /boards on the
south side southward .

twenty 045 005 Eze /^{twenty /chambers .

twenty 011 033 Jug /^{twenty /cities , and unto
the plain of the vineyards , with a very great slaughter . Thus
the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel

twenty 009 011 IKi /^{twenty /cities in the
land of Galilee .

twenty 002 022 ICh /^{twenty /cities in the
land of Gilead .

twenty 040 049 Eze /^{twenty /cubits , and the
breadth eleven cubits ; and he brought me by the steps whereby
they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts , one on
this side, and another on that side.

twenty 026 002 Exo /^{twenty /cubits , and the
breadth of one curtain four cubits : and every one of the
curtains shall have one measure .

twenty 005 002 Zec /^{twenty /cubits , and the
breadth thereof ten cubits .

twenty 002 008 IICh /^{twenty /cubits , and the
breadth thereof twenty cubits : and he overlaid it with fine
gold , amounting to six hundred talents .

twenty 002 004 IICh /^{twenty /cubits , and the
height was an hundred and twenty : and he overlaid it within
with pure gold .

twenty 041 004 Eze /^{twenty /cubits , before
the temple : and he said unto me, This is the most holy place.

twenty 040 013 Eze /^{twenty /cubits , door
against door .

twenty 027 016 Exo /^{twenty /cubits , of blue ,
and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen , wrought with
needlework : and their pillars shall be four , and their sockets
four .

twenty 041 002 Eze /^{twenty /cubits .

twenty 002 003 IICh /^{twenty /cubits .

twenty 040 036 Eze /^{twenty /cubits .

twenty 040 025 Eze /^{twenty /cubits .

twenty 040 021 Eze /^{twenty /cubits .

twenty 002 008 IICh /^{twenty /cubits : and he
overlaid it with fine gold , amounting to six hundred talents .

twenty 002 013 IICh /^{twenty /cubits : and they
stood on their feet , and their faces were inward .

twenty 041 004 Eze /^{twenty /cubits ; and the
breadth , twenty cubits , before the temple : and he said unto
me, This is the most holy place.

twenty 040 029 Eze /^{twenty /cubits broad .

twenty 040 033 Eze /^{twenty /cubits broad .

twenty 006 020 IKi /^{twenty /cubits in breadth
, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it
with pure gold ; and so covered the altar which was of cedar .

twenty 006 020 IKi /^{twenty /cubits in length ,
and twenty cubits in breadth , and twenty cubits in the height
thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold ; and so covered the
altar which was of cedar .

twenty 006 020 IKi /^{twenty /cubits in the
height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold ; and so
covered the altar which was of cedar .

twenty 040 030 Eze /^{twenty /cubits long , and
five cubits broad .

twenty 002 011 IICh /^{twenty /cubits long : one
wing of the one cherub was five cubits , reaching to the wall of
the house : and the other wing was likewise five cubits ,
reaching to the wing of the other cherub .

twenty 006 016 IKi /^{twenty /cubits on the
sides of the house , both the floor and the walls with boards of
cedar : he even built them for it within , even for the oracle ,
even for the most holy place.

twenty 041 010 Eze /^{twenty /cubits round
about the house on every side .

twenty 003 001 IICh /^{twenty /cubits the
breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof.

twenty 003 001 IICh /^{twenty /cubits the length
thereof, and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits
the height thereof.

twenty 038 018 Exo /^{twenty /cubits was the
length , and the height in the breadth was five cubits ,
answerable to the hangings of the court .

twenty 006 003 IKi /^{twenty /cubits was the
length thereof, according to the breadth of the house ; and ten
cubits was the breadth thereof before the house .

twenty 042 003 Eze /^{twenty /cubits which were
for the inner court , and over against the pavement which was
for the utter court , was gallery against gallery in three

twenty 006 002 IKi /^{twenty /cubits, and the
height thereof thirty cubits .

twenty 024 008 IISa /^{twenty /days .

twenty 010 013 Dan /^{twenty /days : but, lo,
Michael , one of the chief princes , came to help me; and I
remained there with the kings of Persia .

twenty 011 019 Num /^{twenty /days ;

twenty 011 016 Rev /${twenty /elders , which
sat before God on their seats , fell upon their faces , and
worshipped God ,

twenty 019 004 Rev /${twenty /elders and the
four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne ,
saying , Amen ; Alleluia .

twenty 004 010 Rev /${twenty /elders fall down
before him that sat on the throne , and worship him that liveth
for ever and ever , and cast their crowns before the throne ,
saying ,

twenty 005 014 Rev /${twenty /elders fell down
and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever .

twenty 005 008 Rev /${twenty /elders fell down
before the Lamb , having every one of them harps , and golden
vials full of odours , which are the prayers of saints .

twenty 004 004 Rev /${twenty /elders sitting ,
clothed in white raiment ; and they had on their heads crowns of
gold .

twenty 027 028 Act /${twenty /fathoms : and
when they had gone a little further , they sounded again , and
found it fifteen fathoms .

twenty 018 031 Gen /^{twenty /found there. And
he said , I will not destroy it for twenty's sake.

twenty 018 016 Num /^{twenty /gerahs .

twenty 045 012 Eze /^{twenty /gerahs : twenty
shekels , five and twenty shekels , fifteen shekels , shall be
your maneh .

twenty 027 025 Lev /^{twenty /gerahs shall be
the shekel .

twenty 032 014 Gen /^{twenty /he goats , two
hundred ewes , and twenty rams ,

twenty 021 020 IISa /^{twenty /in number ; and
he also was born to the giant .

twenty 001 009 Ezr /^{twenty /knives ,

twenty 004 042 IIKi /^{twenty /loaves of barley ,
and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said , Give
unto the people , that they may eat .

twenty 005 011 IKi /^{twenty /measures of pure
oil : thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year .

twenty 002 016 Hag /^{twenty /measures, there
were but ten : when one came to the pressfat for to draw out
fifty vessels out of the press , there were but twenty .

twenty 008 016 Eze /^{twenty /men , with their
backs toward the temple of the LORD , and their faces toward the
east ; and they worshipped the sun toward the east .

twenty 014 014 ISa /^{twenty /men , within as
it were an half acre of land , which a yoke of oxen might plow.

twenty 011 001 Eze /^{twenty /men ; among whom
I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azur , and Pelatiah the son of
Benaiah , princes of the people .

twenty 003 020 IISa /^{twenty /men with him. And
David made Abner and the men that were with him a feast .

twenty 008 020 Ezr /^{twenty /Nethinims : all
of them were expressed by name .

twenty 006 019 Joh /${twenty /or thirty
furlongs , they see Jesus walking on the sea , and drawing nigh
unto the ship : and they were afraid .

twenty 004 023 IKi /^{twenty /oxen out of the
pastures , and an hundred sheep , beside harts , and roebucks ,
and fallowdeer , and fatted fowl .

twenty 037 028 Gen /^{twenty /pieces of silver :
and they brought Joseph into Egypt .

twenty 027 011 Exo /^{twenty /pillars and their
twenty sockets of brass ; the hooks of the pillars and their
fillets of silver .

twenty 027 010 Exo /^{twenty /pillars thereof
and their twenty sockets shall be of brass ; the hooks of the
pillars and their fillets shall be of silver .

twenty 005 012 IICh /^{twenty /priests sounding
with trumpets :

twenty 006 001 Dan /^{twenty /princes , which
should be over the whole kingdom ;

twenty 001 001 Est /^{twenty /provinces :

twenty 032 014 Gen /^{twenty /rams ,

twenty 004 004 Rev /${twenty /seats : and upon
the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting , clothed in
white raiment ; and they had on their heads crowns of gold .

twenty 009 010 IISa /^{twenty /servants .

twenty 019 017 IISa /^{twenty /servants with him;
and they went over Jordan before the king .

twenty 032 015 Gen /^{twenty /she asses , and
ten foals .

twenty 027 005 Lev /^{twenty /shekels , and for
the female ten shekels .

twenty 045 012 Eze /^{twenty /shekels , fifteen
shekels , shall be your maneh .

twenty 045 012 Eze /^{twenty /shekels , five
and twenty shekels , fifteen shekels , shall be your maneh .

twenty 004 010 Eze /^{twenty /shekels a day :
from time to time shalt thou eat it.

twenty 007 086 Num /^{twenty /shekels.

twenty 020 006 ICh /^{twenty /six on each hand,
and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant .

twenty 027 011 Exo /^{twenty /sockets of brass ;
the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver .

twenty 027 010 Exo /^{twenty /sockets shall be
of brass ; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be
of silver .

twenty 009 028 IKi /^{twenty /talents , and
brought it to king Solomon .

twenty 009 009 IICh /^{twenty /talents of gold ,
and of spices great abundance , and precious stones : neither
was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon

twenty 010 010 IKi /^{twenty /talents of gold ,
and of spices very great store , and precious stones : there
came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen
of Sheba gave to king Solomon .

twenty 038 011 Exo /^{twenty /the hooks of the
pillars and their fillets of silver .

twenty 038 010 Exo /^{twenty /the hooks of the
pillars and their fillets were of silver .

