aaron lifted up his hand toward

abijah stood up upon mount zemaraim <2CH13 -:4 >

abraham gat up early

abraham lifted up his eyes

abraham rose up early

abraham rose up early

abraham stood up from before his dead

abram went up out

absalom rose up early <2SA15 -:2 >

after this man rose up judas

after those days we took up our carriages

against him came up nebuchadnezzar king <2CH36 -:6 >

against him came up shalmaneser king <2KI17 -:3 >

all were drawn up again into heaven

an angry man stirreth up strife

an ungodly man diggeth up evil

anger also came up against israel

anger shut up his tender mercies

arise up out

arose up from my heaviness

as an eagle stirreth up her nest

as he was going up by <2KI2 -:23 >

as soon as ye be up early <1SA29 -:10 >

ascend up into heaven

ascended up before god out

ascended up far above all heavens

ascended up on

assyria came up against all

assyria came up against samaria <2KI18 -:9 >

assyria came up throughout all <2KI17 -:5 >

assyria come up against all <2KI18 -:13 >

assyria went up against damascus <2KI16 -:9 >

at michmash he hath laid up his carriages

babylon came up <2KI24 -:1 >

babylon came up against jerusalem <2KI24 -:10 >

babylon came up into

balaam lifted up his eyes

balaam rose up

balaam rose up

balaam rose up

bare up

be broken up

be lifted up from

be stirred up

be thou plucked up by

be ye lift up

bear up

beast rise up out

because he hath brought up an evil name upon

because it shut not up

because they are burned up

because they delivered up

because they have ripped up

because thou hast lifted up thyself

because thou wentest up

bed on which thou art gone up <2KI1 -:4 >

been holden up from

before he go up <1SA9 -:13 >

beheld another beast coming up out

being set up

benjamin came up according

bind samson are we come up

bind up

bind up

bindeth up

bindeth up their wounds

blade was sprung up

blasted before it be grown up <2KI19 -:26 >

blasted before it be grown up

blow up

border went up

border went up

border went up

border went up

border went up by

border went up toward debir from

both rising up early

bound up

bound up

bound up his wounds

brake up for it my decreed

break up your fallow ground

break up your fallow ground

breaker is come up before them

brier shall come up

bring him up <1SA19 -:15 >

bring me up <1SA28 -:15 >

bring me up samuel <1SA28 -:11 >

bring them up

bring them up out

bring them up unto mount hor

bring up <1CH15 -:14 >

bring up <1CH15 -:3 >

bring up <1CH15 -:25 >

bring up <2CH5 -:2 >

bring up an evil name upon her

bring up christ again from

bring up from thence <2SA6 -:2 >

bring up thence <1CH13 -:6 >

bring up this people

bring up unto thee <1SA28 -:11 >

bring up virgins

bring us word again by what way we must go up

bringers up <2KI10 -:5 >

bringeth them up into an high mountain apart

bringeth up <1SA2 -:6 >

bringeth you up out

brook dried up <1KI17 -:7 >

brother shall deliver up

brought him up <2KI25 -:6 >

brought him up from

brought him up into

brought thee up out

brought thee up out

brought them up out <1SA8 -:8 >

brought them up out

brought them up out

brought up <2SA6 -:12 >

brought up <2SA7 -:6 >

brought up

brought up

brought up

brought up ahab's <2KI10 -:1 >

brought up children

brought up frogs upon

brought up from

brought up hath mine enemy consumed

brought up israel out <1SA10 -:18 >

brought up israel out

brought up israel unto this day <1CH17 -:5 >

brought us up

brought us up out

brought us up out

brought us up out exo

brought you up from

brought you up from egypt

brought you up out

brought your fathers up out <1SA12 -:6 >

build up

build up thy throne

build you up

building up yourselves on your most holy faith

built up

built up all <2CH32 -:5 >

burn up their houses with fire

burned up their city

burneth up his enemies round about

burning fire shut up

burnt up <2KI1 -:14 >

burnt up both

but aaron's rod swallowed up their rods

but bring them up

but climbeth up some other way

but delivered him up for us all

but grievous words stir up anger

but hannah went not up <1SA1 -:22 >

but hast lifted up thyself against

but he rose up

but he will burn up

but his sons shall be stirred up

but jonah rose up

but lay up for yourselves treasures

but let about two or three thousand men go up

but lift thou up thy rod

but moses stood up

but peter took him up

but pharaoh's daughter came up out <1KI9 -:24 >

but saul rose up out <1SA24 -:7 >

but she had brought them up

but she was plucked up

but should raise it up again at

but there rose up certain

but there shall come up briers

but there went up

but they laid up

but when his brethren were gone up

but when his heart was lifted up

but when israel came up from egypt

but when it was taken up

but when they deliver you up

by bringing up

by casting up mounts

by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against

by lifting up <1CH15 -:16 >

cain rose up against abel his brother

came not up with

came up after them

came up out

cannot rise up before thee

canst thou lift up thy voice

carried him up into <1KI17 -:19 >

carried him up unto

carried up into heaven

carry us not up hence

cast her up as heaps

chaldeans was broken up from jerusalem for fear

cherubims lift up their wings

cherubims lifted up their wings

cherubims lifted up their wings

children shall rise up against

children shall rise up against

climb up upon

climbed up into

cloud was taken up from

cloud was taken up from off

cloud was taken up from over

come up after me <1SA14 -:12 >

