also twenty basins

been twenty years

begat twenty <2CH11 -:21 >

begat twenty <2CH13 -:21 >

benjamin were twenty

brass twenty

breadth thereof twenty <1KI6 -:2 >

breadth thereof twenty cubits <2CH3 -:8 >

breadth twenty cubits <2CH3 -:3 >

cometh against him with twenty thousand

ephraim twenty thousand <1CH12 -:30 >

every male from twenty years old

every male from twenty years old

for it was twenty years <1SA7 -:2 >

from five years old even unto twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

from twenty years old

he built twenty cubits on <1KI6 -:16 >

he judged israel twenty years

he made twenty boards

he numbered them from twenty years old <2CH25 -:5 >

his twenty pillars

his twenty servants with him <2SA19 -:17 >

levites from twenty years old <2CH31 -:17 >

male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old 3 >

male twenty shekels

nor twenty days

numbered from twenty years old <1CH23 -:27 >

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

solomon gave hiram twenty thousand measures <1KI5 -:11 >

their brazen sockets twenty

their twenty sockets

their twenty sockets

them from twenty years old <1CH27 -:23 >

them were twenty

then king solomon gave hiram twenty cities <1KI9 -:11 >

these cherubims spread themselves forth twenty cubits <2CH3 -:
13 >

this twenty years

thousand two hundred twenty

three hundred twenty

three hundred twenty

three hundred twenty

twenty asses

twenty boards

twenty boards

twenty boards

twenty boards for

twenty boards on

twenty cities <1CH2 -:22 >

twenty cities

twenty cubi

twenty cubits <1KI6 -:20 >

twenty cubits <1KI6 -:20 >

twenty cubits <1KI6 -:20 >

twenty cubits <1KI6 -:3 >

twenty cubits <2CH3 -:4 >

twenty cubits <2CH3 -:8 >

twenty cubits <2CH4 -:1 >

twenty cubits <2CH4 -:1 >

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits

twenty cubits b

twenty cubits broad

twenty cubits long <2CH3 -:11 >

twenty cubits long

twenty cubits round about

twenty days <2SA24 -:8 >

twenty days

twenty elders

twenty elders

twenty elders fall down before him

twenty elders fell down

twenty elders fell down before

twenty elders sitting

twenty fathoms

twenty gerahs

twenty gerahs

twenty gerahs

twenty gerahs

twenty gerahs shall be

twenty he goats

twenty knives

twenty loaves <2KI4 -:42 >

twenty men

twenty men

twenty men with him <2SA3 -:20 >

twenty nethinims

twenty or thirty furlongs

twenty oxen out <1KI4 -:23 >

twenty pillars thereof

twenty princes

twenty provinces

twenty rams

twenty seats

twenty she asses

twenty shekels

twenty shekels

twenty shekels

twenty talents <1KI10 -:10 >

twenty talents <1KI9 -:28 >

twenty talents <2CH9 -:9 >

twenty thousand <1CH12 -:37 >

twenty thousand <1CH7 -:9 >

twenty thousand <1CO10 -:8 >

twenty thousand <2CH28 -:6 >

twenty thousand <2SA18 -:7 >

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand

twenty thousand baths <2CH2 -:10 >

twenty thousand baths <2CH2 -:10 >

twenty thousand by five

twenty thousand drams

twenty thousand footmen <1CH18 -:4 >

twenty thousand footmen <2SA10 -:6 >

twenty thousand footmen <2SA8 -:4 >

twenty thousand long

twenty thousand measures <2CH2 -:10 >

twenty thousand measures <2CH2 -:10 >

twenty thousand men <1CH18 -:5 >

twenty thousand men <2SA8 -:5 >

twenty thousand men

twenty thousand oxen <1KI8 -:63 >

twenty thousand sheep <1KI8 -:63 >

twenty thousand sheep <2CH7 -:5 >

twenty years <1KI14 -:20 >

twenty years <1KI9 -:10 >

twenty years <2CH29 -:1 >

twenty years <2CH8 -:1 >

twenty years <2KI15 -:27 >

twenty years

twenty years

twenty years an <1CH23 -:24 >

twenty years he mightily oppressed

twenty years old <2CH29 -:1 >

twenty years old <2KI16 -:2 >

twenty years old <2KI8 -:26 >

twenty years old

twenty years old this day

twenty years old was he when he began <2KI15 -:33 >

twenty years old when he began <2CH28 -:1 >

twenty years old when he began <2CH33 -:21 >

twenty years old when he began <2CH27 -:8 >

twenty years old when he began <2CH36 -:11 >

twenty years old when he began

twenty years old when he died

two hundred twenty

two hundred twenty

two thousand three hundred twenty

wall fell upon twenty <1KI20 -:30 >

war twenty <1CH12 -:35 >

was about twenty men <1SA14 -:14 >

was twenty

were reckoned by their genealogies twenty <1CH7 -:7 >

were twenty

with him twenty

work twenty thousand drams