twenty 045 003 Eze /^{twenty /thousand , and
the breadth of ten thousand : and in it shall be the sanctuary
and the most holy place.

twenty 048 013 Eze /^{twenty /thousand , and
the breadth ten thousand .

twenty 068 017 Psa /^{twenty /thousand , even
thousands of angels : the Lord is among them, as in Sinai , in
the holy place.

twenty 048 015 Eze /^{twenty /thousand , shall
be a profane place for the city , for dwelling , and for suburbs
: and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

twenty 010 008 ICo /${twenty /thousand .

twenty 012 037 ICh /^{twenty /thousand .

twenty 048 020 Eze /^{twenty /thousand : ye
shall offer the holy oblation foursquare , with the possession
of the city .

twenty 014 031 Luk /${twenty /thousand ?

twenty 012 030 ICh /^{twenty /thousand and
eight hundred , mighty men of valour , famous throughout the
house of their fathers .

twenty 007 002 ICh /^{twenty /thousand and six
hundred .

twenty 007 009 ICh /^{twenty /thousand and two
hundred .

twenty 002 010 IICh /^{twenty /thousand baths of
oil .

twenty 002 010 IICh /^{twenty /thousand baths of
wine , and twenty thousand baths of oil .

twenty 048 020 Eze /^{twenty /thousand by five
and twenty thousand : ye shall offer the holy oblation
foursquare , with the possession of the city .

twenty 007 071 Neh /^{twenty /thousand drams of
gold , and two thousand and two hundred pound of silver .

twenty 007 072 Neh /^{twenty /thousand drams of
gold , and two thousand pound of silver , and threescore and
seven priests garments .

twenty 010 006 IISa /^{twenty /thousand footmen ,
and of king Maacah a thousand men , and of Ishtob twelve
thousand men .

twenty 008 004 IISa /^{twenty /thousand footmen :
and David houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them
for an hundred chariots .

twenty 018 004 ICh /^{twenty /thousand footmen :
David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them
an hundred chariots .

twenty 048 009 Eze /^{twenty /thousand in
length , and of ten thousand in breadth .

twenty 048 013 Eze /^{twenty /thousand in
length , and ten thousand in breadth : all the length shall be
five and twenty thousand , and the breadth ten thousand .

twenty 048 010 Eze /^{twenty /thousand in
length : and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst

twenty 048 010 Eze /^{twenty /thousand in
length, and toward the west ten thousand in breadth , and toward
the east ten thousand in breadth , and toward the south five and
twenty thousand in length : and the sanctuary of the LORD shall
be in the midst thereof.

twenty 028 006 IICh /^{twenty /thousand in one
day , which were all valiant men ; because they had forsaken the
LORD God of their fathers .

twenty 045 006 Eze /^{twenty /thousand long ,
over against the oblation of the holy portion: it shall be for
the whole house of Israel .

twenty 002 010 IICh /^{twenty /thousand measures
of barley , and twenty thousand baths of wine , and twenty
thousand baths of oil .

twenty 002 010 IICh /^{twenty /thousand measures
of beaten wheat , and twenty thousand measures of barley , and
twenty thousand baths of wine , and twenty thousand baths of oil

twenty 005 011 IKi /^{twenty /thousand measures
of wheat for food to his household , and twenty measures of pure
oil : thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year .

twenty 018 005 ICh /^{twenty /thousand men .

twenty 008 005 IISa /^{twenty /thousand men .

twenty 008 010 Jug /^{twenty /thousand men that
drew sword .

twenty 018 007 IISa /^{twenty /thousand men.

twenty 045 005 Eze /^{twenty /thousand of
length , and the ten thousand of breadth , shall also the
Levites , the ministers of the house , have for themselves, for
a possession for twenty chambers .

twenty 048 021 Eze /^{twenty /thousand of the
oblation toward the east border , and westward over against the
five and twenty thousand toward the west border , over against
the portions for the prince : and it shall be the holy oblation ;
and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst thereof.

twenty 008 063 IKi /^{twenty /thousand oxen ,
and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep . So the king and all
the children of Israel dedicated the house of the LORD .

twenty 048 008 Eze /^{twenty /thousand reeds in
breadth , and in length as one of the other parts , from the
east side unto the west side : and the sanctuary shall be in the
midst of it.

twenty 045 001 Eze /^{twenty /thousand reeds,
and the breadth shall be ten thousand . This shall be holy in
all the borders thereof round about .

twenty 008 063 IKi /^{twenty /thousand sheep .
So the king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house
of the LORD .

twenty 007 005 IICh /^{twenty /thousand sheep :
so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God .

