abuse -5953 {abuse} , abused , affecteth , defiled , do , done ,
glean , gleaned , mock , practise , wonderfully , wrought ,

abused -5953 abuse , {abused} , affecteth , defiled , do , done ,
glean , gleaned , mock , practise , wonderfully , wrought ,

accusation -7855 {accusation} ,

accuse -3960 {accuse} , slandereth ,

accused -7170 {accused} ,

accustomed -3928 {accustomed} , disciples , learned , taught ,
used ,

adulterous -5003 adulterer , adulterers , adulteress ,
adulteresses , {adulterous} , adultery , break , commit ,
committed , committeth , committing , wedlock ,

ahasuerus -0325 {ahasuerus} ,

alush -0442 {alush} ,

ambush -0693 {ambush} , ambushes , ambushments , lie , wait ,

ambushes -0693 ambush , {ambushes} , ambushments , lie , wait ,

ambushment -3993 {ambushment} , lurking , wait ,

ambushments -0693 ambush , ambushes , {ambushments} , lie , wait

arcturus -5906 {arcturus} ,

because -0413 about , according , after , against , among , at ,
{because} , before , beside , both , concerning , hath , into ,
near , on , over , reason , therein , through , thyself ,
touching , toward , under , ward , where , whereupon , whither ,
whom , within ,

because -0834 according , after , against , alike , among , and ,
{because} , besought , cause , god , how , if , judah , much ,
of , so , soever , soon , storehouses , such , the , though ,
what , whatsoever , when , where , whereabout , whereas ,
whereby , wherein , whereof , whereon , wheresoever , whereto ,
whereunto , wherewith , which , while , whilst , whither ,
whithersoever , who , whom , whomsoever , whose , whoso ,
whosoever , yea ,

because -1115 {because} , beside , cannot , except , inasmuch ,
lest , neither , no , none , nor , nothing , save , without ,

because -1558 {because} , sake , sakes ,

because -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any ,
{because} , book , business , care , case , cause , causes ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said ,
sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some ,
sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the ,
thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith ,
whit , word , words , work , works ,

because -1768 {because} , now , seeing , than , those , what ,
when , where , whereas , which , who , whom , whose ,

because -1870 and , away , {because} , conversation , custom ,
high , journey , manner , through , toward , way , ways ,

because -3027 at , axletrees , {because} , beside , better ,
border , borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt ,
dominion , enough , force , hand , handed , hands , himself ,
labour , ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order ,
ordinance , parts , paw , place , places , power ,
presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stays ,
strength , stroke , tenons , themselves , through , throwing ,
times , wait , where , work , years , yourselves ,

because -3282 {because} , forasmuch , seeing ,

because -3588 although , assuredly , {because} , certainly ,
doubtless , either , else , even , except , forasmuch , how , if
, inasmuch , nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , so ,
surely , than , then , therefore , though , thus , truly , when
, whereas , whether , which , while , whom , whose , yea , yet ,

because -3605 a , according , all , allof , altogether , any ,
{because} , enough , every , generally , high , manner , many ,
much , nothing , one , so , utterly , what , whatsoever ,
whensoever , wheresoever , whole , wholly , whoso , whosoever ,
yet ,

because -4480 above , after , among , at , {because} , more ,
neither , no , out , over , reason , since , than , the ,
through , whether , which ,

because -4481 according , after , {because} , more , part ,
since , than , these , within ,

because -4616 {because} , cause , end , intent , sake ,

because -5668 {because} , cause , intent , sake , sakes ,

because -5921 about , above , according , after , against ,
among , and , any , at , {because} , before , beside , besides ,
between , beyond , captain , charge , concerning , employed ,
forward , governor , had , handleth , have , into , money , near
, off , on , over , oversight , presence , reason , round ,
sakes , steward , than , thereby , therein , thereon , thereto ,
therewith , these , through , throughout , touching , toward ,
under , when , where , whereon , whereupon , whom , within ,
year ,

because -6118 {because} , end , reward ,

because -6119 {because} , footsteps , heel , heels , last ,
steps , wait ,

because -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease , at
, attend , {because} , before , beforetime , broken ,
countenance , edge , endure , face , faces , favour , fear ,
first , forefront , forepart , form , former , forth , forward ,
front , heaviness , him , himself , long , look , looked ,
looketh , meet , more , nay , old , open , over , overseers ,
person , persons , presence , prospect , purge , purposed ,
reason , right , seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than ,
themselves , through , till , time , toward , with , within ,

because -6448 {because} , consider ,

because -8478 {because} , behalf , beneath , cut , flat , had ,
instead , place , places , room , rooms , sake , same , stead ,
steads , under , underneath , where , whereas ,

blush -3637 ashamed , {blush} , confounded , confusion , hurt ,
put , reproach , reproached , shame , shameth ,

bulrush -0100 {bulrush} , caldron , hook , rush ,

bulrushes -1573 {bulrushes} , rush , rushes ,

bush -5572 {bush} ,

bushes -5097 {bushes} ,

bushes -7880 {bushes} , plant , shrubs ,

bushy -8534 {bushy} ,

business -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any
, because , book , {business} , care , case , cause , causes ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said ,
sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some ,
sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the ,
thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith ,
whit , word , words , work , works ,

business -4399 {business} , cattle , goods , labour , made ,
occupation , stuff , thing , use , work , workmanship , works ,

business -4639 {business} , deed , deeds , labour , labours ,
made , making , occupation , offered , operation , possessions ,
purpose , wares , well , work , working , workmanship , works ,
wrought ,

business -6045 {business} , travail ,

busy -6213 about , accomplish , advanced , appointed , apt ,
bear , become , bestow , bring , bringeth , brought , bruised ,
bruising , {busy} , cast , charge , come , commit , committed ,
committeth , committing , deal , dealest , dealeth , dealt ,
deckedst , did , didst , do , doers , doest , doeth , doing ,
done , dress , dressed , effect , execute , executed ,
executedst , executest , executeth , executing , execution ,
exercise , fashioned , fitteth , flew , followed , forth ,
fulfil , fulfilled , fulfilling , gat , gathered , get , getteth
, give , given , go , god , gotten , govern , granted , held ,
holden , keep , kept , labour , laboured , made , madest ,
maintain , maintained , make , maker , makest , maketh , making ,
meet , observe , observed , occupied , offer , offered ,
offering , officers , ordained ,

calamus -7070 balance , bone , branch , branches , {calamus} ,
cane , reed , reeds , spearmen , stalk ,

cause -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , {cause} , caused , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

cause -0657 ancles , beside , {cause} , end , ends , howbeit ,
less , nevertheless , no , none , nothing , notwithstanding ,
nought , save , saving , uttermost , want , where , without ,

cause -0834 according , after , against , alike , among , and ,
because , besought , {cause} , god , how , if , judah , much ,
of , so , soever , soon , storehouses , such , the , though ,
what , whatsoever , when , where , whereabout , whereas ,
whereby , wherein , whereof , whereon , wheresoever , whereto ,
whereunto , wherewith , which , while , whilst , whither ,
whithersoever , who , whom , whomsoever , whose , whoso ,
whosoever , yea ,

cause -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any ,
because , book , business , care , case , {cause} , causes ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said ,
sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some ,
sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the ,
thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith ,
whit , word , words , work , works ,

