asuppim -0624 {asuppim} , thresholds ,

corrupt -1605 {corrupt} , rebuke , rebuked , rebuketh , reproved

corrupt -2254 brought , {corrupt} , corruptly , destroy ,
destroyed , forth , offend , pledge , spoil , take , taken ,
taketh , travaileth , withholden ,

corrupt -2610 {corrupt} , defiled , defileth , pollute ,
polluted , profane ,

corrupt -4167 {corrupt} ,

corrupt -4743 consume , {corrupt} , dissolved , pine ,

corrupt -7843 battered , cast , {corrupt} , corrupted ,
corrupters , corrupting , corruptly , destroy , destroyed ,
destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying ,
destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , spilled , spoilers ,
wasted , waster ,

corrupt -7844 {corrupt} , fault ,

corrupted -7843 battered , cast , corrupt , {corrupted} ,
corrupters , corrupting , corruptly , destroy , destroyed ,
destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying ,
destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , spilled , spoilers ,
wasted , waster ,

corrupters -7843 battered , cast , corrupt , corrupted ,
{corrupters} , corrupting , corruptly , destroy , destroyed ,
destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying ,
destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , spilled , spoilers ,
wasted , waster ,

corrupting -7843 battered , cast , corrupt , corrupted ,
corrupters , {corrupting} , corruptly , destroy , destroyed ,
destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying ,
destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , spilled , spoilers ,
wasted , waster ,

corruption -1097 cannot , {corruption} , endureth , lack , no ,
none , want , without ,

corruption -4889 {corruption} , destroy , destroying ,
destruction , trap ,

corruption -4893 {corruption} , marred ,

corruption -7845 {corruption} , destruction , ditch , grave ,
pit ,

corruptly -2254 brought , corrupt , {corruptly} , destroy ,
destroyed , forth , offend , pledge , spoil , take , taken ,
taketh , travaileth , withholden ,

corruptly -7843 battered , cast , corrupt , corrupted ,
corrupters , corrupting , {corruptly} , destroy , destroyed ,
destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying ,
destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , spilled , spoilers ,
wasted , waster ,

couple -2266 compact , {couple} , coupled , fellowship , heap ,
join , joined , league ,

couple -6776 acres , {couple} , together , yoke ,

couple -8147 both , {couple} , double , on , second , twain ,
twelve , twice , two ,

coupled -2266 compact , couple , {coupled} , fellowship , heap ,
join , joined , league ,

coupled -8382 bear , beareth , {coupled} , twins ,

coupled -8535 {coupled} , perfect , plain , undefiled , upright ,

coupleth -2279 {coupleth} , coupling ,

coupling -2279 coupleth , {coupling} ,

coupling -4225 {coupling} ,

cup -1375 bowls , {cup} , pots ,

cup -3563 {cup} , cups , little , owl ,

cup -3599 bag , {cup} , purse ,

cup -5592 bason , basons , bowls , {cup} , door , doors , gates ,
posts , threshold , thresholds ,

cupbearer -4945 butler , butlers , butlership , {cupbearer} ,
cupbearers , drink , drinking , fat , pastures , watered ,

cupbearers -4945 butler , butlers , butlership , cupbearer ,
{cupbearers} , drink , drinking , fat , pastures , watered ,

cups -0101 basons , {cups} , goblet ,

cups -3563 cup , {cups} , little , owl ,

cups -4518 bowls , {cups} ,

cups -7184 covers , {cups} ,

euphrates -6578 {euphrates} ,

hakupha -2709 {hakupha} ,

haruphite -2741 {haruphite} ,

hashupha -2817 {hashupha} , hasupha ,

hasupha -2817 hashupha , {hasupha} ,

hupham -2349 {hupham} ,

huphamites -2350 {huphamites} ,

huppah -2647 {huppah} ,

huppim -2650 {huppim} ,

muppim -4649 {muppim} , work ,

occupation -4399 business , cattle , goods , labour , made ,
{occupation} , stuff , thing , use , work , workmanship , works ,

occupation -4639 business , deed , deeds , labour , labours ,
made , making , {occupation} , offered , operation , possessions
, purpose , wares , well , work , working , workmanship , works ,
wrought ,

occupied -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , caused , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
{occupied} , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

