butter 007 022 Isa /^{butter /and honey shall
every one eat that is left in the land .

Butter 007 015 Isa /^{Butter /and honey shall
he eat , that he may know to refuse the evil , and choose the
good .

butter 018 008 Gen /^{butter /and milk , and
the calf which he had dressed , and set it before them ; and he
stood by them under the tree , and they did eat .

butter 017 029 IISa /^{butter /and sheep , and
cheese of kine , for David , and for the people that were with
him, to eat : for they said , The people is hungry , and weary ,
and thirsty , in the wilderness .

butter 029 006 Job /^{butter /and the rock
poured me out rivers of oil ;

butter 030 033 Pro /^{butter /and the wringing
of the nose bringeth forth blood : so the forcing of wrath
bringeth forth strife .

butter 055 021 Psa /^{butter /but war was in
his heart : his words were softer than oil , yet were they drawn
swords .

butter 007 022 Isa /^{butter /for butter and
honey shall every one eat that is left in the land .

butter 005 025 Jug /^{butter /in a lordly dish .

Butter 032 014 Deu /^{Butter /of kine , and
milk of sheep , with fat of lambs , and rams of the breed of
Bashan , and goats , with the fat of kidneys of wheat ; and thou
didst drink the pure blood of the grape .

fluttereth 032 011 Deu /^{fluttereth /over her
young , spreadeth abroad her wings , taketh them, beareth them
on her wings :

gutter 005 008 IISa /^{gutter /and smiteth the
Jebusites , and the lame and the blind , that are hated of
David's soul , he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they
said , The blind and the lame shall not come into the house .

gutters 030 038 Gen /^{gutters /in the watering
troughs when the flocks came to drink , that they should
conceive when they came to drink .

gutters 030 041 Gen /^{gutters /that they might
conceive among the rods .

mutter 008 019 Isa /^{mutter /should not a
people seek unto their God ? for the living to the dead ?

muttered 059 003 Isa /^{muttered /perverseness .

utter 024 003 Eze /^{utter /a parable unto the
rebellious house , and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD ;
Set on a pot , set it on , and also pour water into it:

utter 005 012 Jug /^{utter /a song : arise ,
Barak , and lead thy captivity captive , thou son of Abinoam .

utter 094 004 Psa /^{utter /and speak hard
things ? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

utter 005 002 Ecc /^{utter /any thing before
God : for God is in heaven , and thou upon earth : therefore let
thy words be few .

utter 014 009 ICo /${utter /by the tongue
words easy to be understood , how shall it be known what is
spoken ? for ye shall speak into the air .

utter 046 021 Eze /^{utter /court , and caused
me to pass by the four corners of the court ; and, behold, in
every corner of the court there was a court .

utter 042 014 Eze /^{utter /court , but there
they shall lay their garments wherein they minister ; for they
are holy ; and shall put on other garments , and shall approach
to those things which are for the people .

utter 044 019 Eze /^{utter /court , even into
the utter court to the people , they shall put off their
garments wherein they ministered , and lay them in the holy
chambers , and they shall put on other garments ; and they shall
not sanctify the people with their garments .

utter 042 001 Eze /^{utter /court , the way
toward the north : and he brought me into the chamber that was
over against the separate place , and which was before the
building toward the north .

utter 046 020 Eze /^{utter /court , to
sanctify the people .

utter 042 003 Eze /^{utter /court , was
gallery against gallery in three stories.

utter 042 009 Eze /^{utter /court .

utter 040 037 Eze /^{utter /court ; and palm
trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that
side: and the going up to it had eight steps .

utter 040 031 Eze /^{utter /court ; and palm
trees were upon the posts thereof: and the going up to it had
eight steps .

utter 042 007 Eze /^{utter /court on the
forepart of the chambers , the length thereof was fifty cubits .

utter 044 019 Eze /^{utter /court to the
people , they shall put off their garments wherein they
ministered , and lay them in the holy chambers , and they shall
put on other garments ; and they shall not sanctify the people
with their garments .

utter 042 008 Eze /^{utter /court was fifty
cubits : and, lo, before the temple were an hundred cubits .