cause -1700 {cause} , end , estate ,

cause -1779 {cause} , judgment , plea , strife ,

cause -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest ,
become , been , being , brake , brought , came , {cause} ,
caused , come , cometh , committed , continue , continued ,
count , did , done , endure , endured , enjoy , fainted , fell ,
follow , go , gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep ,
lasted , made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach ,
received , remain , remained , required , take , wast , wear ,
went , when , which ,

cause -2600 {cause} , causeless , cost , free , freely ,
innocent , nothing , nought , vain , wages , without ,

cause -3651 according , also , aright , {cause} , even , howbeit
, like , likewise , manner , more , not , right , so , state ,
straightway , such , surely , therefore , thing , this , thus ,
true , well , wherefore , which ,

cause -4616 because , {cause} , end , intent , sake ,

cause -4941 {cause} , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just ,
justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

cause -5252 {cause} ,

cause -5438 {cause} ,

cause -5668 because , {cause} , intent , sake , sakes ,

cause -7379 {cause} , causes , chiding , contention ,
controversies , controversy , multitude , pleadings , strife ,
strive , strivings , suit ,

cause -7387 {cause} , empty , vain , void , without ,

cause -7945 {cause} , sake ,

cause -8267 {cause} , deceit , deceitful , false , falsehood ,
falsely , feignedly , liar , lie , lies , lying , vain , without
, wrongfully ,

caused -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , {caused} , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

caused -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest ,
become , been , being , brake , brought , came , cause ,
{caused} , come , cometh , committed , continue , continued ,
count , did , done , endure , endured , enjoy , fainted , fell ,
follow , go , gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep ,
lasted , made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach ,
received , remain , remained , required , take , wast , wear ,
went , when , which ,

causeless -2600 cause , {causeless} , cost , free , freely ,
innocent , nothing , nought , vain , wages , without ,

causes -0182 {causes} , sake ,

causes -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any ,
because , book , business , care , case , cause , {causes} ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said ,
sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some ,
sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the ,
thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith ,
whit , word , words , work , works ,

causes -7379 cause , {causes} , chiding , contention ,
controversies , controversy , multitude , pleadings , strife ,
strive , strivings , suit ,

causeth -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , caused , {causeth} , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

causeway -4546 {causeway} , courses , high , highway , highways ,
path , paths , terraces , ways ,

chushanrishathaim -3573 {chushanrishathaim} ,

clamorous -1993 aloud , {clamorous} , concourse , cry ,
disquieted , loud , mourning , moved , noise , raged , raging ,
roar , roared , roareth , sound , troubled , tumult , tumultuous
, uproar ,

cluster -0811 {cluster} , clusters ,

clusters -0811 cluster , {clusters} ,

clusters -6778 bunches , {clusters} , raisins ,

conclusion -5490 {conclusion} , end , hinder , tempestuous ,

confused -7494 commotion , {confused} , earthquake , fierceness ,
quaking , rattling , rushing , shaking ,

confusion -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , caused , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , {confusion} , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

confusion -0954 ashamed , confounded , {confusion} , delayed ,
dry , long , shame , shamed ,

confusion -1322 ashamed , {confusion} , shame , shameful ,

confusion -2659 ashamed , bringeth , brought , confounded ,
{confusion} , matter , reproach , shame ,

confusion -3637 ashamed , blush , confounded , {confusion} ,
hurt , put , reproach , reproached , shame , shameth ,

confusion -3639 {confusion} , dishonour , reproach , shame ,

confusion -7036 {confusion} , dishonour , ignominy , reproach ,
shame ,

confusion -8397 {confusion} ,

confusion -8414 {confusion} , empty , form , nothing , nought ,
place , vain , vanity , waste , wilderness , without ,

contentious -4066 contention , {contentious} , discord , strife ,

courageous -0553 confirm , courage , {courageous} , established ,
fortify , hardened , increaseth , obstinate , prevailed , speed
, stedfastly , strengthen , strengthened , strengtheneth ,
strong , stronger ,

courageous -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm ,
confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage ,
{courageous} , courageously , encourage , encouraged ,
established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify ,
harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden ,
holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain ,
prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair ,
repaired , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout
, strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger ,
sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly ,
withstand ,

courageously -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm ,
confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage ,
courageous , {courageously} , encourage , encouraged ,
established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify ,
harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden ,
holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain ,
prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair ,
repaired , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout
, strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger ,
sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly ,
withstand ,

covetous -1214 coveteth , {covetous} , cut , finish , fulfilled ,
gain , gained , get , greedy , performed , wounded ,

covetousness -1215 {covetousness} , dishonest , lucre , profit ,

cruse -1228 bottle , {cruse} ,

cruse -6746 break , {cruse} ,

cruse -6835 {cruse} ,

crush -1792 beat , break , broken , bruise , bruised , contrite ,
{crush} , crushed , destroy , destroyed , humbled , oppress ,
smitten ,

crush -2115 closed , {crush} , thrust ,

crush -7533 brake , brakest , break , broken , bruised , {crush}
, crushed , discouraged , oppressed , struggled ,

crush -7665 birth , brake , brakest , break , breakest ,
breaketh , bring , broken , {crush} , destroy , destroyed , down
, hurt , quench , torn ,

crushed -1792 beat , break , broken , bruise , bruised ,
contrite , crush , {crushed} , destroy , destroyed , humbled ,
oppress , smitten ,

crushed -2000 break , consume , {crushed} , destroy ,
discomfited , troubled , vex ,

crushed -2116 {crushed} ,

crushed -3807 beat , beaten , brake , broken , {crushed} ,
destroyed , discomfited , smite , smitten , stamped ,

crushed -3905 afflict , affliction , {crushed} , forced , hold ,
oppress , oppressed , oppresseth , oppressors , thrust ,

crushed -7533 brake , brakest , break , broken , bruised , crush
, {crushed} , discouraged , oppressed , struggled ,

curious -4284 cunning , {curious} , device , devices , devised ,
imaginations , means , purpose , purposes , thought , thoughts ,

curiously -7551 {curiously} , embroiderer , needlework , wrought

cush -3568 {cush} , ethiopia ,

cushan -3572 {cushan} ,

cushi -3569 {cushi} , ethiopian , ethiopians ,

custody -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better ,
border , borders , charge , coast , coasts , {custody} , debt ,
dominion , enough , force , hand , handed , hands , himself ,
labour , ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order ,
ordinance , parts , paw , place , places , power ,
presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stays ,
strength , stroke , tenons , themselves , through , throwing ,
times , wait , where , work , years , yourselves ,

custody -6486 account , charge , {custody} , laid , numbers ,
office , officers , offices , orderings , oversight , reckoning ,
visitation ,

custom -1870 and , away , because , conversation , {custom} ,
high , journey , manner , through , toward , way , ways ,

custom -1983 {custom} ,

custom -2706 appointed , bounds , commandments , convenient ,
{custom} , decree , decreed , due , law , measure , necessary ,
ordinance , ordinances , ordinary , portion , set , statute ,
statutes , task ,

custom -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , {custom} ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just ,
justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

customs -2708 appointed , {customs} , manners , ordinance ,
ordinances , rites , statute , statutes ,

