Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
abuse ^ 46_1CO_09_18 What <5101> is <2076> (5748) my <3427> reward <3408> then <3767>? Verily that <2443>, when I preach the gospel <2097> (5734), I may make <5087> (5661) the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547> without charge <0077>, that <1519> I {abuse} <2710> (5664) not <3361> my <3450> power <1849> in <1722> the gospel <2098>.

abusers ^ 46_1CO_06_09 <2228> Know ye <1492> (5758) not <3756> that <3754> the unrighteous <0094> shall <2816> <0> not <3756> inherit <2816> (5692) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>? Be <4105> <0> not <3361> deceived <4105> (5744): neither <3777> fornicators <4205>, nor <3777> idolaters <1496>, nor <3777> adulterers <3432>, nor <3777> effeminate <3120>, nor <3777> {abusers} of themselves with mankind <0733>,

accuse ^ 60_1PE_03_16 Having <2192> (5723) a good <0018> conscience <4893>; that <2443>, whereas <1722> <3739> they speak evil <2635> (5725) of you <5216>, as <5613> of evildoers <2555>, they may be ashamed <2617> (5686) that falsely {accuse} <1908> (5723) your <5216> good <0018> conversation <0391> in <1722> Christ <5547>.

accuse ^ 44_ACT_25_05 Let them therefore <3767>, said <5346> (5748) he, which among <1722> you <5213> are able <1415>, go down with <4782> (5631) me, and {accuse} <2723> (5720) this <0846> man <0435>, if <1536> <0> there be <2076> (5748) any wickedness <1536> in <1722> him <5129>.

accuse ^ 44_ACT_24_13 Neither <3777> can <1410> (5736) they prove <3936> (5658) <3165> the things <4012> whereof <3739> they <2723> <0> now <3568> {accuse} <2723> (5719) me <3450>.

accuse ^ 44_ACT_24_08 Commanding <2753> (5660) his <0846> accusers <2725> to come <2064> (5738) unto <1909> thee <4571>: by examining <0350> (5660) of <3844> whom <3739> thyself <0846> mayest <1410> (5695) take knowledge <1921> (5629) of <4012> all <3956> these things <5130>, whereof <3739> we <2249> {accuse} <2723> (5719) him <0846>.

accuse ^ 44_ACT_25_11 For <1063> if <1487> <3303> I be an offender <0091> (5719), or <2532> have committed <4238> (5758) any thing <5100> worthy <0514> of death <2288>, I refuse <3868> (5736) not <3756> to die <0599> (5629): but <1161> if <1487> there be <2076> (5748) none <3762> of these things <3739> whereof these <3778> {accuse} <2723> (5719) me <3450>, no man <3762> may <1410> (5736) deliver <5483> (5664) me <3165> unto them <0846>. I appeal unto <1941> (5731) Caesar <2541>.

accuse ^ 44_ACT_28_19 But <1161> when the Jews <2453> spake against <0483> (5723) it, I was constrained <0315> (5681) to appeal <1941> (5670) unto Caesar <2541>; not <3756> that <5613> I had <2192> (5723) ought <5100> to {accuse} <2723> <0> my <3450> nation <1484> of <2723> (5658).

accuse ^ 44_ACT_24_02 And <1161> when he <0846> was called forth <2564> (5685), Tertullus <5061> began <0756> (5662) to {accuse} <2723> (5721) him, saying <3004> (5723), Seeing that by <1223> thee <4675> we enjoy <5177> (5723) great <4183> quietness <1515>, and <2532> that very worthy deeds <2735> are done <1096> (5740) unto this <5129> nation <1484> by <1223> thy <4674> providence <4307>,

accuse ^ 43_JOH_05_45 Do <1380> <0> not <3361> think <1380> (5720) that <3754> I <1473> will {accuse} <2723> (5692) you <5216> to <4314> the Father <3962>: there is <2076> (5748) one that accuseth <2723> (5723) you <5216>, even Moses <3475>, in <1519> whom <3739> ye <5210> trust <1679> (5758).

accuse ^ 43_JOH_08_06 <1161> This <5124> they said <3004> (5707), tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>, that <2443> they might have <2192> (5725) to {accuse} <2723> (5721) him <0846>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> stooped <2955> (5660) down <2736>, and with his finger <1147> wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the ground <1093>, as though he heard <4364> (5740) them not <3361>.

accuse ^ 42_LUK_23_02 And <1161> they began <0756> (5662) to {accuse} <2723> (5721) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), We found <2147> (5627) this <5126> fellow perverting <1294> (5723) the nation <1484>, and <2532> forbidding <2967> (5723) to give <1325> (5721) tribute <5411> to Caesar <2541>, saying <3004> (5723) that he himself <1438> is <1511> (5750) Christ <5547> a King <0935>.

accuse ^ 42_LUK_23_14 Said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Ye have brought <4374> (5656) this <5129> man <0444> unto me <3427>, as <5613> one that perverteth <0654> (5723) the people <2992>: and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), I <1473>, having examined <0350> (5660) him before <1799> you <5216>, have found <2147> (5627) no <3762> fault <0158> in <1722> this <5126> man <0444> touching those things <3739> whereof <2596> ye {accuse} <2723> (5719) him <0846>:

accuse ^ 42_LUK_03_14 And <1161> the soldiers <4754> (5734) likewise <2532> demanded <1905> (5707) of him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), And <2532> what <5101> shall we <2249> do <4160> (5692)? And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Do violence <1286> (5661) to no man <3367>, neither <3366> {accuse} any falsely <4811> (5661); and <2532> be content <0714> (5744) with your <5216> wages <3800>.

accuse ^ 42_LUK_11_54 Laying wait for <1748> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> seeking <2212> (5723) to catch <2340> (5658) something <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> mouth <4750>, that <2443> they might {accuse} <2723> (5661) him <0846>.

accuse ^ 41_MAR_03_02 And <2532> they watched <3906> (5707) him <0846>, whether <1487> he would heal <2323> (5692) him <0846> on the sabbath day <4521>; that <2443> they might {accuse} <2723> (5661) him <0846>.

accuse ^ 40_MAT_12_10 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), there was <2258> (5713) a man <0444> which had <2192> (5723) his hand <5495> withered <3584>. And <2532> they asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Is it lawful <1487> <1832> (5748) to heal <2323> (5721) on the sabbath days <4521>? that <2443> they might {accuse} <2723> (5661) him <0846>.

accused ^ 41_MAR_15_03 And <2532> the chief priests <0749> {accused} <2723> (5707) him <0846> of many things <4183>: but <1161> he <0846> answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>.

accused ^ 44_ACT_22_30 <1161> On the morrow <1887>, because he would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> wherefore <5101> he was {accused} <2723> (5743) of <3844> the Jews <2453>, he loosed <3089> (5656) him <0846> from <0575> his bands <1199>, and <2532> commanded <2753> (5656) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> all <3650> their <0846> council <4892> to appear <2064> (5629), and <2532> brought <2609> <0> Paul <3972> down <2609> (5631), and set him <2476> (5656) before <1519> them <0846>.

accused ^ 44_ACT_23_28 And <1161> when <1014> <0> I would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the cause <0156> wherefore <1223> <3739> they {accused} <1458> (5707) him <0846>, I brought <2609> <0> him <0846> forth <2609> (5627) into <1519> their <0846> council <4892>:

accused ^ 44_ACT_23_29 Whom <3739> I perceived <2147> (5627) to be {accused} <1458> (5746) of <4012> questions <2213> of their <0846> law <3551>, but <1161> to have <2192> (5723) nothing <3367> laid to his charge <1462> worthy <0514> of death <2288> or <2228> of bonds <1199>.

accused ^ 44_ACT_25_16 To <4314> whom <3739> I answered <0611> (5662), <3754> It is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the manner <1485> of the Romans <4514> to deliver <5483> (5738) any <5100> man <0444> to <1519> die <0684>, before <4250> that <2228> he which is {accused} <2723> (5746) have <2192> (5722) the accusers <2725> face to face <2596> <4383>, <5037> and have <2983> (5630) licence <5117> to answer for himself <0627> concerning <4012> the crime laid against him <1462>.

accused ^ 44_ACT_26_02 I think <2233> (5766) myself <1683> happy <3107>, king <0935> Agrippa <0067>, because I shall <3195> (5723) answer for myself <0626> (5738) this day <4594> before <1909> thee <4675> touching <4012> all the things <3956> whereof <3739> I am {accused} <1458> (5743) of <5259> the Jews <2453>:

accused ^ 44_ACT_26_07 Unto <1519> which <3739> promise our <2257> twelve tribes <1429>, instantly <1722> <1616> serving <3> (5723) God day <2250> and <2532> night <3571>, hope <1679> (5719) to come <2658> (5658). For <4012> which <3739> hope's sake <1680>, king <0935> Agrippa <0067>, I am {accused} <1458> (5743) of <5259> the Jews <2453>.

accused ^ 42_LUK_16_01 And <1161> he said <3004> (5707) also <2532> unto <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, There was <2258> (5713) a certain <5100> rich <4145> man <0444>, which <3739> had <2192> (5707) a steward <3623>; and <2532> the same <3778> was {accused} <1225> (5681) unto him <0846> that <5613> he had wasted <1287> (5723) his <0846> goods <5224> (5723).

accused ^ 66_REV_12_10 And <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) a loud <3173> voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) in <1722> heaven <3772>, Now <0737> is come <1096> (5633) salvation <4991>, and <2532> strength <1411>, and <2532> the kingdom <0932> of our <2257> God <2316>, and <2532> the power <1849> of his <0846> Christ <5547>: for <3754> the accuser <2723> (5723) of our <2257> brethren <0080> is cast down <2598> (5681), which <3588> {accused} <2725> them <0846> before <1799> our <2257> God <2316> day <2250> and <2532> night <3571>.

accused ^ 56_TIT_01_06 If any <1536> be <2076> (5748) blameless <0410>, the husband <0435> of one <3391> wife <1135>, having <2192> (5723) faithful <4103> children <5043> not <3361> {accused} <1722> <2724> of riot <0810> or <2228> unruly <0506>.

accused ^ 42_LUK_23_10 And <1161> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122> stood <2476> (5715) and vehemently <2159> {accused} <2723> (5723) him <0846>.

accused ^ 40_MAT_27_12 And <2532> when <1722> he <0846> was {accused} <2723> (5745) of <5259> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>, he answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>.

accuser ^ 66_REV_12_10 And <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) a loud <3173> voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) in <1722> heaven <3772>, Now <0737> is come <1096> (5633) salvation <4991>, and <2532> strength <1411>, and <2532> the kingdom <0932> of our <2257> God <2316>, and <2532> the power <1849> of his <0846> Christ <5547>: for <3754> the {accuser} <2723> (5723) of our <2257> brethren <0080> is cast down <2598> (5681), which <3588> accused <2725> them <0846> before <1799> our <2257> God <2316> day <2250> and <2532> night <3571>.

accusers ^ 55_2TI_03_03 Without natural affection <0794>, trucebreakers <0786>, false {accusers} <1228>, incontinent <0193>, fierce <0434>, despisers of those that are good <0865>,

accusers ^ 43_JOH_08_10 When <1161> Jesus <2424> had lifted up himself <0352> (5660), and <2532> saw <2300> (5666) none <3367> but <4133> the woman <1135>, he said <2036> (5627) unto her <0846>, Woman <1135>, where <4226> are <1526> (5748) those <1565> thine <4675> {accusers} <2725>? hath <2632> <0> no man <3762> condemned <2632> (5656) thee <4571>?

accusers ^ 56_TIT_02_03 The aged women <4247> likewise <5615>, that they be in <1722> behaviour <2688> as becometh holiness <2412>, not <3361> false {accusers} <1228>, not <3361> given <1402> (5772) to much <4183> wine <3631>, teachers of good things <2567>;

accusers ^ 44_ACT_23_30 And <1161> when it was told <3377> (5685) me <3427> how that <5259> the Jews <2453> laid wait <1917> <3195> (5721) <1510> (5705) for <1519> the man <0435>, I sent <3992> (5656) straightway <1824> to <4314> thee <4571>, and gave commandment <3853> (5660) to his {accusers} <2725> also <2532> to say <3004> (5721) before <1909> thee <4675> what they had against <4314> him <0846>. Farewell <4517> (5770).

accusers ^ 44_ACT_23_35 I will hear <1251> (5695) thee <4675>, said he <5346> (5713), when <3752> thine <4675> {accusers} <2725> are <3854> <0> also <2532> come <3854> (5638). And <5037> he commanded <2753> (5656) him <0846> to be kept <5442> (5733) in <1722> Herod's <2264> judgment hall <4232>.

accusers ^ 44_ACT_25_18 Against <4012> whom <3739> when the {accusers} <2725> stood up <2476> (5685), they brought <2018> (5707) none <3762> accusation <0156> of such things as <3739> I <1473> supposed <5282> (5707):

accusers ^ 44_ACT_25_16 To <4314> whom <3739> I answered <0611> (5662), <3754> It is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the manner <1485> of the Romans <4514> to deliver <5483> (5738) any <5100> man <0444> to <1519> die <0684>, before <4250> that <2228> he which is accused <2723> (5746) have <2192> (5722) the {accusers} <2725> face to face <2596> <4383>, <5037> and have <2983> (5630) licence <5117> to answer for himself <0627> concerning <4012> the crime laid against him <1462>.

accusers ^ 44_ACT_24_08 Commanding <2753> (5660) his <0846> {accusers} <2725> to come <2064> (5738) unto <1909> thee <4571>: by examining <0350> (5660) of <3844> whom <3739> thyself <0846> mayest <1410> (5695) take knowledge <1921> (5629) of <4012> all <3956> these things <5130>, whereof <3739> we <2249> accuse <2723> (5719) him <0846>.

accuseth ^ 43_JOH_05_45 Do <1380> <0> not <3361> think <1380> (5720) that <3754> I <1473> will accuse <2723> (5692) you <5216> to <4314> the Father <3962>: there is <2076> (5748) one that {accuseth} <2723> (5723) you <5216>, even Moses <3475>, in <1519> whom <3739> ye <5210> trust <1679> (5758).

Because ^ 46_1CO_12_16 And <2532> if <1437> the ear <3775> shall say <2036> (5632), {Because} <3754> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> the eye <3788>, I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> the body <4983>; is <2076> (5748) it therefore <3756> <3844> <5124> not <3756> of <1537> the body <4983>?

Because ^ 46_1CO_12_15 If <1437> the foot <4228> shall say <2036> (5632), {Because} <3754> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> the hand <5495>, I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> the body <4983>; is <2076> (5748) it therefore <3756> <3844> <5124> not <3756> of <1537> the body <4983>?

Because ^ 62_1JO_03_12 Not <3756> as <2531> Cain <2535>, who was <2258> (5713) of <1537> that wicked one <4190>, and <2532> slew <4969> (5656) his <0846> brother <0080>. And <2532> wherefore <5484> <5101> slew <4969> (5656) he him <0846>? {Because} <3754> his own <0846> works <2041> were <2258> (5713) evil <4190>, and <1161> his <0846> brother's <0080> righteous <1342>.

Because ^ 44_ACT_02_27 {Because} <3754> thou wilt <1459> <0> not <3756> leave <1459> (5692) my <3450> soul <5590> in <1519> hell <0086>, neither <3761> wilt thou suffer <1325> (5692) thine <4675> Holy One <3741> to see <1492> (5629) corruption <1312>.

Because ^ 60_1PE_01_16 {Because} <1360> it is written <1125> (5769), Be ye <1096> (5634) holy <0040>; for <3754> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) holy <0040>.

Because ^ 64_3JO_01_07 {Because} that <1063> for <5228> <0> his <0846> name's <3686> sake <5228> they went forth <1831> (5627), taking <2983> (5723) nothing <3367> of <0575> the Gentiles <1484>.

Because ^ 42_LUK_19_31 And <2532> if <1437> any man <5100> ask <2065> (5725) you <5209>, Why <1302> do ye loose <3089> (5719) him? thus <3779> shall ye say <2046> (5692) unto him <0846>, {Because} <3754> the Lord <2962> hath <2192> (5719) need <5532> of him <0846>.

Because ^ 46_1CO_01_25 {Because} <3754> the foolishness <3474> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) wiser than <4680> men <0444>; and <2532> the weakness <0772> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) stronger than <2478> men <0444>.

Because ^ 43_JOH_12_11 {Because} <3754> that by reason <1223> of him <0846> many <4183> of the Jews <2453> went away <5217> (5707), and <2532> believed <4100> (5707) on <1519> Jesus <2424>.

Because ^ 45_ROM_08_21 {Because} <3754> the creature <2937> itself <0846> also <2532> shall be delivered <1659> (5701) from <0575> the bondage <1397> of corruption <5356> into <1519> the glorious <1391> liberty <1657> of the children <5043> of God <2316>.

Because ^ 44_ACT_24_11 {Because} that thou <4675> mayest <1410> (5740) understand <1097> (5629), that <3754> there are <1526> (5748) yet but <2228> <3756> twelve <1177> days <2250> <4119> since <0575> <3739> I <3427> went up <0305> (5627) to <1722> Jerusalem <2419> for to worship <4352> (5694).

Because ^ 43_JOH_16_17 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) some of <1537> his <0846> disciples <3101> among <4314> themselves <0240>, What <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <5124> that <3739> he saith <3004> (5719) unto us <2254>, A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> again <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>: and <2532>, {Because} <3754> I <1473> go <5217> (5719) to <4314> the Father <3962>?

Because ^ 45_ROM_09_32 Wherefore <1302>? {Because} <3754> they sought it not <3756> by <1537> faith <4102>, but <0235> as <5613> it were by <1537> the works <2041> of the law <3551>. For <1063> they stumbled <4350> (5656) at that stumblingstone <3037> <4348>;

Because ^ 44_ACT_17_31 {Because} <1360> he hath appointed <2476> (5656) a day <2250>, in <1722> the which <3739> he will <3195> (5719) judge <2919> (5721) the world <3625> in <1722> righteousness <1343> by <1722> that man <0435> whom <3739> he hath ordained <3724> (5656); whereof he hath given <3930> (5631) assurance <4102> unto all <3956> men, in that he hath raised <0450> (5660) him <0846> from <1537> the dead <3498>.

Because ^ 43_JOH_01_50 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, {Because} <3754> I said <2036> (5627) unto thee <4671>, I saw <1492> (5627) thee <4571> under <5270> the fig tree <4808>, believest thou <4100> (5719)? thou shalt see <3700> (5695) greater things <3187> than these <5130>.

Because ^ 43_JOH_20_13 And <2532> they <1565> say <3004> (5719) unto her <0846>, Woman <1135>, why <5101> weepest thou <2799> (5719)? She saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, {Because} <3754> they have taken away <0142> (5656) my <3450> Lord <2962>, and <2532> I know <1492> (5758) not <3756> where <4226> they have laid <5087> (5656) him <0846>.

Because ^ 45_ROM_08_07 {Because} <1360> the carnal <4561> mind <5427> is enmity <2189> against <1519> God <2316>: for <1063> it is <5293> <0> not <3756> subject <5293> (5743) to the law <3551> of God <2316>, neither <3761> indeed <1063> can be <1410> (5736).

Because ^ 45_ROM_04_15 {Because} <1063> the law <3551> worketh <2716> (5736) wrath <3709>: for <1063> where <3757> no <3756> law <3551> is <2076> (5748), there is no <3761> transgression <3847>.

Because ^ 41_MAR_03_30 {Because} <3754> they said <3004> (5707), He hath <2192> (5719) an unclean <0169> spirit <4151>.

Because ^ 40_MAT_13_11 He answered <0611> (5679) and <1161> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, {Because} <3754> it is given <1325> (5769) unto you <5213> to know <1097> (5629) the mysteries <3466> of the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>, but <1161> to them <1565> it is <1325> <0> not <3756> given <1325> (5769).

Because ^ 45_ROM_01_19 {Because} <1360> that which may be known <1110> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) manifest <5318> in <1722> them <0846>; for <1063> God <2316> hath shewed <5319> (5656) it unto them <0846>.

Because ^ 45_ROM_01_21 {Because} <1360> that, when they knew <1097> (5631) God <2316>, they glorified <1392> (5656) him not <3756> as <5613> God <2316>, neither <2228> were thankful <2168> (5656); but <0235> became vain <3154> (5681) in <1722> their <0846> imaginations <1261>, and <2532> their <0846> foolish <0801> heart <2588> was darkened <4654> (5681).

Because ^ 40_MAT_07_14 {Because} <3754> strait <4728> is the gate <4439>, and <2532> narrow <2346> (5772) is the way <3598>, which <3588> leadeth <0520> (5723) unto <1519> life <2222>, and <2532> few <3641> there be <1526> (5748) that find <2147> (5723) it <0846>.

Because ^ 40_MAT_17_20 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, {Because} <1223> of your <5216> unbelief <0570>: for <1063> verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, If <1437> ye have <2192> (5725) faith <4102> as <5613> a grain <2848> of mustard seed <4615>, ye shall say <2046> (5692) unto this <5129> mountain <3735>, Remove <3327> (5628) hence <1782> to yonder place <1563>; and <2532> it shall remove <3327> (5695); and <2532> nothing <3762> shall be impossible <0101> (5692) unto you <5213>.

Because ^ 50_PHP_02_30 {Because} <3754> for <1223> the work <2041> of Christ <5547> he was nigh <1448> (5656) unto <3360> death <2288>, not regarding <3851> (5666) his life <5590>, to <2443> supply <0378> (5661) your <5216> lack <5303> of service <3009> toward <4314> me <3165>.

Because ^ 41_MAR_05_04 {Because} <1223> that he <0846> had been often <4178> bound <1210> (5771) with fetters <3976> and <2532> chains <0254>, and <2532> the chains <0254> had been plucked asunder <1288> (5771) by <5259> him <0846>, and <2532> the fetters <3976> broken in pieces <4937> (5771): neither <2532> could <2480> (5707) any man tame <1150> (5658) him <0846> <3762>.

Because ^ 41_MAR_07_19 {Because} <3754> it entereth <1531> (5736) not <3756> into <1519> his <0846> heart <2588>, but <0235> into <1519> the belly <2836>, and <2532> goeth out <1607> (5736) into <1519> the draught <0856>, purging <2511> (5723) all <3956> meats <1033>?

Because ^ 66_REV_03_10 {Because} <3754> thou hast kept <5083> (5656) the word <3056> of my <3450> patience <5281>, I also <2504> will keep <5083> (5692) thee <4571> from <1537> the hour <5610> of temptation <3986>, which <3588> shall come <3195> (5723) <2064> (5738) upon <1909> all <3650> the world <3625>, to try <3985> (5658) them that dwell <2730> (5723) upon <1909> the earth <1093>.

Because ^ 66_REV_03_17 {Because} <3754> thou sayest <3004> (5719), <3754> I am <1510> (5748) rich <4145>, and <2532> increased with goods <4147> (5758), and <2532> have <2192> (5719) need <5532> of nothing <3762>; and <2532> knowest <1492> (5758) not <3756> that <3754> thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) wretched <5005>, and <2532> miserable <1652>, and <2532> poor <4434>, and <2532> blind <5185>, and <2532> naked <1131>:

Because ^ 40_MAT_20_07 They say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, {Because} <3754> no man <3762> hath hired <3409> (5668) us <2248>. He saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Go <5217> (5720) ye <5210> also <2532> into <1519> the vineyard <0290>; and <2532> whatsoever <3739> <1437> is <5600> (5753) right <1342>, that shall ye receive <2983> (5695).

because ^ 43_JOH_14_28 Ye have heard <0191> (5656) how <3754> I <1473> said <2036> (5627) unto you <5213>, I go away <5217> (5719), and <2532> come <2064> (5736) again unto <4314> you <5209>. If <1487> ye loved <0025> (5707) me <3165>, <0302> ye would rejoice <5463> (5644), {because} <3754> I said <2036> (5627), I go <4198> (5736) unto <4314> the Father <3962>: for <3754> my <3450> Father <3962> is <2076> (5748) greater than <3187> I <3450>.

because ^ 43_JOH_12_42 Nevertheless <3676> <3305> among <1537> the chief rulers <0758> also <2532> many <4183> believed <4100> (5656) on <1519> him <0846>; but <0235> {because} <1223> of the Pharisees <5330> they did <3670> <0> not <3756> confess <3670> (5707) him, lest <3363> they should be <1096> (5638) put out of the synagogue <0656>:

because ^ 43_JOH_09_22 These <5023> words spake <2036> (5627) his <0846> parents <1118>, {because} <3754> they feared <5399> (5711) the Jews <2453>: for <1063> the Jews <2453> had agreed <4934> (5717) already <2235>, that <2443> if <1437> any man <5100> did confess <3670> (5661) that he <0846> was Christ <5547>, he should be <1096> (5638) put out of the synagogue <0656>.

because ^ 48_GAL_04_16 Am I <1096> <0> therefore <5620> become <1096> (5754) your <5216> enemy <2190>, {because} I tell <0226> <0> you <5213> the truth <0226> (5723)?

because ^ 43_JOH_09_16 Therefore <3767> said <3004> (5707) some <5100> of <1537> the Pharisees <5330>, This <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> of <3844> God <2316>, {because} <3754> he keepeth <5083> (5719) not <3756> the sabbath day <4521>. Others <0243> said <3004> (5707), How <4459> can <1410> (5736) a man <0444> that is a sinner <0268> do <4160> (5721) such <5108> miracles <4592>? And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a division <4978> among <1722> them <0846>.

because ^ 43_JOH_10_17 Therefore <5124> <1223> doth <0025> <0> my Father <3962> love <0025> (5719) me <3165>, {because} <3754> I <1473> lay down <5087> (5719) my <3450> life <5590>, that <2443> I might take <2983> (5632) it <0846> again <3825>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_10 Of <4012> <1161> righteousness <1343>, {because} <3754> I go <5217> (5719) to <4314> my <3450> Father <3962>, and <2532> ye see <2334> (5719) me <3165> no more <3765>;

because ^ 43_JOH_16_09 Of <4012> sin <0266>, <3303> {because} <3754> they believe <4100> (5719) not <3756> on <1519> me <1691>;

because ^ 58_HEB_07_24 But <1161> this man, {because} <1223> he <0846> continueth <3306> (5721) ever <1519> <0165>, hath <2192> (5719) an unchangeable <0531> priesthood <2420>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_39 (But <1161> this <5124> spake he <2036> (5627) of <4012> the Spirit <4151>, which <3739> they that believe <4100> (5723) on <1519> him <0846> should <3195> (5707) receive <2983> (5721): for <1063> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> was <2258> (5713) not yet <3768> given; {because} <3754> that Jesus <2424> was <1392> <0> not yet <3764> glorified <1392> (5681).)

because ^ 43_JOH_10_13 <1161> The hireling <3411> fleeth <5343> (5719), {because} <3754> he is <2076> (5748) an hireling <3411>, and <2532> <0846> careth <3199> (5719) not <3756> for <4012> the sheep <4263>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_06 But <0235> {because} <3754> I have said <2980> (5758) these things <5023> unto you <5213>, sorrow <3077> hath filled <4137> (5758) your <5216> heart <2588>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_30 Then <3767> they sought <2212> (5707) to take <4084> (5658) him <0846>: but <2532> no man <3762> laid <1911> (5627) hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846>, {because} <3754> his <0846> hour <5610> was <2064> <0> not yet <3768> come <2064> (5715).

because ^ 45_ROM_03_02 Much <4183> every <2596> <3956> way <5158>: chiefly <4412>, {because} <3303> <1063> that <3754> unto them were committed <4100> (5681) the oracles <3051> of God <2316>.

because ^ 40_MAT_15_32 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> called <4341> (5666) his <0846> disciples <3101> unto him, and said <2036> (5627), I have compassion <4697> (5736) on <1909> the multitude <3793>, {because} <3754> they continue <4357> (5719) with me <3427> now <2235> three <5140> days <2250>, and <2532> have <2192> (5719) nothing <3756> <5101> to eat <5315> (5632): and <2532> I will <2309> (5719) not <3756> send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5658) fasting <3523>, lest <3379> they faint <1590> (5686) in <1722> the way <3598>.

because ^ 43_JOH_15_19 If <1487> ye were <2258> (5713) of <1537> the world <2889>, the world <2889> would <0302> love <5368> (5707) his own <2398>: but <1161> {because} <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> the world <2889>, but <0235> I <1473> have chosen <1586> (5668) you <5209> out of <1537> the world <2889>, therefore <5124> <1223> the world <2889> hateth <3404> (5719) you <5209>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_22 Moses <3475> therefore <1223> <5124> gave <1325> (5758) unto you <5213> circumcision <4061>; (not <3756> {because} <3754> it is <2076> (5748) of <1537> Moses <3475>, but <0235> of <1537> the fathers <3962>;) and <2532> ye <4059> <0> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521> circumcise <4059> (5719) a man <0444>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_43 So <3767> there was <1096> (5633) a division <4978> among <1722> the people <3793> {because} <1223> of him <0846>.