utter 078 002 Psa /^{utter /dark sayings of
old :

utter 027 004 Job /^{utter /deceit .

utter 020 042 IKi /^{utter /destruction ,
therefore thy life shall go for his life , and thy people for
his people .

utter 014 011 Zec /^{utter /destruction ; but
Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited .

utter 001 009 Nah /^{utter /end : affliction
shall not rise up the second time .

utter 001 008 Nah /^{utter /end of the place
thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies .

utter 032 006 Isa /^{utter /error against the
LORD , to make empty the soul of the hungry , and he will cause
the drink of the thirsty to fail .

utter 047 002 Eze /^{utter /gate by the way
that looketh eastward ; and, behold, there ran out waters on the
right side .

utter 002 011 Joe /^{utter /his voice before
his army : for his camp is very great : for he is strong that
executeth his word : for the day of the LORD is great and very
terrible ; and who can abide it?

utter 025 030 Jer /^{utter /his voice from his
holy habitation ; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation ;
he shall give a shout , as they that tread the grapes, against
all the inhabitants of the earth .

utter 001 002 Amo /^{utter /his voice from
Jerusalem ; and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn ,
and the top of Carmel shall wither .

utter 003 016 Joe /^{utter /his voice from
Jerusalem ; and the heavens and the earth shall shake : but the
LORD will be the hope of his people , and the strength of the
children of Israel .

utter 048 020 Isa /^{utter /it even to the end
of the earth ; say ye, The LORD hath redeemed his servant Jacob .

utter 005 001 Lev /^{utter /it, then he shall
bear his iniquity .

utter 001 008 Ecc /^{utter /it: the eye is not
satisfied with seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing .

utter 033 003 Job /^{utter /knowledge clearly .

utter 014 005 Pro /^{utter /lies .

utter 001 016 Jer /^{utter /my judgments
against them touching all their wickedness , who have forsaken
me, and have burned incense unto other gods , and worshipped the
works of their own hands .

utter 002 014 Jos /^{utter /not this our
business . And it shall be, when the LORD hath given us the land
, that we will deal kindly and truly with thee.

utter 023 033 Pro /^{utter /perverse things .

utter 119 017 Psa /^{utter /praise , when thou
hast taught me thy statutes .

utter 145 007 Psa /^{utter /the memory of thy
great goodness , and shall sing of thy righteousness .

utter 106 002 Psa /^{utter /the mighty acts of
the LORD ? who can shew forth all his praise ?

utter 013 035 Mat /${utter /things which have
been kept secret from the foundation of the world .

utter 002 020 Jos /^{utter /this our business ,
then we will be quit of thine oath which thou hast made us to
swear .

utter 015 002 Job /^{utter /vain knowledge ,
and fill his belly with the east wind ?

utter 008 010 Job /^{utter /words out of their
heart ?

utterance 001 005 ICo /${utterance /and in all
knowledge ;

utterance 008 007 IICo /${utterance /and knowledge ,
and in all diligence , and in your love to us , see that ye
abound in this grace also .

utterance 006 019 Eph /${utterance /may be given
unto me , that I may open my mouth boldly , to make known the
mystery of the gospel ,

utterance 003 003 Col /${utterance /to speak the
mystery of Christ , for which I am also in bonds :

uttered 011 011 Jug /^{uttered /all his words
before the LORD in Mizpeh .

uttered 066 014 Psa /^{uttered /and my mouth
hath spoken , when I was in trouble .

uttered 010 004 Rev /${uttered /and write them
not .

uttered 003 010 Hab /^{uttered /his voice , and
lifted up his hands on high .

uttered 046 006 Psa /^{uttered /his voice , the
earth melted .

uttered 022 014 IISa /^{uttered /his voice .

uttered 006 019 Neh /^{uttered /my words to him.
And Tobiah sent letters to put me in fear .

uttered 030 006 Num /^{uttered /ought out of her
lips , wherewith she bound her soul ;

uttered 005 011 Heb /${uttered /seeing ye are
dull of hearing .

