Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Asshurim 0805 ## &Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'}; or &Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'}; from a patrial word of the same form as 804; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur, a district in Palestine: -- {Asshurim}, Ashurites.

Bahurim 0980 ## Bachuriym {bakh-oo-reem'}; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'}; masculine plural of 970; young men; Bachurim, a place in Palestine: -- {Bahurim}.

breastplate 2833 ## choshen {kho'-shen}; from an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle; perhaps a pocket (as holding the Urim and Thummim), or rich (as containing gems), used only of the gorget of the highpriest: -- {breastplate}.

Helkath-hazzurim 2521 ## Chelqath hats-Tsu-riym {khel-kath' hats-tsoo-reem'}; from 2520 and the plural of 6697, with the article inserted; smoothness of the rocks; Chelkath Hats-tsurim, a place in Palestine: -- {Helkath-hazzurim}.

Purim 6332 ## Puwr {poor}; also (plural) Puwriym {poo-reem'}; or Puriym {poo-reem'}; from 6331; a lot (as by means of a broken piece): -- Pur, {Purim}.

Urim 0224 ## &Uwriym {oo-reem'}; plur of 217; lights; Urim, the oracular brilliancy of the figures in the high-priest's breastplate: -- {Urim}.