cyrus -3566 {cyrus} ,

cyrus -3567 {cyrus} ,

damascus -1834 {damascus} ,

darius -1867 {darius} ,

darius -1868 {darius} ,

delusions -8586 babes , {delusions} ,

desirous -0183 coveteth , desire , desired , desireth ,
{desirous} , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth ,

dust -0080 {dust} , powder ,

dust -6083 ashes , {dust} , earth , ground , powder , rubbish ,

dust -7834 clouds , {dust} , heaven , skies , sky ,

envious -7065 envied , enviest , {envious} , envy , jealous ,
jealousy , zeal , zealous ,

espousals -2861 {espousals} ,

espousals -3623 {espousals} ,

espoused -0781 betroth , betrothed , {espoused} ,

famous -0117 excellent , {famous} , gallant , glorious , goodly ,
lordly , mightier , mighty , nobles , principal , worthies ,

famous -3045 acknowledge , acknowledged , acquaintance ,
acquainted , advise , answer , appointed , assuredly , aware ,
can , certain , come , comprehend , consider , considereth ,
could , cunning , declare , declared , discern , discerneth ,
discovered , endued , familiar , {famous} , feel , felt , have ,
images , instructed , kinsfolks , kinsman , knew , knewest ,
know , knowest , knoweth , knowing , knowledge , known , madest ,
mark , perceive , perceived , perceivest , privy ,
prognosticators , regardeth , respect , shew , shewed , skilful ,
skill , sure , surety , taught , teach , tell , unawares ,
understand , understood , will , wist , wit , wot , wotteth ,

famous -7121 bewrayeth , bidden , call , called , calledst ,
calleth , calling , cried , criest , crieth , cry , crying ,
{famous} , gave , guests , invited , mentioned , named , preach ,
proclaim , proclaimed , proclaimeth , proclaiming ,
proclamation , publish , read , readeth , reading , renowned ,
said , went ,

famous -7149 city , {famous} ,

famous -8034 fame , {famous} , jerusalem , name , named , names ,
renown , report , the ,

frustrate -0656 brought , clean , fail , faileth , {frustrate} ,
gone , nought ,

frustrateth -6565 brake , break , breaking , broken , brought ,
castest , cease , clean , defeat , disannul , disappointed ,
disappointeth , dissolved , divide , effect , fail ,
{frustrateth} , none , nought , void ,

furious -2534 anger , displeasure , {furious} , furiously , fury
, heat , hot , indignation , poison , rage , wrath , wrathful ,
wroth ,

furious -7108 {furious} ,

furiously -2534 anger , displeasure , furious , {furiously} ,
fury , heat , hot , indignation , poison , rage , wrath ,
wrathful , wroth ,

furiously -7697 {furiously} , madness ,

glorious -0117 excellent , famous , gallant , {glorious} ,
goodly , lordly , mightier , mighty , nobles , principal ,
worthies ,

glorious -0142 become , {glorious} , honourable ,

glorious -0215 break , day , enlightened , enlightening , fire ,
{glorious} , kindle , light , lighten , lightened , lighteneth ,
shine , shined , shineth ,

glorious -1921 countenance , crooked , forth , {glorious} ,
honor , honour , honoured , put ,

glorious -1926 beauties , beauty , comeliness , excellency ,
{glorious} , glory , goodly , honour , majesty ,

glorious -1935 beauty , comeliness , {glorious} , glory , goodly
, honour , honourable , majesty ,

glorious -3513 afflict , boast , bring , chargeable , dim , get ,
glorified , glorifieth , glorify , {glorious} , glory ,
grievously , hardened , heavier , heavily , heavy , honour ,
honourable , honoured , honourest , honoureth , many , more ,
nobles , prevailed , promote , rich , sore , stopped ,

glorious -3519 {glorious} , gloriously , glory , honour ,
honourable ,

glorious -3520 carriage , {glorious} , stately ,

glorious -6643 beautiful , beauty , {glorious} , glory , goodly ,
pleasant , roe , roebuck , roebucks , roes ,

glorious -8597 beautiful , beauty , bravery , comely , fair ,
{glorious} , glory , honour ,

gloriously -3519 glorious , {gloriously} , glory , honour ,
honourable ,

gorgeously -4358 {gorgeously} , sorts ,

gracious -2580 favour , grace , {gracious} , pleasant , precious

gracious -2587 {gracious} ,

gracious -2589 {gracious} , intreated ,

gracious -2603 besought , fair , favour , favourable , favoured ,
given , {gracious} , graciously , intreated , merciful , mercy ,
pity , pray , supplication ,

graciously -2603 besought , fair , favour , favourable ,
favoured , given , gracious , {graciously} , intreated ,
merciful , mercy , pity , pray , supplication ,

graciously -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful ,
cheerful , ease , fair , fairer , favour , fine , glad , good ,
goodlier , goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , {graciously} ,
joyful , kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry ,
most , pleasant , please , pleasing , pleasure , precious ,
prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , well ,

grievous -2342 abide , afraid , anguish , bare , bring , brought
, calve , dance , danced , driveth , fall , fear , formed ,
forth , great , grieved , {grievous} , grievously , hope , look ,
made , pain , pained , patiently , rest , shaketh , shapen ,
sorrow , sorrowful , stayed , tarried , travail , travailed ,
travaileth , tremble , trembled , trust , wait , waited ,
wounded ,

grievous -2470 become , besought , carefully , diseased , grief ,
grieved , {grievous} , infirmity , intreat , intreated , laid ,
pain , pray , prayer , sick , sore , sorry , suit , travail ,
weak , when , wounded ,

grievous -3415 {grievous} , harm , ill ,

grievous -3515 great , {grievous} , hard , hardened , heavy ,
honour , laden , ladeth , laid , much , slow , sore , thick ,

grievous -4834 emboldeneth , forcible , {grievous} , sore ,

grievous -5493 aside , away , back , brought , call , conspired ,
decline , depart , departed , departeth , departing , down ,
eschewed , escheweth , go , goeth , gone , {grievous} , laid ,
lay , left , moved , past , pluck , put , rebel , remove ,
removed , removeth , removing , sour , still , take , taken ,
taketh , the , took , turn , turned , turneth , undone , went ,
withdraw , without ,

grievous -6089 {grievous} , idol , labour , labours , sorrow ,
sorrows ,

grievous -6277 arrogancy , {grievous} , hard , stiff ,

grievous -7185 cruel , fiercer , {grievous} , hard , harden ,
hardened , hardeneth , hardly , seem , sore , stiff , stiffened ,

grievous -7186 churlish , cruel , {grievous} , hard , heavy ,
obstinate , prevailed , rough , roughly , sore , sorrowful ,
stiff , stubborn ,

grievous -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction ,
afflictions , and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure ,
distress , evil , evils , friend , great , grief , {grievous} ,
harm , heavy , hurt , hurtful , ill , mischief , mischiefs ,
mischievous , misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad ,
sadly , sore , sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles ,
wicked , wickedly , wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness ,
wrong ,

grievous -7489 afflict , afflicted , associate , behaved , break
, broken , evil , evildoer , evildoers , friendly , grieved ,
{grievous} , harm , hurt , hurting , ill , mischief , punish ,
sad , vexed , waste , wicked , wickedly , worse ,