come up against babylon an assembly

come up against thee

come up as

come up from

come up hither

come up hither

come up hither

come up into <1KI20 -:33 >

come up out

come up out

come up over jonah

come up this once

come up unto

come up unto

come up unto me

come up unto me into

come up unto us <1SA14 -:10 >

come up unto your nostrils

come up upon

come up upon my neck

come up with me into my lot

come ye up out

cometh up as

cometh up from

cometh up out

company lifted up her voice

corn came up upon one stalk

could heap up words against you

could not bear up into

country went up as

cup after supper

cup also shall pass through unto thee

cup at

cup at thine hand

cup have assuredly drunken

cup into pharaoh's hand

cup into pharaoh's hand

cup is found

cup is found

cup was found

cup which my father hath given me

cup which she hath filled fill

daily rising up early

daughter riseth up against her mother

david laid up these words <1SA21 -:12 >

david lifted up his eyes <1CH21 -:16 >

david rose up early <1SA17 -:20 >

david went up at <1CH21 -:19 >

david went up by <2SA15 -:30 >

david went up from thence <1SA23 -:29 >

day when she came up out

deborah went up with him

deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his

deliver them up all slain before israel

devil taketh him up into

devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain

devourest up men

did eat up all

did not stir up all his wrath

did sheshbazzar bring up with

dogs licked up his blood <1KI22 -:38 >

dried up all <2KI19 -:24 >

dried up all

drieth up all

drinketh up scorning like water

dry up all their herbs

eagle mount up at thy command

earth lifted up his hand

earth shall rise up against him

east wind dried up her fruit

east wind sprung up after them

eat up my flesh

eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me -:18 >

egypt came up against jerusalem <1KI14 -:25 >

egypt came up against jerusalem <2CH12 -:2 >

egypt came up against jerusalem <2CH12 -:9 >

egypt riseth up like

egypt went up against <2KI23 -:29 >

elijah went up by <2KI2 -:11 >

esau lifted up his voice

even they came up against them

every man gat him up upon his mule <2SA13 -:29 >

false witness rise up against any man

feast jesus went up into

fig tree dried up from

fill it up taketh from

fill up their sins alway <1TH2 -:16 >

fill ye up then

filled it up taketh away from

first horns plucked up by

flame shall dry up his branches

flame went up toward heaven from off

flesh came up upon them

floods have lifted up their voice

floods lift up their waves

fool will swallow up himself

for before these days rose up theudas

for death is come up into our windows

for false witnesses are risen up against me

for from my youth he was brought up with me

for from my youth up even till now have

for he built up again <2KI21 -:3 >

for he is raised up out

for he rose up early on

for he shall grow up before him as

for his kingdom was lifted up on high <1CH14 -:2 >

for if thou lift up thy tool upon it

for it came up four notable ones toward

for lifting up his spear against three hundred <1CH11 -:20 >

for strangers are risen up against me

for their wickedness is come up before me

for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot

for they came up with their cattle

for they have eaten up jacob

for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections 26 >

for thou broughtest up this people

for when they went up unto

four great beasts came up from

four kingdoms shall stand up out

frogs shall come up both on thee

from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up <1KI8 -:54

gadi went up from tirzah <2KI15 -:14 >

gat him up from gilgal unto gibeah <1SA13 -:15 >

gat him up into

gat them up into

gather up thy wares out

gave them up unto their own hearts' lust

get thee up into

get thee up into

get thee up into

get thee up into this mount abarim

get thee up into this mountain abarim

get them up out

get you up from about

get you up from among this congregation

get you up this

get you up unto

getteth up out

gideon went up by

gird up now thy loins like

gird up thy loins <2KI4 -:29 >

gird up thy loins <2KI9 -:1 >

gird up thy loins now like

give her cup into thine hand

give up thine enemies before thee

go not up after them <1CH14 -:14 >

go not up yet unto this feast

go up again

go up against <1CH14 -:10 >

go up against

go up against

go up against ai

go up against him

go up against them

go up against this land <2KI18 -:25 >

go up against this land

go up before me unto <1SA9 -:19 >

go up from babylon

go up hence

go up higher

go up into

go up into

go up into any <2SA2 -:1 >

go up into gilead

go up out

go up unto

go ye up unto this feast

go ye up upon her walls

god had david brought up from kirjathjearim <2CH1 -:4 >

god is gone up with

god layeth up his iniquity for his children

god went up from abraham

god went up from him

goeth up from bethel

goeth up from jericho throughout mount bethel

grave shall come up no

great flame with smoke rise up out

great prophet is risen up among us

great whirlwind shall be raised up from

grow up as calves

grow up unto david

had seen went up from me

hang them up before

hast not shut me up into

hath lifted up his eyes

hath lifted up his hand against <2SA20 -:21 >

hath raised up an horn

hatred stirreth up strifes

have laid up for thee

have lift up mine hand unto

have lifted up mine hand

have lifted up my hand against

have set up saul <1SA15 -:11 >

having raised up his son jesus

he brought me up also out