occupied -6213 about , accomplish , advanced , appointed , apt ,
bear , become , bestow , bring , bringeth , brought , bruised ,
bruising , busy , cast , charge , come , commit , committed ,
committeth , committing , deal , dealest , dealeth , dealt ,
deckedst , did , didst , do , doers , doest , doeth , doing ,
done , dress , dressed , effect , execute , executed ,
executedst , executest , executeth , executing , execution ,
exercise , fashioned , fitteth , flew , followed , forth ,
fulfil , fulfilled , fulfilling , gat , gathered , get , getteth
, give , given , go , god , gotten , govern , granted , held ,
holden , keep , kept , labour , laboured , made , madest ,
maintain , maintained , make , maker , makest , maketh , making ,
meet , observe , observed , {occupied} , offer , offered ,
offering , officers , ordained ,

occupied -5503 about , go , merchant , merchantmen , merchants ,
{occupied} , panteth , trade , traffick ,

occupiers -6148 became , becometh , engaged , intermeddle ,
meddle , mingled , mortgaged , {occupiers} , occupy , pleasant ,
pleasing , pleasure , pledges , sureties , surety , sweet ,
undertake ,

occupy -6148 became , becometh , engaged , intermeddle , meddle ,
mingled , mortgaged , occupiers , {occupy} , pleasant ,
pleasing , pleasure , pledges , sureties , surety , sweet ,
undertake ,

shephuphan -8197 {shephuphan} , shupham ,

shupham -8197 shephuphan , {shupham} ,

shuphamites -7781 {shuphamites} ,

shuppim -8206 {shuppim} ,

sup -4041 {sup} ,

superfluous -8311 stretch , {superfluous} ,

supplant -6117 heel , stay , {supplant} , supplanted ,

supplanted -6117 heel , stay , supplant , {supplanted} ,

supple -4935 {supple} ,

suppliants -6282 {suppliants} , thick ,

supplication -2420 dark , hard , proverb , questions , riddle ,
saying , sayings , sentences , speeches , {supplication} ,

supplication -2603 besought , fair , favour , favourable ,
favoured , given , gracious , graciously , intreated , merciful ,
mercy , pity , pray , {supplication} ,

supplication -2604 mercy , {supplication} ,

supplication -6419 he , intreat , judged , judgment , pray ,
prayed , prayer , prayeth , praying , {supplication} , thought ,

supplication -8467 as , favour , grace , {supplication} ,
supplications ,

supplications -8467 as , favour , grace , supplication ,
{supplications} ,

supplications -8469 intreaties , {supplications} ,

suppose -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as
, avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called ,
certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded ,
commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared ,
demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend ,
intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised ,
promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said ,
saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak
, speaketh , spoken , strong , {suppose} , talked , tell ,
termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use ,
uttereth , verily , yet ,

unoccupied -2308 alone , bare , cease , ceased , ceaseth ,
ceasing , endeth , failed , forbare , forbear , forbeareth ,
forborn , forsake , leave , left , rest , {unoccupied} , wanteth

upbraid -2778 betrothed , blasphemed , defied , defy , jeoparded
, rail , reproach , reproached , reproacheth , {upbraid} ,
winter ,

upharsin -6537 divided , peres , {upharsin} ,

uphaz -0210 {uphaz} ,

upheld -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid , lay ,
lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,
stayed , sustained , {upheld} , uphold , upholdeth ,

uphold -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid , lay ,
lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,
stayed , sustained , upheld , {uphold} , upholdeth ,

uphold -8551 hold , holden , holdeth , holding , maintainest ,
retain , retaineth , stay , stayed , take , {uphold} , upholdest
, upholdeth ,

upholden -5582 comfort , establish , held , helping , hold ,
holden , refresh , strengthen , strengtheneth , {upholden} ,

upholden -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse ,
set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen ,
succeed , sure , {upholden} , uprising ,

upholdest -8551 hold , holden , holdeth , holding , maintainest ,
retain , retaineth , stay , stayed , take , uphold ,
{upholdest} , upholdeth ,

upholdeth -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid , lay
, lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,
stayed , sustained , upheld , uphold , {upholdeth} ,

upholdeth -8551 hold , holden , holdeth , holding , maintainest ,
retain , retaineth , stay , stayed , take , uphold , upholdest ,
{upholdeth} ,