grievous -8463 diseases , {grievous} , sick , sicknesses ,

grievously -2342 abide , afraid , anguish , bare , bring ,
brought , calve , dance , danced , driveth , fall , fear ,
formed , forth , great , grieved , grievous , {grievously} ,
hope , look , made , pain , pained , patiently , rest , shaketh ,
shapen , sorrow , sorrowful , stayed , tarried , travail ,
travailed , travaileth , tremble , trembled , trust , wait ,
waited , wounded ,

grievously -2399 faults , {grievously} , offences , punishment ,
sin , sins ,

grievously -3513 afflict , boast , bring , chargeable , dim ,
get , glorified , glorifieth , glorify , glorious , glory ,
{grievously} , hardened , heavier , heavily , heavy , honour ,
honourable , honoured , honourest , honoureth , many , more ,
nobles , prevailed , promote , rich , sore , stopped ,

grievously -4604 falsehood , {grievously} , seek , transgression
, trespass , trespassed , trespasses ,

grievously -4784 bitter , disobedient , disobeyed , grieved ,
{grievously} , provocation , provoke , provoked , provoking ,
rebel , rebelled , rebellious , rebels ,

grievousness -3514 great , {grievousness} , heavy ,

grievousness -5999 grievance , {grievousness} , iniquity ,
labour , mischief , miserable , misery , pain , painful ,
perverseness , sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome ,
wickedness ,

gush -5140 distil , drop , floods , flow , flowing , {gush} ,
melted , pour , running , streams ,

gushed -2100 floweth , flowing , {gushed} , issue , pine , run ,
running ,

gushed -8210 cast , casting , {gushed} , pour , poured ,
pouredst , poureth , pouring , shed , shedder , sheddeth ,
slipped ,

hattush -2407 {hattush} ,

hazarsusah -2701 {hazarsusah} ,

hazarsusim -2702 {hazarsusim} ,

heinous -2154 crime , devices , {heinous} , lewd , lewdly ,
lewdness , mischief , purposes , thought , wicked , wickedness ,

house -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families ,
family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , {house} ,
household , households , houses , images , inside , inward , of ,
palace , place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web ,
within ,

house -1005 {house} , houses ,

house -1008 bethel , god , {house} ,

house -1035 bethlehem , bethlehemjudah , {house} ,

house -4428 {house} , king , kings , royal , that ,

house -5854 {house} , joab ,

household -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families ,
family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house ,
{household} , households , houses , images , inside , inward ,
of , palace , place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web ,
within ,

household -5657 {household} , servants ,

households -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families ,
family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household ,
{households} , houses , images , inside , inward , of , palace ,
place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within ,

houses -0001 altars , and , chief , father , fathers , groves ,
{houses} , principal , their ,

houses -0490 desolate , {houses} , widow , widows ,

houses -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families ,
family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household ,
households , {houses} , images , inside , inward , of , palace ,
place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within ,

houses -1005 house , {houses} ,

houses -4999 habitations , {houses} , pastures , pleasant ,

housetop -1406 {housetop} , housetops , roof , roofs , top ,
tops ,

housetops -1406 housetop , {housetops} , roof , roofs , top ,
tops ,

husband -0376 another , any , certain , consent , each , either ,
every , fellow , goodman , high , {husband} , husbands , ishi ,
male , man , men , mighty , none , one , people , person ,
persons , what , whosoever , worthy ,

husband -1167 archers , captain , chief , do , due , given ,
great , hath , have , having , {husband} , husbands , lords ,
man , master , masters , men , owner , owners , person ,

husband -2860 bridegroom , {husband} , law , son , sons ,

husband -2992 brother , {husband} , marry , people ,

husband -2993 brother , {husband} ,

husbandman -0406 {husbandman} , husbandmen , plowmen , surely ,

husbandman -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice ,
bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute ,
{husbandman} , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant ,
servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service ,
serving , till , tilled , tiller , tillest , tilleth ,
transgress , work , worshippers , wrought ,

husbandmen -0406 husbandman , {husbandmen} , plowmen , surely ,

husbandmen -1461 {husbandmen} ,

husbandmen -3009 {husbandmen} ,

husbandry -0127 country , earth , ground , {husbandry} , land ,
lands , their ,

husbands -0376 another , any , certain , consent , each , either
, every , fellow , goodman , high , husband , {husbands} , ishi ,
male , man , men , mighty , none , one , people , person ,
persons , what , whosoever , worthy ,

husbands -0582 age , certain , divers , fellows , flower ,
{husbands} , man , men , menchildren , mortal , multitude ,
people , persons , servants , some , those , trade ,

husbands -1167 archers , captain , chief , do , due , given ,
great , hath , have , having , husband , {husbands} , lords ,
man , master , masters , men , owner , owners , person ,

hushah -2364 {hushah} , strong ,

hushai -2365 {hushai} ,

husham -2367 {husham} ,

hushathite -2843 {hushathite} ,

hushim -2366 {hushim} ,

husk -2085 {husk} ,

husk -6861 {husk} ,

idolatrous -3649 chemarims , {idolatrous} , priests ,

imperious -7986 {imperious} ,

injustice -2555 cruel , cruelty , damage , false , {injustice} ,
unrighteous , violence , violent , wrong ,

jealous -7065 envied , enviest , envious , envy , {jealous} ,
jealousy , zeal , zealous ,

jealous -7067 {jealous} ,

jealous -7072 {jealous} ,

jealousies -7068 envied , envy , {jealousies} , jealousy , sake ,
zeal ,

jealousy -7065 envied , enviest , envious , envy , jealous ,
{jealousy} , zeal , zealous ,

jealousy -7068 envied , envy , jealousies , {jealousy} , sake ,
zeal ,

jealousy -7069 attain , bought , buy , buyer , buyest , cattle ,
get , getteth , getting , got , gotten , {jealousy} , keep ,
owner , possessed , possessor , possessors , purchased , recover
, redeemed , verily ,

jebus -2982 {jebus} ,

jebusi -2983 {jebusi} , jebusite , jebusites ,

jebusite -2983 jebusi , {jebusite} , jebusites ,

jebusites -2983 jebusi , jebusite , {jebusites} ,

jehush -3266 {jehush} , jeush ,

jerusalem -3049 {jerusalem} , wizard , wizards ,

jerusalem -3389 amon , and , him , it , {jerusalem} , of ,

jerusalem -3390 {jerusalem} ,

jerusalem -3665 bring , brought , down , flattering , had ,
humble , humbled , humbledst , humbleth , {jerusalem} , low ,
reigned , subdue , subdued , subduedst , subjection , when ,

jerusalem -8034 fame , famous , {jerusalem} , name , named ,
names , renown , report , the ,

jerusalem -8141 it , {jerusalem} , of , spake , the , year ,
yearly , years ,

jerusha -3388 {jerusha} , jerushah ,

jerushah -3388 jerusha , {jerushah} ,

jeush -3266 jehush , {jeush} ,

joyous -5947 {joyous} , rejoice , rejoicing ,

jushabhesed -3142 {jushabhesed} ,

just -3477 convenient , equity , gave , jasher , {just} , meet ,
meetest , right , righteous , upright , uprightly , uprightness ,

just -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , {just} ,
justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

just -6662 {just} , lawful , righteous ,

just -6663 cleansed , clear , {just} , justice , justified ,
justifieth , justify , justifying , righteous , righteousness ,

just -6664 even , {just} , justice , right , righteous ,
righteously , righteousness ,

just -8003 full , {just} , peaceable , perfect , perfected ,
quiet , ready , shalem , whole ,

