Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

unprofitable 58_HEB_13_17 Obey (3982 -peitho -) them that have the rule (2233 -hegeomai -) over you , and submit (5226 -hipeiko -) yourselves (5216 -humon -):for they watch (0069 -agrupneo -) for your (5216 -humon -) souls (5590 -psuche -) , as they that must give (0591 -apodidomi -) account (3056 -logos -) , that they may do (4160 -poieo -) it with joy (5479 -chara -) , and not with grief (4727 -stenazo -):for that [ is ] {unprofitable} (0255 -alusiteles -) for you .

unprofitable 18_JOB_15_03 Should he reason (03198 +yakach ) with {unprofitable} (05532 +cakan ) talk (01697 +dabar ) ? or with speeches (04405 +millah ) wherewith he can do (05953 +(alal ) no (03808 +lo) ) good (03276 +ya(al ) ?

unprofitable 42_LUK_17_10 So 3779 -houto - likewise 2532 -kai - ye , when 3752 -hotan - ye shall have done 4160 -poieo - all 3956 -pas - those 3588 -ho - things which are commanded 1299 -diatasso - you , say 3004 -lego - , We are {unprofitable} 0888 -achreios - servants 1401 -doulos -:we have done 4160 -poieo - that which 3739 -hos - was our duty 3784 -opheilo - to do 4160 -poieo - .

unprofitable 40_MAT_25_30 And cast (1544 -ekballo -) ye the {unprofitable} (0888 -achreios -) servant (1401 -doulos -) into (1519 -eis -) outer (1857 -exoteros -) darkness (4655 -skotos -):there (1563 -ekei -) shall be weeping (2805 -klauthmos -) and gnashing (1030 -brugmos -) of teeth (3599 -odous -) .

unprofitable 57_PHM_01_11 Which (3588 -ho -) in time (4218 -pote -) past was to thee {unprofitable} (0890 -achrestos -) , but now (3570 -nuni -) profitable (2173 -euchrestos -) to thee and to me :

unprofitable 45_ROM_03_12 They are all (3956 -pas -) gone (1578 -ekklino -) out of the way , they are together (0260 -hama -) become (0889 -achreioo -) {unprofitable} (0889 -achreioo -) ; there is none (3756 -ou -) that doeth (4160 -poieo -) good (5544 -chrestotes -) , no , not one (1520 -heis -) .

unprofitable 56_TIT_03_09 . But avoid (4026 -periistemi -) foolish (3474 -moros -) questions (2214 -zetesis -) , and genealogies (1076 -genealogia -) , and contentions (2054 -eris -) , and strivings (3163 -mache -) about (3163 -mache -) the law (3544 -nomikos -) ; for they are {unprofitable} (0512 -anopheles -) and vain (3152 -mataios -) .

unprofitableness 58_HEB_07_18 For there is verily (3303 -men -) a disannulling (0115 -athetesis -) of the commandment (1785 -entole -) going (4254 -proago -) before (4254 -proago -) for the weakness (0772 -asthenes -) and {unprofitableness} (0512 -anopheles -) thereof (0846 -autos -) .

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