twenty 048 021 Eze /^{twenty /thousand toward
the west border , over against the portions for the prince : and
it shall be the holy oblation ; and the sanctuary of the house
shall be in the midst thereof.

twenty 011 024 Gen /^{twenty /years , and begat
Terah :

twenty 009 010 IKi /^{twenty /years , when
Solomon had built the two houses , the house of the LORD , and
the king's house ,

twenty 008 001 IICh /^{twenty /years , wherein
Solomon had built the house of the LORD , and his own house ,

twenty 016 031 Jug /^{twenty /years .

twenty 006 003 Gen /^{twenty /years .

twenty 015 020 Jug /^{twenty /years .

twenty 015 027 IIKi /^{twenty /years .

twenty 007 002 ISa /^{twenty /years : and all
the house of Israel lamented after the LORD .

twenty 014 020 IKi /^{twenty /years : and he
slept with his fathers , and Nadab his son reigned in his stead.

twenty 023 024 ICh /^{twenty /years and upward .

twenty 031 038 Gen /^{twenty /years have I been
with thee; thy ewes and thy she goats have not cast their young ,
and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten .

twenty 004 003 Jug /^{twenty /years he mightily
oppressed the children of Israel .

twenty 029 001 IICh /^{twenty /years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Abijah , the daughter of
Zechariah .

twenty 031 041 Gen /^{twenty /years in thy
house ; I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters , and
six years for thy cattle : and thou hast changed my wages ten
times .

twenty 029 001 IICh /^{twenty /years old , and
he reigned nine and twenty years in Jerusalem . And his mother's
name was Abijah , the daughter of Zechariah .

twenty 027 005 Lev /^{twenty /years old , then
thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels , and for the
female ten shekels .

twenty 023 001 Gen /^{twenty /years old : these
were the years of the life of Sarah .

twenty 025 005 IICh /^{twenty /years old and
above , and found them three hundred thousand choice men, able
to go forth to war , that could handle spear and shield .

twenty 030 014 Exo /^{twenty /years old and
above , shall give an offering unto the LORD .

twenty 023 027 ICh /^{twenty /years old and
above :

twenty 027 023 ICh /^{twenty /years old and
under : because the LORD had said he would increase Israel like
to the stars of the heavens .

twenty 001 003 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that are able to go forth to war in Israel : thou
and Aaron shall number them by their armies .

twenty 001 020 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 042 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 026 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 036 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 034 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 028 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 038 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 032 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 022 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 030 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 040 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 024 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war ;

twenty 001 045 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , all that were able to go forth to war in Israel ;

twenty 001 018 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , by their polls .

twenty 038 026 Exo /^{twenty /years old and
upward , for six hundred thousand and three thousand and five
hundred and fifty men.

twenty 031 017 IICh /^{twenty /years old and
upward , in their charges by their courses ;

twenty 032 011 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham , unto
Isaac , and unto Jacob ; because they have not wholly followed

twenty 026 002 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , throughout their fathers house , all that are able to
go to war in Israel .

twenty 003 008 Ezr /^{twenty /years old and
upward , to set forward the work of the house of the LORD .

twenty 014 029 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward , which have murmured against me,

twenty 026 004 Num /^{twenty /years old and
upward ; as the LORD commanded Moses and the children of Israel ,
which went forth out of the land of Egypt .

twenty 027 003 Lev /^{twenty /years old even
unto sixty years old , even thy estimation shall be fifty
shekels of silver , after the shekel of the sanctuary .

twenty 031 002 Deu /^{twenty /years old this
day ; I can no more go out and come in : also the LORD hath said
unto me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan .

Twenty 016 002 IIKi /^{Twenty /years old was
Ahaz when he began to reign , and reigned sixteen years in
Jerusalem , and did not that which was right in the sight of the
LORD his God , like David his father .

twenty 008 026 IIKi /^{twenty /years old was
Ahaziah when he began to reign ; and he reigned one year in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Athaliah , the daughter of
Omri king of Israel .

twenty 015 033 IIKi /^{twenty /years old was he
when he began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jerusha , the daughter of
Zadok .

twenty 052 001 Jer /^{twenty /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem . And
his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah

twenty 028 001 IICh /^{twenty /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem : but
he did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD , like
David his father :

twenty 036 011 IICh /^{twenty /years old when he
began to reign , and reigned eleven years in Jerusalem .

twenty 027 008 IICh /^{twenty /years old when he
began to reign , and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem .

twenty 033 021 IICh /^{twenty /years old when he
began to reign , and reigned two years in Jerusalem .

twenty 034 007 Deu /^{twenty /years old when he
died : his eye was not dim , nor his natural force abated .

twenty's 018 031 Gen /^{twenty's /sake.