because ^ 40_MAT_21_46 But <2532> when they sought <2212> (5723) to lay hands <2902> (5658) on him <0846>, they feared <5399> (5675) the multitude <3793>, {because} <1894> they took <2192> (5707) him <0846> for <5613> a prophet <4396>.

because ^ 58_HEB_04_06 Seeing <1893> therefore <3767> it remaineth <0620> (5743) that some <5100> must enter <1525> (5629) therein <1519> <0846>, and <2532> they to whom it was first <4386> preached <2097> (5685) entered <1525> <0> not <3756> in <1525> (5627) {because} <1223> of unbelief <0543>:

because ^ 43_JOH_10_26 But <0235> ye <5210> believe <4100> (5719) not <3756>, {because} <1063> ye are <2075> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> my <1699> sheep <4263>, as <2531> I said <2036> (5627) unto you <5213>.

because ^ 40_MAT_13_58 And <2532> he did <4160> (5656) not <3756> many <4183> mighty works <1411> there <1563> {because} <1223> of their <0846> unbelief <0570>.

because ^ 40_MAT_19_08 He saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, <3754> Moses <3475> {because} of <4314> the hardness <4641> <0> of your <5216> hearts <4641> suffered <2010> (5656) you <5213> to put away <0630> (5658) your <5216> wives <1135>: but <1161> from <0575> the beginning <0746> it was <1096> (5754) not <3756> so <3779>.

because ^ 40_MAT_18_07 Woe <3759> unto the world <2889> {because} of <0575> offences <4625>! for <1063> it must needs <0318> be <2076> (5748) that offences <4625> come <2064> (5629); but <4133> woe <3759> to that man <0444> by <1565> whom <1223> <3739> the offence <4625> cometh <2064> (5736)!

because ^ 40_MAT_18_32 Then <5119> his <0846> lord <2962>, after that he had called <4341> (5666) him <0846>, said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, O thou wicked <4190> servant <1401>, I forgave <0863> (5656) thee <4671> all <3956> that <1565> debt <3782>, {because} <1893> thou desiredst <3870> (5656) me <3165>:

because ^ 40_MAT_20_15 <2228> Is it not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) for me <3427> to do <4160> (5658) what <3739> I will <2309> (5719) with <1722> mine own <1699>? <1487> Is <2076> (5748) thine <4675> eye <3788> evil <4190>, {because} <3754> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) good <0018>?

because ^ 58_HEB_03_19 So <2532> we see <0991> (5719) that <3754> they could <1410> (5675) not <3756> enter in <1525> (5629) {because} <1223> of unbelief <0570>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_11 Of <4012> <1161> judgment <2920>, {because} <3754> the prince <0758> of this <5127> world <2889> is judged <2919> (5769).

because ^ 43_JOH_16_16 A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> again <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>, {because} <3754> I <1473> go <5217> (5719) to <4314> the Father <3962>.

because ^ 46_1CO_11_10 For this <5124> cause <1223> ought <3784> (5719) the woman <1135> to have <2192> (5721) power <1849> on <1909> her head <2776> {because} <1223> of the angels <0032>.

because ^ 46_1CO_15_09 For <1063> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the least <1646> of the apostles <0652>, that <3739> am <1510> (5748) not <3756> meet <2425> to be called <2564> (5745) an apostle <0652>, {because} <1360> I persecuted <1377> (5656) the church <1577> of God <2316>.

because ^ 62_1JO_03_14 We know <1492> (5758) that <3754> we <2249> have passed <3327> (5758) from <1537> death <2288> unto <1519> life <2222>, {because} <3754> we love <0025> (5719) the brethren <0080>. He that loveth <0025> (5723) not <3361> his brother <0080> abideth <3306> (5719) in <1722> death <2288>.

because ^ 62_1JO_03_16 Hereby <1722> <5129> perceive we <1097> (5758) the love <0026> of God, {because} <3754> he <1565> laid down <5087> (5656) his <0846> life <5590> for <5228> us <2257>: and <2532> we <2249> ought <3784> (5719) to lay down <5087> (5721) our lives <5590> for <5228> the brethren <0080>.

because ^ 62_1JO_03_22 And <2532> whatsoever <3739> <1437> we ask <0154> (5725), we receive <2983> (5719) of <3844> him <0846>, {because} <3754> we keep <5083> (5719) his <0846> commandments <1785>, and <2532> do <4160> (5719) those things that are pleasing <0701> in his <0846> sight <1799>.

because ^ 54_1TI_01_13 Who <3588> was <5607> (5752) before <4386> a blasphemer <0989>, and <2532> a persecutor <1376>, and <2532> injurious <5197>: but <0235> I obtained mercy <1653> (5681), {because} <3754> I did <4160> (5656) it ignorantly <0050> (5723) in <1722> unbelief <0570>.

because ^ 58_HEB_07_23 And <2532> they <1526> <0> truly <3303> were <1526> (5748) <1096> (5756) many <4119> priests <2409>, {because} they were not suffered <2967> (5745) to continue <3887> (5721) by reason of <1223> death <2288>:

because ^ 58_HEB_08_09 Not <3756> according to <2596> the covenant <1242> that <3739> I made with <4160> (5656) their <0846> fathers <3962> in <1722> the day <2250> when I took <1949> (5637) them <0846> by the hand <3450> <5495> to lead <1806> (5629) them <0846> out of <1537> the land <1093> of Egypt <0125>; {because} <3754> they <0846> continued <1696> (5656) not <3756> in <1722> my <3450> covenant <1242>, and I <2504> regarded <0272> <0> them <0846> not <0272> (5656), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>.

because ^ 58_HEB_10_02 For then <1893> would they <0302> not <3756> have ceased <3973> (5668) to be offered <4374> (5746)? {because} <1223> that the worshippers <3> (5723) once <0530> purged <2508> (5772) should have had <2192> (5721) no <3367> more <2089> conscience <4893> of sins <0266>.

because ^ 43_JOH_06_26 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) them <0846> and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Ye seek <2212> (5719) me <3165>, not <3756> {because} <3754> ye saw <1492> (5627) the miracles <4592>, but <0235> because <3754> ye did eat <5315> (5627) of <1537> the loaves <0740>, and <2532> were filled <5526> (5681).

because ^ 43_JOH_07_01 <2532> After <3326> these things <5023> Jesus <2424> walked <4043> (5707) in <1722> Galilee <1056>: for <1063> he would <2309> (5707) not <3756> walk <4043> (5721) in <1722> Jewry <2449>, {because} <3754> the Jews <2453> sought <2212> (5707) to kill <0615> (5658) him <0846>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_07 The world <2889> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) hate <3404> (5721) you <5209>; but <1161> me <1691> it hateth <3404> (5719), {because} <3754> I <1473> testify <3140> (5719) of <4012> it <0846>, that <3754> the works <2041> thereof <0846> are <2076> (5748) evil <4190>.

because ^ 43_JOH_07_23 If <1487> a man <0444> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521> receive <2983> (5719) circumcision <4061>, that <3363> <0> the law <3551> of Moses <3475> should <3089> <0> not <3363> be broken <3089> (5686); are ye angry <5520> (5719) at me <1698>, {because} <3754> I have made <4160> (5656) a man <0444> every whit <3650> whole <5199> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>?

because ^ 43_JOH_08_45 And <1161> {because} <3754> I <1473> tell <3004> (5719) you the truth <0225>, ye believe <4100> (5719) me <3427> not <3756>.

because ^ 43_JOH_08_47 He that is <5607> (5752) of <1537> God <2316> heareth <0191> (5719) God's <2316> words <4487>: ye <5210> therefore <5124> <1223> hear <0191> (5719) them not <3756>, {because} <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_10_33 The Jews <2453> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), For <4012> a good <2570> work <2041> we stone <3034> (5719) thee <4571> not <3756>; but <0235> for <4012> blasphemy <0988>; and <2532> {because} <3754> that thou <4771>, being <5607> (5752) a man <0444>, makest <4160> (5719) thyself <4572> God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_10_36 Say <3004> (5719) ye <5210> of him, whom <3739> the Father <3962> hath sanctified <0037> (5656), and <2532> sent <0649> (5656) into <1519> the world <2889>, <3754> Thou blasphemest <0987> (5719); {because} <3754> I said <2036> (5627), I am <1510> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>?

because ^ 43_JOH_11_09 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662), Are there <1526> (5748) not <3780> twelve <1427> hours <5610> in the day <2250>? If <1437> any man <5100> walk <4043> (5725) in <1722> the day <2250>, he stumbleth <4350> (5719) not <3756>, {because} <3754> he seeth <0991> (5719) the light <5457> of this <5127> world <2889>.

because ^ 43_JOH_11_10 But <1161> if <1437> a man <5100> walk <4043> (5725) in <1722> the night <3571>, he stumbleth <4350> (5719), {because} <3754> there is <2076> (5748) no <3756> light <5457> in <1722> him <0846>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_03 And <2532> these things <5023> will they do <4160> (5692) unto you <5213>, {because} <3754> they have <1097> <0> not <3756> known <1097> (5627) the Father <3962>, nor <3761> me <1691>.

because ^ 41_MAR_04_29 But <1161> when <3752> the fruit <2590> is brought forth <3860> (5632), immediately <2112> he putteth in <0649> (5719) the sickle <1407>, {because} <3754> the harvest <2326> is come <3936> (5758).

because ^ 40_MAT_14_05 And <2532> when he would <2309> (5723) have put <0615> <0> him <0846> to death <0615> (5658), he feared <5399> (5675) the multitude <3793>, {because} <3754> they counted <2192> (5707) him <0846> as <5613> a prophet <4396>.

because ^ 40_MAT_16_07 And <1161> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <1722> themselves <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), It is {because} <3754> we have taken <2983> (5627) no <3756> bread <0740>.

because ^ 40_MAT_16_08 Which when <1161> Jesus <2424> perceived <1097> (5631), he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, O ye of little faith <3640>, why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736) among <1722> yourselves <1438>, {because} <3754> ye have brought <2983> (5627) no <3756> bread <0740>?

because ^ 40_MAT_20_31 And <1161> the multitude <3793> rebuked <2008> (5656) them <0846>, {because} <2443> they should hold their peace <4623> (5661): but <1161> they cried <2896> (5707) the more <3185>, saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on us <2248>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>.

because ^ 40_MAT_23_29 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! {because} <3754> ye build <3618> (5719) the tombs <5028> of the prophets <4396>, and <2532> garnish <2885> (5719) the sepulchres <3419> of the righteous <1342>,

because ^ 66_REV_16_11 And <2532> blasphemed <0987> (5656) the God <2316> of heaven <3772> {because} of <1537> their <0846> pains <4192> and <2532> <1537> their <0846> sores <1668>, and <2532> repented <3340> (5656) not <3756> of <1537> their <0846> deeds <2041>.

because ^ 66_REV_16_21 And <2532> there fell <2597> (5719) upon <1909> men <0444> a great <3173> hail <5464> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, every stone about <5613> the weight of a talent <5006>: and <2532> men <0444> blasphemed <0987> (5656) God <2316> {because} of <1537> the plague <4127> of the hail <5464>; for <3754> the plague <4127> thereof <0846> was <2076> (5748) exceeding <4970> great <3173>.

because ^ 48_GAL_04_06 And <1161> {because} <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) sons <5207>, God <2316> hath sent forth <1821> (5656) the Spirit <4151> of his <0846> Son <5207> into <1519> your <5216> hearts <2588>, crying <2896> (5723), Abba <5>, Father <3962>.

because ^ 48_GAL_03_19 Wherefore <5101> then <3767> serveth the law <3551>? It was added <4369> (5681) {because} of <5484> transgressions <3847>, till <0891> <3739> the seed <4690> should come <2064> (5632) to whom <3739> the promise was made <1861> (5766); and it was ordained <1299> (5651) by <1223> angels <0032> in <1722> the hand <5495> of a mediator <3316>.

because ^ 48_GAL_02_11 But <1161> when <3753> Peter <4074> was come <2064> (5627) to <1519> Antioch <0490>, I withstood <0436> (5627) him <0846> to <2596> the face <4383>, {because} <3754> he was <2258> (5713) to be blamed <2607> (5772).

because ^ 43_JOH_13_29 For <1063> some <5100> of them thought <1380> (5707), {because} <1893> Judas <2455> had <2192> (5707) the bag <1101>, that <3754> Jesus <2424> had said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Buy <0059> (5657) those things that <3739> we have <2192> (5719) need of <5532> against <1519> the feast <1859>; or <2228>, that <2443> he should give <1325> (5632) something <5100> to the poor <4434>.

because ^ 54_1TI_04_10 For <1063> therefore <1519> <5124> we <2872> <0> both <2532> labour <2872> (5719) and <2532> suffer reproach <3679> (5743), {because} <3754> we trust <1679> (5758) in <1909> the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>, who <3739> is <2076> (5748) the Saviour <4990> of all <3956> men <0444>, specially <3122> of those that believe <4103>.

because ^ 47_2CO_05_14 For <1063> the love <0026> of Christ <5547> constraineth <4912> (5719) us <2248>; {because} we thus <5124> judge <2919> (5660), that <3754> if <1487> one <1520> died <0599> (5627) for <5228> all <3956>, then <0686> were <0599> <0> all <3956> dead <0599> (5627):

because ^ 44_ACT_26_02 I think <2233> (5766) myself <1683> happy <3107>, king <0935> Agrippa <0067>, {because} I shall <3195> (5723) answer for myself <0626> (5738) this day <4594> before <1909> thee <4675> touching <4012> all the things <3956> whereof <3739> I am accused <1458> (5743) of <5259> the Jews <2453>:

because ^ 44_ACT_28_18 Who <3748>, when they had examined <0350> (5660) me <3165>, would <1014> (5711) have let me go <0630> (5658), {because} <1223> there was <5225> (5721) no <3367> cause <0156> of death <2288> in <1722> me <1698>.

because ^ 43_JOH_14_19 Yet <2089> a little while <3397>, and <2532> the world <2889> seeth <2334> (5719) me <3165> no more <3765>; but <1161> ye <5210> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: {because} <3754> I <1473> live <2198> (5719), ye <5210> shall live <2198> (5695) also <2532>.

because ^ 43_JOH_15_27 And <1161> ye <5210> also <2532> shall bear witness <3140> (5719), {because} <3754> ye have been <2075> (5748) with <3326> me <1700> from <0575> the beginning <0746>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_04 But <0235> these things <5023> have I told <2980> (5758) you <5213>, that <2443> when <3752> the time <5610> shall come <2064> (5632), ye may remember <3421> (5725) that <3754> I <1473> told <2036> (5627) you <5213> of them <0846>. And <1161> these things <5023> I said <2036> (5627) not <3756> unto you <5213> at <1537> the beginning <0746>, {because} <3754> I was <2252> (5713) with <3326> you <5216>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_19 We <2249> love <0025> (5719) (5725) him <0846>, {because} <3754> he <0846> first <4413> loved <0025> (5656) us <2248>.

because ^ 40_MAT_02_18 In <1722> Rama <4471> was there <0191> <0> a voice <5456> heard <0191> (5681), lamentation <2355>, and <2532> weeping <2805>, and <2532> great <4183> mourning <3602>, Rachel <4478> weeping <2799> (5723) for her <0846> children <5043>, and <2532> would <2309> (5707) not <3756> be comforted <3870> (5683), {because} <3754> they are <1526> (5748) not <3756>.

because ^ 40_MAT_13_05 Some <1161> <0243> fell <4098> (5627) upon <1909> stony places <4075>, where <3699> they had <2192> (5707) not <3756> much <4183> earth <1093>: and <2532> forthwith <2112> they sprung up <1816> (5656), {because} <1223> they had <2192> (5721) no <3361> deepness <0899> of earth <1093>:

because ^ 40_MAT_13_21 Yet <1161> hath he <2192> (5719) not <3756> root <4491> in <1722> himself <1438>, but <0235> dureth <2076> (5748) for a while <4340>: for <1161> when tribulation <2347> or <2228> persecution <1375> ariseth <1096> (5637) {because} <1223> of the word <3056>, by and by <2117> he is offended <4624> (5743).

because ^ 46_1CO_15_15 Yea <1161>, and <2532> we are found <2147> (5743) false witnesses <5575> of God <2316>; {because} <3754> we have testified <3140> (5656) of <2596> God <2316> that <3754> he raised up <1453> (5656) Christ <5547>: whom <3739> he raised <1453> <0> not <3756> up <1453> (5656), if <1512> so be <0686> that the dead <3498> rise <1453> (5743) not <3756>.

because ^ 42_LUK_05_19 And <2532> when they could <2147> <0> not <3361> find <2147> (5631) by <1223> what <4169> way they might bring <1533> <0> him <0846> in <1533> (5632) {because} <1223> of the multitude <3793>, they went <0305> (5631) upon <1909> the housetop <1430>, and let <2524> <0> him <0846> down <2524> (5656) through <1223> the tiling <2766> with <4862> his couch <2826> into <1519> the midst <3319> before <1715> Jesus <2424>.

because ^ 49_EPH_04_18 Having the understanding <1271> darkened <4654> (5772), being <5607> (5752) alienated <0526> (5772) from the life <2222> of God <2316> through <1223> the ignorance <0052> that is <5607> (5752) in <1722> them <0846>, {because} <1223> of the blindness <4457> of their <0846> heart <2588>:

because ^ 62_1JO_02_11 But <1161> he that hateth <3404> (5723) his <0846> brother <0080> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> darkness <4653>, and <2532> walketh <4043> (5719) in <1722> darkness <4653>, and <2532> knoweth <1492> (5758) not <3756> whither <4226> he goeth <5217> (5719), {because} <3754> that darkness <4653> hath blinded <5186> (5656) his <0846> eyes <3788>.

because ^ 62_1JO_03_09 Whosoever <3956> is born <1080> (5772) of <1537> God <2316> doth <4160> (5719) not <3756> commit sin <0266>; for <3754> his <0846> seed <4690> remaineth <3306> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>: and <2532> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) sin <0264> (5721), {because} <3754> he is born <1080> (5769) of <1537> God <2316>.

because ^ 62_1JO_02_21 I have <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213> because <3754> ye know <1492> (5758) not <3756> the truth <0225>, but <0235> {because} <3754> ye know <1492> (5758) it <0846>, and <2532> that <3754> no <3956> <3756> lie <5579> is <2076> (5748) of <1537> the truth <0225>.

because ^ 62_1JO_02_21 I have <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213> {because} <3754> ye know <1492> (5758) not <3756> the truth <0225>, but <0235> because <3754> ye know <1492> (5758) it <0846>, and <2532> that <3754> no <3956> <3756> lie <5579> is <2076> (5748) of <1537> the truth <0225>.

because ^ 60_1PE_02_21 For <1063> even <1519> hereunto <5124> were ye called <2564> (5681): {because} <3754> Christ <5547> also <2532> suffered <3958> (5627) for <5228> us <2257>, leaving <5277> (5723) us <2254> an example <5261>, that <2443> ye should follow <1872> (5661) his <0846> steps <2487>:

because ^ 60_1PE_05_08 Be sober <3525> (5657), be vigilant <1127> (5657); {because} <3754> your <5216> adversary <0476> the devil <1228>, as <5613> a roaring <5612> (5740) lion <3023>, walketh about <4043> (5719), seeking <2212> (5723) whom <5101> he may devour <2666> (5632):

because ^ 52_1TH_02_08 So <3779> being affectionately desirous <2442> (5734) of you <5216>, we were willing <2106> (5707) to have imparted <3330> (5629) unto you <5213>, not <3756> the gospel <2098> of God <2316> only <3440>, but <0235> also <2532> our own <1438> souls <5590>, {because} <1360> ye were <1096> (5769) dear <0027> unto us <2254>.

because ^ 52_1TH_02_09 For <1063> ye remember <3421> (5719), brethren <0080>, our <2257> labour <2873> and <2532> travail <3449>: for <1063> labouring <2038> (5740) night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>, {because} <4314> we would <1912> <0> not <3361> be chargeable <1912> (5658) unto any <5100> of you <5216>, we preached <2784> (5656) unto <1519> you <5209> the gospel <2098> of God <2316>.

because ^ 47_2CO_11_11 Wherefore <1302>? {because} <3754> I love <0025> (5719) you <5209> not <3756>? God <2316> knoweth <1492> (5758).

because ^ 44_ACT_02_24 Whom <3739> God <2316> hath raised up <0450> (5656), having loosed <3089> (5660) the pains <5604> of death <2288>: {because} <2530> it was <2258> (5713) not <3756> possible <1415> that he <0846> should be holden <2902> (5745) of <5259> it <0846>.

because ^ 44_ACT_22_29 Then <3767> straightway <2112> they departed <0868> (5627) from <0575> him <0846> which <3588> should <3195> (5723) have examined <0426> (5721) him <0846>: and <1161> the chief captain <5506> also <2532> was afraid <5399> (5675), after he knew <1921> (5631) that <3754> he was <2076> (5748) a Roman <4514>, and <2532> {because} <3754> he had <2258> (5713) bound <1210> (5761) him <0846>.

because ^ 44_ACT_22_30 <1161> On the morrow <1887>, {because} he would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> wherefore <5101> he was accused <2723> (5743) of <3844> the Jews <2453>, he loosed <3089> (5656) him <0846> from <0575> his bands <1199>, and <2532> commanded <2753> (5656) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> all <3650> their <0846> council <4892> to appear <2064> (5629), and <2532> brought <2609> <0> Paul <3972> down <2609> (5631), and set him <2476> (5656) before <1519> them <0846>.

because ^ 44_ACT_28_20 For <1223> this <5026> cause <0156> therefore <3767> have I called <3870> (5656) for you <5209>, to see <1492> (5629) you, and <2532> to speak with <4354> (5658) you: {because} that <1752> for <1063> the hope <1680> of Israel <2474> I am bound with <4029> (5736) this <5026> chain <0254>.

because ^ 48_GAL_02_04 And <1161> that {because} of <1223> false brethren <5569> unawares brought in <3920>, who <3748> came in privily <3922> (5627) to spy out <2684> (5658) our <2257> liberty <1657> which <3739> we have <2192> (5719) in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>, that <2443> they might bring <2615> <0> us <2248> into bondage <2615> (5672):

because ^ 49_EPH_05_16 Redeeming <1805> (5734) the time <2540>, {because} <3754> the days <2250> are <1526> (5748) evil <4190>.

because ^ 43_JOH_08_44 Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) of <1537> your father <3962> the devil <1228>, and <2532> the lusts <1939> of your <5216> father <3962> ye will <2309> (5719) do <4160> (5721). He <1565> was <2258> (5713) a murderer <0443> from <0575> the beginning <0746>, and <2532> abode <2476> (5707) (5758) not <3756> in <1722> the truth <0225>, {because} <3754> there is <2076> (5748) no <3756> truth <0225> in <1722> him <0846>. When <3752> he speaketh <2980> (5725) a lie <5579>, he speaketh <2980> (5719) of <1537> his own <2398>: for <3754> he is <2076> (5748) a liar <5583>, and <2532> the father <3962> of it <0846>.

because ^ 41_MAR_04_06 But <1161> when <0393> <0> the sun <2246> was up <0393> (5660), it was scorched <2739> (5681); and <2532> {because} <1223> it had <2192> (5721) no <3361> root <4491>, it withered away <3583> (5681).

because ^ 41_MAR_16_14 Afterward <5305> he appeared <5319> (5681) unto the eleven <1733> as they <0846> sat at meat <0345> (5740), and <2532> upbraided <3679> (5656) them with their <0846> unbelief <0570> and <2532> hardness of heart <4641>, {because} <3754> they believed <4100> (5656) not <3756> them which had seen <2300> (5666) him <0846> after he was risen <1453> (5772).

because ^ 41_MAR_15_42 And <2532> now <2235> when the even <3798> was come <1096> (5637), {because} <1893> it was <2258> (5713) the preparation <3904>, that <3603> is <2076> (5748), the day before the sabbath <4315>,

because ^ 40_MAT_13_06 And <1161> when the sun <2246> was up <0393> (5660), they were scorched <2739> (5681); and <2532> {because} <1223> they had <2192> (5721) no <3361> root <4491>, they withered away <3583> (5681).

because ^ 40_MAT_09_36 But <1161> when he saw <1492> (5631) the multitudes <3793>, he was moved with compassion <4697> (5675) on <4012> them <0846>, {because} <3754> they fainted <2258> (5713) <1590> (5772), and <2532> were scattered abroad <4496> (5772), as <5616> sheep <4263> having <2192> (5723) no <3361> shepherd <4166>.

because ^ 40_MAT_26_33 Peter <4074> answered <0611> (5679) and <1161> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Though <1499> all <3956> men shall be offended <4624> (5701) {because} <1722> of thee <4671>, yet will I <1473> never <3763> be offended <4624> (5701).

because ^ 40_MAT_27_06 And <1161> the chief priests <0749> took <2983> (5631) the silver pieces <0694>, and said <2036> (5627), It is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) for to put <0906> (5629) them <0846> into <1519> the treasury <2878>, {because} <1893> it is <2076> (5748) the price <5092> of blood <0129>.

because ^ 66_REV_14_08 And <2532> there followed <0190> (5656) another <0243> angel <0032>, saying <3004> (5723), Babylon <0897> is fallen <4098> (5627), is fallen <4098> (5627), that great <3173> city <4172>, {because} <3754> she made <4222> <0> all <3956> nations <1484> drink <4222> (5758) of <1537> the wine <3631> of the wrath <2372> of her <0846> fornication <4202>.

because ^ 66_REV_16_05 And <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) the angel <0032> of the waters <5204> say <3004> (5723), Thou art <1488> (5748) righteous <1342>, O Lord <2962>, which <3588> art <5607> (5752) (5625) <3801> <0>, and <2532> wast <2258> (5713) (5625) <3801> <0>, and <2532> shalt be <3741> (5706) (5625) <3801>, {because} <3754> thou hast judged <2919> (5656) thus <5023>.

because ^ 42_LUK_04_18 The Spirit <4151> of the Lord <2962> is upon <1909> me <1691>, {because} <1752> he hath anointed <5548> (5656) me <3165> to preach the gospel <2097> (5733) to the poor <4434>; he hath sent <0649> (5758) me <3165> to heal <2390> (5664) the brokenhearted <4937> (5772) <2588>, to preach <2784> (5658) deliverance <0859> to the captives <0164>, and <2532> recovering of sight <0309> to the blind <5185>, to set <0649> (5658) at <1722> liberty <0859> them that are bruised <2352> (5772),

because ^ 62_1JO_02_14 I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, fathers <3962>, {because} <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) him that is from <0575> the beginning <0746>. I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, young men <3495>, because <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) strong <2478>, and <2532> the word <3056> of God <2316> abideth <3306> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>, and <2532> ye have overcome <3528> (5758) the wicked one <4190>.

because ^ 46_1CO_02_14 But <1161> the natural <5591> man <0444> receiveth <1209> (5736) not <3756> the things <3588> of the Spirit <4151> of God <2316>: for <1063> they are <2076> (5748) foolishness <3472> unto him <0846>: neither <2532> <3756> can <1410> (5736) he know <1097> (5629) them, {because} <3754> they are spiritually <4153> discerned <0350> (5743).

because ^ 46_1CO_03_13 Every man's <1538> work <2041> shall be made <1096> (5695) manifest <5318>: for <1063> the day <2250> shall declare <1213> (5692) it, {because} <3754> it shall be revealed <0601> (5743) by <1722> fire <4442>; and <2532> the fire <4442> shall try <1381> (5692) every man's <1538> work <2041> of what sort <3697> it is <2076> (5748).

because ^ 46_1CO_06_07 Now <2235> therefore <3303> <3767> there is <2076> (5748) utterly <3654> a fault <2275> among <1722> you <5213>, {because} <3754> ye go <2192> (5719) to law <2917> one with <3326> another <1438>. Why <1302> do ye <0091> <0> not <3780> rather <3123> take wrong <0091> (5743)? why <1302> do ye <0650> <0> not <3780> rather <3123> suffer yourselves to be defrauded <0650> (5743)?

because ^ 62_1JO_02_14 I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, fathers <3962>, because <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) him that is from <0575> the beginning <0746>. I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, young men <3495>, {because} <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) strong <2478>, and <2532> the word <3056> of God <2316> abideth <3306> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>, and <2532> ye have overcome <3528> (5758) the wicked one <4190>.

because ^ 52_1TH_02_13 For this <5124> cause <1223> also <2532> thank <2168> (5719) we <2249> God <2316> without ceasing <0089>, {because} <3754>, when ye received <3880> (5631) the word <3056> of God <2316> which ye heard <0189> of <3844> us <2257>, ye received <1209> (5662) it not <3756> as the word <3056> of men <0444>, but <0235> as <2531> it is <2076> (5748) in truth <0230>, the word <3056> of God <2316>, which <3739> effectually worketh <1754> (5731) also <2532> in <1722> you <5213> that believe <4100> (5723).