he brought up from thence <2SA21 -:13 >

he brought up hadassah

he came up out

he can draw up jordan into his mouth

he gathered up all

he gathered up his feet into

he gave up their cattle also

he girded up his loins <1KI18 -:46 >

he goeth up into

he hath fenced up my way

he hath given up into

he hath raised up jesus again

he hath shot up his top among

he hath swallowed me up like

he hath swallowed up all her palaces

he hath swallowed up israel

he held up his father's hand

he layeth up sound wisdom for

he lieth he shall rise up no more

he lift up his eyes

he lift up his spear <2SA23 -:8 >

he lifted up himself

he lifted up his eyes

he lifted up his eyes

he lifted up his eyes

he lifted up his eyes

he lifted up his eyes on his disciples

he lifted up his face <2KI9 -:32 >

he lifted up his hands

he lifted up his spear against three hundred <2SA23 -:18 >

he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain <1CH11 -:11

he may go up from us

he put up his sword again into <1CH21 -:27 >

he raised him up from

he raised up christ <1CO15 -:15 >

he raised up unto them david

he reared up altars for baal <2KI21 -:3 >

he reared up altars for baalim <2CH33 -:3 >

he reared up an altar for baal <1KI16 -:32 >

he rose up against them

he rose up by night <2CH21 -:9 >

he rose up from among

he shall also stand up against

he shall come up as clouds

he shall come up like

he shall come up like

he shall come up over all his channels

he shall give israel up because <1KI14 -:16 >

he shall grow up out

he shall not go up with us <1SA29 -:9 >

he shall rise up at

he shall root up israel out <1KI14 -:15 >

he shall set me up upon

he shall set up an ensign for

he shall shut it up seven days more

he shall stir up his power

he shall stir up jealousy like

he shall vomit them up again

he shut up john

he took up also <2KI2 -:13 >

he took up his parable

he took up his parable

he took up his parable

he took up his parable

he took up his parable

he took up his parable

he was caught up into paradise <2CO12 -:4 >

he was received up into heaven

he was taken up between <2SA18 -:9 >

he was taken up from us

he went up from thence

he went up from thence unto bethel <2KI2 -:23 >

he went up into

he went up into

he went up into

he went up thence

he went up thence

he went up unto them into

he went up with ten thousand men at his feet

he will lift up an ensign

he will swallow up death

he would raise up christ

heaped up silver as

heart heap up wrath

heaven was shut up three years

hell he lift up his eyes

her child was caught up unto god

her smoke rose up for ever

her young ones also suck up blood

hezekiah went up into <2KI19 -:14 >

hezekiah went up unto

high priest rose up with his brethren

higher came up last

his ascent by which he went up into <2CH9 -:4 >

his ascent by which he went up unto <1KI10 -:5 >

his hand shall rise up against

his heart be not lifted up above his brethren

his men gat them up unto <1SA24 -:22 >

his men rose up early <1SA29 -:11 >

his roots shall be dried up beneath

hold up my face <2SA2 -:22 >

hold up my goings

hope which is laid up for you

horseman lifteth up both

hur stayed up his hands

if it goeth up by <1SA6 -:9 >

if satan rise up against himself

if she have brought up children <1TI5 -:10 >

if this cup may not pass away from me

innocent shall stir up himself against

is burned up like

is burned up with fire

is come up into mine ears

is lifted up is not upright

israel brought up out

israel came up against judah <2CH16 -:1 >

israel came up out

israel lifted up their eyes

israel rose up out

israel was gone up from

israel went up against

israel went up against judah <1KI15 -:17 >

israel went up from after david <2SA20 -:2 >

israel went up harnessed out

it grew up together with him <2SA12 -:3 >

it hath raised up from their thrones all

it is shut up shall be unclean until

it raised up itself on one side

it shall eat thee up like

it shall rise up wholly as

it shall rise up wholly like

it was lift up above

it was lifted up from

jacob lifted up his eyes

jacob rose up early

jacob rose up from beersheba

jerusalem have ye set up altars

jesus went up into

jews took up stones again

jews which came up from thee

john went up together into

jonathan climbed up upon his hands <1SA14 -:13 >

joseph also went up from galilee

joseph gathered up all

joshua rose up early

joshua set up twelve stones

joshua went up from eglon

keilah deliver me up into his hand <1SA23 -:11 >

king lifted up his voice <2SA3 -:32 >

king stood up upon his feet <1CH28 -:2 >

king went up into <2CH34 -:30 >

king went up into <2KI23 -:2 >

lad go up with his brethren

ladder set up on

laid up for

late my people is risen up as an enemy

lay it up before

lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth

lay up corn under

lay up for <2CO12 -:14 >

lay up his words

lay up knowledge

lay up my commandments with thee

layeth up deceit within him

layeth up treasure for himself

leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves -:2 >

lest being lifted up with pride he fall into <1TI3 -:6 >

lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven

let righteousness spring up together

let this cup pass from me

let us get up early

let us go up against judah

let us go up at noon

let us go up at once

let us lift up our heart with

let us rise up against her

let us swallow them up alive as

lift not up your horn on high

lift them up for ever

lift up her voice

lift up himself as

lift up my face

lift up my hand

lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle

lift up my soul

lift up my soul

lift up my soul unto thee

lift up myself

lift up now thine eyes

lift up now thine eyes

lift up now thine eyes

lift up thine eyes now

lift up thine eyes round about

lift up thine eyes round about

lift up thine eyes unto

lift up thine eyes westward

lift up thine hand

lift up thy feet unto

lift up thy hands toward him for

lift up thy voice

lift up thy voice

lift up thy voice like

lift up thy voice with strength

lift up thyself

lift up thyself because

lift up unto thy commandments

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes on high

lift up your eyes toward your idols

lift up your hands

lift up your heads

lift up your heads

lift up your heads

lifted up as an ensign upon his land

lifted up his eyes <2SA18 -:24 >

lifted up his eyes

lifted up his hands on high

lifted up his voice

lifted up his voice

lifted up his voice

lifted up joseph out

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes

lifted up mine eyes again

lifted up mine hand

lifted up mine hand

lifted up mine hand

lifted up mine hand against them

lifted up mine hand unto

lifted up mine hand unto them

lifted up mine hand unto them

lifted up mine hand unto them also

lifted up my hand unto them

lifted up my voice

lifted up my voice

lifted up their hand against my lord <2SA18 -:28 >

lifted up their voice <2SA13 -:36 >

lifted up their voices

lifted up their voices

lifted up themselves

lifted up thine eyes on high <2KI19 -:22 >

lifted up thine eyes on high

liftest me up from

liftest up thy voice for understanding

lifting up holy hands <1TI2 -:8 >

lifting up thyself

like as christ was raised up from

like as when she was brought up with him

lion is come up from his thicket

living creatures were lifted up from

locusts went up over all

looked up stedfastly into heaven

looked up upon him

lord bring us up from egypt

lord bringeth up upon them

lord came up from gilgal

lord doth build up jerusalem

lord had fast closed up all

lord had shut up her womb <1SA1 -:6 >

lord had shut up her womb <1SA1 -:5 >

lord hath raised us up prophets

lord hath swallowed up all

lord have stirred thee up against me <1SA26 -:19 >

lord jesus shall raise up us also by jesus <2CO4 -:14 >

lord lift up his countenance upon thee

lord raised them up judges

lord raised up judges

lord shall build up zion

lord shall come up from

lord shall give them up before your face

lord shall rise up as

lord stirred up against jehoram <2CH21 -:16 >

lord stirred up an adversary unto solomon <1KI11 -:14 >

lord thy god will raise up unto thee

lord went up from

lord went up from

lord were come up out

lord would take up elijah into heaven by <2KI2 -:1 >

lord your god raise up unto you

lord your god raise up unto you

lot lifted up his eyes

lot went up out

luhith with weeping shall they go it up

make him arise up from among his brethren <2KI9 -:2 >

make up before hand your bounty <2CO9 -:5 >

make up my jewels

make up these walls

make up this wall

man ascend up where he was before

manasseh stir up thy strength

manasseh were brought up upon joseph's knees

many kings shall be raised up from

many other women which came up with him unto jerusalem :41 >

may grow up into him

men rose up from thence

men which were expressed by name rose up <2CH28 -:15 >

mercy shall be built up for ever

mixed multitude went up also with them

moab stood up against <2CH20 -:23 >

moses lifted up his hand

moses rose up early

moses sprinkled it up toward heaven

moses went up from

moses went up into

moses went up into

moses went up unto god

moth shall eat them up like

mount up from

mounted up from

multitude rose up together against them

my cup runneth over

my people shall come up thorns

my son hath stirred up my servant again <1SA22 -:8 >

my strength is dried up like

nation is come up upon my land

nation shall not lift up sword against nation

nations which came against jerusalem shall even go up from year

neither hath lifted up his eyes

neither hath lifted up his eyes

neither lift up cry nor prayer for them

neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar

neither shoot up their top among

neither shouldest thou have delivered up those

never rise up again

no feller is come up against us

no man did lift up his head

no man shall come up with thee

none shall gather up him

nor go up into my bed

nor take up their names into my lips

not lift up my head

nourish up young men

now come up without <2KI18 -:25 >

now come up without

now jericho was straitly shut up because

now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about

now shall this company lick up all

now therefore up by night

offer up for yourselves

offer up sacrifice

offer up spiritual sacrifices <1PE2 -:5 >

offer up what <2SA24 -:22 >

offered him up for

offered up burnt offerings <1KI3 -:15 >

offered up isaac

omri went up from gibbethon <1KI16 -:17 >

one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow <2CO2 -:7 >

one will lift up his fellow

one witness shall not rise up against

or lifted up myself when evil found him

our fathers raised up jesus

our trespass is grown up unto

pass when we came up unto thy servant my father

people came up after him <1KI1 -:40 >

people came up out

people go up with him

people had gone up every one from following his brother <2SA2 -
:27 >

people lifted up their voice

people lifted up their voices <1SA11 -:4 >

people shall rise up as

people stood up all

people went up into

people which thou hast brought up out

peter went up upon

