* unclothed , 1562 ekduo ,


unclothed -1562 off, stripped, took, {unclothed},




unclothed ......... be unclothed 1562 -ekduo->




unclothed 005 004 IICo /${unclothed /but clothed
upon , that mortality might be swallowed up of life .



unclothed , 2CO , 5:4



unclothed Interlinear Index Study

unclothed 2CO 005 004 For we that are in [ this <3588 -ho -> ]
tabernacle <4636 -skenos -> do groan <4727 -stenazo -> , being
burdened <0916 -bareo -> : not for that we would <2309 -thelo ->
be {unclothed} <1562 -ekduo -> , but clothed <1902 -ependuomai -
> upon , that mortality <2349 -thnetos -> might be swallowed
<2666 -katapino -> up of life <2222 -zoe -> .


we would be unclothed <2CO5 -:4 >

unclothed <2CO5 -4> For we that are in this] tabernacle do groan,

being burdened: not for that we would be {unclothed}, but clothed

upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
