* uncertain , 0082 adelos , 0083 adelotes ,


uncertain -0082 {uncertain},

uncertain -0083 {uncertain},

uncertainly -0084 {uncertainly},



uncertain 0082 ** adelos ** appear not, {uncertain}.

uncertain 0083 ** adelotes ** X {uncertain}.

uncertainly 0084 ** adelos ** {uncertainly}.


uncertain ......... an uncertain 0082 -adelos->

uncertain ......... in uncertain 0083 -adelotes->

uncertainly ......... not as uncertainly 0084 -adelos->



uncertain 0082 # adelos {ad'-ay-los}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 1212; hidden, figuratively, indistinct: -- appear
not, {uncertain}.[ql

uncertain 0083 # adelotes {ad-ay-lot'-ace}; from 82; uncertainty:
-- X {uncertain}.[ql

uncertainly 0084 # adelos {ad-ay'-loce}; adverb from 82;
uncertainly: -- {uncertainly}.[ql


uncertain 006 017 ITi /${uncertain /riches , but
in the living God , who giveth us richly all things to enjoy ;

uncertain 014 008 ICo /${uncertain /sound , who
shall prepare himself to the battle ?

uncertainly 009 026 ICo /${uncertainly /so fight I ,
not as one that beateth the air :



uncertain <1CO14 -8> For if the trumpet give an {uncertain}

who shall prepare himself to the battle?

uncertain <1TI6 -17> Charge them that are rich in this world,

they be not highminded, nor trust in {uncertain} riches, but in

living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