pieces is come up before thy face

pluck it up b

pluck them up by <2CH7 -:20 >

plucked up by

poison whereof drinketh up my spirit

posts hast thou set up thy remembrance

priest shall shut him up seven days

priest shall shut him up seven days

priest shall shut him up seven days more

priest went up into mount hor at

priests' feet were lifted up unto

princes are hanged up by their hand

promises offered up his only begotten

proud heart stirreth up strife

put up again thy sword into his place

put up thy sword into

put up thyself into thy scabbard

raise him up from <2SA12 -:17 >

raise up children unto abraham

raise up children unto abraham

raise up seed

raise up seed unto his brother

raise up seed unto his brother

raise up seed unto his brother

raise up strife

raise up their mourning

raise up their way against me

raise up unto his brother

raised him up from <1PE1 -:21 >

raised thee up under

raised up christ from

raised up jesus from

raised up jesus our lord from

raised up on high <2SA23 -:1 >

raised up thy sons

raiseth up all

ravenous beast shall go up thereon

reared up for himself <2SA18 -:18 >

reared up his pillars

rebekah lifted up her eyes

received up into glory <1TI3 -:16 >

remain shall be caught up together with them <1TH4 -:17 >

remove this cup from me

rise up against him

rise up against me

rise up against me

rise up against me

rise up against me

rise up against me

rise up against thee

rise up against thee

rise up against thee increaseth continually

rise up against us

rise up early

rise up early

rise up early

rise up early

riseth up again

riseth up against me as

rising up betimes <2CH36 -:15 >

rising up early

rising up early

rising up early

rising up early

robber swalloweth up their substance

rose up against me <2SA22 -:49 >

rose up against me

rose up against me

rose up against me hast thou subdued under me <2SA22 -:40 >

rose up against thee <2SA18 -:31 >

rose up against thee

rose up early

rose up early

rose up early

rose up early

rose up from seir unto them

rose up upon an heap very far from

ruler rise up against thee

rush grow up without mire

satan stood up against israel <1CH21 -:1 >

saul lifted up his voice <1SA24 -:16 >

saviours shall come up on mount zion

sea is come up upon babylon

seal up those things which

sealed up among my treasures

set it up there under an oak

set me up for his mark

set me up on high

set thee up waymarks

set up an altar unto <1CH21 -:18 >

set up false witnesses

set up groves <2CH33 -:19 >

set up his son after him <1KI15 -:4 >

set up my curtains

set up my standard

set up on high those

set up over his head his accusation written

setteth up another

setteth up his idols

setteth up his idols

setteth up kings

setteth up over it

seven other kine came up after them

seven other kine came up after them out

shall cast up dust upon their heads

shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken

shall go up into <2KI20 -:8 >

shall lift up his staff against thee

shall rise up after you

shall they not rise up suddenly

shalt bring me up again from

shalt lift up thy face unto god

she brought up one

she came up unto them upon

she hath brought up

she hath given up

she is gone up upon every high mountain

she laid up his garment by her

she rose up before one could know another

she rose up hastily

she sat up

she shall be brought up

she took him up with her <1SA1 -:24 >

she went up <2KI4 -:21 >

sheep which go up from

shittim wood standing up

should go up

should go up with <2SA19 -:34 >

should make up

should swallow up or destroy <2SA20 -:20 >

should they rise up every man

shut him up

shut up <2CH28 -:24 >

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up

shut up heaven <2CH7 -:13 >

shut up their calves at home <1SA6 -:10 >

shut up together

shut up unto

shutteth up his bowels <1JO3 -:17 >

silver cup

simon peter went up

sit up late

slayer up into his hand

smoke thereof shall go up for ever

snuffeth up

so aaron laid it up before

so ahab went up <1KI18 -:42 >

so daniel was taken up out

so david went up thither <2SA2 -:2 >

so hannah rose up after they had eaten <1SA1 -:9 >

so joshua rose up early

so samuel rose up <1SA16 -:13 >

so shall he lift it up after

so there went up thither

so they came up <1CH14 -:11 >

so they drew up jeremiah with cords

so they gat up from

so they took up jonah

so they went up

so they were shut up unto <2SA20 -:3 >

so they wrap it up

solomon brought up <2CH8 -:11 >

solomon went up thither <2CH1 -:6 >

south shall be shut up

south shall be stirred up

south shall rise up

south shall rise up

spirit lifted me up

spirit lifted me up

spirit lifted me up between

spirit took me up

spirit took me up

spirit took me up

sprang up

sprang up

spring shut up

spring up

sprung up after them

staff should lift up

stand up

stand up

stand up

stand up

stand up

stand up

stand up

stand up for mine help

standing up

standing up with

steps whereby they went up

stir up thyself

stir up your pure minds by way <2PE3 -:1 >

stir you up by putting <2PE1 -:13 >

stirred up

stirred up all

stirreth up himself

stood up <2CH20 -:19 >

stood up

stood up

stood up against them <2CH28 -:12 >

stood up for

stood up on his feet <2KI13 -:21 >

stood up upon their feet

strangers shall build up thy walls

strangers shall swallow it up

such an one caught up <2CO12 -:2 >

sun is up

sun was up

sun was up

surely he shall be swallowed up

swallow them up

swallow up

swallow up jonah

swallowed thee up shall be far away

swallowed them up

swallowed them up