because ^ 54_1TI_06_02 And <1161> they that have <2192> (5723) believing <4103> masters <1203>, let them <2706> <0> not <3361> despise <2706> (5720) them, {because} <3754> they are <1526> (5748) brethren <0080>; but <0235> rather <3123> do them service <1398> (5720), because <3754> they are <1526> (5748) faithful <4103> and <2532> beloved <0027>, partakers <0482> (5740) of the benefit <2108>. These things <5023> teach <1321> (5720) and <2532> exhort <3870> (5720).

because ^ 47_2CO_02_13 I had <2192> (5758) no <3756> rest <0425> in my <3450> spirit <4151>, {because} I <3165> found <2147> (5629) not <3361> Titus <5103> my <3450> brother <0080>: but <0235> taking my leave <0657> (5671) of them <0846>, I went from thence <1831> (5627) into <1519> Macedonia <3109>.

because ^ 54_1TI_05_12 Having <2192> (5723) damnation <2917>, {because} <3754> they have cast off <0114> (5656) their first <4413> faith <4102>.

because ^ 53_2TH_01_03 We are bound <3784> (5719) to thank <2168> (5721) God <2316> always <3842> for <4012> you <5216>, brethren <0080>, as <2531> it is <2076> (5748) meet <0514>, {because} <3754> that your <5216> faith <4102> groweth exceedingly <5232> (5719), and <2532> the charity <0026> of every <1538> one <1520> of you <5216> all <3956> toward <1519> each other <0240> aboundeth <4121> (5719);

because ^ 44_ACT_25_20 And <1161> {because} I <1473> doubted <0639> (5734) of <1519> such <5127> manner <4012> of questions <2214>, I asked <3004> (5707) him whether <1487> he would <1014> (5739) go <4198> (5738) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, and there <2546> be judged <2919> (5745) of <4012> these matters <5130>.

because ^ 44_ACT_26_03 Especially <3122> {because} I know <1492> (5761) thee <4571> to be <5607> (5752) expert <1109> <5037> in all <3956> customs <1485> and <2532> questions <2213> which are among <2596> the Jews <2453>: wherefore <1352> I beseech <1189> (5736) thee <4675> to hear <0191> (5658) me <3450> patiently <3116>.

because ^ 44_ACT_27_09 Now <1161> when much <2425> time <5550> was spent <1230> (5637), and <2532> when sailing <4144> was <5607> (5752) now <2235> dangerous <2>, {because} <1223> the fast <3521> was <3928> <0> now <2532> already <2235> past <3928> (5755), Paul <3972> admonished <3867> (5707) them,

because ^ 49_EPH_05_06 Let <0538> <0> no man <3367> deceive <0538> (5720) you <5209> with vain <2756> words <3056>: for <1063> {because} <1223> of these things <5023> cometh <2064> (5736) the wrath <3709> of God <2316> upon <1909> the children <5207> of disobedience <0543>.

because ^ 44_ACT_28_02 And <1161> the barbarous people <0915> shewed <3930> (5707) us <2254> no <3756> little <5177> (5631) kindness <5363>: for <1063> they kindled <0381> (5660) a fire <4443>, and received <4355> (5639) us <2248> every one <3956>, {because} <1223> of the present <2186> (5761) rain <5205>, and <2532> because <1223> of the cold <5592>.

because ^ 43_JOH_15_21 But <0235> all <3956> these things <5023> will they do <4160> (5692) unto you <5213> for <1223> my <3450> <0> name's <3686> sake <3450>, {because} <3754> they know <1492> (5758) not <3756> him that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>.

because ^ 41_MAR_14_27 And <2532> Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, <3754> All ye <3956> shall be offended <4624> (5701) {because} of <1722> me <1722> <1698> this <5026> night <3571>: for <3754> it is written <1125> (5769), I will smite <3960> (5692) the shepherd <4166>, and <2532> the sheep <4263> shall be scattered <1287> (5701).

because ^ 40_MAT_05_36 Neither <3383> shalt thou swear <3660> (5661) by <1722> thy <4675> head <2776>, {because} <3754> thou canst <1410> (5736) not <3756> make <4160> (5658) one <3391> hair <2359> white <3022> or <2228> black <3189>.

because ^ 40_MAT_11_20 Then <5119> began he <0756> (5662) to upbraid <3679> (5721) the cities <4172> wherein <1722> <3739> most <4118> of his <0846> mighty works <1411> were done <1096> (5633), {because} <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) not <3756>:

because ^ 40_MAT_24_12 And <2532> {because} <1223> iniquity <0458> shall abound <4129> (5683), the love <0026> of many <4183> shall wax cold <5594> (5691).

because ^ 62_1JO_02_08 Again <3825>, a new <2537> commandment <1785> I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, which thing <3739> is <2076> (5748) true <0227> in <1722> him <0846> and <2532> in <1722> you <5213>: {because} <3754> the darkness <4653> is past <3855> (5731), and <2532> the true <0228> light <5457> now <2235> shineth <5316> (5719).

because ^ 62_1JO_02_13 I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, fathers <3962>, because <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) him that is from <0575> the beginning <0746>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, young men <3495>, because <3754> ye have overcome <3528> (5758) the wicked one <4190>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, little children <3813>, {because} <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) the Father <3962>.

because ^ 62_1JO_02_13 I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, fathers <3962>, because <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) him that is from <0575> the beginning <0746>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, young men <3495>, {because} <3754> ye have overcome <3528> (5758) the wicked one <4190>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, little children <3813>, because <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) the Father <3962>.

because ^ 62_1JO_02_13 I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, fathers <3962>, {because} <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) him that is from <0575> the beginning <0746>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, young men <3495>, because <3754> ye have overcome <3528> (5758) the wicked one <4190>. I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, little children <3813>, because <3754> ye have known <1097> (5758) the Father <3962>.

because ^ 62_1JO_03_01 Behold <1492> (5628), what manner <4217> of love <0026> the Father <3962> hath bestowed <1325> (5758) upon us <2254>, that <2443> we should be called <2564> (5686) the sons <5043> of God <2316>: therefore <1223> <5124> the world <2889> knoweth <1097> (5719) us <2248> not <3756>, {because} <3754> it knew <1097> (5627) him <0846> not <3756>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_01 Beloved <0027>, believe <4100> (5720) not <3361> every <3956> spirit <4151>, but <0235> try <1381> (5720) the spirits <4151> whether <1487> they are <2076> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>: {because} <3754> many <4183> false prophets <5578> are gone out <1831> (5758) into <1519> the world <2889>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_04 Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>, little children <5040>, and <2532> have overcome <3528> (5758) them <0846>: {because} <3754> greater <3187> is he that is <2076> (5748) in <1722> you <5213>, than <2228> he that is in <1722> the world <2889>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_09 In <1722> this <5129> was manifested <5319> (5681) the love <0026> of God <2316> toward <1722> us <2254>, {because} <3754> that God <2316> sent <0649> (5758) his <0846> only begotten <3439> Son <5207> into <1519> the world <2889>, that <2443> we might live <2198> (5661) through <1223> him <0846>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_13 Hereby <1722> <5129> know we <1097> (5719) that <3754> we dwell <3306> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>, and <2532> he <0846> in <1722> us <2254>, {because} <3754> he hath given <1325> (5758) us <2254> of <1537> his <0846> Spirit <4151>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_17 Herein <1722> <5129> is our <3326> <2257> love <0026> made perfect <5048> (5769), that <2443> we may have <2192> (5725) boldness <3954> in <1722> the day <2250> of judgment <2920>: {because} <3754> as <2531> he <1565> is <2076> (5748), so <2532> are <2070> (5748) we <2249> in <1722> this <5129> world <2889>.

because ^ 62_1JO_04_18 There is <2076> (5748) no <3756> fear <5401> in <1722> love <0026>; but <0235> perfect <5046> love <0026> casteth <0906> (5719) out <1854> fear <5401>: {because} <3754> fear <5401> hath <2192> (5719) torment <2851>. <1161> He that feareth <5399> (5740) is <5048> <0> not <3756> made perfect <5048> (5769) in <1722> love <0026>.

because ^ 62_1JO_05_06 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) he that came <2064> (5631) by <1223> water <5204> and <2532> blood <0129>, even Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>; not <3756> by <1722> water <5204> only <3440>, but <0235> by <1722> water <5204> and <2532> blood <0129>. And <2532> it is <2076> (5748) the Spirit <4151> that beareth witness <3140> (5723), {because} <3754> the Spirit <4151> is <2076> (5748) truth <0225>.

because ^ 62_1JO_05_10 He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> the Son <5207> of God <2316> hath <2192> (5719) the witness <3141> in <1722> himself <1438>: he that believeth <4100> (5723) not <3361> God <2316> hath made <4160> (5758) him <0846> a liar <5583>; {because} <3754> he believeth <4100> (5758) not <3756> <1519> the record <3141> that <3739> God <2316> gave <3140> (5758) of <4012> his <0846> Son <5207>.

because ^ 52_1TH_04_06 That no <3361> man go beyond <5233> (5721) and <2532> defraud <4122> (5721) his <0846> brother <0080> in <1722> any matter <4229>: {because} <1360> that the Lord <2962> is the avenger <1558> of <4012> all <3956> such <5130>, as <2531> we <4277> <0> also <2532> have forewarned <4277> (5656) you <5213> and <2532> testified <1263> (5662).

because ^ 53_2TH_01_10 When <3752> he shall come <2064> (5632) to be glorified <1740> (5683) in <1722> his <0846> saints <0040>, and <2532> to be admired <2296> (5683) in <1722> all <3956> them that believe <4100> (5723) ({because} <3754> our <2257> testimony <3142> among <1909> you <5209> was believed <4100> (5681)) in <1722> that <1565> day <2250>.

because ^ 53_2TH_02_10 And <2532> with <1722> all <3956> deceivableness <0539> of unrighteousness <0093> in <1722> them that perish <0622> (5730); {because} <0473> <3739> they received <1209> (5662) not <3756> the love <0026> of the truth <0225>, that <1519> they <0846> might be saved <4982> (5683).

because ^ 44_ACT_02_06 Now <1161> when this <5026> was <1096> (5637) noised abroad <5456>, the multitude <4128> came together <4905> (5627), and <2532> were confounded <4797> (5681), {because} <3754> that every <1538> man <1520> heard <0191> (5707) them <0846> speak <2980> (5723) in his own <2398> language <1258>.

because ^ 44_ACT_06_01 And <1161> in <1722> those <5025> days <2250>, when the number <4129> <0> of the disciples <3101> was multiplied <4129> (5723), there arose <1096> (5633) a murmuring <1112> of the Grecians <1675> against <4314> the Hebrews <1445>, {because} <3754> their <0846> widows <5503> were neglected <3865> (5712) in <1722> the daily <2522> ministration <1248>.

because ^ 44_ACT_27_04 And <2547> <0> when we had launched <0321> (5685) from thence <2547>, we sailed under <5284> (5656) Cyprus <2954>, {because} <1223> the winds <0417> were <1511> (5750) contrary <1727>.

because ^ 44_ACT_27_12 And <1161> {because} <5225> <0> the haven <3040> was <5225> (5723) not commodious <0428> to <4314> winter in <3915>, the more part <4119> advised <1012> <5087> (5639) to depart <0321> (5683) thence also <2547>, if <1513> by any means <4458> they might <1410> (5739) attain <2658> (5660) to <1519> Phenice <5405>, and there to winter <3914> (5658); which is an haven <3040> of Crete <2914>, and lieth <0991> (5723) toward <2596> the south west <3047> and <2532> <2596> north west <5566>.

because ^ 44_ACT_28_02 And <1161> the barbarous people <0915> shewed <3930> (5707) us <2254> no <3756> little <5177> (5631) kindness <5363>: for <1063> they kindled <0381> (5660) a fire <4443>, and received <4355> (5639) us <2248> every one <3956>, because <1223> of the present <2186> (5761) rain <5205>, and <2532> {because} <1223> of the cold <5592>.

because ^ 58_HEB_06_13 For <1063> when God <2316> made promise <1861> (5666) to Abraham <0011>, {because} <1893> he could <2192> (5707) swear <3660> (5658) by <2596> no <3762> greater <3187>, he sware <3660> (5656) by <2596> himself <1438>,

because ^ 58_HEB_11_05 By faith <4102> Enoch <1802> was translated <3346> (5681) that he should <1492> <0> not <3361> see <1492> (5629) death <2288>; and <2532> was <2147> <0> not <3756> found <2147> (5712), {because} <1360> God <2316> had translated <3346> (5656) him <0846>: for <1063> before <4253> his <0846> translation <3331> he had this testimony <3140> (5769), that he pleased <2100> (5760) God <2316>.

because ^ 58_HEB_11_11 Through faith <4102> also <2532> Sara <4564> herself <0846> received <2983> (5627) strength <1411> to <1519> conceive <2602> seed <4690>, and <2532> was delivered of a child <5088> (5627) when she was past <3844> age <2540> <2244>, {because} <1893> she judged <2233> (5662) him faithful <4103> who had promised <1861> (5666).

because ^ 43_JOH_04_42 And <5037> said <3004> (5707) unto the woman <1135>, <3754> Now <3765> we believe <4100> (5719), not <3754> {because} <1223> of thy <4674> saying <2981>: for <1063> we have heard <0191> (5754) him ourselves <0846>, and <2532> know <1492> (5758) that <3754> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) indeed <0230> the Christ <5547>, the Saviour <4990> of the world <2889>.

because ^ 43_JOH_05_16 And <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> did <1377> <0> the Jews <2453> persecute <1377> (5707) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> sought <2212> (5707) to slay <0615> (5658) him <0846>, {because} <3754> he had done <4160> (5707) these things <5023> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>.

because ^ 43_JOH_05_18 Therefore <1223> <5124> <3767> the Jews <2453> sought <2212> (5707) the more <3123> to kill <0615> (5658) him <0846>, {because} <3754> he <3089> <0> not <3756> only <3440> had broken <3089> (5707) the sabbath <4521>, but <0235> said <3004> (5707) also <2532> that God <2316> was his <2398> Father <3962>, making <4160> (5723) himself <1438> equal <2470> with God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_06_26 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) them <0846> and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Ye seek <2212> (5719) me <3165>, not <3756> because <3754> ye saw <1492> (5627) the miracles <4592>, but <0235> {because} <3754> ye did eat <5315> (5627) of <1537> the loaves <0740>, and <2532> were filled <5526> (5681).

because ^ 43_JOH_06_02 And <2532> a great <4183> multitude <3793> followed <0190> (5707) him <0846>, {because} <3754> they saw <3708> (5707) his <0846> miracles <4592> which <3739> he did <4160> (5707) on <1909> them that were diseased <0770> (5723).

because ^ 43_JOH_06_41 The Jews <2453> then <3767> murmured <1111> (5707) at <4012> him <0846>, {because} <3754> he said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the bread <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>.

because ^ 43_JOH_08_22 Then <3767> said <3004> (5707) the Jews <2453>, Will he kill <3385> <0615> (5692) himself <1438>? {because} <3754> he saith <3004> (5719), Whither <3699> I <1473> go <5217> (5719), ye <5210> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) come <2064> (5629).

because ^ 43_JOH_08_37 I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) Abraham's <0011> seed <4690>; but <0235> ye seek <2212> (5719) to kill <0615> (5658) me <3165>, {because} <3754> my <1699> word <3056> hath <5562> <0> no <3756> place <5562> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>.

because ^ 43_JOH_08_43 Why <1302> do ye <1097> <0> not <3756> understand <1097> (5719) my <1699> speech <2981>? even {because} <3754> ye cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) hear <0191> (5721) my <1699> word <3056>.

because ^ 43_JOH_11_42 And <1161> I <1473> knew <1492> (5715) that <3754> thou hearest <0191> (5719) me <3450> always <3842>: but <0235> {because} <1223> of the people <3793> which <3588> stand by <4026> (5761) I said <2036> (5627) it, that <2443> they may believe <4100> (5661) that <3754> thou <4771> hast sent <0649> (5656) me <3165>.

because ^ 43_JOH_12_06 <1161> This <5124> he said <2036> (5627), not <3756> that <3754> he <0846> cared <3199> (5707) for <4012> the poor <4434>; but <0235> {because} <3754> he was <2258> (5713) a thief <2812>, and <2532> had <2192> (5707) the bag <1101>, and <2532> bare <0941> (5707) what was put therein <0906> (5746).

because ^ 43_JOH_12_30 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627), This <3778> voice <5456> came <1096> (5754) not <3756> {because} of <1223> me <1691>, but <0235> for <1223> <0> your sakes <5209> <1223>.

because ^ 43_JOH_12_39 Therefore <5124> <1223> they could <1410> (5711) not <3756> believe <4100> (5721), {because} <3754> that Esaias <2268> said <2036> (5627) again <3825>,

because ^ 43_JOH_14_12 Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> me <1691>, the works <2041> that <3739> I <1473> do <4160> (5719) shall he do <4160> (5692) also <2548>; and <2532> greater works than <3187> these <5130> shall he do <4160> (5692); {because} <3754> I <1473> go <4198> (5736) unto <4314> my <3450> Father <3962>.

because ^ 43_JOH_14_17 Even the Spirit <4151> of truth <0225>; whom <3739> the world <2889> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) receive <2983> (5629), {because} <3754> it seeth <2334> (5719) him <0846> not <3756>, neither <3761> knoweth <1097> (5719) him <0846>: but <1161> ye <5210> know <1097> (5719) him <0846>; for <3754> he dwelleth <3306> (5719) with <3844> you <5213>, and <2532> shall be <2071> (5704) in <1722> you <5213>.

because ^ 42_LUK_02_04 And <1161> Joseph <2501> also <2532> went up <0305> (5627) from <0575> Galilee <1056>, out of <1537> the city <4172> of Nazareth <3478>, into <1519> Judaea <2449>, unto <1519> the city <4172> of David <1138>, which <3748> is called <2564> (5743) Bethlehem <0965>; ({because} <1223> he <0846> was <1511> (5750) of <1537> the house <3624> and <2532> lineage <3965> of David <1138>:)

because ^ 42_LUK_08_06 And <2532> some <2087> fell <4098> (5627) upon <1909> a rock <4073>; and <2532> as soon as it was sprung up <5453> (5651), it withered away <3583> (5681), {because} <1223> it lacked <3361> <2192> (5721) moisture <2429>.

because ^ 42_LUK_08_30 And <1161> Jesus <2424> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> is <2076> (5748) thy <4671> name <3686>? And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Legion <3003>: {because} <3754> many <4183> devils <1140> were entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> him <0846>.

because ^ 42_LUK_09_07 Now <1161> Herod <2264> the tetrarch <5076> heard <0191> (5656) of all <3956> that was done <1096> (5740) by <5259> him <0846>: and <2532> he was perplexed <1280> (5707), {because} <1223> that it was said <3004> (5745) of <5259> some <5100>, that <3754> John <2491> was risen <1453> (5769) from <1537> the dead <3498>;

because ^ 42_LUK_09_49 And <1161> John <2491> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), Master <1988>, we saw <1492> (5627) one <5100> casting out <1544> (5723) devils <1140> in <1909> thy <4675> name <3686>; and <2532> we forbad <2967> (5656) him <0846>, {because} <3754> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> with <3326> us <2257>.

because ^ 42_LUK_23_08 And <1161> when Herod <2264> saw <1492> (5631) Jesus <2424>, he was exceeding <3029> glad <5463> (5644): for <1063> he was <2258> (5713) desirous <2309> (5723) to see <1492> (5629) him <0846> of <1537> a long <2425> season, {because} <1223> he had heard <0191> (5721) many things <4183> of <4012> him <0846>; and <2532> he hoped <1679> (5707) to have seen <1492> (5629) some <5100> miracle <4592> done <1096> (5740) by <5259> him <0846>.

because ^ 41_MAR_01_34 And <2532> he healed <2323> (5656) many <4183> that were <2192> (5723) sick <2560> of divers <4164> diseases <3554>, and <2532> cast out <1544> (5627) many <4183> devils <1140>; and <2532> suffered <0863> (5707) not <3756> the devils <1140> to speak <2980> (5721), {because} <3754> they knew <1492> (5715) him <0846>.

because ^ 41_MAR_03_09 And <2532> he spake <2036> (5627) to his <0846> disciples <3101>, that <2443> a small ship <4142> should wait on <4342> (5725) him <0846> {because} <1223> of the multitude <3793>, lest <3363> they should throng <2346> (5725) him <0846>.

because ^ 41_MAR_04_05 And <1161> some <0243> fell <4098> (5627) on <1909> stony ground <4075>, where <3699> it had <2192> (5707) not <3756> much <4183> earth <1093>; and <2532> immediately <2112> it sprang up <1816> (5656), {because} <1223> it had <2192> (5721) no <3361> depth <0899> of earth <1093>:

because ^ 40_MAT_13_13 Therefore <1223> <5124> speak I <2980> (5719) to them <0846> in <1722> parables <3850>: {because} <3754> they seeing <0991> (5723) see <0991> (5719) not <3756>; and <2532> hearing <0191> (5723) they hear <0191> (5719) not <3756>, neither <3761> do they understand <4920> (5719).

because ^ 40_MAT_12_41 The men <0435> of Nineveh <3536> shall rise <0450> (5698) in <1722> judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> generation <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: {because} <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) at <1519> the preaching <2782> of Jonas <2495>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Jonas <2495> is here <5602>.

because ^ 40_MAT_26_31 Then <5119> saith <3004> (5719) Jesus <2424> unto them <0846>, All <3956> ye <5210> shall be offended <4624> (5701) {because} <1722> of me <1722> <1698> this <5026> night <3571>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), I will smite <3960> (5692) the shepherd <4166>, and <2532> the sheep <4263> of the flock <4167> shall be scattered abroad <1287> (5701).

because ^ 66_REV_12_12 Therefore <1223> <5124> rejoice <2165> (5744), ye heavens <3772>, and <2532> ye that dwell <4637> (5723) in <1722> them <0846>. Woe <3759> to the inhabiters <2730> (5723) of the earth <1093> and <2532> of the sea <2281>! for <3754> the devil <1228> is come down <2597> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, having <2192> (5723) great <3173> wrath <2372>, {because} he knoweth <1492> (5761) that <3754> he hath <2192> (5719) but a short <3641> time <2540>.

because ^ 45_ROM_08_10 And <1161> if <1487> Christ <5547> be in <1722> you <5213>, the body <4983> <3303> is dead <3498> {because} <1223> of sin <0266>; but <1161> the Spirit <4151> is life <2222> because <1223> of righteousness <1343>.

because ^ 45_ROM_09_28 For <1063> he will finish <4931> (5723) the work <3056>, and <2532> cut it short <4932> (5723) in <1722> righteousness <1343>: {because} <3754> a short <4932> (5772) work <3056> will <4160> <0> the Lord <2962> make <4160> (5692) upon <1909> the earth <1093>.

because ^ 45_ROM_11_20 Well <2573>; {because} of unbelief <0570> they were broken off <1575> (5681), and <1161> thou <4771> standest <2476> (5758) by faith <4102>. Be <5309> <0> not <3361> highminded <5309> (5720), but <0235> fear <5399> (5737):

because ^ 62_1JO_02_12 I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, little children <5040>, {because} <3754> your sins <0266> are forgiven <0863> (5769) you <5213> for <1223> <0> his <0846> name's <3686> sake <1223>.

because ^ 50_PHP_04_17 Not <3756> {because} <3754> I desire <1934> (5719) a gift <1390>: but <0235> I desire <1934> (5719) fruit <2590> that may abound <4121> (5723) to <1519> your <5216> account <3056>.

because ^ 54_1TI_06_02 And <1161> they that have <2192> (5723) believing <4103> masters <1203>, let them <2706> <0> not <3361> despise <2706> (5720) them, because <3754> they are <1526> (5748) brethren <0080>; but <0235> rather <3123> do them service <1398> (5720), {because} <3754> they are <1526> (5748) faithful <4103> and <2532> beloved <0027>, partakers <0482> (5740) of the benefit <2108>. These things <5023> teach <1321> (5720) and <2532> exhort <3870> (5720).

because ^ 44_ACT_04_21 So <1161> when they had further threatened them <4324> (5671), they let <0630> <0> them <0846> go <0630> (5656), finding <2147> (5723) nothing <3367> how <4459> they might punish <2849> (5672) them <0846>, {because} <1223> of the people <2992>: for <3754> all <3956> men glorified <1392> (5707) God <2316> for <1909> that which was done <1096> (5756).

because ^ 44_ACT_16_03 Him <5126> would <2309> (5656) Paul <3972> have to go forth <1831> (5629) with <4862> him <0846>; and <2532> took <2983> (5631) and circumcised <4059> (5627) him <0846> {because} <1223> of the Jews <2453> which <3588> were <5607> (5752) in <1722> those <1565> quarters <5117>: for <1063> they knew <1492> (5715) all <0537> that <3754> his <0846> father <3962> was <5225> (5707) a Greek <1672>.

because ^ 44_ACT_20_16 For <1063> Paul <3972> had determined <2919> (5656) to sail by <3896> (5658) Ephesus <2181>, {because} <3704> he <0846> would <1096> (5638) not <3361> spend the time <5551> (5658) in <1722> Asia <0773>: for <1063> he hasted <4692> (5707), if <1487> it were <2258> (5713) possible <1415> for him <0846>, to be <1096> (5635) at <1519> Jerusalem <2414> the day <2250> of Pentecost <4005>.

because ^ 44_ACT_18_03 And <2532> {because} <1223> he was <1511> (5750) of the same craft <3673>, he abode <3306> (5707) with <3844> them <0846>, and <2532> wrought <2038> (5711): for <1063> by their occupation <5078> they were <2258> (5713) tentmakers <4635>.

because ^ 42_LUK_02_07 And <2532> she brought forth <5088> (5627) her <0846> firstborn <4416> son <5207>, and <2532> wrapped <4683> <0> him <0846> in swaddling clothes <4683> (5656), and <2532> laid <0347> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> a manger <5336>; {because} <1360> there was <2258> (5713) no <3756> room <5117> for them <0846> in <1722> the inn <2646>.

because ^ 41_MAR_12_24 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Do ye <4105> <0> not <3756> therefore <1223> <5124> err <4105> (5743), {because} ye know <1492> (5761) not <3361> the scriptures <1124>, neither <3366> the power <1411> of God <2316>?

because ^ 40_MAT_11_25 At <1722> that <1565> time <2540> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), I thank <1843> (5731) thee <4671>, O Father <3962>, Lord <2962> of heaven <3772> and <2532> earth <1093>, {because} <3754> thou hast hid <0613> (5656) these things <5023> from <0575> the wise <4680> and <2532> prudent <4908>, and <2532> hast revealed <0601> (5656) them <0846> unto babes <3516>.

because ^ 47_2CO_07_13 Therefore <1223> <5124> we were comforted <3870> (5769) in <1909> your <5216> comfort <3874>: yea, and <1161> exceedingly <4056> the more <3123> joyed we <5463> (5644) for <1909> the joy <5479> of Titus <5103>, {because} <3754> his <0846> spirit <4151> was refreshed <0373> (5769) by <0575> you <5216> all <3956>.

because ^ 47_2CO_11_07 <2228> Have I committed <4160> (5656) an offence <0266> in abasing <5013> (5723) myself <1683> that <2443> ye <5210> might be exalted <5312> (5686), {because} <3754> I have preached <2097> (5668) to you <5213> the gospel <2098> of God <2316> freely <1432>?

because ^ 53_2TH_03_09 Not <3756> {because} <3754> we have <2192> (5719) not <3756> power <1849>, but <0235> to <2443> make <1325> (5632) ourselves <1438> an ensample <5179> unto you <5213> to <1519> follow <3401> (5738) us <2248>.

because ^ 44_ACT_13_27 For <1063> they that dwell <2730> (5723) at <1722> Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> their <0846> rulers <0758>, {because} they knew <0050> <0> him <5126> not <0050> (5660), nor yet <2532> the voices <5456> of the prophets <4396> which <3588> are read <0314> (5746) <2596> every <3956> sabbath day <4521>, they have fulfilled <4137> (5656) them in condemning <2919> (5660) him.

because ^ 44_ACT_17_18 Then <1161> certain <5100> philosophers <5386> of the Epicureans <1946>, and <2532> of the Stoicks <4770>, encountered <4820> (5707) him <0846>. And <2532> some <5100> said <3004> (5707), What <5101> will <0302> <2309> (5722) this <3778> babbler <4691> say <3004> (5721)? <1161> other some, He seemeth <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) a setter forth <2604> of strange <3581> gods <1140>: {because} <3754> he preached <2097> (5710) unto them <0846> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> the resurrection <0386>.