uttered 042 003 Job /^{uttered /that I
understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

uttered 048 034 Jer /^{uttered /their voice ,
from Zoar even unto Horonaim , as an heifer of three years old :
for the waters also of Nimrim shall be desolate .

uttered 010 004 Rev /${uttered /their voices , I
was about to write : and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto
me , Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered , and
write them not .

uttered 010 003 Rev /${uttered /their voices .

uttered 030 008 Num /^{uttered /with her lips ,
wherewith she bound her soul , of none effect : and the LORD
shall forgive her.

uttered 026 004 Job /^{uttered /words ? and
whose spirit came from thee?

uttereth 010 018 Pro /^{uttereth /a slander , is
a fool .

uttereth 029 011 Pro /^{uttereth /all his mind :
but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards .

uttereth 001 020 Pro /^{uttereth /her voice in
the streets :

uttereth 001 021 Pro /^{uttereth /her words ,

uttereth 007 003 Mic /^{uttereth /his mischievous
desire : so they wrap it up .

uttereth 010 013 Jer /^{uttereth /his voice ,
there is a multitude of waters in the heavens , and he causeth
the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth ; he maketh
lightnings with rain , and bringeth forth the wind out of his
treasures .

uttereth 051 016 Jer /^{uttereth /his voice ,
there is a multitude of waters in the heavens ; and he causeth
the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth : he maketh
lightnings with rain , and bringeth forth the wind out of his
treasures .

uttereth 019 002 Psa /^{uttereth /speech , and
night unto night sheweth knowledge .

uttereth 015 005 Job /^{uttereth /thine iniquity ,
and thou choosest the tongue of the crafty .

uttering 059 013 Isa /^{uttering /from the heart
words of falsehood .

utterly 006 007 ICo /${utterly /a fault among
you , because ye go to law one with another . Why do ye not
rather take wrong ? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be
defrauded ?

utterly 007 026 Deu /^{utterly /abhor it; for it
is a cursed thing .

utterly 002 018 Isa /^{utterly /abolish .

utterly 051 003 Jer /^{utterly /all her host .

utterly 013 015 Deu /^{utterly /and all that is
therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword .

utterly 010 037 Jos /^{utterly /and all the
souls that were therein.

utterly 019 011 IIKi /^{utterly /and shalt thou
be delivered ?

utterly 037 011 Isa /^{utterly /and shalt thou
be delivered ?

utterly 011 020 Jos /^{utterly /and that they
might have no favour , but that he might destroy them, as the
LORD commanded Moses .

utterly 026 044 Lev /^{utterly /and to break my
covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God .

utterly 027 031 Eze /^{utterly /bald for thee,
and gird them with sackcloth , and they shall weep for thee with
bitterness of heart and bitter wailing .

utterly 008 007 Son /^{utterly /be contemned .

utterly 010 015 Hos /^{utterly /be cut off .

utterly 015 031 Num /^{utterly /be cut off ; his
iniquity shall be upon him.

utterly 004 026 Deu /^{utterly /be destroyed .

utterly 051 058 Jer /^{utterly /broken , and her
high gates shall be burned with fire ; and the people shall
labour in vain , and the folk in the fire , and they shall be
weary .

utterly 024 019 Isa /^{utterly /broken down ,
the earth is clean dissolved , the earth is moved exceedingly .

utterly 018 008 Rev /${utterly /burned with fire
: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her .

utterly 023 007 IISa /^{utterly /burned with fire
in the same place .

utterly 037 024 Psa /^{utterly /cast down : for
the LORD upholdeth him with his hand .

utterly 001 002 Zep /^{utterly /consume all
things from off the land , saith the LORD .

utterly 009 031 Neh /^{utterly /consume them,
nor forsake them; for thou art a gracious and merciful God .

utterly 073 019 Psa /^{utterly /consumed with
terrors .

utterly 031 029 Deu /^{utterly /corrupt
yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded
you; and evil will befall you in the latter days ; because ye
will do evil in the sight of the LORD , to provoke him to anger
through the work of your hands .

utterly 001 015 Nah /^{utterly /cut off .