justice -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just ,
{justice} , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

justice -6663 cleansed , clear , just , {justice} , justified ,
justifieth , justify , justifying , righteous , righteousness ,

justice -6664 even , just , {justice} , right , righteous ,
righteously , righteousness ,

justice -6666 {justice} , moderately , right , righteous ,
righteously , righteousness , righteousnesses ,

justified -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , {justified} ,
justifieth , justify , justifying , righteous , righteousness ,

justifieth -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , justified ,
{justifieth} , justify , justifying , righteous , righteousness ,

justify -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , justified ,
justifieth , {justify} , justifying , righteous , righteousness ,

justifying -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , justified ,
justifieth , justify , {justifying} , righteous , righteousness ,

justle -8264 another , appetite , fro , {justle} , longing ,
ranging , run ,

justly -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just ,
justice , {justly} , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

kushaiah -6984 {kushaiah} ,

leprous -6879 leper , lepers , {leprous} ,

letushim -3912 {letushim} ,

locust -0697 grasshopper , grasshoppers , {locust} , locusts ,

locust -5556 act , bald , {locust} ,

locust -6767 cymbals , {locust} , shadowing , spears ,

locusts -0697 grasshopper , grasshoppers , locust , {locusts} ,

locusts -1357 {locusts} ,

locusts -2284 grasshopper , grasshoppers , {locusts} ,

lust -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , coveted , delectable ,
delight , desire , desired , desireth , goodly , {lust} ,
pleasant , precious ,

lust -5315 angry , any , appetite , beast , body , breath ,
creature , dead , deadly , desire , fish , ghost , heart ,
hearts , hearty , herself , himself , life , lives , {lust} ,
man , mind , minds , mortally , myself , one , own , person ,
persons , pleasure , soul , souls , themselves , thing , thyself
, will , would , your , yourselves ,

lust -8307 imagination , {lust} ,

lust -8378 dainty , desire , desireth , greedily , {lust} ,
lusting , pleasant ,

lusted -0183 coveteth , desire , desired , desireth , desirous ,
longed , longeth , {lusted} , lusteth ,

lusteth -0183 coveteth , desire , desired , desireth , desirous ,
longed , longeth , lusted , {lusteth} ,

lusting -8378 dainty , desire , desireth , greedily , lust ,
{lusting} , pleasant ,

lusty -8082 fat , {lusty} , plenteous ,

marvellous -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
{marvellous} , marvellously , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously ,
wonders , wondrous , wondrously , work ,

marvellous -6382 {marvellous} , wonder , wonderful , wonderfully
, wonders ,

marvellous -6395 apart , difference , {marvellous} , separated ,
set , sever , wonderfully ,

marvellously -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
marvellous , {marvellously} , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously ,
wonders , wondrous , wondrously , work ,

marvellously -8539 amazed , astonished , marvel , marvelled ,
{marvellously} , wonder ,

menstruous -1739 dodai , faint , {menstruous} , sick , sickness ,

menstruous -5079 apart , far , filthiness , flowers ,
{menstruous} , put , removed , separation , set , unclean ,
uncleanness ,

methusael -4967 {methusael} ,

methuselah -4968 {methuselah} ,

mischievous -1942 calamities , calamity , iniquity , mischiefs ,
{mischievous} , naughtiness , naughty , noisome , perverse ,
substance , very , wickedness ,

mischievous -4209 device , devices , discretion , intents ,
inventions , lewdness , {mischievous} , thought , thoughts ,
wicked , wickedly ,

mischievous -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction ,
afflictions , and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure ,
distress , evil , evils , friend , great , grief , grievous ,
harm , heavy , hurt , hurtful , ill , mischief , mischiefs ,
{mischievous} , misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad ,
sadly , sore , sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles ,
wicked , wickedly , wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness ,
wrong ,

misused -8591 deceiver , {misused} ,

mouse -5909 mice , {mouse} ,

muse -7878 commune , complain , complained , complaint , declare
, meditate , {muse} , pray , prayer , speak , talk ,

mushi -4187 {mushi} ,

mushites -4188 {mushites} ,

musical -7705 {musical} ,

musical -7892 {musical} , musick , sing , singers , singing ,
song , songs ,

musick -2170 {musick} ,

musick -4485 {musick} ,

musick -4541 covering , molten , {musick} , porters , vail ,

musick -5058 {musick} , song , songs , stringed ,

musick -7892 musical , {musick} , sing , singers , singing ,
song , songs ,

musing -1901 meditation , {musing} ,

mustered -6633 assembled , assembling , fight , fought ,
{mustered} , perform , wait , warred ,

mustereth -6485 appoint , appointed , avenge , bestowed ,
calledst , charge , charged , chargest , commit , committed ,
counted , deprived , empty , enjoined , go , governor , hurt ,
judgment , keep , lacked , lacketh , lacking , laid , look ,
miss , missed , missing , {mustereth} , number , numbered ,
numberest , officers , overseer , overseers , oversight , punish
, punished , reckon , remember , remembrance , ruler , rulers ,
set , sum , visit , visited , visitest , visiteth , visiting ,
want , wanting ,

nebushasban -5021 before , {nebushasban} ,

nehushta -5179 {nehushta} ,

nehushtan -5180 {nehushtan} ,

nephusim -5304 {nephusim} ,

odious -0887 abhor , abhorred , abomination , loathsome ,
{odious} , stank , stink , stinketh , stinking ,

odious -8130 enemies , enemy , foes , hate , hated , hateful ,
haters , hatest , hateth , hating , {odious} ,

outrageous -7858 flood , floods , {outrageous} , overflowing ,

overplus -5736 more , number , odd , over , {overplus} ,
remaineth ,

pathrusim -6625 {pathrusim} ,

plenteous -1277 fat , fatfleshed , fatter , fed , firm ,
{plenteous} , rank ,

plenteous -3498 behind , excel , leave , left , much ,
{plenteous} , preserve , remain , remainder , remained ,
remaineth , remaining , remnant , reserved , residue , rest ,
too ,

plenteous -7227 abundance , abundant , abundantly , captain ,
common , elder , enough , exceedingly , excelled , full , great ,
greater , greatly , increased , long , manifold , many , master
, mighty , more , much , multiply , multitude , officers ,
{plenteous} , populous , princes , process , suffice ,
sufficient , time ,

plenteous -7235 abundance , abundantly , authority , brought ,
continued , enlarge , exceedingly , full , great , greater ,
grow , heap , increase , increased , increasest , increaseth ,
into , long , many , more , much , multiplied , multipliedst ,
multiplieth , multiply , multiplying , nourished , over ,
{plenteous} , plenty , process , sore , store , them , throughly
, yieldeth ,

plenteous -7647 abundance , cease , {plenteous} , plenteousness ,
plenty ,

plenteous -8082 fat , lusty , {plenteous} ,

plenteousness -4195 {plenteousness} , preeminence , profit ,

plenteousness -7647 abundance , cease , plenteous ,
{plenteousness} , plenty ,

populous -0527 multitude , {populous} ,

populous -7227 abundance , abundant , abundantly , captain ,
common , elder , enough , exceedingly , excelled , full , great ,
greater , greatly , increased , long , manifold , many , master
, mighty , more , much , multiply , multitude , officers ,
plenteous , {populous} , princes , process , suffice ,
sufficient , time ,