because ^ 44_ACT_18_02 And <2532> found <2147> (5631) a certain <5100> Jew <2453> named <3686> Aquila <0207>, born <1085> in Pontus <4193>, lately <4373> come <2064> (5756) from <0575> Italy <2482>, with <2532> his <0846> wife <1135> Priscilla <4252>; ({because} that <1223> Claudius <2804> had commanded <1299> (5760) all <3956> Jews <2453> to depart <5563> (5745) from <1537> Rome <4516>:) and came <4334> (5627) unto them <0846>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_21 A woman <1135> when <3752> she is in travail <5088> (5725) hath <2192> (5719) sorrow <3077>, {because} <3754> her <0846> hour <5610> is come <2064> (5627): but <1161> as soon as <3752> she is delivered <1080> (5661) of the child <3813>, she remembereth <3421> (5719) no more <3765> the anguish <2347>, for <1223> joy <5479> that <3754> a man <0444> is born <1080> (5681) into <1519> the world <2889>.

because ^ 43_JOH_16_27 For <1063> the Father <3962> himself <0846> loveth <5368> (5719) you <5209>, {because} <3754> ye <5210> have loved <5368> (5758) me <1691>, and <2532> have believed <4100> (5758) that <3754> I <1473> came out <1831> (5627) from <3844> God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_19_31 The Jews <2453> therefore <3767>, {because} <1893> it was <2258> (5713) (5625) <2258> (5713) the preparation <3904>, that <3363> <0> the bodies <4983> should <3306> <0> not <3363> remain <3306> (5661) upon <1909> the cross <4716> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>, (for <1063> that <1565> sabbath day <4521> was <2258> (5713) an high <3173> day <2250>,) besought <2065> (5656) Pilate <4091> that <2443> their <0846> legs <4628> might be broken <2608> (5652), and <2532> that they might be taken away <0142> (5686).

because ^ 43_JOH_16_32 Behold <2400> (5628), the hour <5610> cometh <2064> (5736), yea <2532>, is <2064> <0> now <3568> come <2064> (5754), that <2443> ye shall be scattered <4650> (5686), every man <1538> to <1519> his own <2398>, and <2532> shall leave <0863> (5632) me <1691> alone <3441>: and yet <2532> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> alone <3441>, {because} <3754> the Father <3962> is <2076> (5748) with <3326> me <1700>.

because ^ 65_JDE_01_16 These <3778> are <1526> (5748) murmurers <1113>, complainers <3202>, walking <4198> (5740) after <2596> their own <0846> lusts <1939>; and <2532> their <0846> mouth <4750> speaketh <2980> (5719) great swelling <5246> words, having men's persons <4383> in admiration <2296> (5723) {because} <5484> of advantage <5622>.

because ^ 41_MAR_08_02 I have compassion <4697> (5736) on <1909> the multitude <3793>, {because} <3754> they have <4357> <0> now <2235> been <4357> (5719) with me <3427> three <5140> days <2250>, and <2532> have <2192> (5719) nothing <3756> <5101> to eat <5315> (5632):

because ^ 41_MAR_08_17 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> knew <1097> (5631) it, he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736), {because} <3754> ye have <2192> (5719) no <3756> bread <0740>? perceive ye <3539> (5719) not yet <3768>, neither <3761> understand <4920> (5719)? have ye <2192> (5719) your <5216> heart <2588> yet <2089> hardened <4456> (5772)?

because ^ 41_MAR_09_41 For <1063> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall give <4222> <0> you <5209> a cup <4221> of water <5204> to drink <4222> (5661) in <1722> my <3450> name <3686>, {because} <3754> ye belong <2075> (5748) to Christ <5547>, verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, he shall <0622> <0> not <3364> lose <0622> (5661) his <0846> reward <3408>.

because ^ 41_MAR_11_18 And <2532> the scribes <1122> and <2532> chief priests <0749> heard <0191> (5656) it, and <2532> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might destroy <0622> (5692) him <0846>: for <1063> they feared <5399> (5711) him <0846>, {because} <3754> all <3956> the people <3793> was astonished <1605> (5712) at <1909> his <0846> doctrine <1322>.

because ^ 40_MAT_27_19 When <1161> he <0846> was set down <2521> (5740) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968>, his <0846> wife <1135> sent <0649> (5656) unto <4314> him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), <2532> Have thou <4671> nothing <3367> to do with that <1565> just man <1342>: for <1063> I have suffered <3958> (5627) many things <4183> this day <4594> in <2596> a dream <3677> {because} <1223> of him <0846>.

because ^ 66_REV_02_04 Nevertheless <0235> I have <2192> (5719) somewhat against <2596> thee <4675>, {because} <3754> thou hast left <0863> (5656) thy <4675> first <4413> love <0026>.

because ^ 66_REV_05_04 And <2532> I <1473> wept <2799> (5707) much <4183>, {because} <3754> no man <3762> was found <2147> (5681) worthy <0514> to open <0455> (5658) and <2532> to read <0314> (5629) the book <0975>, neither <3777> to look <0991> (5721) thereon <0846>.

because ^ 45_ROM_05_05 And <1161> hope <1680> maketh <2617> <0> not <3756> ashamed <2617> (5719); {because} <3754> the love <0026> of God <2316> is shed abroad <1632> (5769) in <1722> our <2257> hearts <2588> by <1223> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> which <3588> is given <1325> (5685) unto us <2254>.

because ^ 45_ROM_14_23 And <1161> he that doubteth <1252> (5734) is damned <2632> (5769) if <1437> he eat <5315> (5632), {because} <3754> he eateth not <3756> of <1537> faith <4102>: for <1161> whatsoever <3739> <3956> is not <3756> of <1537> faith <4102> is <2076> (5748) sin <0266>.

because ^ 43_JOH_17_14 I <1473> have given <1325> (5758) them <0846> thy <4675> word <3056>; and <2532> the world <2889> hath hated <3404> (5656) them <0846>, {because} <3754> they are <1526> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> the world <2889>, even as <2531> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> the world <2889>.

because ^ 42_LUK_01_20 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), thou <2071> (5704) shalt be dumb <4623> (5723), and <2532> not <3361> able <1410> (5740) to speak <2980> (5658), until <0891> the day <2250> that <3739> these things <5023> shall be performed <1096> (5638), {because} <0473> <3739> thou believest <4100> (5656) not <3756> my <3450> words <3056>, which <3748> shall be fulfilled <4137> (5701) in <1519> their <0846> season <2540>.

because ^ 42_LUK_01_07 And <2532> they <0846> had <2258> (5713) no <3756> child <5043>, {because} <2530> that Elisabeth <1665> was <2258> (5713) barren <4723>, and <2532> they <0846> both <0297> were <2258> (5713) now well stricken <4260> (5761) in <1722> years <2250>.

because ^ 53_2TH_02_13 But <1161> we <2249> are bound <3784> (5719) to give thanks <2168> (5721) alway <3842> to God <2316> for <4012> you <5216>, brethren <0080> beloved <0025> (5772) of <5259> the Lord <2962>, {because} <3754> God <2316> hath <0138> <0> from <0575> the beginning <0746> chosen <0138> (5639) you <5209> to <1519> salvation <4991> through <1722> sanctification <0038> of the Spirit <4151> and <2532> belief <4102> of the truth <0225>:

because ^ 44_ACT_10_45 And <2532> they of <1537> the circumcision <4061> which believed <4103> were astonished <1839> (5627), as many as <3745> came with <4905> (5627) Peter <4074>, {because} <3754> that on <1909> the Gentiles <1484> also <2532> was poured out <1632> (5769) the gift <1431> of the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

because ^ 44_ACT_12_03 And <2532> {because} he saw <1492> (5631) it <3754> pleased <2076> (5748) <0701> the Jews <2453>, he proceeded further <4369> (5639) to take <4815> (5629) Peter <4074> also <2532>. (Then <1161> were <2258> (5713) the days <2250> of unleavened bread <0106>.)

because ^ 44_ACT_14_12 And <5037> they called <2564> (5707) Barnabas <0921>, <3303> Jupiter <2203>; and <1161> Paul <3972>, Mercurius <2060>, {because} <1894> he <0846> was <2258> (5713) the chief <2233> (5740) speaker <3056>.

because ^ 41_MAR_06_34 And <2532> Jesus <2424>, when he came out <1831> (5631), saw <1492> (5627) much <4183> people <3793>, and <2532> was moved with compassion <4697> (5675) toward <1909> them <0846>, {because} <3754> they were <2258> (5713) as <5613> sheep <4263> not <3361> having <2192> (5723) a shepherd <4166>: and <2532> he began <0756> (5662) to teach <1321> (5721) them <0846> many things <4183>.

because ^ 41_MAR_08_16 And <2532> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <4314> themselves <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), It is {because} <3754> we have <2192> (5719) no <3756> bread <0740>.

because ^ 41_MAR_09_38 And <1161> John <2491> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Master <1320>, we saw <1492> (5627) one <5100> casting out <1544> (5723) devils <1140> in thy <4675> name <3686>, and <3739> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> us <2254>: and <2532> we forbad <2967> (5656) him <0846>, {because} <3754> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> us <2254>.

because ^ 43_JOH_19_07 The Jews <2453> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, We <2249> have <2192> (5719) a law <3551>, and <2532> by <2596> our <2257> law <3551> he ought <3784> (5719) to die <0599> (5629), {because} <3754> he made <4160> (5656) himself <1438> the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_21_17 He saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846> the third <5154> time, Simon <4613>, son of Jonas <2495>, lovest <5368> (5719) thou me <3165>? Peter <4074> was grieved <3076> (5681) {because} <3754> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846> the third <5154> time, Lovest <5368> (5719) thou me <3165>? And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, thou <4771> knowest <1492> (5758) all things <3956>; thou <4771> knowest <1097> (5719) that <3754> I love <5368> (5719) thee <4571>. Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Feed <1006> (5720) my <3450> sheep <4263>.

because ^ 43_JOH_20_29 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Thomas <2381>, {because} <3754> thou hast seen <3708> (5758) me <3165>, thou hast believed <4100> (5758): blessed <3107> are they that have not <3361> seen <1492> (5631), and <2532> yet have believed <4100> (5660).

because ^ 42_LUK_09_53 And <2532> they did <1209> <0> not <3756> receive <1209> (5662) him <0846>, {because} <3754> his <0846> face <4383> was <2258> (5713) as though he would go <4198> (5740) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>.

because ^ 42_LUK_10_20 Notwithstanding <4133> in <1722> this <5129> rejoice <5463> (5720) not <3361>, that <3754> the spirits <4151> are subject <5293> (5743) unto you <5213>; but <1161> rather <3123> rejoice <5463> (5720), {because} <3754> your <5216> names <3686> are written <1125> (5648) in <1722> heaven <3772>.

because ^ 50_PHP_02_26 For <1894> he <2258> (5713) longed after <1971> (5723) you <5209> all <3956>, and <2532> was full of heaviness <0085> (5723), {because} <1360> that ye had heard <0191> (5656) that <3754> he had been sick <0770> (5656).

because ^ 66_REV_01_07 Behold <2400> (5628), he cometh <2064> (5736) with <3326> clouds <3507>; and <2532> every <3956> eye <3788> shall see <3700> (5695) him <0846>, and <2532> they also which <3748> pierced <1574> (5656) him <0846>: and <2532> all <3956> kindreds <5443> of the earth <1093> shall wail <2875> (5695) {because} <1909> of him <0846>. Even so <3483>, Amen <0281>.

because ^ 44_ACT_08_20 But <1161> Peter <4074> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Thy <4675> money <0694> perish <1498> (5751) <1519> <0684> with <4862> thee <4671>, {because} <3754> thou hast thought <3543> (5656) that the gift <1431> of God <2316> may be purchased <2932> (5738) with <1223> money <5536>.

because ^ 58_HEB_11_23 By faith <4102> Moses <3475>, when he was born <1080> (5685), was hid <2928> (5648) three months <5150> of <5259> his <0846> parents <3962>, {because} <1360> they saw <1492> (5627) he was a proper <0791> child <3813>; and <2532> they were <5399> <0> not <3756> afraid <5399> (5675) of the king's <0935> commandment <1297>.

because ^ 59_JAM_01_10 But <1161> the rich <4145>, in <1722> that he <0846> is made low <5014>: {because} <3754> as <5613> the flower <0438> of the grass <5528> he shall pass away <3928> (5695).

because ^ 59_JAM_04_03 Ye ask <0154> (5719), and <2532> receive <2983> (5719) not <3756>, {because} <1360> ye ask <0154> (5731) amiss <2560>, that <2443> ye may consume <1159> (5661) it upon <1722> your <5216> lusts <2237>.

because ^ 43_JOH_03_29 He that hath <2192> (5723) the bride <3565> is <2076> (5748) the bridegroom <3566>: but <1161> the friend <5384> of the bridegroom <3566>, which <3588> standeth <2476> (5761) and <2532> heareth <0191> (5723) him <0846>, rejoiceth <5463> (5719) greatly <5479> {because} <1223> of the bridegroom's <3566> voice <5456>: this <3778> my <1699> joy <5479> therefore <3767> is fulfilled <4137> (5769).

because ^ 43_JOH_04_41 And <2532> many <4183> more <4119> believed <4100> (5656) {because} <1223> of his own <0846> word <3056>;

because ^ 43_JOH_05_27 And <2532> hath given <1325> (5656) him <0846> authority <1849> to execute <4160> (5721) judgment <2920> also <2532>, {because} <3754> he is <2076> (5748) the Son <5207> of man <0444>.

because ^ 43_JOH_05_30 I <1473> can <1410> (5736) of <0575> mine own self <1683> do <4160> (5721) nothing <3756> <3762>: as <2531> I hear <0191> (5719), I judge <2919> (5719): and <2532> my <1699> judgment <2920> is <2076> (5748) just <1342>; {because} <3754> I seek <2212> (5719) not <3756> mine own <1699> will <2307>, but <0235> the will <2307> of the Father <3962> which hath sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>.

because ^ 43_JOH_19_42 There <1563> laid they <5087> (5656) Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> {because} <1223> of the Jews <2453> preparation <3904> day; for <3754> the sepulchre <3419> was <2258> (5713) nigh at hand <1451>.

because ^ 42_LUK_19_03 And <2532> he sought <2212> (5707) to see <1492> (5629) Jesus <2424> who <5101> he was <2076> (5748); and <2532> could <1410> (5711) not <3756> for <0575> the press <3793>, {because} <3754> he was <2258> (5713) little <3398> of stature <2244>.

because ^ 42_LUK_19_11 And <1161> as they <0846> heard <0191> (5723) these things <5023>, he added <4369> (5631) and spake <2036> (5627) a parable <3850>, because <1223> he <0846> was <1511> (5750) nigh <1451> to Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> {because} they <0846> thought <1380> (5721) that <3754> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> should <3195> (5719) immediately <3916> appear <0398> (5745).

because ^ 42_LUK_19_21 For <1063> I feared <5399> (5711) thee <4571>, {because} <3754> thou art <1488> (5748) an austere <0840> man <0444>: thou takest up <0142> (5719) that <3739> thou layedst <5087> <0> not <3756> down <5087> (5656), and <2532> reapest <2325> (5719) that <3739> thou didst <4687> <0> not <3756> sow <4687> (5656).

because ^ 42_LUK_19_44 And <2532> shall lay <1474> <0> thee <4571> even with the ground <1474> (5692), and <2532> thy <4675> children <5043> within <1722> thee <4671>; and <2532> they shall <0863> <0> not <3756> leave <0863> (5692) in <1722> thee <4671> one stone <3037> upon <1909> another <3037>; {because} <0473> <3739> thou knewest <1097> (5627) not <3756> the time <2540> of thy <4675> visitation <1984>.

because ^ 41_MAR_06_06 And <2532> he marvelled <2296> (5707) {because} <1223> of their <0846> unbelief <0570>. And <2532> he went <4013> (5707) round about <2945> the villages <2968>, teaching <1321> (5723).

because ^ 57_PHM_01_07 For <1063> we have <2192> (5719) great <4183> joy <5485> and <2532> consolation <3874> in <1909> thy <4675> love <0026>, {because} <3754> the bowels <4698> of the saints <0040> are refreshed <0373> (5769) by <1223> thee <4675>, brother <0080>.

because ^ 66_REV_08_11 And <2532> the name <3686> of the star <0792> is called <3004> (5743) Wormwood <0894>: and <2532> the third part <5154> of the waters <5204> became <1096> (5736) <1519> wormwood <0894>; and <2532> many <4183> men <0444> died <0599> (5627) of <1537> the waters <5204>, {because} <3754> they were made bitter <4087> (5681).

because ^ 66_REV_11_10 And <2532> they that dwell <2730> (5723) upon <1909> the earth <1093> shall rejoice <5463> (5692) over <1909> them <0846>, and <2532> make merry <2165> (5701), and <2532> shall send <3992> (5692) gifts <1435> one to another <0240>; {because} <3754> these <3778> two <1417> prophets <4396> tormented <0928> (5656) them that dwelt <2730> (5723) on <1909> the earth <1093>.

because ^ 66_REV_11_17 Saying <3004> (5723), We give <2168> <0> thee <4671> thanks <2168> (5719), O Lord <2962> God <2316> Almighty <3841>, which <3588> art <5607> (5752) (5625) <3801> <0>, and <2532> wast <2258> (5713) (5625) <3801> <0>, and <2532> art to come <2064> (5740) (5625) <3801>; {because} <3754> thou hast taken to thee <2983> (5758) thy <4675> great <3173> power <1411>, and <2532> hast reigned <0936> (5656).

because ^ 45_ROM_06_15 What <5101> then <3767>? shall we sin <0264> (5692), {because} <3754> we are <2070> (5748) not <3756> under <5259> the law <3551>, but <0235> under <5259> grace <5485>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636).

because ^ 45_ROM_06_19 I speak <3004> (5719) after the manner of men <0442> {because} <1223> of the infirmity <0769> of your <5216> flesh <4561>: for <1063> as <5618> ye have yielded <3936> (5656) your <5216> members <3196> servants <1401> to uncleanness <0167> and <2532> to iniquity <0458> unto <1519> iniquity <0458>; even so <3779> now <3568> yield <3936> (5657) your <5216> members <3196> servants <1401> to righteousness <1343> unto <1519> holiness <0038>.

because ^ 45_ROM_08_10 And <1161> if <1487> Christ <5547> be in <1722> you <5213>, the body <4983> <3303> is dead <3498> because <1223> of sin <0266>; but <1161> the Spirit <4151> is life <2222> {because} <1223> of righteousness <1343>.

because ^ 45_ROM_08_27 And <1161> he that searcheth <2045> (5723) the hearts <2588> knoweth <1492> (5758) what <5101> is the mind <5427> of the Spirit <4151>, {because} <3754> he maketh intercession <1793> (5719) for <5228> the saints <0040> according <2596> to the will of God <2316>.

because ^ 45_ROM_09_07 Neither <3761>, {because} <3754> they are <1526> (5748) the seed <4690> of Abraham <0011>, are they all <3956> children <5043>: but <0235>, In <1722> Isaac <2464> shall <2564> <0> thy <4671> seed <4690> be called <2564> (5701).

because ^ 45_ROM_15_15 Nevertheless <1161>, brethren <0080>, I have written <1125> (5656) the more boldly <5112> unto you <5213> in <0575> some sort <3313>, as <5613> putting <1878> <0> you <5209> in mind <1878> (5723), {because} <1223> of the grace <5485> that is given <1325> (5685) to me <3427> of <5259> God <2316>,

because ^ 50_PHP_01_07 Even as <2531> it is <2076> (5748) meet <1342> for me <1698> to think <5426> (5721) this <5124> of <5228> you <5216> all <3956>, {because} <1223> I have <2192> (5721) you <5209> in <1722> my <3165> heart <2588>; inasmuch as both <5037> in <1722> my <3450> bonds <1199>, and <2532> in the defence <0627> and <2532> confirmation <0951> of the gospel <2098>, ye <5209> all <3956> are <5607> (5752) partakers <4791> of my <3450> grace <5485>.

because ^ 44_ACT_12_20 And <1161> Herod <2264> was <2258> (5713) highly displeased <2371> (5723) with them of Tyre <5183> and <2532> Sidon <4606>: but <1161> they came <3918> (5713) with one accord <3661> to <4314> him <0846>, and <2532>, having made <3982> <0> Blastus <0986> the king's <0935> chamberlain <1909> <2846> their friend <3982> (5660), desired <0154> (5710) peace <1515>; {because} <1223> their <0846> country <5561> was nourished <5142> (5745) by <0575> the king's <0937> country.

because ^ 44_ACT_12_23 And <1161> immediately <3916> the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> smote <3960> (5656) him <0846>, {because} <0473> <3739> he gave <1325> (5656) not <3756> God <2316> the glory <1391>: and <2532> he was <1096> (5637) eaten of worms <4662>, and gave up the ghost <1634> (5656).

because ^ 66_REV_02_14 But <0235> I have <2192> (5719) a few things <3641> against <2596> thee <4675>, {because} <3754> thou hast <2192> (5719) there <1563> them that hold <2902> (5723) the doctrine <1322> of Balaam <0903>, who <3739> taught <1722> <1321> (5707) Balac <0904> to cast <0906> (5629) a stumblingblock <4625> before <1799> the children <5207> of Israel <2474>, to eat <5315> (5629) things sacrificed unto idols <1494>, and <2532> to commit fornication <4203> (5658).

because ^ 66_REV_02_20 Notwithstanding <0235> I have <2192> (5719) a few things <3641> against <2596> thee <4675>, {because} <3754> thou sufferest <1439> (5719) that woman <1135> Jezebel <2403>, which <3588> calleth <3004> (5723) herself <1438> a prophetess <4398>, to teach <1321> (5721) and <2532> to seduce <4105> (5745) my <1699> servants <1401> to commit fornication <4203> (5658), and <2532> to eat <5315> (5629) things sacrificed unto idols <1494>.

because ^ 42_LUK_11_08 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Though <1499> he will <1453> <0> not <3756> rise <1453> (5685) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846>, because <1223> he is <1511> (5750) his <0846> friend <5384>, yet <1065> {because} <1223> of his <0846> importunity <0335> he will rise <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846> as many as <3745> he needeth <5535> (5719).

because ^ 42_LUK_19_17 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Well <2095>, thou good <0018> servant <1401>: {because} <3754> thou hast been <1096> (5633) faithful <4103> in <1722> a very little <1646>, have <2192> (5723) thou authority <2468> (5749) <1849> over <1883> ten <1176> cities <4172>.

because ^ 66_REV_03_16 So <3779> then {because} <3754> thou art <1488> (5748) lukewarm <5513>, and <2532> neither <3777> cold <5593> nor <3777> hot <2200>, I will <3195> (5719) spue <1692> (5658) thee <4571> out of <1537> my <3450> mouth <4750>.

because ^ 42_LUK_19_11 And <1161> as they <0846> heard <0191> (5723) these things <5023>, he added <4369> (5631) and spake <2036> (5627) a parable <3850>, {because} <1223> he <0846> was <1511> (5750) nigh <1451> to Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> because they <0846> thought <1380> (5721) that <3754> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> should <3195> (5719) immediately <3916> appear <0398> (5745).

because ^ 42_LUK_11_18 If <1161> <1499> <0> Satan <4567> also <1499> be divided <1266> (5681) against <1909> himself <1438>, how <4459> shall <2476> <0> his <0846> kingdom <0932> stand <2476> (5701)? {because} <3754> ye say <3004> (5719) that I <3165> cast out <1544> (5721) devils <1140> through <1722> Beelzebub <0954>.

because ^ 42_LUK_13_02 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Suppose ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> these <3778> Galilaeans <1057> were <1096> (5633) sinners <0268> above <3844> all <3956> the Galilaeans <1057>, {because} <3754> they suffered <3958> (5754) such things <5108>?

because ^ 42_LUK_13_14 And <1161> the ruler of the synagogue <0752> answered <0611> (5679) with indignation <0023> (5723), {because} <3754> that Jesus <2424> had healed <2323> (5656) on the sabbath <4521> day, and said <3004> (5707) unto the people <3793>, There are <1526> (5748) six <1803> days <2250> in <1722> which <3739> men ought <1163> (5748) to work <2038> (5738): in <1722> them <5025> therefore <3767> come <2064> (5740) and be healed <2323> (5744), and <2532> not <3361> on the sabbath <4521> day <2250>.

because ^ 43_JOH_03_18 He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> him <0846> is <2919> <0> not <3756> condemned <2919> (5743): but <1161> he that believeth <4100> (5723) not <3361> is condemned <2919> (5769) already <2235>, {because} <3754> he hath <4100> <0> not <3361> believed <4100> (5758) in <1519> the name <3686> of the only begotten <3439> Son <5207> of God <2316>.

because ^ 43_JOH_03_19 And <1161> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the condemnation <2920>, that <3754> light <5457> is come <2064> (5754) into <1519> the world <2889>, and <2532> men <0444> loved <0025> (5656) darkness <4655> rather <3123> than <2228> light <5457>, {because} <1063> their <0846> deeds <2041> were <2258> (5713) evil <4190>.

because ^ 42_LUK_12_17 And <2532> he thought <1260> (5711) within <1722> himself <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> shall I do <4160> (5661), {because} <3754> I have <2192> (5719) no <3756> room where <4226> to bestow <4863> (5692) my <3450> fruits <2590>?

because ^ 42_LUK_18_05 Yet <1065> {because} <1223> this <5026> widow <5503> troubleth <3930> (5721) <2873> me <3427>, I will avenge <1556> (5692) her <0846>, lest <3363> by <1519> her continual <5056> coming <2064> (5740) she weary <5299> (5725) me <3165>.

because ^ 43_JOH_02_24 But <1161> Jesus <2424> <0846> did <4100> <0> not <3756> commit <4100> (5707) himself <1438> unto them <0846>, {because} <1223> he <0846> knew <1097> (5721) all <3956> men,

because ^ 42_LUK_11_08 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Though <1499> he will <1453> <0> not <3756> rise <1453> (5685) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846>, {because} <1223> he is <1511> (5750) his <0846> friend <5384>, yet <1065> because <1223> of his <0846> importunity <0335> he will rise <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846> as many as <3745> he needeth <5535> (5719).

because ^ 44_ACT_08_11 And <1161> to him <0846> they had regard <4337> (5707), {because} <1223> that of long <2425> time <5550> he had bewitched <1839> (5760) them <0846> with sorceries <3095>.

because ^ 43_JOH_03_23 And <1161> John <2491> also <2532> was <2258> (5713) baptizing <0907> (5723) in <1722> Aenon <0137> near <1451> to Salim <4530>, {because} <3754> there was <2258> (5713) much <4183> water <5204> there <1563>: and <2532> they came <3854> (5708), and <2532> were baptized <0907> (5712).

because ^ 59_JAM_04_02 Ye lust <1937> (5719), and <2532> have <2192> (5719) not <3756>: ye kill <5407> (5719), and <2532> desire to have <2206> (5719), and <2532> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) obtain <2013> (5629): ye fight <3164> (5736) and <2532> war <4170> (5719), yet <1161> ye have <2192> (5719) not <3756>, {because} <1223> ye <5209> ask <0154> (5733) not <3361>.

because ^ 42_LUK_17_09 <3361> Doth he <2192> (5719) thank <5485> that <1565> servant <1401> {because} <3754> he did <4160> (5656) the things that were commanded <1299> (5685) him <0846>? I trow <1380> (5719) not <3756>.

because ^ 42_LUK_15_27 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, <3754> Thy <4675> brother <0080> is come <2240> (5719); and <2532> thy <4675> father <3962> hath killed <2380> (5656) the fatted <4618> calf <3448>, {because} <3754> he hath received <0618> (5627) him <0846> safe and sound <5198> (5723).

because ^ 42_LUK_16_08 And <2532> the lord <2962> commended <1867> (5656) the unjust <0093> steward <3623>, {because} <3754> he had done <4160> (5656) wisely <5430>: for <3754> the children <5207> of this <5127> world <0165> are <1526> (5748) in <1519> their <1438> generation <1074> wiser <5429> than <5228> the children <5207> of light <5457>.

cause ^ 46_1CO_04_17 For <1223> <0> this <5124> {cause} <1223> have I sent <3992> (5656) unto you <5213> Timotheus <5095>, who <3739> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> beloved <0027> son <5043>, and <2532> faithful <4103> in <1722> the Lord <2962>, who <3739> shall bring <0363> <0> you <5209> into remembrance <0363> (5692) of my <3450> ways <3598> which <3588> be in <1722> Christ <5547>, as <2531> I teach <1321> (5719) every where <3837> in <1722> every <3956> church <1577>.

cause ^ 46_1CO_11_10 For this <5124> {cause} <1223> ought <3784> (5719) the woman <1135> to have <2192> (5721) power <1849> on <1909> her head <2776> because <1223> of the angels <0032>.

cause ^ 46_1CO_11_30 For <1223> <0> this <5124> {cause} <1223> many <4183> are weak <0772> and <2532> sickly <0732> among <1722> you <5213>, and <2532> many <2425> sleep <2837> (5743).

cause ^ 60_1PE_04_06 For <1063> for <1519> this {cause} <5124> was the gospel preached <2097> (5681) also <2532> to them that are dead <3498>, that <2443> they might be judged <2919> (5686) <3303> according to <2596> men <0444> in the flesh <4561>, but <1161> live <2198> (5725) according to <2596> God <2316> in the spirit <4151>.