upper -3730 knop , knops , lintel , lintels , {upper} ,

upper -4947 door , lintel , post , {upper} ,

upper -5942 {upper} ,

upper -5944 ascent , chamber , chambers , going , loft , parlour
, {upper} ,

upper -5945 high , higher , highest , most , {upper} , uppermost

upper -7393 chariot , chariots , millstone , multitude , {upper}
, wagons ,

upper -8222 beard , lips , {upper} ,

uppermost -5945 high , higher , highest , most , upper ,
{uppermost} ,

upright -3474 brought , direct , directeth , fitted , good ,
meet , right , straight , {upright} , uprightly ,

upright -3476 equity , meet , right , {upright} , uprightness ,

upright -3477 convenient , equity , gave , jasher , just , meet ,
meetest , right , righteous , {upright} , uprightly ,
uprightness ,

upright -4339 agreement , aright , equal , equity , right ,
righteously , sweetly , {upright} , uprightly , uprightness ,

upright -4749 beaten , piece , {upright} , whole , work ,

upright -5977 place , stood , {upright} ,

upright -6968 {upright} ,

upright -8535 coupled , perfect , plain , undefiled , {upright} ,

upright -8537 end , full , integrity , perfect , perfection ,
simplicity , {upright} , uprightly , uprightness , venture ,
within ,

upright -8549 blemish , complete , full , perfect , sincerely ,
sincerity , sound , spot , undefiled , {upright} , uprightly ,
whole , without ,

upright -8552 accomplish , accomplished , all , cease , clean ,
consume , consumed , done , end , ended , failed , finished ,
full , here , perfect , spent , sum , {upright} , wasted , whole

uprightly -3474 brought , direct , directeth , fitted , good ,
meet , right , straight , upright , {uprightly} ,

uprightly -3477 convenient , equity , gave , jasher , just ,
meet , meetest , right , righteous , upright , {uprightly} ,
uprightness ,

uprightly -4339 agreement , aright , equal , equity , right ,
righteously , sweetly , upright , {uprightly} , uprightness ,

uprightly -8537 end , full , integrity , perfect , perfection ,
simplicity , upright , {uprightly} , uprightness , venture ,
within ,

uprightly -8549 blemish , complete , full , perfect , sincerely ,
sincerity , sound , spot , undefiled , upright , {uprightly} ,
whole , without ,

uprightness -3476 equity , meet , right , upright ,
{uprightness} ,

uprightness -3477 convenient , equity , gave , jasher , just ,
meet , meetest , right , righteous , upright , uprightly ,
{uprightness} ,

uprightness -3483 {uprightness} ,

uprightness -4334 equity , even , plain , plains , right ,
righteously , straight , {uprightness} ,

uprightness -4339 agreement , aright , equal , equity , right ,
righteously , sweetly , upright , uprightly , {uprightness} ,

uprightness -5228 plain , right , {uprightness} ,

uprightness -5229 equity , right , {uprightness} ,

uprightness -8537 end , full , integrity , perfect , perfection ,
simplicity , upright , uprightly , {uprightness} , venture ,
within ,

uprising -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse ,
set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen ,
succeed , sure , upholden , {uprising} ,

uproar -1993 aloud , clamorous , concourse , cry , disquieted ,
loud , mourning , moved , noise , raged , raging , roar , roared
, roareth , sound , troubled , tumult , tumultuous , {uproar} ,

upward -1361 exalt , exalted , exalteth , haughty , height ,
high , higher , lifted , mount , {upward} ,

upward -4605 above , exceeding , exceedingly , forward , high ,
in , over , {upward} , very ,

upward -4791 above , dignity , haughty , height , heights , high
, highest , loftily , on , {upward} ,

whereupon -0413 about , according , after , against , among , at
, because , before , beside , both , concerning , hath , into ,
near , on , over , reason , therein , through , thyself ,
touching , toward , under , ward , where , {whereupon} , whither
, whom , within ,

whereupon -5921 about , above , according , after , against ,
among , and , any , at , because , before , beside , besides ,
between , beyond , captain , charge , concerning , employed ,
forward , governor , had , handleth , have , into , money , near
, off , on , over , oversight , presence , reason , round ,
sakes , steward , than , thereby , therein , thereon , thereto ,
therewith , these , through , throughout , touching , toward ,
under , when , where , whereon , {whereupon} , whom , within ,
year ,

zuph -6689 {zuph} ,
