undefiled 001 004 IPe /${undefiled /and that
fadeth not away , reserved in heaven for you ,

undefiled 001 027 Jam /${undefiled /before God and
the Father is this , To visit the fatherless and widows in their
affliction , and to keep himself unspotted from the world .

undefiled 013 004 Heb /${undefiled /but
whoremongers and adulterers God will judge .

undefiled 005 002 Son /^{undefiled /for my head is
filled with dew , and my locks with the drops of the night .

undefiled 119 000 Psa /^{undefiled /in the way ,
who walk in the law of the LORD .

undefiled 006 009 Son /^{undefiled /is but one ;
she is the only one of her mother , she is the choice one of her
that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the
queens and the concubines , and they praised her.

undefiled 007 026 Heb /${undefiled /separate from
sinners , and made higher than the heavens ;