utterly 011 017 Zec /^{utterly /darkened .

utterly 006 011 Isa /^{utterly /desolate ,

utterly 050 021 Jer /^{utterly /destroy after
them, saith the LORD , and do according to all that I have
commanded thee.

utterly 015 003 ISa /^{utterly /destroy all that
they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman ,
infant and suckling , ox and sheep , camel and ass .

utterly 012 002 Deu /^{utterly /destroy all the
places , wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their
gods , upon the high mountains , and upon the hills , and under
every green tree :

utterly 021 011 Jug /^{utterly /destroy every
male , and every woman that hath lain by man .

utterly 009 008 Amo /^{utterly /destroy the
house of Jacob , saith the LORD .

utterly 015 018 ISa /^{utterly /destroy the
sinners the Amalekites , and fight against them until they be
consumed .

utterly 011 015 Isa /^{utterly /destroy the
tongue of the Egyptian sea ; and with his mighty wind shall he
shake his hand over the river , and shall smite it in the seven
streams , and make men go over dryshod .

utterly 021 002 Num /^{utterly /destroy their
cities .

utterly 025 009 Jer /^{utterly /destroy them,
and make them an astonishment , and an hissing , and perpetual
desolations .

utterly 015 009 ISa /^{utterly /destroy them:
but every thing that was vile and refuse , that they destroyed
utterly .

utterly 020 017 Deu /^{utterly /destroy them;
namely, the Hittites , and the Amorites , the Canaanites , and
the Perizzites , the Hivites , and the Jebusites ; as the LORD
thy God hath commanded thee:

utterly 007 002 Deu /^{utterly /destroy them;
thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

utterly 032 014 IICh /^{utterly /destroyed , that
could deliver his people out of mine hand , that your God should
be able to deliver you out of mine hand ?

utterly 010 028 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed , them,
and all the souls that were therein; he let none remain : and
he did to the king of Makkedah as he did unto the king of
Jericho .

utterly 015 021 ISa /^{utterly /destroyed , to
sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal .

utterly 002 010 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed .

utterly 022 020 Exo /^{utterly /destroyed .

utterly 015 015 ISa /^{utterly /destroyed .

utterly 010 040 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed all
that breathed , as the LORD God of Israel commanded .

utterly 006 021 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed all
that was in the city , both man and woman , young and old , and
ox , and sheep , and ass , with the edge of the sword .

utterly 008 026 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed all
the inhabitants of Ai .

utterly 015 008 ISa /^{utterly /destroyed all
the people with the edge of the sword .

utterly 010 039 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed all
the souls that were therein; he left none remaining : as he had
done to Hebron , so he did to Debir , and to the king thereof;
as he had done also to Libnah , and to her king .

utterly 001 017 Jug /^{utterly /destroyed it.
And the name of the city was called Hormah .

utterly 010 001 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed it; as
he had done to Jericho and her king , so he had done to Ai and
her king ; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with
Israel , and were among them;

utterly 010 035 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed that
day , according to all that he had done to Lachish .

utterly 015 020 ISa /^{utterly /destroyed the
Amalekites .

utterly 002 034 Deu /^{utterly /destroyed the
men , and the women , and the little ones , of every city , we
left none to remain :

utterly 031 001 IICh /^{utterly /destroyed them
all. Then all the children of Israel returned , every man to his
possession , into their own cities .

utterly 021 003 Num /^{utterly /destroyed them
and their cities : and he called the name of the place Hormah .

utterly 011 012 Jos /^{utterly /destroyed them,
as Moses the servant of the LORD commanded .

utterly 003 006 Deu /^{utterly /destroyed them,
as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon , utterly destroying the
men , women , and children , of every city .

utterly 034 002 Isa /^{utterly /destroyed them,
he hath delivered them to the slaughter .

utterly 003 006 Deu /^{utterly /destroying the
men , women , and children , of every city .

utterly 011 011 Jos /^{utterly /destroying them:
there was not any left to breathe : and he burnt Hazor with fire

utterly 007 026 Deu /^{utterly /detest it, and
thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing .

utterly 017 013 Jos /^{utterly /drive them out .

