abusing 007 031 ICo /${abusing /it: for the
fashion of this world passeth away .

accusing 002 015 Rom /${accusing /or else
excusing one another ;

causing 007 009 Son /^{causing /the lips of
those that are asleep to speak .

causing 033 012 Jer /^{causing /their flocks to
lie down .

causing 030 028 Isa /^{causing /them to err .

causing 029 010 Jer /^{causing /you to return to
this place .

excusing 002 015 Rom /${excusing /one another ;

musing 039 003 Psa /^{musing /the fire burned :
then spake I with my tongue ,

using 002 022 Col /${using /after the
commandments and doctrines of men ?

using 002 016 IPe /${using /your liberty for a
cloke of maliciousness , but as the servants of God .