precious -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , coveted , delectable ,
delight , desire , desired , desireth , goodly , lust , pleasant
, {precious} ,

precious -2532 desire , desired , goodly , pleasant , {precious}

precious -2580 favour , grace , gracious , pleasant , {precious}

precious -2667 {precious} ,

precious -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful ,
ease , fair , fairer , favour , fine , glad , good , goodlier ,
goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , graciously , joyful ,
kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry , most ,
pleasant , please , pleasing , pleasure , {precious} ,
prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , well ,

precious -3365 {precious} , price , prised , withdraw ,

precious -3366 honour , {precious} ,

precious -3368 brightness , clear , costly , excellent , fat ,
honourable , {precious} , reputation ,

precious -4022 pleasant , {precious} ,

precious -4030 {precious} , presents ,

precious -4901 {precious} , price ,

precious -5238 {precious} ,

presumptuous -2086 {presumptuous} , proud ,

presumptuously -2087 {presumptuously} , pride , proud ,

presumptuously -2102 presume , {presumptuously} , proud ,
proudly , sod ,

presumptuously -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better ,
border , borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt ,
dominion , enough , force , hand , handed , hands , himself ,
labour , ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order ,
ordinance , parts , paw , place , places , power ,
{presumptuously} , service , side , sore , state , stays ,
strength , stroke , tenons , themselves , through , throwing ,
times , wait , where , work , years , yourselves ,

prosperous -6743 break , came , come , effected , good , made ,
meet , over , profitable , prosper , prospered , prospereth ,
prosperity , {prosperous} , prosperously , went ,

prosperous -7965 did , doest , familiar , familiars , fare ,
favour , good , health , peace , peaceable , peaceably ,
prospered , prosperity , {prosperous} , rest , safe , safely ,
salute , welfare , well , wholly ,

prosperous -7999 again , amends , end , ended , finished , full ,
give , good , pay , payed , payeth , peace , peaceable ,
perfect , perform , performed , performeth , prospered ,
{prosperous} , recompense , recompensed , recompensest , render ,
renderest , rendereth , repay , repayed , repayeth , requite ,
requited , restitution , restore , reward , rewarded , rewardeth

prosperously -6743 break , came , come , effected , good , made ,
meet , over , profitable , prosper , prospered , prospereth ,
prosperity , prosperous , {prosperously} , went ,

push -5055 gore , gored , {push} , pushed , pushing ,

push -5056 {push} , put , wont ,

push -7971 appoint , bring , brought , cast , conduct , depart ,
down , forsaken , forth , gave , givest , go , grow , laid , lay
, layeth , left , let , loose , {push} , put , putteth , putting
, reacheth , send , sendest , sendeth , sending , sent , sentest
, set , shoot , shooteth , shot , soweth , spreadeth , stretch ,
stretched , way ,

pushed -5055 gore , gored , push , {pushed} , pushing ,

pushing -5055 gore , gored , push , pushed , {pushing} ,

ravenous -5861 bird , birds , fowl , fowls , {ravenous} ,

ravenous -6530 destroyer , {ravenous} , robber , robbers ,

rebellious -4775 against , rebel , rebelled , rebellest ,
{rebellious} , rebels ,

rebellious -4779 rebellion , {rebellious} ,

rebellious -4780 {rebellious} ,

rebellious -4784 bitter , disobedient , disobeyed , grieved ,
grievously , provocation , provoke , provoked , provoking ,
rebel , rebelled , {rebellious} , rebels ,

rebellious -4805 bitter , rebellion , {rebellious} , rebels ,

rebellious -5637 back , backsliding , {rebellious} , revolters ,
revolting , slideth , stubborn ,

refuse -3973 {refuse} ,

refuse -3985 {refuse} , refused , refusedst , refuseth ,

refuse -3986 {refuse} ,

refuse -3987 {refuse} ,

refuse -3988 abhor , abhorred , abhorreth , away , become , cast
, contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , {refuse} , refused ,
refuseth , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

refuse -4549 discouraged , faint , fainteth , loosed , melt ,
melted , melteth , molten , {refuse} ,

refuse -4651 flakes , {refuse} ,

refuse -6544 at , avoid , back , bare , go , let , naked ,
nought , perish , {refuse} , refuseth , uncover ,

refused -3985 refuse , {refused} , refusedst , refuseth ,

refused -3988 abhor , abhorred , abhorreth , away , become ,
cast , contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , refuse , {refused} ,
refuseth , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

refusedst -3985 refuse , refused , {refusedst} , refuseth ,

refuseth -3985 refuse , refused , refusedst , {refuseth} ,

refuseth -3988 abhor , abhorred , abhorreth , away , become ,
cast , contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , refuse , refused ,
{refuseth} , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

refuseth -5800 committeth , destitute , faileth , forsake ,
forsaken , forsaketh , forsook , forsookest , fortified ,
fortify , help , leave , leaveth , left , leftest , {refuseth} ,

refuseth -6544 at , avoid , back , bare , go , let , naked ,
nought , perish , refuse , {refuseth} , uncover ,

righteous -3477 convenient , equity , gave , jasher , just ,
meet , meetest , right , {righteous} , upright , uprightly ,
uprightness ,

righteous -6662 just , lawful , {righteous} ,

righteous -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , justified ,
justifieth , justify , justifying , {righteous} , righteousness ,

righteous -6664 even , just , justice , right , {righteous} ,
righteously , righteousness ,

righteous -6666 justice , moderately , right , {righteous} ,
righteously , righteousness , righteousnesses ,

righteously -4334 equity , even , plain , plains , right ,
{righteously} , straight , uprightness ,

righteously -4339 agreement , aright , equal , equity , right ,
{righteously} , sweetly , upright , uprightly , uprightness ,

righteously -6664 even , just , justice , right , righteous ,
{righteously} , righteousness ,

righteously -6666 justice , moderately , right , righteous ,
{righteously} , righteousness , righteousnesses ,

righteousness -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice ,
justified , justifieth , justify , justifying , righteous ,
{righteousness} ,

righteousness -6664 even , just , justice , right , righteous ,
righteously , {righteousness} ,

righteousness -6665 {righteousness} ,

righteousness -6666 justice , moderately , right , righteous ,
righteously , {righteousness} , righteousnesses ,

righteousnesses -6666 justice , moderately , right , righteous ,
righteously , righteousness , {righteousnesses} ,

riotous -2151 eaters , flow , flowed , glutton , {riotous} ,
vile ,

rouse -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose ,
{rouse} , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood ,
strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising ,

ruinous -4654 ruin , {ruinous} ,

ruinous -5327 flower , {ruinous} , strive , strove , waste ,

rush -0100 bulrush , caldron , hook , {rush} ,

rush -1573 bulrushes , {rush} , rushes ,

rush -7582 {rush} , rushing , waste , wasted ,

rushed -6584 abroad , fell , flay , flayed , forward , invaded ,
invasion , pull , put , ran , road , {rushed} , set , spoil ,
spoileth , spread , strip , stripped , stript ,

rushes -1573 bulrushes , rush , {rushes} ,

rusheth -7857 drown , flowing , overflow , overflowed ,
overflowing , overflown , overwhelmed , ran , rinsed , {rusheth}
, washed , washest ,

rushing -7494 commotion , confused , earthquake , fierceness ,
quaking , rattling , {rushing} , shaking ,