cause ^ 52_1TH_02_13 For this <5124> {cause} <1223> also <2532> thank <2168> (5719) we <2249> God <2316> without ceasing <0089>, because <3754>, when ye received <3880> (5631) the word <3056> of God <2316> which ye heard <0189> of <3844> us <2257>, ye received <1209> (5662) it not <3756> as the word <3056> of men <0444>, but <0235> as <2531> it is <2076> (5748) in truth <0230>, the word <3056> of God <2316>, which <3739> effectually worketh <1754> (5731) also <2532> in <1722> you <5213> that believe <4100> (5723).

cause ^ 54_1TI_01_16 Howbeit <0235> for this <5124> {cause} <1223> I obtained mercy <1653> (5681), that <2443> in <1722> me <1698> first <4413> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> might shew forth <1731> (5672) all <3956> longsuffering <3115>, for <4314> a pattern <5296> to them which should hereafter <3195> (5723) believe <4100> (5721) on <1909> him <0846> to <1519> life <2222> everlasting <0166>.

cause ^ 52_1TH_03_05 For this <5124> {cause} <1223>, when I <2504> could <4722> <0> no longer <3371> forbear <4722> (5723), I sent <3992> (5656) to <1519> know <1097> (5629) your <5216> faith <4102>, lest by some means <3381> <4458> the tempter <3985> (5723) have tempted <3985> (5707) you <5209>, and <2532> our <2257> labour <2873> be <1096> (5638) in <1519> vain <2756>.

cause ^ 47_2CO_07_12 Wherefore <0686>, though <1499> I wrote <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, I did it not <3756> for his cause <1752> that had done the wrong <0091> (5660), nor <3761> for his {cause} <1752> that suffered wrong <0091> (5685), but <0235> that <1752> our <2257> care <4710> for <5228> you <5216> in the sight <1799> of God <2316> might appear <5319> (5683) unto <4314> you <5209>.

cause ^ 47_2CO_07_12 Wherefore <0686>, though <1499> I wrote <1125> (5656) unto you <5213>, I did it not <3756> for his {cause} <1752> that had done the wrong <0091> (5660), nor <3761> for his cause <1752> that suffered wrong <0091> (5685), but <0235> that <1752> our <2257> care <4710> for <5228> you <5216> in the sight <1799> of God <2316> might appear <5319> (5683) unto <4314> you <5209>.

cause ^ 47_2CO_05_13 For <1063> whether <1535> we be beside ourselves <1839> (5627), it is to God <2316>: or whether <1535> we be sober <4993> (5719), it is for your {cause} <5213>.

cause ^ 47_2CO_04_16 For which {cause} <1352> we faint <1573> (5719) not <3756>; but <0235> though <1499> our <2257> outward <1854> man <0444> perish <1311> (5743), yet <0235> the inward <2081> man is renewed <0341> (5743) day <2250> by <2532> day <2250>.

cause ^ 53_2TH_02_11 And <2532> for this <5124> {cause} <1223> God <2316> shall send <3992> (5692) them <0846> strong <1753> delusion <4106>, that <1519> they <0846> should believe <4100> (5658) a lie <5579>:

cause ^ 55_2TI_01_12 For <1223> the which <3739> {cause} <0156> I <3958> <0> also <2532> suffer <3958> (5719) these things <5023>: nevertheless <0235> I am <1870> <0> not <3756> ashamed <1870> (5736): for <1063> I know <1492> (5758) whom <3739> I have believed <4100> (5758), and <2532> am persuaded <3982> (5769) that <3754> he is <2076> (5748) able <1415> to keep <5442> (5658) that which I <3450> have committed unto him <3866> against <1519> that <1565> day <2250>.

cause ^ 44_ACT_28_18 Who <3748>, when they had examined <0350> (5660) me <3165>, would <1014> (5711) have let me go <0630> (5658), because <1223> there was <5225> (5721) no <3367> {cause} <0156> of death <2288> in <1722> me <1698>.

cause ^ 44_ACT_28_20 For <1223> this <5026> {cause} <0156> therefore <3767> have I called <3870> (5656) for you <5209>, to see <1492> (5629) you, and <2532> to speak with <4354> (5658) you: because that <1752> for <1063> the hope <1680> of Israel <2474> I am bound with <4029> (5736) this <5026> chain <0254>.

cause ^ 44_ACT_13_28 And <2532> though they found <2147> (5631) no <3367> {cause} <0156> of death <2288> in him, yet desired they <0154> (5668) Pilate <4091> that he <0846> should be slain <0337> (5683).

cause ^ 44_ACT_10_21 Then <1161> Peter <4074> went down <2597> (5631) to <4314> the men <0435> which <3588> were sent <0649> (5772) unto <4314> him <0846> from <0575> Cornelius <2883>; and said <2036> (5627), Behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) he whom <3739> ye seek <2212> (5719): what <5101> is the {cause} <0156> wherefore <1223> <3739> ye are come <3918> (5748)?

cause ^ 44_ACT_25_14 And <1161> when <5613> they had been <1304> (5707) there <1563> many <4119> days <2250>, Festus <5347> declared <0394> (5639) Paul's <3972> {cause} <2596> unto the king <0935>, saying <3004> (5723), There is <2076> (5748) a certain <5100> man <0435> left <2641> (5772) in bonds <1198> by <5259> Felix <5344>:

cause ^ 44_ACT_23_28 And <1161> when <1014> <0> I would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the {cause} <0156> wherefore <1223> <3739> they accused <1458> (5707) him <0846>, I brought <2609> <0> him <0846> forth <2609> (5627) into <1519> their <0846> council <4892>:

cause ^ 44_ACT_19_40 For <1063> <2532> we are in danger <2793> (5719) to be called in question <1458> (5745) for <4012> this day's <4594> uproar <4714>, there being <5225> (5723) no <3367> {cause} <0158> whereby <4012> <3739> we may <1410> (5695) give <0591> (5629) an account <3056> of this <5026> concourse <4963>.

cause ^ 51_COL_01_09 For <1223> this {cause} <5124> we <2249> also <2532>, since <0575> the <3739> day <2250> we heard <0191> (5656) it, do <3973> <0> not <3756> cease <3973> (5731) to pray <4336> (5740) for <5228> you <5216>, and <2532> to desire <0154> (5734) that <2443> ye might be filled <4137> (5686) with the knowledge <1922> of his <0846> will <2307> in <1722> all <3956> wisdom <4678> and <2532> spiritual <4152> understanding <4907>;

cause ^ 51_COL_04_16 And <2532> when <3752> this epistle <1992> is read <0314> (5686) among <3844> you <5213>, {cause} <4160> (5657) that <2443> it be read <0314> (5686) also <2532> in <1722> the church <1577> of the Laodiceans <2994>; and <2532> that <2443> ye <5210> <0314> <0> likewise <2532> read <0314> (5632) the epistle from <1537> Laodicea <2993>.

cause ^ 49_EPH_03_01 For this <5127> {cause} <5484> I <1473> Paul <3972>, the prisoner <1198> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> for <5228> you <5216> Gentiles <1484>,

cause ^ 49_EPH_03_14 For this <5127> {cause} <5484> I bow <2578> (5719) my <3450> knees <1119> unto <4314> the Father <3962> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>,

cause ^ 49_EPH_05_31 For <0473> this {cause} <5127> shall <2641> <0> a man <0444> leave <2641> (5692) his <0846> father <3962> and <2532> mother <3384>, and <2532> shall be joined <4347> (5701) unto <4314> his <0846> wife <1135>, and <2532> they two <1417> shall be <2071> (5704) one <1519> <3391> flesh <4561>.

cause ^ 58_HEB_02_11 For <1063> both <5037> he that sanctifieth <0037> (5723) and <2532> they who are sanctified <0037> (5746) are all <3956> of <1537> one <1520>: for <1223> which <3739> {cause} <0156> he is <1870> <0> not <3756> ashamed <1870> (5736) to call <2564> (5721) them <0846> brethren <0080>,

cause ^ 58_HEB_09_15 And <2532> for this <5124> {cause} <1223> he is <2076> (5748) the mediator <3316> of the new <2537> testament <1242>, that <3704> by means <1096> (5637) of death <2288>, for <1519> the redemption <0629> of the transgressions <3847> that were under <1909> the first <4413> testament <1242>, they which are called <2564> (5772) might receive <2983> (5632) the promise <1860> of eternal <0166> inheritance <2817>.

cause ^ 43_JOH_12_18 For this <5124> {cause} <1223> the people <3793> also <2532> met <5221> (5656) him <0846>, for that <3754> they heard <0191> (5656) that <0846> he had done <4160> (5760) this <5124> miracle <4592>.

cause ^ 43_JOH_18_37 Pilate <4091> therefore <3767> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> a king <0935> then <3766>? Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662), Thou <4771> sayest <3004> (5719) that <3754> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a king <0935>. To <1519> this <5124> end was <1080> <0> I <1473> born <1080> (5769), and <2532> for <1519> this <5124> {cause} came I <2064> (5754) into <1519> the world <2889>, that <2443> I should bear witness <3140> (5661) unto the truth <0225>. Every one <3956> that is <5607> (5752) of <1537> the truth <0225> heareth <0191> (5719) my <3450> voice <5456>.

cause ^ 43_JOH_15_25 But <0235> this cometh to pass, that <2443> the word <3056> might be fulfilled <4137> (5686) that is written <1125> (5772) in <1722> their <0846> law <3551>, <3754> They hated <3404> (5656) me <3165> without a {cause} <1432>.

cause ^ 43_JOH_12_27 Now <3568> is <5015> <0> my <3450> soul <5590> troubled <5015> (5769); and <2532> what <5101> shall I say <2036> (5632)? Father <3962>, save <4982> (5657) me <3165> from <1537> this <5026> hour <5610>: but <0235> for this <5124> {cause} <1223> came I <2064> (5627) unto <1519> this <5026> hour <5610>.

cause ^ 42_LUK_23_22 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846> the third time <5154>, Why <1063>, what <5101> evil <2556> hath <4160> <0> he <3778> done <4160> (5656)? I have found <2147> (5627) no <3762> {cause} <0158> of death <2288> in <1722> him <0846>: I will <3811> <0> therefore <3767> chastise <3811> (5660) him <0846>, and let him go <0630> (5692).

cause ^ 42_LUK_08_47 And <1161> when the woman <1135> saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> she was <2990> <0> not <3756> hid <2990> (5627), she came <2064> (5627) trembling <5141> (5723), and <2532> falling down before <4363> (5631) him <0846>, she declared <0518> (5656) unto him <0846> before <1799> all <3956> the people <2992> for <1223> what <3739> {cause} <0156> she had touched <0680> (5662) him <0846>, and <2532> how <5613> she was healed <2390> (5681) immediately <3916>.

cause ^ 42_LUK_21_16 And <1161> ye shall be betrayed <3860> (5701) both <2532> by <5259> parents <1118>, and <2532> brethren <0080>, and <2532> kinsfolks <4773>, and <2532> friends <5384>; and <2532> some of <1537> you <5216> shall they {cause} to be put to death <2289> (5692).

cause ^ 40_MAT_19_05 And <2532> said <2036> (5627), For this <5127> {cause} <1752> shall a man <0444> leave <2641> (5692) father <3962> and <2532> mother <3384>, and <2532> shall cleave <4347> (5701) to his <0846> wife <1135>: and <2532> they twain <1417> shall be <2071> (5704) <1519> one <3391> flesh <4561>?

cause ^ 40_MAT_19_03 The Pharisees <5330> also <2532> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846>, tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Is it lawful <1487> <1832> (5748) for a man <0444> to put away <0630> (5658) his <0846> wife <1135> for <2596> every <3956> {cause} <0156>?

cause ^ 41_MAR_13_12 Now <1161> the brother <0080> shall betray <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the son <5043>; and <2532> children <5043> shall rise up <1881> (5695) against <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> shall {cause} <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

cause ^ 41_MAR_10_07 For this {cause} <1752> <5127> shall <2641> <0> a man <0444> leave <2641> (5692) his <0846> father <3962> and <2532> mother <3384>, and <2532> cleave <4347> (5701) to <4314> his <0846> wife <1135>;

cause ^ 40_MAT_10_21 And <1161> the brother <0080> shall deliver up <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the child <5043>: and <2532> the children <5043> shall rise up <1881> (5695) against <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> {cause} <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

cause ^ 40_MAT_05_22 But <1161> I <1473> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> whosoever <3956> is angry <3710> (5746) with his <0846> brother <0080> without a {cause} <1500> shall be <2071> (5704) in danger <1777> of the judgment <2920>: and <1161> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall say <2036> (5632) to his <0846> brother <0080>, Raca <4469>, shall be <2071> (5704) in danger <1777> of the council <4892>: but <1161> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall say <2036> (5632), Thou fool <3474>, shall be <2071> (5704) in danger <1777> of <1519> hell <1067> fire <4442>.

cause ^ 40_MAT_05_32 But <1161> I <1473> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall put away <0630> (5661) his <0846> wife <1135>, saving <3924> for the {cause} <3056> of fornication <4202>, causeth <4160> (5719) her <0846> to commit adultery <3429> (5738): and <2532> whosoever <3739> <1437> shall marry <1060> (5661) her that is divorced <0630> (5772) committeth adultery <3429> (5736).

cause ^ 50_PHP_02_18 For <1161> the same {cause} <0846> also <2532> do <5463> <0> ye <5210> joy <5463> (5720), and <2532> rejoice with <4796> (5720) me <3427>.

cause ^ 66_REV_13_15 And <2532> he <0846> had power <1325> (5681) to give <1325> (5629) life <4151> unto the image <1504> of the beast <2342>, that <2443> the image <1504> of the beast <2342> should <2980> <0> both <2532> speak <2980> (5661), and <2532> {cause} <4160> (5661) that as many as <3745> would <0302> <4352> <0> not <3361> worship <4352> (5661) the image <1504> of the beast <2342> should be killed <2443> <0615> (5686).

cause ^ 66_REV_12_15 And <2532> the serpent <3789> cast <0906> (5627) out of <1537> his <0846> mouth <4750> water <5204> as <5613> a flood <4215> after <3694> the woman <1135>, that <2443> he might {cause} <4160> (5661) her <5026> to be carried away of the flood <4216>.

cause ^ 45_ROM_13_06 For <1063> for <1223> <0> this <5124> {cause} <1223> pay ye <5055> (5719) tribute <5411> also <2532>: for <1063> they are <1526> (5748) God's <2316> ministers <3011>, attending continually <4342> (5723) upon <1519> this <5124> very thing <0846>.

cause ^ 45_ROM_16_17 Now <1161> I beseech <3870> (5719) you <5209>, brethren <0080>, mark <4648> (5721) them which {cause} <4160> (5723) divisions <1370> and <2532> offences <4625> contrary <3844> to the doctrine <1322> which <3739> ye <5210> have learned <3129> (5627); and <2532> avoid <1578> (5657) them <0575> <0846>.

cause ^ 45_ROM_15_09 And <1161> that the Gentiles <1484> might glorify <1392> (5658) God <2316> for <5228> his mercy <1656>; as <2531> it is written <1125> (5769), For <1223> <0> this <5124> {cause} <1223> I will confess <1843> (5698) to thee <4671> among <1722> the Gentiles <1484>, and <2532> sing <5567> (5692) unto thy <4675> name <3686>.

cause ^ 45_ROM_01_26 For <1223> this <5124> {cause} God <2316> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) unto <1519> vile <0819> affections <3806>: for <1063> even <5037> their <0846> women <2338> did change <3337> (5656) the natural <5446> use <5540> into <1519> that which is against <3844> nature <5449>:

cause ^ 45_ROM_15_22 For which {cause} <1352> also <2532> I have been <1465> <0> much <4183> hindered <1465> (5712) from coming <2064> (5629) to <4314> you <5209>.

cause ^ 56_TIT_01_05 For this <5127> {cause} <5484> left I <2641> (5627) thee <4571> in <1722> Crete <2914>, that <2443> thou shouldest set in order <1930> (5672) the things that are wanting <3007> (5723), and <2532> ordain <2525> (5661) elders <4245> in every <2596> city <4172>, as <5613> I <1473> had appointed <1299> (5668) thee <4671>:

caused ^ 47_2CO_02_05 But <1161> if any <1536> have {caused} grief <3076> (5758), he hath <3076> <0> not <3756> grieved <3076> (5758) me <1691>, but <0235> in <0575> part <3313>: that <3363> <0> I may <1912> <0> not <3363> overcharge <1912> (5725) you <5209> all <3956>.

caused ^ 44_ACT_15_03 And <3303> <3767> being brought on their way <4311> (5685) by <5259> the church <1577>, they passed through <1330> (5711) Phenice <5403> and <2532> Samaria <4540>, declaring <1555> (5740) the conversion <1995> of the Gentiles <1484>: and <2532> they {caused} <4160> (5707) great <3173> joy <5479> unto all <3956> the brethren <0080>.

caused ^ 43_JOH_11_37 And <1161> some <5100> of <1537> them <0846> said <2036> (5627), Could <1410> (5711) not <3756> this man <3778>, which <3588> opened <0455> (5660) the eyes <3788> of the blind <5185>, have {caused} <4160> (5658) that <2443> even <2532> this man <3778> should <0599> <0> not <3361> have died <0599> (5632)?

causes ^ 44_ACT_26_21 For <1752> these {causes} <5130> the Jews <2453> caught <4815> (5642) me <3165> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and went about <3987> (5711) to kill <1315> (5670) me.

causeth ^ 66_REV_13_12 And <2532> he exerciseth <4160> (5719) all <3956> the power <1849> of the first <4413> beast <2342> before <1799> him <0846>, and <2532> {causeth} <4160> (5719) the earth <1093> and <2532> them which dwell <2730> (5723) therein <1722> <0846> to <2443> worship <4352> (5661) the first <4413> beast <2342>, whose <3739> <0846> deadly <2288> wound <4127> was healed <2323> (5681).

causeth ^ 66_REV_13_16 And <2532> he {causeth} <4160> (5719) all <3956>, both small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, <2532> rich <4145> and <2532> poor <4434>, <2532> free <1658> and <2532> bond <1401>, to <2443> <0846> receive <1325> (5661) a mark <5480> in <1909> their <0846> right hand <1188> <5495>, or <2228> in <1909> their <0846> foreheads <3359>:

causeth ^ 47_2CO_09_11 Being enriched <4148> (5746) in <1722> every thing <3956> to <1519> all <3956> bountifulness <0572>, which <3748> {causeth} <2716> (5736) through <1223> us <2257> thanksgiving <2169> to God <2316>.

causeth ^ 40_MAT_05_32 But <1161> I <1473> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall put away <0630> (5661) his <0846> wife <1135>, saving <3924> for the cause <3056> of fornication <4202>, {causeth} <4160> (5719) her <0846> to commit adultery <3429> (5738): and <2532> whosoever <3739> <1437> shall marry <1060> (5661) her that is divorced <0630> (5772) committeth adultery <3429> (5736).

causeth ^ 47_2CO_02_14 Now <1161> thanks <5485> be unto God <2316>, which always <3842> {causeth} <2358> <0> us <2248> to triumph <2358> (5723) in <1722> Christ <5547>, and <2532> maketh manifest <5319> (5723) the savour <3744> of his <0846> knowledge <1108> by <1223> us <2257> in <1722> every <3956> place <5117>.

confused ^ 44_ACT_19_32 Some <0243> therefore <3767> <3303> cried <2896> (5707) one thing <5100>, and some another <0243>: for <1063> the assembly <1577> was <2258> (5713) {confused} <4797> (5772); and <2532> the more part <4119> knew <1492> (5715) not <3756> wherefore <5101> <1752> they were come together <4905> (5715).

espoused ^ 40_MAT_01_18 Now <1161> the birth <1083> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> was <2258> (5713) on this wise <3779>: When as <1063> his <0846> mother <3384> Mary <3137> was {espoused} <3423> (5685) to Joseph <2501>, before <4250> <2228> they <0846> came together <4905> (5629), she was found <2147> (5681) with child <1722> <1064> <2192> (5723) of <1537> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

espoused ^ 47_2CO_11_02 For <1063> I am jealous <2206> (5719) over you <5209> with godly <2316> jealousy <2205>: for <1063> I have {espoused} <0718> (5668) you <5209> to one <1520> husband <0435>, that I may present <3936> (5658) you as a chaste <0053> virgin <3933> to Christ <5547>.

espoused ^ 42_LUK_02_05 To be taxed <0583> (5670) with <4862> Mary <3137> his <0846> {espoused} <3423> (5772) wife <1135>, being <5607> (5752) great with child <1471>.

espoused ^ 42_LUK_01_27 To <4314> a virgin <3933> {espoused} <3423> (5772) to a man <0435> whose <3739> name <3686> was Joseph <2501>, of <1537> the house <3624> of David <1138>; and <2532> the virgin's <3933> name <3686> was Mary <3137>.

excuse ^ 47_2CO_12_19 Again <3825>, think ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> we {excuse} ourselves <0626> (5736) unto you <5213>? we speak <2980> (5719) before <2714> God <2316> in <1722> Christ <5547>: but <1161> we do all things <3956>, dearly beloved <0027>, for <5228> your <5216> edifying <3619>.

excuse ^ 42_LUK_14_18 And <2532> they all <3956> with <0575> one <3391> consent began <0756> (5662) to make {excuse} <3868> (5738). The first <4413> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I have bought <0059> (5656) a piece of ground <0068>, and <2532> I must <2192> (5719) needs <0318> go <1831> (5629) and <2532> see <1492> (5629) it <0846>: I pray <2065> (5719) thee <4571> have <2192> (5720) me <3165> excused <3868> (5772).

excuse ^ 45_ROM_01_20 For <1063> the invisible things <0517> of him <0846> from <0575> the creation <2937> of the world <2889> are clearly seen <2529> (5743), being understood <3539> (5746) by the things that are made <4161>, even <5037> his <0846> eternal <0126> power <1411> and <2532> Godhead <2305>; so <1519> that they <0846> are <1511> (5750) without {excuse} <0379>:

excused ^ 42_LUK_14_19 And <2532> another <2087> said <2036> (5627), I have bought <0059> (5656) five <4002> yoke <2201> of oxen <1016>, and <2532> I go <4198> (5736) to prove <1381> (5658) them <0846>: I pray <2065> (5719) thee <4571> have <2192> (5720) me <3165> {excused} <3868> (5772).

excused ^ 42_LUK_14_18 And <2532> they all <3956> with <0575> one <3391> consent began <0756> (5662) to make excuse <3868> (5738). The first <4413> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I have bought <0059> (5656) a piece of ground <0068>, and <2532> I must <2192> (5719) needs <0318> go <1831> (5629) and <2532> see <1492> (5629) it <0846>: I pray <2065> (5719) thee <4571> have <2192> (5720) me <3165> {excused} <3868> (5772).

house ^ 46_1CO_16_15 <1161> I beseech <3870> (5719) you <5209>, brethren <0080>, (ye know <1492> (5758) the {house} <3614> of Stephanas <4734>, that <3754> it is <2076> (5748) the firstfruits <0536> of Achaia <0882>, and <2532> that they have addicted <5021> (5656) themselves <1438> to <1519> the ministry <1248> of the saints <0040>,)

house ^ 46_1CO_01_11 For <1063> it hath been declared <1213> (5681) unto me <3427> of <4012> you <5216>, my <3450> brethren <0080>, by <5259> them which are of the {house} <3588> of Chloe <5514>, that <3754> there are <1526> (5748) contentions <2054> among <1722> you <5213>.

house ^ 46_1CO_16_19 The churches <1577> of Asia <0773> salute <0782> (5736) you <5209>. Aquila <0207> and <2532> Priscilla <4252> salute <0782> (5736) you <5209> much <4183> in <1722> the Lord <2962>, with <4862> the church <1577> that is in <2596> their <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 60_1PE_04_17 For <3754> the time <2540> is come that judgment <2917> must begin <0756> (5670) at <0575> the {house} <3624> of God <2316>: and <1161> if <1487> it first <4412> begin at <0575> us <2257>, what <5101> shall the end <5056> be of them that obey not <0544> (5723) the gospel <2098> of God <2316>?

house ^ 60_1PE_02_05 Ye <0846> also <2532>, as <5613> lively <2198> (5723) stones <3037>, are built up <3618> (5743) a spiritual <4152> {house} <3624>, an holy <0040> priesthood <2406>, to offer up <0399> (5658) spiritual <4152> sacrifices <2378>, acceptable <2144> to God <2316> by <1223> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

house ^ 54_1TI_03_15 But <1161> if <1437> I tarry long <1019> (5725), that <2443> thou mayest know <1492> (5762) how <4459> thou oughtest <1163> (5748) to behave thyself <0390> (5745) in <1722> the {house} <3624> of God <2316>, which <3748> is <2076> (5748) the church <1577> of the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>, the pillar <4769> and <2532> ground <1477> of the truth <0225>.

house ^ 54_1TI_05_08 But <1161> if any <1536> provide <4306> (5719) not <3756> for his own <2398>, and <2532> specially <3122> for those of his own {house} <3609>, he hath denied <0720> (5763) the faith <4102>, and <2532> is <2076> (5748) worse than <5501> an infidel <0571>.

house ^ 54_1TI_05_13 And <1161> <2532> withal <0260> they learn <3129> (5719) to be idle <0692>, wandering about <4022> (5740) from house to {house} <3614>; and <1161> not <3756> only <3440> idle <0692>, but <0235> tattlers <5397> also <2532> and <2532> busybodies <4021>, speaking <2980> (5723) things which <3588> they ought <1163> (5752) not <3361>.

house ^ 54_1TI_05_14 I will <1014> (5736) therefore <3767> that the younger women <3501> marry <1060> (5721), bear children <5041> (5721), guide the {house} <3616> (5721), give <1325> (5721) none <3367> occasion <0874> to the adversary <0480> (5740) to <5484> speak reproachfully <3059>.

house ^ 54_1TI_03_05 (For <1161> if a man <1536> know <1492> <0> not <3756> how <1492> (5758) to rule <4291> (5629) his own <2398> {house} <3624>, how <4459> shall he take care of <1959> (5695) the church <1577> of God <2316>?)

house ^ 54_1TI_03_04 One that ruleth <4291> (5734) well <2573> his own <2398> {house} <3624>, having <2192> (5723) his children <5043> in <1722> subjection <5292> with <3326> all <3956> gravity <4587>;

house ^ 54_1TI_05_13 And <1161> <2532> withal <0260> they learn <3129> (5719) to be idle <0692>, wandering about <4022> (5740) from {house} to house <3614>; and <1161> not <3756> only <3440> idle <0692>, but <0235> tattlers <5397> also <2532> and <2532> busybodies <4021>, speaking <2980> (5723) things which <3588> they ought <1163> (5752) not <3361>.

house ^ 47_2CO_05_01 For <1063> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> if <1437> our <2257> earthly <1919> house <3614> of this tabernacle <4636> were dissolved <2647> (5686), we have <2192> (5719) a building <3619> of <1537> God <2316>, an {house} <3614> not made with hands <0886>, eternal <0166> in <1722> the heavens <3772>.

house ^ 47_2CO_05_01 For <1063> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> if <1437> our <2257> earthly <1919> {house} <3614> of this tabernacle <4636> were dissolved <2647> (5686), we have <2192> (5719) a building <3619> of <1537> God <2316>, an house <3614> not made with hands <0886>, eternal <0166> in <1722> the heavens <3772>.

house ^ 47_2CO_05_02 For <2532> <1063> in <1722> this <5129> we groan <4727> (5719), earnestly desiring <1971> (5723) to be clothed upon <1902> (5670) with our <2257> {house} <3613> which <3588> is from <1537> heaven <3772>:

house ^ 63_2JO_01_010 If <1536> <0> there come <2064> (5736) any <1536> <5100> unto <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> bring <5342> (5719) not <3756> this <5026> doctrine <1322>, receive <2983> (5720) him <0846> not <3361> into <1519> your {house} <3614>, neither <2532> <3361> bid <3004> (5720) him <0846> God speed <5463> (5721):

house ^ 55_2TI_01_16 The Lord <2962> give <1325> (5630) mercy <1656> unto the {house} <3624> of Onesiphorus <3683>; for <3754> he <0404> <0> oft <4178> refreshed <0404> (5656) me <3165>, and <2532> was <1870> <0> not <3756> ashamed <1870> (5681) of my <3450> chain <0254>:

house ^ 55_2TI_02_20 But <1161> in <1722> a great <3173> {house} <3614> there are <2076> (5748) not <3756> only <3440> vessels <4632> of gold <5552> and <2532> of silver <0693>, but <0235> also <2532> of wood <3585> and <2532> of earth <3749>; and <2532> some <3739> <3303> to <1519> honour <5092>, and <1161> some <3739> to <1519> dishonour <0819>.

