build houses for us

build ye houses

build ye houses

builded me houses

burn up their houses with fire

causes unto god

causes whereby backsliding israel committed adultery >

great houses shall have an end

hard causes they brought unto moses

houses also <2KI23 -:19 >

houses full

houses have ye broken down

houses near

houses rifled

houses thereof <1CH28 -:11 >

houses upon whose roofs they have burned incense unto all

houses where ye

houses which <2CH34 -:11 >

houses which no man inhabiteth

houses without man

lands or houses sold them

my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses 9 >

nor your spouses when they commit adultery

our houses on

possessed houses full

their desolate houses

their fathers' houses

their fathers' houses

their houses

their houses

their houses

their houses

their houses

their houses

their houses

their houses full

their houses shall be full

their houses shall be made

their houses shall be spoiled

their houses shall be turned unto others

their own houses

their own houses well <1TI3 -:12 >

these houses an ephod

they may receive me into their houses

they shall also build houses

they shall build houses

they shall burn thine houses with fire

they shall fill thy houses

they shall possess their houses

this sort are they which creep into houses <2TI3 -:6 >

thy houses

thy storehouses

truth many houses shall be desolate

two houses <1KI9 -:10 >

we shall fill our houses with spoil

we will not return unto our houses

which devour widows' houses

which devour widows' houses

which fill their masters' houses with violence

who filled their houses with silver

who subvert whole houses

yet he filled their houses with good

your houses on

your houses shall be made

your spouses shall commit adultery