rushing -7582 rush , {rushing} , waste , wasted ,

rushing -7588 horrible , noise , pomp , {rushing} , tumult ,
tumultuous ,

sardius -0124 {sardius} ,

shushan -7800 {shushan} ,

spouse -3618 bride , daughter , daughters , law , {spouse} ,
spouses ,

spouses -3618 bride , daughter , daughters , law , spouse ,
{spouses} ,

storehouse -0214 armoury , cellars , garners , store ,
{storehouse} , storehouses , treasure , treasures , treasuries ,
treasury ,

storehouses -0214 armoury , cellars , garners , store ,
storehouse , {storehouses} , treasure , treasures , treasuries ,
treasury ,

storehouses -0618 barns , {storehouses} ,

storehouses -0834 according , after , against , alike , among ,
and , because , besought , cause , god , how , if , judah , much
, of , so , soever , soon , {storehouses} , such , the , though ,
what , whatsoever , when , where , whereabout , whereas ,
whereby , wherein , whereof , whereon , wheresoever , whereto ,
whereunto , wherewith , which , while , whilst , whither ,
whithersoever , who , whom , whomsoever , whose , whoso ,
whosoever , yea ,

storehouses -3965 {storehouses} ,

storehouses -4543 store , {storehouses} , treasure ,

superfluous -8311 stretch , {superfluous} ,

susanchites -7801 {susanchites} ,

susi -5485 {susi} ,

sustain -3557 abide , bear , comprehended , contain , contained ,
containeth , fed , feed , forbearing , guide , held , hold ,
holding , nourish , nourished , nourisher , present , provision ,
receive , {sustain} , sustenance , victual , victuals ,

sustained -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid , lay
, lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,
stayed , {sustained} , upheld , uphold , upholdeth ,

sustenance -3557 abide , bear , comprehended , contain ,
contained , containeth , fed , feed , forbearing , guide , held ,
hold , holding , nourish , nourished , nourisher , present ,
provision , receive , sustain , {sustenance} , victual ,
victuals ,

sustenance -4241 preserve , quick , recover , reviving ,
{sustenance} , victuals ,

tempestuous -5490 conclusion , end , hinder , {tempestuous} ,

tempestuous -8175 afraid , come , feared , horribly , hurleth ,
take , {tempestuous} , whirlwind ,

thousand -0505 {thousand} , thousands , twelve ,

thousand -0506 {thousand} , thousands ,

thousand -7233 many , millions , multiply , ten , {thousand} ,
thousands ,

thousand -7239 great , increase , ten , {thousand} , thousands ,
threescore , twenty ,

thousand -7240 ten , {thousand} ,

thousands -0503 bring , {thousands} ,

thousands -0505 thousand , {thousands} , twelve ,

thousands -0506 thousand , {thousands} ,

thousands -7232 shot , {thousands} ,

thousands -7233 many , millions , multiply , ten , thousand ,
{thousands} ,

thousands -7239 great , increase , ten , thousand , {thousands} ,
threescore , twenty ,

thrust -5414 shewedst , shoot , sit , strike , suffer , suffered
, suffereth , take , taken , {thrust} , tied , took , traded ,
turn , turned , utter , uttered , utterth , willingly , yeild ,

thrust -0926 affrighted , afraid , amazed , cattle , dismayed ,
haste , hasted , hastened , hasteth , hastily , hasty , rash ,
speedily , speedy , {thrust} , trouble , troubled , troubleth ,
vex , vexed ,

thrust -1333 {thrust} ,

thrust -1644 cast , divorced , drave , drive , driven , driving ,
drove , expel , put , {thrust} , troubled ,

thrust -1760 cast , chase , down , driven , outcasts , overthrow
, {thrust} , tottering ,

thrust -1766 {thrust} , vexed ,

thrust -1856 pierced , stricken , through , {thrust} , wounded ,

thrust -1920 away , cast , casteth , drive , driven , expel ,
{thrust} ,

thrust -2115 closed , crush , {thrust} ,

thrust -2944 through , {thrust} ,

thrust -3238 destroy , oppress , oppressed , oppressing ,
oppression , oppressor , {thrust} , vex , vexed , wrong ,

thrust -3905 afflict , affliction , crushed , forced , hold ,
oppress , oppressed , oppresseth , oppressors , {thrust} ,

thrust -5074 abroad , away , chased , could , departed , fled ,
flee , moved , removed , {thrust} , wander , wanderers ,
wandereth , wandering ,

thrust -5080 astray , banished , bring , cast , chased ,
compelled , drawn , drive , driven , expelled , fetcheth ,
forced , forcing , outcast , outcasts , quite , {thrust} ,
withdrawn ,

thrust -5365 digged , pick , pierced , put , {thrust} ,

thrust -8628 blew , blow , bloweth , blowing , blown , cast ,
clap , fasten , fastened , pitch , pitched , smote , sounded ,
stricken , strike , striketh , suretiship , {thrust} , trumpet ,

thrusteth -5086 drive , driven , driveth , shaken , {thrusteth} ,
tossed ,

thus -0428 one , other , others , same , so , some , such ,
these , this , those , {thus} , which , who , whom ,

thus -1836 another , matter , one , such , these , this , {thus}
, which ,

thus -2008 far , here , hither , hitherto , now , since , there ,
this , thither , thitherward , {thus} , way ,

thus -2063 hereby , herein , herewith , likewise , one , other ,
same , so , such , therefore , these , this , {thus} ,

thus -2088 another , hence , here , itself , like , now , one ,
other , same , such , these , this , those , {thus} , very , way
, which ,

thus -2090 another , this , {thus} , well ,

thus -3541 also , here , like , manner , other , side , so ,
such , this , {thus} , way , while , yonder ,

thus -3588 although , assuredly , because , certainly ,
doubtless , either , else , even , except , forasmuch , how , if
, inasmuch , nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , so ,
surely , than , then , therefore , though , {thus} , truly ,
when , whereas , whether , which , while , whom , whose , yea ,
yet ,

thus -3602 after , case , even , matter , so , such , this ,
{thus} , what ,

thus -3644 according , comparison , like , such , {thus} , when ,
worth ,

thus -3651 according , also , aright , cause , even , howbeit ,
like , likewise , manner , more , not , right , so , state ,
straightway , such , surely , therefore , thing , this , {thus} ,
true , well , wherefore , which ,

thus -3652 {thus} ,

thus -3660 so , sort , this , {thus} ,

thus -3662 chenani , {thus} ,

treacherous -0898 deceitfully , offend , transgress ,
transgressed , transgresseth , transgressor , transgressors ,
{treacherous} , treacherously , unfaithful , unfaithfully , very

treacherous -0900 {treacherous} ,

treacherous -0901 {treacherous} ,

treacherously -0898 deceitfully , offend , transgress ,
transgressed , transgresseth , transgressor , transgressors ,
treacherous , {treacherously} , unfaithful , unfaithfully , very

troublous -5916 stirred , trouble , troubled , troubler ,
troubleth , {troublous} ,

trust -0539 assurance , believe , believed , believeth ,
bringers , brought , continuance , established , fail , faithful
, nurse , nursed , nursing , stand , stedfast , sure , surely ,
{trust} , trusted , trusty , verified ,

trust -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , {trust} , trusted , trustedst , trustest
, trusteth , trusting ,

