uphold 030 006 Eze /^{uphold /Egypt shall fall ;
and the pride of her power shall come down : from the tower of
Syene shall they fall in it by the sword , saith the Lord GOD .

Uphold 119 011 Psa /^{Uphold /me according unto
thy word , that I may live : and let me not be ashamed of my
hope .

uphold 051 012 Psa /^{uphold /me with thy free
spirit .

uphold 042 001 Isa /^{uphold /mine elect , in
whom my soul delighteth ; I have put my spirit upon him: he
shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles .

uphold 054 004 Psa /^{uphold /my soul .

uphold 029 023 Pro /^{uphold /the humble in
spirit .

uphold 041 010 Isa /^{uphold /thee with the
right hand of my righteousness .

uphold 063 005 Isa /^{uphold /therefore mine
own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury , it upheld me.

upholden 020 028 Pro /^{upholden /by mercy .

upholden 004 004 Job /^{upholden /him that was
falling , and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees .

upholdest 041 012 Psa /^{upholdest /me in mine
integrity , and settest me before thy face for ever .

upholdeth 145 014 Psa /^{upholdeth /all that fall ,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down .

upholdeth 037 024 Psa /^{upholdeth /him with his
hand .

upholdeth 063 008 Psa /^{upholdeth /me.

upholdeth 037 017 Psa /^{upholdeth /the righteous .

upholding 001 003 Heb /${upholding /all things by
the word of his power , when he had by himself purged our sins ,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high ;