swallowed them up together with korah

swallowed up

swallowed up dathan

swallowed you up on every side

syria came up against him <2CH24 -:23 >

syria went up <2KI12 -:17 >

syria will come up against thee <1KI20 -:22 >

take away this cup from me

take me up

take up <2KI9 -:25 >

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up against you

take up his cross

take up his cross

take up his cross daily

take up his garment

take up jeremiah

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy couch

take up thy son <2KI4 -:36 >

take you up every man

taking him up into an high mountain

taking up

their blossom shall go up as dust

their border went up toward

their cry came up unto god by reason

their cup

their eyelids are lifted up

their faces shall sup up

their kneadingtroughs being bound up

their multitude dried up with thirst

their rising up

their root is dried up

their stink shall come up out

their torment ascendeth up for ever

their wailing they shall take up

their women with child shall be ripped up

them is filled up

them shall be taken up

them which are puffed up <1CO4 -:19 >

them which came up at

them which came up with him from galilee

then abimelech rose up

then abraham gave up

then came up <1SA23 -:19 >

then ezra rose up from before

then jacob rose up

then let his brother's wife go up

then look up

then paul stood up

then rose up

then rose up certain

then rose up zerubbabel

then saul went up from following <1SA14 -:46 >

then shall he set up

then shall stand up

then shall they deliver you up

then shalt thou lay up gold as dust

then stood there up one

then stood up jeshua

then stood up phinehas

then stood up upon

then they came up from

then they had swallowed us up quick

then they rose up <1SA28 -:25 >

then thine heart be lifted up

then took he him up

then took they up stones

then was jesus led up

then we will go up <1SA14 -:10 >

then went boaz up

then went he also up unto

then went up moses

then ye shall come up after him <1KI1 -:35 >

then ye shall offer up an heave offering

then ye shall rise up from

there came up <1SA17 -:23 >

there came up among them another little horn

there came up out

there came up out

there is black hair grown up therein

there rose up fire out

there shall meet thee three men going up <1SA10 -:3 >

there shall stand up yet three kings

there stood up one

there was lifted up

there was taken up

there went up <2SA22 -:9 >

there went up

there went up

there went up after david about four hundred men <1SA25 -:13 >

there went up with him both chariots

therefore deliver up their children

therefore gave them up <2CH30 -:7 >

therefore he lifted up his hand against them

therefore my words are swallowed up

therefore shall he lift up

therefore shall ye lay up these my words

therefore we take up corn

therefore will he give them up

these men have set up their idols

they also went up against bethel

they are come up from thence rejoicing <1KI1 -:45 >

they are dried up

they are swallowed up

they ascended up

they brought him up

they brought up <1KI8 -:4 >

they brought up <2CH5 -:5 >

they brought up an evil report

they build up zion with blood

they came up <1SA13 -:5 >

they came up

they came up into judah <2CH21 -:17 >

they came up out <2SA17 -:21 >

they cannot be reckoned up

they cast up <2SA20 -:15 >

they come up by <2CH20 -:16 >

they come up out

they dry up

they eat up

they filled them up

they go up by

they grow up with corn

they have broken up

they have burned up all

they have cast up dust upon their heads

they have set up kings

they have taken up their lodging at geba

they laid it up till

they lifted up

they lifted up

they lifted up their eyes <1SA6 -:13 >

they lifted up their eyes

they lifted up their heads no more

they lifted up their voice

they lifted up their voice

they lifted up their voice

they lifted up their voice

they lifted up their voices

they may come up upon

they might bring up <1KI8 -:1 >

they mount up

they offered up

they put up <2KI12 -:10 >

they raise up against me

they raised up

they rise not up again

they rose up <1SA1 -:19 >

they rose up <2KI7 -:5 >

they rose up

they rose up

they rose up

they rose up before moses

they rose up betimes

they rose up early <2KI3 -:22 >

they rose up early

they rose up early on

they set them up images <2KI17 -:10 >

they set them up micah's graven image

they set up

they set up their ensigns

they shall also bring up

they shall be dried up

they shall bear thee up

they shall bring thee up

they shall climb up upon

they shall come up

they shall come up out

they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar

they shall eat up thine harvest

they shall eat up thy flocks

they shall eat up thy vines

they shall lift up

they shall lift up their voice

they shall mount up

they shall mount up with wings as eagles

they shall no more be pulled up out

they shall offer them up

they shall raise up

they shall spring up

they shall take up

they shall take up serpents

they shall walk up

they should take daniel up out

they snuffed up

they stand up together

they stirred up

they stood up

they take up all

they took up

they took up

they took up

they took up

they took up asahel <2SA2 -:32 >

they took up twelve baskets full

they went up <2KI18 -:17 >

they went up <2SA15 -:30 >

they went up

they went up

they went up

they went up by

they went up into <1SA9 -:14 >

they went up into an upper room

they went up into mount hor

they went up on

they went up out

they went up unto it by seven steps