trust -2342 abide , afraid , anguish , bare , bring , brought ,
calve , dance , danced , driveth , fall , fear , formed , forth ,
great , grieved , grievous , grievously , hope , look , made ,
pain , pained , patiently , rest , shaketh , shapen , sorrow ,
sorrowful , stayed , tarried , travail , travailed , travaileth ,
tremble , trembled , {trust} , wait , waited , wounded ,

trust -2620 hope , refuge , {trust} , trusted , trusteth ,

trust -2622 {trust} ,

trust -3176 hope , hoped , pained , stayed , tarried , tarry ,
{trust} , wait , waited , waiteth ,

trust -4004 {trust} ,

trust -4009 confidence , confidences , hope , sure , {trust} ,

trust -4268 hope , refuge , shelter , {trust} ,

trusted -0539 assurance , believe , believed , believeth ,
bringers , brought , continuance , established , fail , faithful
, nurse , nursed , nursing , stand , stedfast , sure , surely ,
trust , {trusted} , trusty , verified ,

trusted -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , trust , {trusted} , trustedst , trustest
, trusteth , trusting ,

trusted -1556 commit , occasion , remove , removed , roll ,
rolled , rolleth , run , seek , {trusted} , wallowed ,

trusted -2620 hope , refuge , trust , {trusted} , trusteth ,

trusted -7365 {trusted} ,

trustedst -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , trust , trusted , {trustedst} ,
trustest , trusteth , trusting ,

trustest -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , trust , trusted , trustedst , {trustest}
, trusteth , trusting ,

trusteth -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , trust , trusted , trustedst , trustest ,
{trusteth} , trusting ,

trusteth -2620 hope , refuge , trust , trusted , {trusteth} ,

trusting -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope ,
hoped , secure , sure , trust , trusted , trustedst , trustest ,
trusteth , {trusting} ,

trusty -0539 assurance , believe , believed , believeth ,
bringers , brought , continuance , established , fail , faithful
, nurse , nursed , nursing , stand , stedfast , sure , surely ,
trust , trusted , {trusty} , verified ,

tumultuous -1993 aloud , clamorous , concourse , cry ,
disquieted , loud , mourning , moved , noise , raged , raging ,
roar , roared , roareth , sound , troubled , tumult ,
{tumultuous} , uproar ,

tumultuous -7588 horrible , noise , pomp , rushing , tumult ,
{tumultuous} ,

tyrus -6865 tyre , {tyrus} ,

unjust -0205 affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity ,
mischief , mourners , mourning , nought , sorrow , {unjust} ,
unrighteous , vain , vanity , wicked , wickedness ,

unjust -5766 iniquities , iniquity , perverseness , {unjust} ,
unjustly , unrighteously , unrighteousness , wicked , wickedly ,
wickedness ,

unjust -5767 {unjust} , unrighteous , wicked ,

unjust -8636 gain , {unjust} ,

unjustly -5765 {unjustly} , unrighteous ,

unjustly -5766 iniquities , iniquity , perverseness , unjust ,
{unjustly} , unrighteously , unrighteousness , wicked , wickedly
, wickedness ,

unrighteous -0205 affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity ,
mischief , mourners , mourning , nought , sorrow , unjust ,
{unrighteous} , vain , vanity , wicked , wickedness ,

unrighteous -2555 cruel , cruelty , damage , false , injustice ,
{unrighteous} , violence , violent , wrong ,

unrighteous -5765 unjustly , {unrighteous} ,

unrighteous -5767 unjust , {unrighteous} , wicked ,

unrighteously -5766 iniquities , iniquity , perverseness ,
unjust , unjustly , {unrighteously} , unrighteousness , wicked ,
wickedly , wickedness ,

unrighteousness -5766 iniquities , iniquity , perverseness ,
unjust , unjustly , unrighteously , {unrighteousness} , wicked ,
wickedly , wickedness ,

use -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as ,
avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called ,
certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded ,
commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared ,
demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend ,
intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised ,
promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said ,
saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak
, speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed ,
the , think , thinking , thought , told , {use} , uttereth ,
verily , yet ,

use -3231 right , {use} ,

use -3747 cherith , {use} ,

use -4399 business , cattle , goods , labour , made , occupation
, stuff , thing , {use} , work , workmanship , works ,

use -4911 become , compare , like , proverb , proverbs , speak ,
{use} , utter ,

use -4912 byword , parable , parables , proverb , proverbs ,
{use} ,

use -5172 built , diligently , divine , divineth , enchanter ,
enchantment , enchantments , experience , learned , observe ,
{use} ,

use -5656 bondage , effect , labour , ministering , ministry ,
office , serve , serveth , service , servile , servitude ,
tillage , {use} , work , wrought ,

use -7080 divination , divine , diviners , divining , prudent ,
soothsayer , {use} ,

used -6213 pare , pass , peace , perform , performed , practise ,
practised , prepare , prepared , preparest , preparing ,
procure , procured , provide , provided , put , requite ,
sacrifice , sacrificed , served , set , shew , shewed , shewest ,
sheweth , shewing , sinneth , spendeth , take , taken , the ,
trimmed , undo , unto , {used} , work , workers , worketh ,
working , wrought , wroughtest , yeild , yeilding ,

used -3928 accustomed , disciples , learned , taught , {used} ,

usest -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just ,
justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , {usest} ,

useth -1696 and , answer , appointed , bade , badest , bid ,
commanded , commune , communed , communing , declare , declared ,
destroyed , father , gave , give , named , promised ,
promisedst , pronounce , pronounced , published , rehearsed ,
said , saidst , saith , say , spake , spakest , speak , speakest
, speaketh , speaking , spoken , spokesman , subdue , subdueth ,
talk , talked , talkest , talketh , talking , taught , tell ,
telleth , telling , thought , told , {useth} , utter , uttered ,
uttereth , wont ,

usurer -5383 creditor , creditors , exact , extortioner , lend ,
lendeth , lent , {usurer} , usury ,

usury -5378 debt , exact , {usury} ,

usury -5383 creditor , creditors , exact , extortioner , lend ,
lendeth , lent , usurer , {usury} ,

usury -5391 bit , bite , biteth , bitten , lend , lent , {usury}

usury -5392 {usury} ,

virtuous -2428 able , activity , armies , army , band , company ,
forces , goods , host , hosts , might , mighty , power , riches
, soldiers , strength , strong , substance , train , valiant ,
valiantly , valour , {virtuous} , virtuously , wealth , worthily
, worthy ,

virtuously -2428 able , activity , armies , army , band ,
company , forces , goods , host , hosts , might , mighty , power
, riches , soldiers , strength , strong , substance , train ,
valiant , valiantly , valour , virtuous , {virtuously} , wealth ,
worthily , worthy ,

winterhouse -2779 cold , winter , {winterhouse} , youth ,

wonderously -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
marvellous , marvellously , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , {wonderously} ,
wonders , wondrous , wondrously , work ,

wondrous -4652 {wondrous} ,

wondrous -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
marvellous , marvellously , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously ,
wonders , {wondrous} , wondrously , work ,

wondrously -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
marvellous , marvellously , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously ,
wonders , wondrous , {wondrously} , work ,

zealous -7065 envied , enviest , envious , envy , jealous ,
jealousy , zeal , {zealous} ,