house ^ 44_ACT_02_02 And <2532> suddenly <0869> there came <1096> (5633) a sound <2279> from <1537> heaven <3772> as <5618> of a rushing <5342> (5730) mighty <0972> wind <4157>, and <2532> it filled <4137> (5656) all <3650> the {house} <3624> where <3757> they were <2258> (5713) sitting <2521> (5740).

house ^ 44_ACT_07_10 And <2532> delivered <1807> (5639) him <0846> out of <1537> all <3956> his <0846> afflictions <2347>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) him <0846> favour <5485> and <2532> wisdom <4678> in the sight <1726> of Pharaoh <5328> king <0935> of Egypt <0125>; and <2532> he made <2525> (5656) him <0846> governor <2233> (5740) over <1909> Egypt <0125> and <2532> all <3650> his <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 44_ACT_07_20 In <1722> which <3739> time <2540> Moses <3475> was born <1080> (5681), and <2532> was <2258> (5713) exceeding <2316> fair <0791>, and <3739> nourished up <0397> (5648) in <1722> his <0846> father's <3962> {house} <3624> three <5140> months <3376>:

house ^ 44_ACT_16_34 And <5037> when he had brought <0321> (5631) them <0846> into <1519> his house <3624>, he set <3908> <0> meat <5132> before them <3908> (5656), and <2532> rejoiced <0021> (5662), believing <4100> (5761) in God <2316> with all <3832> <0> his <0846> {house} <3832>.

house ^ 44_ACT_16_34 And <5037> when he had brought <0321> (5631) them <0846> into <1519> his {house} <3624>, he set <3908> <0> meat <5132> before them <3908> (5656), and <2532> rejoiced <0021> (5662), believing <4100> (5761) in God <2316> with all <3832> <0> his <0846> house <3832>.

house ^ 44_ACT_02_46 And <5037> they, continuing <4342> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> with one accord <3661> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <5037> breaking <2806> (5723) bread <0740> from <2596> {house} to house <3624>, did eat <3335> (5707) their meat <5160> with <1722> gladness <0020> and <2532> singleness <0858> of heart <2588>,

house ^ 44_ACT_05_42 And <5037> daily <2250> <3956> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> in every <2596> {house} <3624>, they ceased <3973> (5710) not <3756> to teach <1321> (5723) and <2532> preach <2097> (5734) Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

house ^ 44_ACT_07_42 Then <1161> God <2316> turned <4762> (5656), and <2532> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) to worship <3> (5721) the host <4756> of heaven <3772>; as it <2531> is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the book <0976> of the prophets <4396>, O ye {house} <3624> of Israel <2474>, have ye offered <3361> <4374> (5656) to me <3427> slain beasts <4968> and <2532> sacrifices <2378> by the space of forty <5062> years <2094> in <1722> the wilderness <2048>?

house ^ 44_ACT_07_47 But <1161> Solomon <4672> built <3618> (5656) him <0846> an {house} <3624>.

house ^ 44_ACT_10_02 A devout <2152> man, and <2532> one that feared <5399> (5740) God <2316> with <4862> all <3956> his <0846> {house} <3624>, which <5037> gave <4160> (5723) much <4183> alms <1654> to the people <2992>, and <2532> prayed <1189> (5740) to God <2316> alway <1275>.

house ^ 44_ACT_08_03 As <1161> for Saul <4569>, he made havock <3075> (5711) of the church <1577>, entering into <1531> (5740) every <2596> {house} <3624>, and haling <4951> (5723) <5037> men <0435> and <2532> women <1135> committed <3860> (5707) them to <1519> prison <5438>.

house ^ 44_ACT_09_11 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said unto <4314> him <0846>, Arise <0450> (5631), and go <4198> (5676) into <1909> the street <4505> which <3588> is called <2564> (5746) Straight <2117>, and <2532> enquire <2212> (5657) in <1722> the {house} <3614> of Judas <2455> for one called <3686> Saul <4569>, of Tarsus <5018>: for <1063>, behold <2400> (5628), he prayeth <4336> (5736),

house ^ 44_ACT_10_06 He <3778> lodgeth <3579> (5743) with <3844> one <5100> Simon <4613> a tanner <1038>, whose <3739> {house} <3614> is <2076> (5748) by <3844> the sea side <2281>: he <3778> shall tell <2980> (5692) thee <4671> what <5101> thou <4571> oughtest <1163> (5748) to do <4160> (5721).

house ^ 44_ACT_02_36 Therefore <3767> let <1097> <0> all <3956> the {house} <3624> of Israel <2474> know <1097> (5720) assuredly <0806>, that <3754> God <2316> hath made <4160> (5656) that same <5126> Jesus <2424>, whom <3739> ye <5210> have crucified <4717> (5656), both <2532> Lord <2962> and <2532> Christ <5547>.

house ^ 44_ACT_02_46 And <5037> they, continuing <4342> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> with one accord <3661> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <5037> breaking <2806> (5723) bread <0740> from <2596> house to {house} <3624>, did eat <3335> (5707) their meat <5160> with <1722> gladness <0020> and <2532> singleness <0858> of heart <2588>,

house ^ 44_ACT_07_49 Heaven <3772> is my <3427> throne <2362>, and <1161> earth <1093> is my <3450> footstool <4228> <5286>: what <4169> {house} <3624> will ye build <3618> (5692) me <3427>? saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>: or <2228> what <5101> is the place <5117> of my <3450> rest <2663>?

house ^ 44_ACT_16_15 And <1161> when <5613> she was baptized <0907> (5681), and <2532> her <0846> household <3624>, she besought <3870> (5656) us, saying <3004> (5723), If <1487> ye have judged <2919> (5758) me <3165> to be <1511> (5750) faithful <4103> to the Lord <2962>, come <1525> (5631) into <1519> my <3450> {house} <3624>, and abide <3306> (5657) there. And <2532> she constrained <3849> (5662) us <2248>.

house ^ 44_ACT_16_31 And <1161> they said <2036> (5627), Believe <4100> (5657) on <1909> the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, and <2532> thou <4771> shalt be saved <4982> (5701), and <2532> thy <4675> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 44_ACT_16_32 And <2532> they spake <2980> (5656) unto him <0846> the word <3056> of the Lord <2962>, and <2532> to all <3956> that were in <1722> his <0846> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 44_ACT_16_40 And <1161> they went <1831> (5631) out of <1537> the prison <5438>, and entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} of Lydia <3070>: and <2532> when they had seen <1492> (5631) the brethren <0080>, they comforted <3870> (5656) them <0846>, and <2532> departed <1831> (5627).

house ^ 44_ACT_17_05 But <1161> the Jews <2453> which believed not <0544> (5723), moved with envy <2206> (5660), <2532> took unto them <4355> (5642) certain <5100> lewd <4190> fellows <0435> of the baser sort <0060>, and <2532> gathered a company <3792> (5660), and set all <2350> <0> the city <4172> on an uproar <2350> (5707), and <5037> assaulted <2186> (5631) the {house} <3614> of Jason <2394>, and sought <2212> (5707) to bring <0071> (5629) them <0846> out <1519> to the people <1218>.

house ^ 44_ACT_18_07 And <2532> he departed <3327> (5631) thence <1564>, and entered <2064> (5627) into <1519> a certain <5100> man's house <3614>, named <3686> Justus <2459>, one that worshipped <4576> (5740) God <2316>, whose <3739> {house} <3614> joined hard <4927> (5723) <2258> (5713) to the synagogue <4864>.

house ^ 44_ACT_18_07 And <2532> he departed <3327> (5631) thence <1564>, and entered <2064> (5627) into <1519> a certain <5100> man's {house} <3614>, named <3686> Justus <2459>, one that worshipped <4576> (5740) God <2316>, whose <3739> house <3614> joined hard <4927> (5723) <2258> (5713) to the synagogue <4864>.

house ^ 44_ACT_20_20 And how <5613> I kept back <5288> (5668) nothing <3762> that was profitable <4851> (5723) unto you, but <3361> have shewed <0312> (5658) you <5213>, and <2532> have taught <1321> (5658) you <5209> publickly <1219>, and <2532> from <2596> {house} to house <3624>,

house ^ 44_ACT_12_12 And <5037> when he had considered <4894> (5631) the thing, he came <2064> (5627) to <1909> the {house} <3614> of Mary <3137> the mother <3384> of John <2491>, whose surname was <1941> (5746) Mark <3138>; where <3757> many <2425> were <2258> (5713) gathered together <4867> (5772) praying <2532> <4336> (5740).

house ^ 44_ACT_11_12 And <1161> the Spirit <4151> bade <2036> (5627) me <3427> go with <4905> (5629) them <0846>, nothing <3367> doubting <1252> (5734). Moreover <1161> <2532> these <3778> six <1803> brethren <0080> accompanied <4862> <2064> (5627) me <1698>, and <2532> we entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the man's <0435> {house} <3624>:

house ^ 44_ACT_11_13 And <5037> he shewed <0518> (5656) us <2254> how <4459> he had seen <1492> (5627) an angel <0032> in <1722> his <0846> {house} <3624>, which stood <2476> (5685) and <2532> said <2036> (5631) unto him <0846>, Send <0649> (5657) men <0435> to <1519> Joppa <2445>, and <2532> call for <3343> (5663) Simon <4613>, whose surname is <1941> (5746) Peter <4074>;

house ^ 44_ACT_11_14 Who <3739> shall tell <2980> (5692) thee <4314> <4571> words <4487>, whereby <1722> <3739> thou <4771> and <2532> all <3956> thy <4675> {house} <3624> shall be saved <4982> (5701).

house ^ 44_ACT_19_16 And <2532> the man <0444> in <1722> whom <3739> the evil <4190> spirit <4151> was <2258> (5713) leaped <2177> (5740) on <1909> them <0846>, and <2532> overcame <2634> (5660) them <0846>, and prevailed <2480> (5656) against <2596> them <0846>, so <5620> that they fled <1628> (5629) out of <1537> that <1565> {house} <3624> naked <1131> and <2532> wounded <5135> (5772).

house ^ 44_ACT_28_30 And <1161> Paul <3972> dwelt <3306> (5656) two <1333> <0> whole <3650> years <1333> in <1722> his own <2398> hired {house} <3410>, and <2532> received <0588> (5711) all <3956> that came in <1531> (5740) unto <4314> him <0846>,

house ^ 44_ACT_11_11 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), immediately <1824> <0> there were <2186> <0> three <5140> men <0435> already <1824> come <2186> (5627) unto <1909> the {house} <3614> where <1722> <3739> <3739> I was <2252> (5713), sent <0649> (5772) from <0575> Caesarea <2542> unto <4314> me <3165>.

house ^ 44_ACT_09_17 And <1161> Ananias <0367> went his way <0565> (5627), and <2532> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3614>; and <2532> putting <2007> (5631) his hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846> said <2036> (5627), Brother <0080> Saul <4549>, the Lord <2962>, even Jesus <2424>, that appeared <3700> (5685) unto thee <4671> in <1722> the way <3598> as <3739> thou camest <2064> (5711), hath sent <0649> (5758) me <3165>, that <3704> thou mightest receive thy sight <0308> (5661), and <2532> be filled with <4130> (5686) the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

house ^ 44_ACT_10_17 Now <1161> while <5613> Peter <4074> doubted <1280> (5707) in <1722> himself <1438> what <5101> this vision <3705> which <3739> he had seen <1492> (5627) should mean <0302> <1498> (5751), behold <2400> (5628) <2532>, the men <0435> which <3588> were sent <0649> (5772) from <0575> Cornelius <2883> had made enquiry <1331> (5660) for Simon's <4613> {house} <3614>, and stood <2186> (5627) before <1909> the gate <4440>,

house ^ 44_ACT_10_32 Send <3992> (5657) therefore <3767> to <1519> Joppa <2445>, and <2532> call hither <3333> (5669) Simon <4613>, whose <3739> surname is <1941> (5743) Peter <4074>; he <3778> is lodged <3579> (5743) in <1722> the {house} <3614> of one Simon <4613> a tanner <1038> by <3844> the sea side <2281>: who <3739>, when he cometh <3854> (5637), shall speak <2980> (5692) unto thee <4671>.

house ^ 44_ACT_10_22 And <1161> they said <2036> (5627), Cornelius <2883> the centurion <1543>, a just <1342> man <0435>, and <2532> one that feareth <5399> (5740) God <2316>, and <5037> of good report <3140> (5746) among <5259> all <3650> the nation <1484> of the Jews <2453>, was warned from God <5537> (5681) by <5259> an holy <0040> angel <0032> to send <3343> (5664) for thee <4571> into <1519> his <0846> {house} <3624>, and <2532> to hear <0191> (5658) words <4487> of <3844> thee <4675>.

house ^ 44_ACT_10_30 And <2532> Cornelius <2883> said <5346> (5713), Four <5067> days <2250> ago <0575> I was <2252> (5713) fasting <3522> (5723) until <3360> this <5026> hour <5610>; and <2532> at the ninth <1766> hour <5610> I prayed <4336> (5740) in <1722> my <3450> {house} <3624>, and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a man <0435> stood <2476> (5627) before <1799> me <3450> in <1722> bright <2986> clothing <2066>,

house ^ 44_ACT_18_08 And <1161> Crispus <2921>, the chief ruler of the synagogue <0752>, believed <4100> (5656) on the Lord <2962> with <4862> all <3650> his <0846> {house} <3624>; and <2532> many <4183> of the Corinthians <2881> hearing <0191> (5723) believed <4100> (5707), and <2532> were baptized <0907> (5712).

house ^ 44_ACT_20_20 And how <5613> I kept back <5288> (5668) nothing <3762> that was profitable <4851> (5723) unto you, but <3361> have shewed <0312> (5658) you <5213>, and <2532> have taught <1321> (5658) you <5209> publickly <1219>, and <2532> from <2596> house to {house} <3624>,

house ^ 44_ACT_21_08 And <1161> the next <1887> day we that were of <4012> <0> Paul's <3972> company <4012> departed <1831> (5631), and came <2064> (5627) (5625) <2064> (5627) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>: and <2532> we entered <1525> (5631) into <1519> the {house} <3624> of Philip <5376> the evangelist <2099>, which was <5607> (5752) one of <1537> the seven <2033>; and abode <3306> (5656) with <3844> him <0846>.

house ^ 51_COL_04_15 Salute <0782> (5663) the brethren <0080> which are in <1722> Laodicea <2993>, and <2532> Nymphas <3564>, and <2532> the church <1577> which is in <2596> his <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 58_HEB_08_08 For <1063> finding fault <3201> (5740) with them <0846>, he saith <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628), the days <2250> come <2064> (5736), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>, when <2532> I will make <4931> (5692) a new <2537> covenant <1242> with <1909> the house <3624> of Israel <2474> and <2532> with <1909> the {house} <3624> of Judah <2455>:

house ^ 58_HEB_03_03 For <1063> this <3778> man was counted worthy <0515> (5769) of more <4119> glory <1391> than <3844> Moses <3475>, inasmuch as <2596> <3745> he who hath builded <2680> (5660) the house <3624> hath more <4119> honour <5092> than <2192> (5719) the {house} <0846>.

house ^ 58_HEB_03_05 And <2532> Moses <3475> verily <3303> was faithful <4103> in <1722> all <3650> his <0846> {house} <3624>, as <5613> a servant <2324>, for <1519> a testimony <3142> of those things which were to be spoken after <2980> (5702);

house ^ 58_HEB_03_06 But <1161> Christ <5547> as <5613> a son <5207> over <1909> his own <0846> house <3624>; whose <3739> {house} <3624> are <2070> (5748) we <2249>, if <1437> <4007> we hold fast <2722> (5632) the confidence <3954> and <2532> the rejoicing <2745> of the hope <1680> firm <0949> unto <3360> the end <5056>.

house ^ 58_HEB_03_06 But <1161> Christ <5547> as <5613> a son <5207> over <1909> his own <0846> {house} <3624>; whose <3739> house <3624> are <2070> (5748) we <2249>, if <1437> <4007> we hold fast <2722> (5632) the confidence <3954> and <2532> the rejoicing <2745> of the hope <1680> firm <0949> unto <3360> the end <5056>.

house ^ 58_HEB_08_08 For <1063> finding fault <3201> (5740) with them <0846>, he saith <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628), the days <2250> come <2064> (5736), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>, when <2532> I will make <4931> (5692) a new <2537> covenant <1242> with <1909> the {house} <3624> of Israel <2474> and <2532> with <1909> the house <3624> of Judah <2455>:

house ^ 58_HEB_08_10 For <3754> this <3778> is the covenant <1242> that <3739> I will make <1303> (5695) with the {house} <3624> of Israel <2474> after <3326> those <1565> days <2250>, saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>; I will put <1325> (5723) my <3450> laws <3551> into <1519> their <0846> mind <1271>, and <2532> write <1924> (5692) them <0846> in <1909> their <0846> hearts <2588>: and <2532> I will be <2071> (5704) to <1519> them <0846> a God <2316>, and <2532> they <0846> shall be <2071> (5704) to <1519> me <3427> a people <2992>:

house ^ 58_HEB_03_03 For <1063> this <3778> man was counted worthy <0515> (5769) of more <4119> glory <1391> than <3844> Moses <3475>, inasmuch as <2596> <3745> he who hath builded <2680> (5660) the {house} <3624> hath more <4119> honour <5092> than <2192> (5719) the house <0846>.

house ^ 58_HEB_03_04 For <1063> every <3956> {house} <3624> is builded <2680> (5743) by <5259> some <5100> man; but <1161> he that built <2680> (5660) all things <3956> is God <2316>.

house ^ 58_HEB_10_21 And <2532> having an high <3173> priest <2409> over <1909> the {house} <3624> of God <2316>;

house ^ 58_HEB_11_07 By faith <4102> Noah <3575>, being warned of God <5537> (5685) of <4012> things not <3369> <0> seen <0991> (5746) as yet <3369>, moved with fear <2125> (5685), prepared <2680> (5656) an ark <2787> to <1519> the saving <4991> of his <0846> {house} <3624>; by <1223> the which <3739> he condemned <2632> (5656) the world <2889>, and <2532> became <1096> (5633) heir <2818> of the righteousness <1343> which is by <2596> faith <4102>.

house ^ 58_HEB_03_02 Who was <5607> (5752) faithful <4103> to him that appointed <4160> (5660) him <0846>, as <5613> also <2532> Moses <3475> was faithful in <1722> all <3650> his <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 43_JOH_02_16 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them that sold <4453> (5723) doves <4058>, Take <0142> (5657) these things <5023> hence <1782>; make <4160> (5720) not <3361> my <3450> Father's <3962> house <3624> an {house} <3624> of merchandise <1712>.

house ^ 43_JOH_11_20 Then <3767> Martha <3136>, as soon as <5613> she heard <0191> (5656) that <3754> Jesus <2424> was coming <2064> (5736), went and met <5221> (5656) him <0846>: but <1161> Mary <3137> sat <2516> (5711) still in <1722> the {house} <3624>.

house ^ 43_JOH_11_31 The Jews <2453> then <3767> which <3588> were <5607> (5752) with <3326> her <0846> in <1722> the {house} <3614>, and <2532> comforted <3888> (5740) her <0846>, when they saw <1492> (5631) Mary <3137>, that <3754> she rose up <0450> (5627) hastily <5030> and <2532> went out <1831> (5627), followed <0190> (5656) her <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> She goeth <5217> (5719) unto <1519> the grave <3419> to <2443> weep <2799> (5661) there <1563>.

house ^ 43_JOH_14_02 In <1722> my <3450> Father's <3962> {house} <3614> are <1526> (5748) many <4183> mansions <3438>: if it were not <1490> so, I would have told <0302> <2036> (5627) you <5213>. I go <4198> (5736) to prepare <2090> (5658) a place <5117> for you <5213>.

house ^ 43_JOH_07_53 And <2532> every man <1538> went <4198> (5675) unto <1519> his own <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 43_JOH_02_16 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them that sold <4453> (5723) doves <4058>, Take <0142> (5657) these things <5023> hence <1782>; make <4160> (5720) not <3361> my <3450> Father's <3962> {house} <3624> an house <3624> of merchandise <1712>.

house ^ 43_JOH_02_17 And <1161> his <0846> disciples <3101> remembered <3415> (5681) that <3754> it was <2076> (5748) written <1125> (5772), The zeal <2205> of thine <4675> {house} <3624> hath eaten <2719> <0> me <3165> up <2719> (5627).

house ^ 43_JOH_04_53 So <3767> the father <3962> knew <1097> (5627) that <3754> it was at <1722> the same <1565> hour <5610>, in <1722> the which <3739> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, <3754> Thy <4675> son <5207> liveth <2198> (5719): and <2532> himself <0846> believed <4100> (5656), and <2532> his <0846> whole <3650> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 43_JOH_08_35 And <1161> the servant <1401> abideth <3306> (5719) not <3756> in <1722> the {house} <3614> for <1519> ever <0165>: but the Son <5207> abideth <3306> (5719) <1519> ever <0165>.

house ^ 43_JOH_12_03 Then <3767> took <2983> (5631) Mary <3137> a pound <3046> of ointment <3464> of spikenard <3487> <4101>, very costly <4186>, and anointed <0218> (5656) the feet <4228> of Jesus <2424>, and <2532> wiped <1591> (5656) his <0846> feet <4228> with her <0846> hair <2359>: and <1161> the {house} <3614> was filled <4137> (5681) with <1537> the odour <3744> of the ointment <3464>.

house ^ 42_LUK_06_04 How <5613> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did take <2983> (5627) and <2532> eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them that were with <3326> him <0846>; which <3739> it is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409> alone <3441>?

house ^ 42_LUK_06_48 He is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> which <3739> built <3618> (5723) an house <3614>, and <2532> digged <4626> (5656) deep <0900> (5656), and <2532> laid <5087> (5656) the foundation <2310> on <1909> a rock <4073>: and <1161> when the flood <4132> arose <1096> (5637), the stream <4215> beat vehemently <4366> (5656) upon that <1565> {house} <3614>, and <2532> could <2480> (5656) not <3756> shake <4531> (5658) it <0846>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a rock <4073>.

house ^ 42_LUK_01_69 And <2532> hath raised up <1453> (5656) an horn <2768> of salvation <4991> for us <2254> in <1722> the {house} <3624> of his <0846> servant <3816> David <1138>;

house ^ 42_LUK_01_23 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, as soon as <5613> the days <2250> of his <0846> ministration <3009> were accomplished <4130> (5681), he departed <0565> (5627) to <1519> his own <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_01_27 To <4314> a virgin <3933> espoused <3423> (5772) to a man <0435> whose <3739> name <3686> was Joseph <2501>, of <1537> the {house} <3624> of David <1138>; and <2532> the virgin's <3933> name <3686> was Mary <3137>.

house ^ 42_LUK_02_04 And <1161> Joseph <2501> also <2532> went up <0305> (5627) from <0575> Galilee <1056>, out of <1537> the city <4172> of Nazareth <3478>, into <1519> Judaea <2449>, unto <1519> the city <4172> of David <1138>, which <3748> is called <2564> (5743) Bethlehem <0965>; (because <1223> he <0846> was <1511> (5750) of <1537> the {house} <3624> and <2532> lineage <3965> of David <1138>:)

house ^ 42_LUK_06_48 He is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> which <3739> built <3618> (5723) an {house} <3614>, and <2532> digged <4626> (5656) deep <0900> (5656), and <2532> laid <5087> (5656) the foundation <2310> on <1909> a rock <4073>: and <1161> when the flood <4132> arose <1096> (5637), the stream <4215> beat vehemently <4366> (5656) upon that <1565> house <3614>, and <2532> could <2480> (5656) not <3756> shake <4531> (5658) it <0846>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a rock <4073>.

house ^ 42_LUK_01_33 And <2532> he shall reign <0936> (5692) over <1909> the {house} <3624> of Jacob <2384> for <1519> ever <0165>; and <2532> of his <0846> kingdom <0932> there shall be <2071> (5704) no <3756> end <5056>.

house ^ 42_LUK_01_40 And <2532> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3624> of Zacharias <2197>, and <2532> saluted <0782> (5662) Elisabeth <1665>.

house ^ 42_LUK_01_56 And <1161> Mary <3137> abode <3306> (5656) with <4862> her <0846> about <5616> three <5140> months <3376>, and <2532> returned <5290> (5656) to <1519> her own <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_04_38 And <1161> he arose <0450> (5631) out of <1537> the synagogue <4864>, and entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> Simon's <4613> {house} <3614>. And <1161> Simon's <4613> wife's mother <3994> was <2258> (5713) taken with <4912> (5746) a great <3173> fever <4446>; and <2532> they besought <2065> (5656) him <0846> for <4012> her <0846>.

house ^ 42_LUK_05_25 And <2532> immediately <3916> he rose up <0450> (5631) before <1799> them <0846>, and took up <0142> (5660) that whereon <1909> <3739> he lay <2621> (5711), and departed <0565> (5627) to <1519> his own <0846> {house} <3624>, glorifying <1392> (5723) God <2316>.

house ^ 42_LUK_05_29 And <2532> Levi <3018> made <4160> (5656) him <0846> a great <3173> feast <1403> in <1722> his own <0846> {house} <3614>: and <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a great <4183> company <3793> of publicans <5057> and <2532> of others <0243> that <3739> sat down <2258> (5713) <2621> (5740) with <3326> them <0846>.

house ^ 42_LUK_05_24 But <1161> that <2443> ye may know <1492> (5762) that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> hath <2192> (5719) power <1849> upon <1909> earth <1093> to forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, (he said <2036> (5627) unto the sick of the palsy <3886> (5772),) I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, Arise <1453> (5669), and <2532> take up <0142> (5660) thy <4675> couch <2826>, and go <4198> (5737) into <1519> thine <4675> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_06_49 But <1161> he that heareth <0191> (5660), and <2532> doeth <4160> (5660) not <3361>, is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> that without <5565> a foundation <2310> built <3618> (5660) an house <3614> upon <1909> the earth <1093>; against <4366> <0> which <3739> the stream <4215> did beat vehemently <4366> (5656), and <2532> immediately <2112> it fell <4098> (5627); and <2532> the ruin <4485> of that <1565> {house} <3614> was <1096> (5633) great <3173>.

house ^ 42_LUK_06_49 But <1161> he that heareth <0191> (5660), and <2532> doeth <4160> (5660) not <3361>, is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> that without <5565> a foundation <2310> built <3618> (5660) an {house} <3614> upon <1909> the earth <1093>; against <4366> <0> which <3739> the stream <4215> did beat vehemently <4366> (5656), and <2532> immediately <2112> it fell <4098> (5627); and <2532> the ruin <4485> of that <1565> house <3614> was <1096> (5633) great <3173>.

house ^ 42_LUK_11_17 But <1161> he <0846>, knowing <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1270>, said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <1266> (5685) against <1909> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> a {house} <3624> divided against <1909> a house <3624> falleth <4098> (5719).

house ^ 42_LUK_10_07 And <1161> in <1722> the same <0846> {house} <3614> remain <3306> (5720), eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723) such things as <3844> <0> they <0846> give <3844>: for <1063> the labourer <2040> is <2076> (5748) worthy <0514> of his <0846> hire <3408>. Go <3327> (5720) not <3361> from <1537> house <3614> to <1519> house <3614>.

house ^ 42_LUK_11_24 When <3752> the unclean <0169> spirit <4151> is gone <1831> (5632) out of <0575> a man <0444>, he walketh <1330> (5736) through <1223> dry <0504> places <5117>, seeking <2212> (5723) rest <0372>; and <2532> finding <2147> (5723) none <3361>, he saith <3004> (5719), I will return <5290> (5692) unto <1519> my <3450> {house} <3624> whence <3606> I came out <1831> (5627).

house ^ 42_LUK_15_25 Now <1161> his <0846> elder <4245> son <5207> was <2258> (5713) in <1722> the field <0068>: and <2532> as <5613> he came <2064> (5740) and drew nigh <1448> (5656) to the {house} <3614>, he heard <0191> (5656) musick <4858> and <2532> dancing <5525>.

house ^ 42_LUK_10_38 Now <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as <1722> they <0846> went <4198> (5738), that <2532> he <0846> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> a certain <5100> village <2968>: and <1161> a certain <5100> woman <1135> named <3686> Martha <3136> received <5264> (5662) him <0846> into <1519> her <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_07_10 And <2532> they that were sent <3992> (5685), returning <5290> (5660) to <1519> the {house} <3624>, found <2147> (5627) the servant <1401> whole <5198> (5723) that had been sick <0770> (5723).

house ^ 42_LUK_13_35 Behold <2400> (5628), your <5216> {house} <3624> is left <0863> (5743) unto you <5213> desolate <2048>: and <1161> verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> Ye shall <1492> <0> not <3364> see <1492> (5632) me <3165>, until <2193> <0302> the time come <2240> (5661) when <3753> ye shall say <2036> (5632), Blessed <2127> (5772) is he that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>.