they went up with winding stairs into <1KI6 -:8 >

they which went up

they which went up from telmelah

thief be found breaking up

thine alms are come up for

thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries >

thine heart hath lifted thee up <2KI14 -:10 >

thine heart is lifted up because

thine heart lifteth thee up <2CH25 -:19 >

thine heart was lifted up because

thine house hath eaten me up

thine house hath eaten me up

third day abraham lifted up his eyes

third day he will raise us up

third day thou shalt go up unto <2KI20 -:5 >

third lot came up for

this cup

this cup is <1CO11 -:25 >

this day make thee go up <2SA15 -:20 >

this ezra went up from babylon

this jesus hath god raised up

this man went up out <1SA1 -:3 >

this people will rise up

thistle shall come up on their altars

thorn goeth up into

thorn shall come up

thorns cut up shall they be burned

thorns grew up

thorns shall come up

thorns sprang up with it

thorns sprung up

those days peter stood up

those times there shall many stand up against

thou also hast lifted me up on high above them <2SA22 -:49 >

thou art gone up

thou art wholly gone up

thou driedst up mighty rivers

thou hast brought up my soul from

thou hast brought us up out

thou hast brought us up out

thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up

thou hast much goods laid up for many years

thou hast set up

thou hast walked up

thou liftest me up

thou liftest me up above those

thou mayest be bound up

thou sealest up

thou sewest up mine iniquity

thou shalt be built up

thou shalt carry it up <2CH2 -:16 >

thou shalt come up

thou shalt come up against my people

thou shalt deliver pharaoh's cup into his hand

thou shalt hang up

thou shalt lay them up

thou shalt not go up <2SA5 -:23 >

thou shalt not go up

thou shalt not lift up

thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them

thou shalt raise up

thou shalt rear up

thou shalt rise up before

thou shalt set thee up great stones

thou shalt set up

thou shalt take up this proverb against

thou stir up <2TI1 -:6 >

thou takest up

thou therefore gird up thy loins

though babylon should mount up

though he heap up silver as

though his excellency mount up

though they bring up their children

though they climb up

thus all israel brought up <1CH15 -:28 >

thus judgment springeth up as hemlock

thy hand is lifted up

thy right hand hath holden me up

thy sister's cup deep

thy tumult is come up into mine ears <2KI19 -:28 >

thy watchmen shall lift up

till there stood up

time shall michael stand up

took him up out

took up

took up

took up

took up

took up her son <2KI4 -:37 >

took up his bed

took up his corpse

took up his parable

took up shadrach

took up twelve stones out

tossed up

train up

treasures were laid up

trees was burnt up

tribes go up

two men went up into

under it is turned up as it were fire

up again

up before <1SA10 -:25 >

up into

up mine eyes

up mine eyes

up mine eyes

up over <2SA4 -:12 >

up together

up within thy gates

up without

us shall go up first

vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind

vessel was received up again into heaven

violence is risen up into

walled up

walls set up

walls thereof set up

was dead sat up

was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon

was gone up into

was set up from everlasting

was taken up dead

was up

watch lifted up his eyes <2SA13 -:34 >

watchman went up <2SA18 -:24 >

water springing up into everlasting life

water thereof was dried up

waters are dried up

waters rise up out

waters were dried up from off

waters were dried up from off

way going up

way not cast up

we go up

we go up

we go up

we have swallowed him up

we may go up against them

we will go up

we will go up

we will hang them up unto <2SA21 -:6 >

we will not come up

we will not come up

we would not have delivered him up unto thee

weeping as they went up <2SA15 -:30 >

went not up into

went presumptuously up into

went up <1KI20 -:26 >

went up <1SA1 -:21 >

went up <2CH29 -:20 >

went up <2KI17 -:5 >

went up <2KI4 -:35 >

went up <2KI6 -:24 >

went up <2SA18 -:33 >

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up

went up again

went up as <2SA24 -:19 >

went up by

went up by revelation

went up from gilgal all night

went up into

went up into

went up into

went up out

went up out

went up out

went up straightway out

went up through

went up toward jerusalem

went up unto his sheepshearers

went up unto mount sinai

went up with him

went up with him said

went up with me from babylon

went up with me made

went up with zerubbabel

wept as he went up <2SA15 -:30 >

were brought up

were brought up from babylon unto jerusalem

were brought up with him <2CH10 -:8 >

were brought up with him spake unto him <2CH10 -:10 >

were grown up with him <1KI12 -:8 >

were grown up with him spake unto him <1KI12 -:10 >

were with child he ripped up <2KI15 -:16 >

what time she lifteth up herself on high

wheels were lifted up

wheels were lifted up over against them

wheels were lifted up over against them

when he ascended up on high

when he came up from egypt <1SA15 -:2 >

when he cometh up unto

when he had lifted up his eyes

when he had offered up prayers

when he held up his right hand

when he lifteth up an ensign on

when he offered up himself

when he raiseth up himself

when he rose up from prayer

when he shall have delivered up <1CO15 -:24 >

when he shall stand up

when he therefore was come up again

when he writeth up

when heaven is shut up <1KI8 -:35 >

when jesus had lifted up himself