house ^ 42_LUK_10_05 And <1161> into <1519> whatsoever <3739> <0302> {house} <3614> ye enter <1525> (5741), first <4412> say <3004> (5720), Peace <1515> be to this <5129> house <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_22_11 And <2532> ye shall say <2046> (5692) unto the goodman <3617> of the {house} <3614>, The Master <1320> saith <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the guestchamber <2646>, where <3699> I shall eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957> with <3326> my <3450> disciples <3101>?

house ^ 42_LUK_07_06 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> went <4198> (5711) with <4862> them <0846>. And <1161> when he <0846> was <0568> (5723) now <2235> not <3756> far <3112> from <0575> the {house} <3614>, the centurion <1543> sent <3992> (5656) friends <5384> to <4314> him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, trouble <4660> <0> not <3361> thyself <4660> (5744): for <1063> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> worthy <2425> that <2443> thou shouldest enter <1525> (5632) under <5259> my <3450> roof <4721>:

house ^ 42_LUK_07_36 And <1161> one <5100> of the Pharisees <5330> desired <2065> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he would eat <5315> (5632) with <3326> him <0846>. And <2532> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the Pharisee's <5330> {house} <3614>, and sat down to meat <0347> (5681).

house ^ 42_LUK_14_01 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as <1722> he <0846> went <2064> (5629) into <1519> the {house} <3624> of one <5100> of the chief <0758> Pharisees <5330> to eat <5315> (5629) bread <0740> on the sabbath <4521> day, that <2532> they <0846> watched <2258> (5713) <3906> (5734) him <0846>.

house ^ 42_LUK_11_17 But <1161> he <0846>, knowing <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1270>, said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <1266> (5685) against <1909> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> a house <3624> divided against <1909> a {house} <3624> falleth <4098> (5719).

house ^ 42_LUK_07_37 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a woman <1135> in <1722> the city <4172>, which <3748> was <2258> (5713) a sinner <0268>, when she knew <1921> (5631) that <3754> Jesus sat at meat <0345> (5736) in <1722> the Pharisee's <5330> {house} <3614>, brought <2865> (5660) an alabaster box <0211> of ointment <3464>,

house ^ 42_LUK_12_39 And <1161> this <5124> know <1097> (5720), that <3754> if <1487> the goodman of the house <3617> had known <1492> (5715) what <4169> hour <5610> the thief <2812> would come <2064> (5736), <0302> he would have watched <1127> (5656), and <2532> <0302> not <3756> have suffered <0863> (5656) his <0846> {house} <3624> to be broken through <1358> (5650).

house ^ 42_LUK_15_08 Either <2228> what <5101> woman <1135> having <2192> (5723) ten <1176> pieces of silver <1406>, if <1437> she lose <0622> (5661) one <3391> piece <1406>, doth not <3780> light <0681> (5719) a candle <3088>, and <2532> sweep <4563> (5719) the {house} <3614>, and <2532> seek <2212> (5719) diligently <1960> till <2193> <3755> she find <2147> (5632) it?

house ^ 42_LUK_12_39 And <1161> this <5124> know <1097> (5720), that <3754> if <1487> the goodman of the {house} <3617> had known <1492> (5715) what <4169> hour <5610> the thief <2812> would come <2064> (5736), <0302> he would have watched <1127> (5656), and <2532> <0302> not <3756> have suffered <0863> (5656) his <0846> house <3624> to be broken through <1358> (5650).

house ^ 42_LUK_10_05 And <1161> into <1519> whatsoever <3739> <0302> house <3614> ye enter <1525> (5741), first <4412> say <3004> (5720), Peace <1515> be to this <5129> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_10_07 And <1161> in <1722> the same <0846> house <3614> remain <3306> (5720), eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723) such things as <3844> <0> they <0846> give <3844>: for <1063> the labourer <2040> is <2076> (5748) worthy <0514> of his <0846> hire <3408>. Go <3327> (5720) not <3361> from <1537> {house} <3614> to <1519> house <3614>.

house ^ 42_LUK_10_07 And <1161> in <1722> the same <0846> house <3614> remain <3306> (5720), eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723) such things as <3844> <0> they <0846> give <3844>: for <1063> the labourer <2040> is <2076> (5748) worthy <0514> of his <0846> hire <3408>. Go <3327> (5720) not <3361> from <1537> house <3614> to <1519> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 42_LUK_09_61 And <1161> another <2087> also <2532> said <2036> (5627), Lord <2962>, I will follow <0190> (5692) thee <4671>; but <1161> let <2010> (5657) me <3427> first <4412> go bid them farewell <0657> (5670), which are at home at <1519> my <3450> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_13_25 When once <0575> <3739> <0302> the master of the {house} <3617> is risen up <1453> (5686), and <2532> hath shut <0608> (5661) to the door <2374>, and <2532> ye begin <0756> (5672) to stand <2476> (5760) without <1854>, and <2532> to knock <2925> (5721) at the door <2374>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, Lord <2962>, open <0455> (5657) unto us <2254>; and <2532> he shall answer <0611> (5679) and say <2046> (5692) unto you <5213>, I know <1492> (5758) you <5209> not <3756> whence <4159> ye are <2075> (5748):

house ^ 42_LUK_19_46 Saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, It is written <1125> (5769), My <3450> {house} <3624> is <2076> (5748) the house <3624> of prayer <4335>: but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 42_LUK_18_14 I tell <3004> (5719) you <5213>, this man <3778> went down <2597> (5627) to <1519> his <0846> {house} <3624> justified <1344> (5772) rather than <2228> the other <1565>: for <3754> every one <3956> that exalteth <5312> (5723) himself <1438> shall be abased <5013> (5701); and <1161> he that humbleth <5013> (5723) himself <1438> shall be exalted <5312> (5701).

house ^ 42_LUK_12_52 For <1063> from <0575> henceforth <3568> there shall be <2071> (5704) five <4002> in <1722> one <1520> {house} <3624> divided <1266> (5772), three <5140> against <1909> two <1417>, and <2532> two <1417> against <1909> three <5140>.

house ^ 42_LUK_19_05 And <2532> when <5613> Jesus <2424> came <2064> (5627) to <1909> the place <5117>, he looked up <0308> (5660), and saw <1492> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Zacchaeus <2195>, make haste <4692> (5660), and come down <2597> (5628); for <1063> to day <4594> I <3165> must <1163> (5748) abide <3306> (5658) at <1722> thy <4675> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 42_LUK_09_04 And <2532> whatsoever <3739> <0302> {house} <3614> ye enter <1525> (5632) into <1519>, there <1563> abide <3306> (5720), and <2532> thence <1564> depart <1831> (5737).

house ^ 42_LUK_22_10 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Behold <2400> (5628), when ye <5216> are entered <1525> (5631) into <1519> the city <4172>, there shall <4876> <0> a man <0444> meet <4876> (5692) you <5213>, bearing <0941> (5723) a pitcher <2765> of water <5204>; follow <0190> (5657) him <0846> into <1519> the {house} <3614> where <3757> he entereth in <1531> (5736).

house ^ 42_LUK_22_54 Then <1161> took they <4815> (5631) him <0846>, and led <0071> (5627) him, and <2532> brought <1521> (5627) him <0846> into <1519> the high priest's <0749> {house} <3624>. And <1161> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5707) afar off <3113>.

house ^ 42_LUK_16_27 Then <1161> he said <2036> (5627), I pray <2065> (5719) thee <4571> therefore <3767>, father <3962>, that <2443> thou wouldest send <3992> (5661) him <0846> to <1519> my <3450> father's <3962> {house} <3624>:

house ^ 42_LUK_19_09 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, <3754> This day <4594> is <1096> <0> salvation <4991> come <1096> (5633) to this <5129> {house} <3624>, forsomuch as <2530> he <0846> also <2532> is <2076> (5748) a son <5207> of Abraham <0011>.

house ^ 42_LUK_08_27 And <1161> when he <0846> went forth <1831> (5631) to <1909> land <1093>, there met <5221> (5656) him <0846> out of <1537> the city <4172> a certain <5100> man <0435>, which <3739> had <2192> (5707) devils <1140> long <1537> <2425> time <5550>, and <2532> ware <1737> (5710) no <3756> clothes <2440>, neither <2532> <3756> abode <3306> (5707) in <1722> any {house} <3614>, but <0235> in <1722> the tombs <3418>.

house ^ 42_LUK_17_31 In <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, he which <3739> shall be <2071> (5704) upon <1909> the housetop <1430>, and <2532> his <0846> stuff <4632> in <1722> the {house} <3614>, let <2597> <0> him not <3361> come down <2597> (5628) to take <0142> <0> it <0846> away <0142> (5658): and <2532> he that is in <1722> the field <0068>, let him <1994> <0> likewise <3668> not <3361> return <1994> (5657) back <1519> <3694>.

house ^ 42_LUK_07_44 And <2532> he turned <4762> (5651) to <4314> the woman <1135>, and said <5346> (5713) unto Simon <4613>, Seest thou <0991> (5719) this <5026> woman <1135>? I entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> thine <4675> {house} <3614>, thou gavest me <1325> (5656) no <3756> water <5204> for <1909> my <3450> feet <4228>: but <1161> she <3778> (5625) <0846> hath washed <1026> (5656) my <3450> feet <4228> with tears <1144>, and <2532> wiped <1591> (5656) them with the hairs <2359> of her <0846> head <2776>.

house ^ 42_LUK_14_21 So <2532> that <1565> servant <1401> came <3854> (5637), and shewed <0518> (5656) his <0846> lord <2962> these things <5023>. Then <5119> the master of the {house} <3617> being angry <3710> (5685) said <2036> (5627) to his <0846> servant <1401>, Go out <1831> (5628) quickly <5030> into <1519> the streets <4113> and <2532> lanes <4505> of the city <4172>, and <2532> bring in <1521> (5628) hither <5602> the poor <4434>, and <2532> the maimed <0376>, and <2532> the halt <5560>, and <2532> the blind <5185>.

house ^ 42_LUK_08_39 Return <5290> (5720) to <1519> thine own <4675> {house} <3624>, and <2532> shew <1334> (5737) how great things <3745> God <2316> hath done <4160> (5656) unto thee <4671>. And <2532> he went his way <0565> (5627), and published <2784> (5723) throughout <2596> the whole <3650> city <4172> how great things <3745> Jesus <2424> had done <4160> (5656) unto him <0846>.

house ^ 42_LUK_18_29 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> There is <2076> (5748) no man <3762> that <3739> hath left <0863> (5656) {house} <3614>, or <2228> parents <1118>, or <2228> brethren <0080>, or <2228> wife <1135>, or <2228> children <5043>, for <1752> <0> the kingdom <0932> of God's <2316> sake <1752>,

house ^ 42_LUK_08_51 And <1161> when he came <1525> (5631) into <1519> the {house} <3614>, he suffered <0863> (5656) no <3756> man <3762> to go in <1525> (5629), save <1508> Peter <4074>, and <2532> James <2385>, and <2532> John <2491>, and <2532> the father <3962> and <2532> the mother <3384> of the maiden <3816>.

house ^ 42_LUK_08_49 While he <0846> yet <2089> spake <2980> (5723), there cometh <2064> (5736) one <5100> from <3844> the ruler of the synagogue's <0752> {house}, saying <3004> (5723) to him <0846>, <3754> Thy <4675> daughter <2364> is dead <2348> (5758); trouble <4660> (5720) not <3361> the Master <1320>.

house ^ 42_LUK_19_46 Saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, It is written <1125> (5769), My <3450> house <3624> is <2076> (5748) the {house} <3624> of prayer <4335>: but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 42_LUK_14_23 And <2532> the lord <2962> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the servant <1401>, Go out <1831> (5628) into <1519> the highways <3598> and <2532> hedges <5418>, and <2532> compel <0315> (5657) them to come in <1525> (5629), that <2443> my <3450> {house} <3624> may be filled <1072> (5686).

house ^ 42_LUK_08_41 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), there came <2064> (5627) a man <0435> named <3739> <3686> Jairus <2383>, and <2532> he <0846> was <5225> (5707) a ruler <0758> of the synagogue <4864>: and <2532> he fell down <4098> (5631) at <3844> Jesus <2424> feet <4228>, and besought <3870> (5707) him <0846> that he would come <1525> (5629) into <1519> his <0846> {house} <3624>:

house ^ 40_MAT_13_01 <1161> The same <1722> <1565> day <2250> went <1831> (5631) Jesus <2424> out of <0575> the {house} <3614>, and sat <2521> (5711) by <3844> the sea side <2281>.

house ^ 40_MAT_13_36 Then <5119> Jesus <2424> sent <0863> <0> the multitude <3793> away <0863> (5631), and went <2064> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3614>: and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Declare <5419> (5657) unto us <2254> the parable <3850> of the tares <2215> of the field <0068>.

house ^ 40_MAT_13_57 And <2532> they were offended <4624> (5712) in <1722> him <0846>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, A prophet <4396> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> without honour <0820>, save <1508> in <1722> his own <0846> country <3968>, and <2532> in <1722> his own <0846> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 40_MAT_15_24 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), I am <0649> <0> not <3756> sent <0649> (5648) but <1508> unto <1519> the lost <0622> (5756) sheep <4263> of the {house} <3624> of Israel <2474>.

house ^ 40_MAT_17_25 He saith <3004> (5719), Yes <3483>. And <2532> when <3753> he was come <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3614>, Jesus <2424> prevented <4399> (5656) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> thinkest <1380> (5719) thou <4671>, Simon <4613>? of <0575> whom <5101> do <2983> <0> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093> take <2983> (5719) custom <5056> or <2228> tribute <2778>? of <0575> their own <0846> children <5207>, or <2228> of <0575> strangers <0245>?

house ^ 40_MAT_20_11 And <1161> when they had received <2983> (5631) it, they murmured <1111> (5707) against <2596> the goodman of the {house} <3617>,

house ^ 40_MAT_21_13 And <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, It is written <1125> (5769), My <3450> house <3624> shall be called <2564> (5701) the {house} <3624> of prayer <4335>; but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 40_MAT_21_13 And <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, It is written <1125> (5769), My <3450> {house} <3624> shall be called <2564> (5701) the house <3624> of prayer <4335>; but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 40_MAT_23_38 Behold <2400> (5628), your <5216> {house} <3624> is left <0863> (5743) unto you <5213> desolate <2048>.

house ^ 40_MAT_24_17 Let him which is on <1909> the housetop <1430> not <3361> come down <2597> (5720) to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> {house} <3614>:

house ^ 40_MAT_24_43 But <1161> know <1097> (5719) this <1565>, that <3754> if <1487> the goodman of the house <3617> had known <1492> (5715) in what <4169> watch <5438> the thief <2812> would come <2064> (5736), he would <0302> have watched <1127> (5656), and <2532> would <0302> not <3756> have suffered <1439> (5656) his <0846> {house} <3614> to be broken up <1358> (5650).

house ^ 40_MAT_12_44 Then <5119> he saith <3004> (5719), I will return <1994> (5692) into <1519> my <3450> {house} <3624> from whence <3606> I came out <1831> (5627); and <2532> when he is come <2064> (5631), he findeth <2147> (5719) it empty <4980> (5723), swept <4563> (5772), and <2532> garnished <2885> (5772).

house ^ 41_MAR_05_35 While <2089> <0> he <0846> yet <2089> spake <2980> (5723), there came <2064> (5736) from <0575> the ruler of the synagogue's <0752> {house} certain which said <3004> (5723), <3754> Thy <4675> daughter <2364> is dead <0599> (5627): why <5101> troublest thou <4660> (5719) the Master <1320> any further <2089>?

house ^ 41_MAR_05_38 And <2532> he cometh <2064> (5736) to <1519> the {house} <3624> of the ruler of the synagogue <0752>, and <2532> seeth <2334> (5719) the tumult <2351>, and them that wept <2799> (5723) and <2532> wailed <0214> (5723) greatly <4183>.

house ^ 41_MAR_06_04 But <1161> Jesus <2424> said <3004> (5707) unto them <0846> <3754>, A prophet <4396> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> without honour <0820>, but <1508> in <1722> his own <0846> country <3968>, and <2532> among <1722> his own kin <4773>, and <2532> in <1722> his own <0846> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 41_MAR_06_10 And <2532> he said <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, In what place soever <3699> <1437> ye enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> an {house} <3614>, there <1563> abide <3306> (5720) till <2193> <0302> ye depart <1831> (5632) from that place <1564>.

house ^ 41_MAR_07_17 And <2532> when <3753> he was entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3624> from <0575> the people <3793>, his <0846> disciples <3101> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846> concerning <4012> the parable <3850>.

house ^ 41_MAR_07_24 And <2532> from thence <1564> he arose <0450> (5631), and went <0565> (5627) into <1519> the borders <3181> of Tyre <5184> and <2532> Sidon <4605>, and <2532> entered <1525> (5631) into <1519> an {house} <3614>, and would have <2309> (5707) no man <3762> know <1097> (5629) it: but <2532> he could <1410> (5675) not <3756> be hid <2990> (5629).

house ^ 41_MAR_07_30 And <2532> when she was come <0565> (5631) to <1519> her <0846> {house} <3624>, she found <2147> (5627) the devil <1140> gone out <1831> (5761), and <2532> her daughter <2364> laid <0906> (5772) upon <1909> the bed <2825>.

house ^ 40_MAT_10_12 And <1161> when ye come <1525> (5740) into <1519> an {house} <3614>, salute <0782> (5663) it <0846>.

house ^ 40_MAT_12_29 Or <2228> else how <4459> can <1410> (5736) one <5100> enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> a strong man's <2478> {house} <3614>, and <2532> spoil <1283> (5658) his <0846> goods <4632>, except <3362> he first <4412> bind <1210> (5661) the strong man <2478>? and <2532> then <5119> he will spoil <1283> (5692) his <0846> house <3614>.

house ^ 41_MAR_13_15 And <1161> let him <2597> <0> that is on <1909> the housetop <1430> not <3361> go down <2597> (5628) into <1519> the house <3614>, neither <3366> enter <1525> (5628) therein, to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> {house} <3614>:

house ^ 41_MAR_13_15 And <1161> let him <2597> <0> that is on <1909> the housetop <1430> not <3361> go down <2597> (5628) into <1519> the {house} <3614>, neither <3366> enter <1525> (5628) therein, to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> house <3614>:

house ^ 41_MAR_13_34 For the Son of man is as <5613> a man <0444> taking a far journey <0590>, who left <0863> (5631) his <0846> {house} <3614>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5631) authority <1849> to his <0846> servants <1401>, and <2532> to every man <1538> his <0846> work <2041>, and <2532> commanded <1781> (5662) the porter <2377> to <2443> watch <1127> (5725).

house ^ 41_MAR_13_35 Watch ye <1127> (5720) therefore <3767>: for <1063> ye know <1492> (5758) not <3756> when <4219> the master <2962> of the {house} <3614> cometh <2064> (5736), at even <3796>, or <2228> at midnight <3317>, or <2228> at the cockcrowing <0219>, or <2228> in the morning <4404>:

house ^ 41_MAR_03_25 And <2532> if <1437> a house <3614> be divided <3307> (5686) against <1909> itself <1438>, that <1565> {house} <3614> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683).

house ^ 41_MAR_03_25 And <2532> if <1437> a {house} <3614> be divided <3307> (5686) against <1909> itself <1438>, that <1565> house <3614> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683).

house ^ 41_MAR_03_27 No man <3762> can <3756> <1410> (5736) enter <1525> (5631) into <1519> a strong man's <2478> house <3614>, and spoil <1283> (5658) his <0846> goods <4632>, except <3362> he will <1210> <0> first <4412> bind <1210> (5661) the strong man <2478>; and <2532> then <5119> he will spoil <1283> (5692) his <0846> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 41_MAR_03_27 No man <3762> can <3756> <1410> (5736) enter <1525> (5631) into <1519> a strong man's <2478> {house} <3614>, and spoil <1283> (5658) his <0846> goods <4632>, except <3362> he will <1210> <0> first <4412> bind <1210> (5661) the strong man <2478>; and <2532> then <5119> he will spoil <1283> (5692) his <0846> house <3614>.

house ^ 41_MAR_08_26 And <2532> he sent <0649> <0> him <0846> away <0649> (5656) to <1519> his <0846> {house} <3624>, saying <3004> (5723), Neither <3366> go <1525> (5632) into <1519> the town <2968>, nor <3366> tell <2036> (5632) it to any <5100> in <1722> the town <2968>.

house ^ 41_MAR_09_28 And <2532> when he <0846> was come <1525> (5631) into <1519> the {house} <3624>, his <0846> disciples <3101> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846> privately <2596> <2398>, Why <3754> could <1410> (5675) not <3756> we <2249> cast <1544> <0> him <0846> out <1544> (5629)?

house ^ 41_MAR_09_33 And <2532> he came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>: and <2532> being <1096> (5637) in <1722> the {house} <3614> he asked <1905> (5707) them <0846>, What <5101> was it that ye disputed <1260> (5711) among <4314> yourselves <1438> by <1722> the way <3598>?

house ^ 41_MAR_10_10 And <2532> in <1722> the {house} <3614> his <0846> disciples <3101> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846> again <3825> of <4012> the same <0846> matter.

house ^ 41_MAR_10_29 And <1161> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, There is <2076> (5748) no man <3762> that <3739> hath left <0863> (5656) {house} <3614>, or <2228> brethren <0080>, or <2228> sisters <0079>, or <2228> father <3962>, or <2228> mother <3384>, or <2228> wife <1135>, or <2228> children <5043>, or <2228> lands <0068>, for my <1700> sake <1752>, and <2532> the gospel's <2098>,

house ^ 41_MAR_11_17 And <2532> he taught <1321> (5707), saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Is it <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5769), <3754> My <3450> house <3624> shall be called <2564> (5701) of all <3956> nations <1484> the {house} <3624> of prayer <4335>? but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 41_MAR_14_03 And <2532> being <0846> <5607> (5752) in <1722> Bethany <0963> in <1722> the {house} <3614> of Simon <4613> the leper <3015>, as he <0846> sat at meat <2621> (5740), there came <2064> (5627) a woman <1135> having <2192> (5723) an alabaster box <0211> of ointment <3464> of spikenard <3487> <4101> very precious <4185>; and <2532> she brake <4937> (5660) the box <0211>, and poured <2708> (5656) it on <2596> his <0846> head <2776>.

house ^ 41_MAR_14_14 And <2532> wheresoever <3699> <1437> he shall go in <1525> (5632), say ye <2036> (5628) to the goodman of the {house} <3617>, <3754> The Master <1320> saith <3004> (5719), Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the guestchamber <2646>, where <3699> I shall eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957> with <3326> my <3450> disciples <3101>?

house ^ 40_MAT_02_11 And <2532> when they were come <2064> (5631) into <1519> the {house} <3614>, they saw <2147> (5627) (5625) <1492> (5627) the young child <3813> with <3326> Mary <3137> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> fell down <4098> (5631), and worshipped <4352> (5656) him <0846>: and <2532> when they had opened <0455> (5660) their <0846> treasures <2344>, they presented <4374> (5656) unto him <0846> gifts <1435>; gold <5557>, and <2532> frankincense <3030>, and <2532> myrrh <4666>.

house ^ 40_MAT_05_15 Neither <3761> do men light <2545> (5719) a candle <3088>, and <2532> put <5087> (5719) it <0846> under <5259> a bushel <3426>, but <0235> on <1909> a candlestick <3087>; and <2532> it giveth light <2989> (5719) unto all <3956> that are in <1722> the {house} <3614>.

house ^ 40_MAT_07_24 Therefore <3767> whosoever <3956> <3748> heareth <0191> (5719) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> doeth <4160> (5719) them <0846>, I will liken <3666> (5692) him <0846> unto a wise <5429> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> {house} <3614> upon <1909> a rock <4073>:

house ^ 40_MAT_07_25 And <2532> the rain <1028> descended <2597> (5627), and <2532> the floods <4215> came <2064> (5627), and <2532> the winds <0417> blew <4154> (5656), and <2532> beat upon <4363> (5627) that <1565> {house} <3614>; and <2532> it fell <4098> (5627) not <3756>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a rock <4073>.

house ^ 40_MAT_07_26 And <2532> every one <3956> that heareth <0191> (5723) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> doeth <4160> (5723) them <0846> not <3361>, shall be likened <3666> (5701) unto a foolish <3474> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> {house} <3614> upon <1909> the sand <0285>:

house ^ 40_MAT_07_27 And <2532> the rain <1028> descended <2597> (5627), and <2532> the floods <4215> came <2064> (5627), and <2532> the winds <0417> blew <4154> (5656), and <2532> beat upon <4350> (5656) that <1565> {house} <3614>; and <2532> it fell <4098> (5627): and <2532> great <3173> was <2258> (5713) the fall <4431> of it <0846>.

house ^ 40_MAT_08_14 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> was come <2064> (5631) into <1519> Peter's <4074> {house} <3614>, he saw <1492> (5627) his <0846> wife's mother <3994> laid <0906> (5772), and <2532> sick of a fever <4445> (5723).

house ^ 40_MAT_09_06 But <1161> that <2443> ye may know <1492> (5762) that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> hath <2192> (5719) power <1849> on <1909> earth <1093> to forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, (then <5119> saith he <3004> (5719) to the sick of the palsy <3885>,) Arise <1453> (5685), take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2825>, and <2532> go <5217> (5720) unto <1519> thine <4675> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 40_MAT_09_07 And <2532> he arose <1453> (5685), and departed <0565> (5627) to <1519> his <0846> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 40_MAT_09_10 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as Jesus <2424> sat at meat <0345> (5740) in <1722> the {house} <3614>, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), many <4183> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268> came <2064> (5631) and sat down <4873> (5711) with him <0846> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>.

house ^ 40_MAT_09_23 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> came <2064> (5631) into <1519> the ruler's <0758> {house} <3614>, and <2532> saw <1492> (5631) the minstrels <0834> and <2532> the people <3793> making a noise <2350> (5746),

house ^ 40_MAT_09_28 And <1161> when he was come <2064> (5631) into <1519> the {house} <3614>, the blind men <5185> came <4334> (5656) to him <0846>: and <2532> Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Believe ye <4100> (5720) that <3754> I am able <1410> (5736) to do <4160> (5658) this <5124>? They said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Yea <3483>, Lord <2962>.

house ^ 40_MAT_10_06 But <1161> go <4198> (5737) rather <3123> to <4314> the lost <0622> (5756) sheep <4263> of the {house} <3624> of Israel <2474>.

house ^ 40_MAT_10_13 And <2532> if <1437> <3303> the {house} <3614> be <5600> (5753) worthy <0514>, let your <5216> peace <1515> come <2064> (5628) upon <1909> it <0846>: but <1161> if <3362> <0> it be <5600> (5753) not <3362> worthy <0514>, let your <5216> peace <1515> return <1994> (5649) to <4314> you <5209>.

house ^ 40_MAT_10_14 And <2532> whosoever <3739> shall <1209> <0> not <3362> receive <1209> (5667) you <5209>, nor <3366> hear <0191> (5661) your <5216> words <3056>, when ye depart out <1831> (5740) of that <1565> {house} <3614> or <2228> city <4172>, shake off <1621> (5657) the dust <2868> of your <5216> feet <4228>.

house ^ 40_MAT_10_25 It is enough <0713> for the disciple <3101> that <2443> he be <1096> (5638) as <5613> his <0846> master <1320>, and <2532> the servant <1401> as <5613> his <0846> lord <2962>. If <1487> they have called <2564> (5656) the master of the {house} <3617> Beelzebub <0954>, how much <4214> more <3123> shall they call them of his <0846> household <3615>?

house ^ 40_MAT_12_04 How <4459> he entered into <1525> (5627) <1519> the {house} <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) not <3756> lawful <1832> (5752) for him <0846> to eat <5315> (5629), neither for <3761> them which <3326> were with him <0846>, but <1508> only <3441> for the priests <2409>?

house ^ 40_MAT_12_25 And <1161> Jesus <2424> knew <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1761>, and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <3307> (5685) against <2596> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> every <3956> city <4172> or <2228> {house} <3614> divided <3307> (5685) against <2596> itself <1438> shall <2476> <0> not <3756> stand <2476> (5701):

house ^ 40_MAT_12_29 Or <2228> else how <4459> can <1410> (5736) one <5100> enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> a strong man's <2478> house <3614>, and <2532> spoil <1283> (5658) his <0846> goods <4632>, except <3362> he first <4412> bind <1210> (5661) the strong man <2478>? and <2532> then <5119> he will spoil <1283> (5692) his <0846> {house} <3614>.

house ^ 40_MAT_24_43 But <1161> know <1097> (5719) this <1565>, that <3754> if <1487> the goodman of the {house} <3617> had known <1492> (5715) in what <4169> watch <5438> the thief <2812> would come <2064> (5736), he would <0302> have watched <1127> (5656), and <2532> would <0302> not <3756> have suffered <1439> (5656) his <0846> house <3614> to be broken up <1358> (5650).