when jesus then lifted up

when men rose up against us

when moses held up his hand

when peter was come up

when she came up with her husband <1SA2 -:19 >

when she was risen up

when she went up <1SA1 -:7 >

when they came up out <1SA15 -:6 >

when they came up out

when they had eaten them up

when they had eaten up

when they had lifted up their eyes

when they had taken up

when they lifted up <2CH5 -:13 >

when they lifted up their eyes afar off

when they were come up <2KI18 -:17 >

when they were come up out

when they were lifted up

when those were lifted up from

when thou risest up

when thou risest up

when thou shalt go up

when ye have lifted up

where he had been brought up

whereas four stood up for it

wherefore gird up <1PE1 -:13 >

wherefore god also gave them up

wherefore have ye brought us up out

wherefore lift up <2KI19 -:4 >

wherefore lift up

wherefore lift up

wherefore now rise up early <1SA29 -:10 >

wherefore shut thou up

wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day

wherefore then lift ye up yourselves

which are gone up from you

which brought thee up out <1KI12 -:28 >

which brought thee up out

which brought thee up out

which brought up

which brought up

which brought us up hither

which came up <2KI1 -:7 >

which came up

which came up from

which cannot be gathered up again <2SA14 -:14 >

which had been brought up with herod

which had brought them up out <2KI17 -:7 >

which hath delivered up <2SA18 -:28 >

which have brought thee up out

which he dried up from before us

which he hath swallowed up

which he was taken up

which is heaved up

which is taken up from you into heaven

which lifted up

which lifteth up

which one goeth up

which remaineth over lay up for you

which rise up against me <2KI16 -:7 >

which shall go up

which they have laid up

which thou hast laid up for them

which thy fathers have laid up <2KI20 -:17 >

which thy fathers have laid up

which way shall we go up <2KI3 -:8 >

which went up with them into <1SA14 -:21 >

which when they had taken up

which withereth afore it groweth up

while he was shut up

while he was yet shut up

while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up -:10 >

whither shall we go up

who brought you up out <2KI17 -:36 >

who cut up mallows by

who eat up my people

who eat up my people

who hath ascended up into heaven

who hath brought up these

who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity

who raised up

who shall go up for us

who shall go up for us against

who shall rouse him up

who shall stir him up

who store up violence

who will rise up for me against

who will stand up for me against

whom god hath raised up

whom he raised not up <1CO15 -:15 >

whom he would he set up

whom jezebel his wife stirred up <1KI21 -:25 >

whom shall he go up from us <1SA6 -:20 >

whom she brought up for adriel <2SA21 -:8 >

whom ye delivered up

whose waters cast up mire

whoso will not come up

whosoever getteth up <2SA5 -:8 >

why are ye come up against us

why have ye brought up

why stand ye gazing up into heaven

why wilt thou swallow up <2SA20 -:19 >

will also raise up us by his own power <1CO6 -:14 >

will also surely bring thee up

will bring thee up out

will bring up

will bring up flesh upon you

will bring up sackcloth upon all loins

will bring you up out

will come up into

will dry up

will dry up her sea

will dry up thy rivers

will go up <2KI3 -:7 >

will go up

will go up

will go up

will go up

will go up unto

will go up unto

will hedge up thy way with thorns

will lift up mine eyes unto

will lift up mine hand

will lift up my hands

will look up

will not build up his brother's house

will not go up <1SA1 -:22 >

will not go up

will not go up unto them <1SA14 -:9 >

will offer it up for

will pluck up

will pluck up thy groves out

will raise him up at

will raise him up at

will raise him up at

will raise it up

will raise me up <1SA2 -:35 >

will raise them up

will raise up

will raise up

will raise up against babylon

will raise up against you

will raise up evil against thee out <2SA12 -:11 >

will raise up for them

will raise up his ruins

will raise up thy lovers against thee

will raise up thy seed after thee <1CH17 -:11 >

will raise up unto them

will rise up against them

will set it up

will set up one shepherd over them

will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them 4 >

will set up thy seed after thee <2SA7 -:12 >

will stir up

will sup with him

will utterly pluck up

wilt thou go up

wilt thou rear it up

wind hath bound her up

wind shall eat up all thy pastors

wine cup

with him did david bring up <2SA2 -:3 >

with him lifted up their voice <1SA30 -:4 >

with him went up all

with lifting up their hands

within thee shall get up above thee very high

without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot >

women whose heart stirred them up

work wickedness are set up

would not lift up so much as

would swallow me up

wound him up

wrapped up for

wrathful man stirreth up strife

ye are risen up against my father's house this day

ye have not gone up into

ye root up also

ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you

ye shall carry up my bones from hence

ye shall keep it up until

ye shall offer up an heave offering unto

ye shall rise up early

ye shall set up these stones

yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption

yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up thine head :13 >

yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up thy head from off

you be puffed up for one against another <1CO4 -:6 >