house ^ 40_MAT_26_06 Now <1161> when Jesus <2424> was <1096> (5637) in <1722> Bethany <0963>, in <1722> the {house} <3614> of Simon <4613> the leper <3015>,

house ^ 40_MAT_26_18 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Go <5217> (5720) into <1519> the city <4172> to <4314> such a man <1170>, and <2532> say <2036> (5628) unto him <0846>, The Master <1320> saith <3004> (5719), My <3450> time <2540> is <2076> (5748) at hand <1451>; I will keep <4160> (5719) the passover <3957> at <4314> thy {house} <4571> with <3326> my <3450> disciples <3101>.

house ^ 41_MAR_03_19 And <2532> Judas <2455> Iscariot <2469>, which <3739> also <2532> betrayed <3860> (5656) him <0846>: and <2532> they went <2064> (5736) into <1519> an {house} <3624>.

house ^ 41_MAR_11_17 And <2532> he taught <1321> (5707), saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Is it <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5769), <3754> My <3450> {house} <3624> shall be called <2564> (5701) of all <3956> nations <1484> the house <3624> of prayer <4335>? but <1161> ye <5210> have made <4160> (5656) it <0846> a den <4693> of thieves <3027>.

house ^ 41_MAR_02_26 How <4459> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3624> of God <2316> in the days <1909> of Abiathar <8> the high priest <0749>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them which were <5607> (5752) with <4862> him <0846>?

house ^ 41_MAR_02_15 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that <1722>, as Jesus <0846> sat at meat <2621> (5738) in <1722> his <0846> {house} <3614>, many <4183> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268> sat <4873> <0> also <2532> together with <4873> (5711) Jesus <2424> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>: for <1063> there were <2258> (5713) many <4183>, and <2532> they followed <0190> (5656) him <0846>.

house ^ 41_MAR_02_11 I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, Arise <1453> (5669), and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2895>, and <2532> go thy way <5217> (5720) into <1519> thine <4675> {house} <3624>.

house ^ 41_MAR_02_01 And <2532> again <3825> he entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> Capernaum <2584> after <1223> some days <2250>; and <2532> it was noised <0191> (5681) that <3754> he was <2076> (5748) in <1519> the {house} <3624>.

house ^ 41_MAR_01_29 And <2532> forthwith <2112>, when they were come <1831> (5631) out of <1537> the synagogue <4864>, they entered <2064> (5627) into <1519> the {house} <3614> of Simon <4613> and <2532> Andrew <0406>, with <3326> James <2385> and <2532> John <2491>.

house ^ 57_PHM_01_02 And <2532> to our beloved <0027> Apphia <0682>, and <2532> Archippus <0751> our <2257> fellowsoldier <4961>, and <2532> to the church <1577> in <2596> thy <4675> {house} <3624>:

house ^ 45_ROM_16_05 Likewise <2532> greet the church <1577> that is in <2596> their <0846> {house} <3624>. Salute <0782> (5663) my <3450> wellbeloved <0027> Epaenetus <1866>, who <3739> is <2076> (5748) the firstfruits <0536> of Achaia <0882> unto <1519> Christ <5547>.

household ^ 40_MAT_10_25 It is enough <0713> for the disciple <3101> that <2443> he be <1096> (5638) as <5613> his <0846> master <1320>, and <2532> the servant <1401> as <5613> his <0846> lord <2962>. If <1487> they have called <2564> (5656) the master of the house <3617> Beelzebub <0954>, how much <4214> more <3123> shall they call them of his <0846> {household} <3615>?

household ^ 45_ROM_16_11 Salute <0782> (5663) Herodion <2267> my <3450> kinsman <4773>. Greet <0782> (5663) them <3588> that be of <1537> the {household} of Narcissus <3488>, which <3588> are <5607> (5752) in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

household ^ 50_PHP_04_22 All <3956> the saints <0040> salute <0782> (5736) you <5209>, <1161> chiefly <3122> they that are of <1537> Caesar's <2541> {household} <3614>.

household ^ 40_MAT_24_45 Who <5101> then <0686> is <2076> (5748) a faithful <4103> and <2532> wise <5429> servant <1401>, whom <3739> his <0846> lord <2962> hath made ruler <2525> (5656) over <1909> his <0846> {household} <2322>, to give <1325> (5721) them <0846> meat <5160> in <1722> due season <2540>?

household ^ 45_ROM_16_10 Salute <0782> (5663) Apelles <0559> approved <1384> in <1722> Christ <5547>. Salute <0782> (5663) them <3588> which are of <1537> Aristobulus <0711> {household}.

household ^ 49_EPH_02_19 Now <3767> therefore <0686> ye are <2075> (5748) no more <3765> strangers <3581> and <2532> foreigners <3941>, but <0235> fellowcitizens <4847> with the saints <0040>, and <2532> of the {household} <3609> of God <2316>;

household ^ 48_GAL_06_10 As <5613> we have <2192> (5719) therefore <0686> <3767> opportunity <2540>, let us do <2038> (5741) good <0018> unto <4314> all <3956> men, especially <1161> <3122> unto <4314> them who are of the {household} <3609> of faith <4102>.

household ^ 40_MAT_10_36 And <2532> a man's <0444> foes <2190> shall be they of his own <0846> {household} <3615>.

household ^ 46_1CO_01_16 And <1161> I baptized <0907> (5656) also <2532> the {household} <3624> of Stephanas <4734>: besides <3063>, I know <1492> (5758) not <3756> whether I baptized <0907> (5656) any <1536> other <0243>.

household ^ 42_LUK_12_42 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627), Who <5101> then <0686> is <2076> (5748) that faithful <4103> and <2532> wise <5429> steward <3623>, whom <3739> his lord <2962> shall make ruler <2525> (5692) over <1909> his <0846> {household} <2322>, to give <1325> (5721) them their portion of meat <4620> in <1722> due season <2540>?

household ^ 44_ACT_16_15 And <1161> when <5613> she was baptized <0907> (5681), and <2532> her <0846> {household} <3624>, she besought <3870> (5656) us, saying <3004> (5723), If <1487> ye have judged <2919> (5758) me <3165> to be <1511> (5750) faithful <4103> to the Lord <2962>, come <1525> (5631) into <1519> my <3450> house <3624>, and abide <3306> (5657) there. And <2532> she constrained <3849> (5662) us <2248>.

household ^ 44_ACT_10_07 And <1161> when <5613> the angel <0032> which <3588> spake <2980> (5723) unto Cornelius <2883> was departed <0565> (5627), he called <5455> (5660) two <1417> of his <0846> {household} servants <3610>, and <2532> a devout <2152> soldier <4757> of them that waited on <4342> <0> him <0846> continually <4342> (5723);

household ^ 55_2TI_04_19 Salute <0782> (5663) Prisca <4251> and <2532> Aquila <0207>, and <2532> the {household} <3624> of Onesiphorus <3683>.

householder ^ 40_MAT_13_52 Then <1161> said <2036> (5627) he unto them <0846>, Therefore <1223> <5124> every <3956> scribe <1122> which is instructed <3100> (5685) unto <1519> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto a man <0444> that is an {householder} <3617>, which <3748> bringeth forth <1544> (5719) out of <1537> his <0846> treasure <2344> things new <2537> and <2532> old <3820>.

householder ^ 40_MAT_21_33 Hear <0191> (5657) another <0243> parable <3850>: There was <2258> (5713) a certain <0444> <5100> {householder} <3617>, which <3748> planted <5452> (5656) a vineyard <0290>, and <2532> hedged <5418> it <0846> round about <4060> (5656), and <2532> digged <3736> (5656) a winepress <3025> in <1722> it <0846>, and <2532> built <3618> (5656) a tower <4444>, and <2532> let <1554> <0> it <0846> out <1554> (5639) to husbandmen <1092>, and <2532> went into a far country <0589> (5656):

householder ^ 40_MAT_13_27 So <1161> the servants <1401> of the {householder} <3617> came <4334> (5631) and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Sir <2962>, didst <4687> <0> not <3780> thou sow <4687> (5656) good <2570> seed <4690> in <1722> thy <4674> field <0068>? from whence <4159> then <3767> hath it <2192> (5719) tares <2215>?

householder ^ 40_MAT_20_01 For <1063> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto a man <0444> that is an {householder} <3617>, which <3748> went out <1831> (5627) early in the morning <0260> <4404> to hire <3409> (5670) labourers <2040> into <1519> his <0846> vineyard <0290>.

houses ^ 46_1CO_11_22 What <1063>? have ye <2192> (5719) not <3378> {houses} <3614> to eat <2068> (5721) and <2532> to drink <4095> (5721) in <1519>? or <2228> despise ye <2706> (5719) the church <1577> of God <2316>, and <2532> shame <2617> (5719) them that have <2192> (5723) not <3361>? What <5101> shall I say <2036> (5632) to you <5213>? shall I praise <1867> (5661) you <5209> in <1722> this <5129>? I praise <1867> (5719) you not <3756>.

houses ^ 54_1TI_03_12 Let <2077> <0> the deacons <1249> be <2077> (5749) the husbands <0435> of one <3391> wife <1135>, ruling <4291> (5734) their children <5043> and <2532> their own <2398> {houses} <3624> well <2573>.

houses ^ 55_2TI_03_06 For <1063> of <1537> this sort <5130> are they <1526> (5748) which creep <1744> (5723) into <1519> {houses} <3614>, and <2532> lead captive <0162> (5723) silly women <1133> laden <4987> (5772) with sins <0266>, led away <0071> (5746) with divers <4164> lusts <1939>,

houses ^ 44_ACT_04_34 Neither <3761> <1063> was <5225> (5707) there any <5100> among <1722> them <0846> that lacked <1729>: for <1063> as many as <3745> were <5225> (5707) possessors <2935> of lands <5564> or <2228> {houses} <3614> sold them <4453> (5723), and brought <5342> (5707) the prices <5092> of the things that were sold <4097> (5746),

houses ^ 42_LUK_16_04 I am resolved <1097> (5627) what <5101> to do <4160> (5692), that <2443>, when <3752> I am put out <3179> (5686) of the stewardship <3622>, they may receive <1209> (5667) me <3165> into <1519> their <0846> {houses} <3624>.

houses ^ 42_LUK_20_47 Which <3739> devour <2719> (5719) widows <5503> {houses} <3614>, and <2532> for a shew <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayers <4336> (5736): the same <3778> shall receive <2983> (5695) greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

houses ^ 40_MAT_11_08 But <0235> what <5101> went ye out <1831> (5627) for to see <1492> (5629)? A man <0444> clothed <0294> (5772) in <1722> soft <3120> raiment <2440>? behold <2400> (5628), they that wear <5409> (5723) soft <3120> clothing are <1526> (5748) in <1722> kings <0935> {houses} <3624>.

houses ^ 40_MAT_19_29 And <2532> every <3956> one <3739> that hath forsaken <0863> (5656) {houses} <3614>, or <2228> brethren <0080>, or <2228> sisters <0079>, or <2228> father <3962>, or <2228> mother <3384>, or <2228> wife <1135>, or <2228> children <5043>, or <2228> lands <0068>, for my <3450> name's <3686> sake <1752>, shall receive <2983> (5695) an hundredfold <1542>, and <2532> shall inherit <2816> (5692) everlasting <0166> life <2222>.

houses ^ 40_MAT_23_14 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye devour <2719> (5719) widows <5503> {houses} <3614>, and <2532> for a pretence <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayer <4336> (5740): therefore <1223> <5124> ye shall receive <2983> (5695) the greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

houses ^ 41_MAR_12_40 Which devour <2719> (5723) widows <5503> {houses} <3614>, and <2532> for a pretence <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayers <4336> (5740): these <3778> shall receive <2983> (5695) greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

houses ^ 41_MAR_08_03 And <2532> if <1437> I send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5661) fasting <3523> to <1519> their own <0846> {houses} <3624>, they will faint <1590> (5701) by <1722> the way <3598>: for <1063> divers <5100> of them <0846> came <2240> (5758) from far <3113>.

houses ^ 41_MAR_10_30 But <3362> he shall receive <2983> (5632) an hundredfold <1542> now <3568> in <1722> this <5129> time <2540>, {houses} <3614>, and <2532> brethren <0080>, and <2532> sisters <0079>, and <2532> mothers <3384>, and <2532> children <5043>, and <2532> lands <0068>, with <3326> persecutions <1375>; and <2532> in <1722> the world <0165> to come <2064> (5740) eternal <0166> life <2222>.

houses ^ 56_TIT_01_11 Whose <3739> mouths <1993> <0> must <1163> (5748) be stopped <1993> (5721), who <3748> subvert <0396> (5719) whole <3650> {houses} <3624>, teaching <1321> (5723) things which <3739> they ought <1163> (5748) not <3361>, for <5484> <0> filthy <0150> lucre's <2771> sake <5484>.

housetop ^ 41_MAR_13_15 And <1161> let him <2597> <0> that is on <1909> the {housetop} <1430> not <3361> go down <2597> (5628) into <1519> the house <3614>, neither <3366> enter <1525> (5628) therein, to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> house <3614>:

housetop ^ 40_MAT_24_17 Let him which is on <1909> the {housetop} <1430> not <3361> come down <2597> (5720) to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> house <3614>:

housetop ^ 44_ACT_10_09 <1161> On the morrow <1887>, as they <1565> went on their journey <3596> (5723), and <2532> drew nigh <1448> (5723) unto the city <4172>, Peter <4074> went up <0305> (5627) upon <1909> the {housetop} <1430> to pray <4336> (5664) about <4012> the sixth <1623> hour <5610>:

housetop ^ 42_LUK_05_19 And <2532> when they could <2147> <0> not <3361> find <2147> (5631) by <1223> what <4169> way they might bring <1533> <0> him <0846> in <1533> (5632) because <1223> of the multitude <3793>, they went <0305> (5631) upon <1909> the {housetop} <1430>, and let <2524> <0> him <0846> down <2524> (5656) through <1223> the tiling <2766> with <4862> his couch <2826> into <1519> the midst <3319> before <1715> Jesus <2424>.

housetop ^ 42_LUK_17_31 In <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, he which <3739> shall be <2071> (5704) upon <1909> the {housetop} <1430>, and <2532> his <0846> stuff <4632> in <1722> the house <3614>, let <2597> <0> him not <3361> come down <2597> (5628) to take <0142> <0> it <0846> away <0142> (5658): and <2532> he that is in <1722> the field <0068>, let him <1994> <0> likewise <3668> not <3361> return <1994> (5657) back <1519> <3694>.

housetops ^ 42_LUK_12_03 Therefore <0473> <3739> whatsoever <3745> ye have spoken <2036> (5627) in <1722> darkness <4653> shall be heard <0191> (5701) in <1722> the light <5457>; and <2532> that which <3739> ye have spoken <2980> (5656) in <4314> the ear <3775> in <1722> closets <5009> shall be proclaimed <2784> (5701) upon <1909> the {housetops} <1430>.

housetops ^ 40_MAT_10_27 What <3739> I tell <3004> (5719) you <5213> in <1722> darkness <4653>, that speak ye <2036> (5628) in <1722> light <5457>: and <2532> what <3739> ye hear <0191> (5719) in <1519> the ear <3775>, that preach ye <2784> (5657) upon <1909> the {housetops} <1430>.

mused ^ 42_LUK_03_15 And <1161> as the people <2992> were in expectation <4328> (5723), and <2532> all men <3956> {mused} <1260> (5740) in <1722> their <0846> hearts <2588> of <4012> John <2491>, whether <3379> <0> he <0846> were <1498> (5751) the Christ <5547>, or not <3379>;

refuse ^ 54_1TI_05_11 But <1161> the younger <3501> widows <5503> {refuse} <3868> (5737): for <1063> when <3752> they have begun to wax wanton against <2691> (5661) Christ <5547>, they will <2309> (5719) marry <1060> (5721);

refuse ^ 54_1TI_04_07 But <1161> {refuse} <3868> (5737) profane <0952> and <2532> old wives <1126> fables <3454>, and <1161> exercise <1128> (5720) thyself <4572> rather unto <4314> godliness <2150>.

refuse ^ 44_ACT_25_11 For <1063> if <1487> <3303> I be an offender <0091> (5719), or <2532> have committed <4238> (5758) any thing <5100> worthy <0514> of death <2288>, I {refuse} <3868> (5736) not <3756> to die <0599> (5629): but <1161> if <1487> there be <2076> (5748) none <3762> of these things <3739> whereof these <3778> accuse <2723> (5719) me <3450>, no man <3762> may <1410> (5736) deliver <5483> (5664) me <3165> unto them <0846>. I appeal unto <1941> (5731) Caesar <2541>.

refuse ^ 58_HEB_12_25 See <0991> (5720) that ye {refuse} <3868> (5667) not <3361> him that speaketh <2980> (5723). For <1063> if <1487> they <1565> escaped <5343> (5627) not <3756> who refused him <3868> (5666) that spake <5537> (5723) on <1909> earth <1093>, much <4183> more <3123> shall not we <2249> escape, if we turn away from him <0654> (5734) that speaketh from <0575> heaven <3772>:

refused ^ 58_HEB_11_24 By faith <4102> Moses <3475>, when he was come <1096> (5637) to years <3173>, {refused} <0720> (5662) to be called <3004> (5745) the son <5207> of Pharaoh's <5328> daughter <2364>;

refused ^ 58_HEB_12_25 See <0991> (5720) that ye refuse <3868> (5667) not <3361> him that speaketh <2980> (5723). For <1063> if <1487> they <1565> escaped <5343> (5627) not <3756> who {refused} him <3868> (5666) that spake <5537> (5723) on <1909> earth <1093>, much <4183> more <3123> shall not we <2249> escape, if we turn away from him <0654> (5734) that speaketh from <0575> heaven <3772>:

refused ^ 44_ACT_07_35 This <5126> Moses <3475> whom <3739> they {refused} <0720> (5662), saying <2036> (5631), Who <5101> made <2525> (5656) thee <4571> a ruler <0758> and <2532> a judge <1348>? the same <5126> did God <2316> send <0649> (5656) to be a ruler <0758> and <2532> a deliverer <3086> by <1722> the hand <5495> of the angel <0032> which <3588> appeared <3700> (5685) to him <0846> in <1722> the bush <0942>.

refused ^ 54_1TI_04_04 For <3754> every <3956> creature <2938> of God <2316> is good <2570>, and <2532> nothing <3762> to be {refused} <0579>, if it be received <2983> (5746) with <3326> thanksgiving <2169>:

storehouse ^ 42_LUK_12_24 Consider <2657> (5657) the ravens <2876>: for <3754> they neither <3756> sow <4687> (5719) nor <3761> reap <2325> (5719); which <3739> neither <3756> have <2076> (5748) {storehouse} <5009> nor <3761> barn <0596>; and <2532> God <2316> feedeth <5142> (5719) them <0846>: how much <4214> more <3123> are <1308> <0> ye <5210> better than <1308> (5719) the fowls <4071>?

Syracuse ^ 44_ACT_28_12 And <2532> landing <2609> (5685) at <1519> {Syracuse} <4946>, we tarried <1961> (5656) there three <5140> days <2250>.

use ^ 46_1CO_07_21 Art thou called <2564> (5681) being a servant <1401>? care <3199> <0> <4671> not <3361> for it <3199> (5720): but <0235> if <1499> thou mayest <1410> (5736) be made <1096> (5635) free <1658>, {use} <5530> (5663) it rather <3123>.

use ^ 46_1CO_07_31 And <2532> they that {use} <5530> (5740) this <5127> world <2889>, as <5613> not <3361> abusing <2710> (5740) it: for <1063> the fashion <4976> of this <5129> world <2889> passeth away <3855> (5719).

Use ^ 60_1PE_04_09 {Use} hospitality <5382> one to another <1519> <0240> without <0427> grudging <1112>.

use ^ 54_1TI_01_08 But <1161> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> the law <3551> is good <2570>, if <1437> a man <5100> {use} <5530> (5741) it <0846> lawfully <3545>;

use ^ 54_1TI_03_10 And <1161> let <1381> <0> these <3778> also <2532> first <4412> be proved <1381> (5744); then <1534> let them {use} the office of a deacon <1247> (5720), being <5607> (5752) found blameless <0410>.

use ^ 54_1TI_05_23 Drink <5202> <0> no longer <3371> water <5202> (5720), but <0235> {use} <5530> (5737) a little <3641> wine <3631> for <1223> thy <4675> stomach's sake <4751> and <2532> thine <4675> often <4437> infirmities <0769>.

use ^ 47_2CO_01_17 When I <1011> <0> therefore <3767> was <1011> <0> thus <5124> minded <1011> (5740), did I {use} <3385> <0686> <5530> (5662) lightness <1644>? or <2228> the things that <3739> I purpose <1011> (5736), do I purpose <1011> (5736) according <2596> to the flesh <4561>, that <2443> with <3844> me <1698> there should be <5600> (5753) yea <3483> yea <3483>, and <2532> nay <3756> nay <3756>?

use ^ 47_2CO_03_12 Seeing then <3767> that we have <2192> (5723) such <5108> hope <1680>, we {use} <5530> (5736) great <4183> plainness of speech <3954>:

use ^ 47_2CO_13_10 Therefore <5124> <1223> I write <1125> (5719) these things <5023> being absent <0548> (5752), lest <3363> being present <3918> (5752) I should {use} <5530> (5667) sharpness <0664>, according <2596> to the power <1849> which <3739> the Lord <2962> hath given <1325> (5656) me <3427> to <1519> edification <3619>, and <2532> not <3756> to <1519> destruction <2506>.

use ^ 55_2TI_02_21 If <1437> a man <5100> therefore <3767> purge <1571> (5661) himself <1438> from <0575> these <5130>, he shall be <2071> (5704) a vessel <4632> unto <1519> honour <5092>, sanctified <0037> (5772), and <2532> meet <2173> for the master's {use} <1203>, and prepared <2090> (5772) unto <1519> every <3956> good <0018> work <2041>.

use ^ 44_ACT_14_05 And <1161> when <5613> there was <1096> <0> an assault <3730> made <1096> (5633) both <5037> of the Gentiles <1484>, and also <2532> of the Jews <2453> with <4862> their <0846> rulers <0758>, to {use} them despitefully <5195> (5658), and <2532> to stone <3036> (5658) them <0846>,

use ^ 49_EPH_04_29 Let <4550> <0> no <3361> <3956> corrupt <4550> communication <3056> proceed <1607> (5737) out of <1537> your <5216> mouth <4750>, but <0235> that which <1536> is good <0018> to <4314> the {use} <5532> of edifying <3619>, that <2443> it may minister <1325> (5632) grace <5485> unto the hearers <0191> (5723).

use ^ 48_GAL_05_13 For <1063>, brethren <0080>, ye <5210> have been called <2564> (5681) unto <1909> liberty <1657>; only <3440> {use} not <3361> liberty <1657> for <1519> an occasion <0874> to the flesh <4561>, but <0235> by <1223> love <0026> serve <1398> (5720) one another <0240>.

use ^ 58_HEB_05_14 But <1161> strong <4731> meat <5160> belongeth to them that are <2076> (5748) of full age <5046>, even those who by reason <1223> of {use} <1838> have <2192> (5723) their senses <0145> exercised <1128> (5772) to <4314> discern <1253> both <5037> good <2570> and <2532> evil <2556>.

use ^ 42_LUK_06_28 Bless <2127> (5720) them that curse <2672> (5740) you <5213>, and <2532> pray <4336> (5737) for <5228> them which despitefully {use} <1908> (5723) you <5209>.

use ^ 40_MAT_05_44 But <1161> I <1473> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Love <0025> (5720) your <5216> enemies <2190>, bless <2127> (5720) them that curse <2672> (5740) you <5209>, do <4160> (5720) good <2573> to them that hate <3404> (5723) you <5209>, and <2532> pray <4336> (5737) for <5228> them which <3588> despitefully {use} <1908> (5723) you <5209>, and <2532> persecute <1377> (5723) you <5209>;

use ^ 40_MAT_06_07 But <1161> when ye pray <4336> (5740), {use} <0945> <0> not <3361> vain repetitions <0945> (5661), as <5618> the heathen <1482> do: for <1063> they think <1380> (5719) that <3754> they shall be heard <1522> (5701) for <1722> their <0846> much speaking <4180>.

use ^ 45_ROM_01_26 For <1223> this <5124> cause God <2316> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) unto <1519> vile <0819> affections <3806>: for <1063> even <5037> their <0846> women <2338> did change <3337> (5656) the natural <5446> {use} <5540> into <1519> that which is against <3844> nature <5449>:

use ^ 45_ROM_01_27 And <5037> likewise <3668> also <2532> the men <0730>, leaving <0863> (5631) the natural <5446> {use} <5540> of the woman <2338>, burned <1572> (5681) in <1722> their <0846> lust <3715> one toward another <1519> <0240>; men <0730> with <1722> men <0730> working <2716> (5740) that which is unseemly <0808>, and <2532> receiving <0618> (5723) in <1722> themselves <1438> that recompence <0489> of their <0846> error <4106> which <3739> was meet <1163> (5713).

used ^ 46_1CO_09_12 If <1487> others <0243> be partakers <3348> (5719) of this power <1849> over you <5216>, are not <3756> we <2249> rather <3123>? Nevertheless <0235> we have <5530> <0> not <3756> {used} <5530> (5662) this <5026> power <1849>; but <0235> suffer <4722> (5719) all things <3956>, lest <3363> we should <1325> (5632) <5100> hinder <1464> the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>.

used ^ 46_1CO_09_15 But <1161> I <1473> have {used} <5530> (5662) none <3762> of these things <5130>: <1161> neither <3756> have I written <1125> (5656) these things <5023>, that <2443> it should be <1096> <0> so <3779> done <1096> (5638) unto <1722> me <1698>: for <1063> it were better <3123> for me <3427> to die <0599> (5629) <2570>, than <2228> that <2443> any man <5100> should make <2758> <0> my <3450> glorying <2745> void <2758> (5661).

used ^ 52_1TH_02_05 For <1063> neither <3777> at any time <4218> {used} we <1096> (5675) flattering <2850> words <1722> <3056>, as <2531> ye know <1492> (5758), nor <3777> a cloke <1722> <4392> of covetousness <4124>; God <2316> is witness <3144>:

used ^ 54_1TI_03_13 For <1063> they that have {used} the office of a deacon <1247> (5660) well <2573> purchase <4046> (5731) to themselves <1438> a good <2570> degree <0898>, and <2532> great <4183> boldness <3954> in <1722> the faith <4102> which <3588> is in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>.

used ^ 44_ACT_08_09 But <1161> there was a certain <5100> man <0435>, called <3686> Simon <4613>, which beforetime <4391> (5707) in <1722> the same city <4172> {used} sorcery <3096> (5723), and <2532> bewitched <1839> (5723) the people <1484> of Samaria <4540>, giving out <3004> (5723) that himself <1438> was <1511> (5750) some <5100> great one <3173>:

used ^ 44_ACT_19_19 Many <2425> of them also <1161> which {used} <4238> (5660) curious arts <4021> brought <4851> <0> their books <0976> together <4851> (5631), and burned them <2618> (5707) before <1799> all <3956> men: and <2532> they counted <4860> (5656) the price <5092> of them <0846>, and <2532> found <2147> (5627) it fifty <4002> thousand <3461> pieces of silver <0694>.

used ^ 44_ACT_27_17 Which <3739> when they had taken up <0142> (5660), they {used} <5530> (5711) helps <0996>, undergirding <5269> (5723) the ship <4143>; and <5037>, fearing <5399> (5740) lest <3361> they should fall <1601> (5632) into <1519> the quicksands <4950>, strake <5465> (5660) sail <4632>, and so <3779> were driven <5342> (5712).

used ^ 58_HEB_10_33 Partly <5124> <3303>, whilst ye were made a gazingstock <2301> (5746) both <5037> by reproaches <3680> and <2532> afflictions <2347>; and <1161> partly <5124>, whilst ye became <1096> (5679) companions <2844> of them that were <0390> <0> so <3779> {used} <0390> (5746).

used ^ 41_MAR_02_18 And <2532> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the Pharisees <5330> {used} <2258> (5713) to fast <3522> (5723): and <2532> they come <2064> (5736) and <2532> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Why do <1302> <3522> <0> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the Pharisees <5330> fast <3522> (5719), but <1161> thy <4674> disciples <3101> fast <3522> (5719) not <3756>?

used ^ 45_ROM_03_13 Their <0846> throat <2995> is an open <0455> (5772) sepulchre <5028>; with their <0846> tongues <1100> they have {used} deceit <1387> (5707); the poison <2447> of asps <0785> is under <5259> their <0846> lips <5491>:

uses ^ 56_TIT_03_14 And <1161> let <3129> <0> ours <2251> also <2532> learn <3129> (5720) to maintain <4291> (5733) good <2570> works <2041> for <1519> necessary <0316> {uses} <5532>, that <3363> <0> they be <5600> (5753) not <3363> unfruitful <0175>.

useth ^ 58_HEB_05_13 For <1063> every one <3956> that {useth} <3348> (5723) milk <1051> is unskilful <0552> in the word <3056> of righteousness <1343>: for <1063> he is <2076> (5748) a babe <3516>.