utterly 001 028 Jug /^{utterly /drive them out .

utterly 024 003 Isa /^{utterly /emptied , and
utterly spoiled : for the LORD hath spoken this word .

utterly 040 030 Isa /^{utterly /fall :

utterly 023 039 Jer /^{utterly /forget you, and
I will forsake you, and the city that I gave you and your
fathers , and cast you out of my presence :

utterly 015 002 Jug /^{utterly /hated her;
therefore I gave her to thy companion : is not her younger
sister fairer than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her.

utterly 050 026 Jer /^{utterly /let nothing of
her be left .

utterly 030 012 Num /^{utterly /made them void
on the day he heard them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her
lips concerning her vows , or concerning the bond of her soul ,
shall not stand : her husband hath made them void ; and the LORD
shall forgive her.

utterly 017 010 IISa /^{utterly /melt : for all
Israel knoweth that thy father is a mighty man , and they which
be with him are valiant men .

utterly 009 006 Eze /^{utterly /old and young ,
both maids , and little children , and women : but come not near
any man upon whom is the mark ; and begin at my sanctuary . Then
they began at the ancient men which were before the house .

utterly 119 004 Psa /^{utterly /out of my mouth ;
for I have hoped in thy judgments .

utterly 023 024 Exo /^{utterly /overthrow them,
and quite break down their images .

utterly 004 026 Deu /^{utterly /perish from off
the land whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not
prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed .

utterly 002 012 IIPe /${utterly /perish in their
own corruption ;

utterly 012 017 Jer /^{utterly /pluck up and
destroy that nation , saith the LORD .

utterly 017 014 Exo /^{utterly /put out the
remembrance of Amalek from under heaven .

utterly 022 017 Exo /^{utterly /refuse to give
her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of
virgins .

utterly 014 019 Jer /^{utterly /rejected Judah ?
hath thy soul lothed Zion ? why hast thou smitten us, and there
is no healing for us? we looked for peace , and there is no good
; and for the time of healing , and behold trouble !

utterly 005 022 Lam /^{utterly /rejected us;
thou art very wroth against us.

utterly 056 003 Isa /^{utterly /separated me
from his people : neither let the eunuch say , Behold, I am a
dry tree .

utterly 024 003 Isa /^{utterly /spoiled : for
the LORD hath spoken this word .

utterly 002 004 Mic /^{utterly /spoiled : he
hath changed the portion of my people : how hath he removed it
from me! turning away he hath divided our fields .

utterly 009 004 Jer /^{utterly /supplant , and
every neighbour will walk with slanders .

utterly 089 033 Psa /^{utterly /take from him,
nor suffer my faithfulness to fail .

utterly 001 006 Hos /^{utterly /take them away .

utterly 027 012 ISa /^{utterly /to abhor him;
therefore he shall be my servant for ever .

utterly 009 021 IKi /^{utterly /to destroy ,
upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice unto this
day .

utterly 011 044 Dan /^{utterly /to make away
many .

utterly 020 023 IICh /^{utterly /to slay and
destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants
of Seir , every one helped to destroy another .

utterly 013 044 Lev /^{utterly /unclean ; his
plague is in his head .

utterly 025 029 Jer /^{utterly /unpunished ? Ye
shall not be unpunished : for I will call for a sword upon all
the inhabitants of the earth , saith the LORD of hosts .

utterly 004 041 ICh /^{utterly /unto this day ,
and dwelt in their rooms: because there was pasture there for
their flocks .

utterly 029 010 Eze /^{utterly /waste and
desolate , from the tower of Syene even unto the border of
Ethiopia .

utterly 060 012 Isa /^{utterly /wasted .

utterly 011 021 Jos /^{utterly /with their
cities .

utterly 017 010 Eze /^{utterly /wither , when
the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither in the furrows where
it grew .

uttermost 015 021 Jos /^{uttermost /cities of the
tribe of the children of Judah toward the coast of Edom
southward were Kabzeel , and Eder , and Jagur ,

uttermost 026 004 Exo /^{uttermost /edge of
another curtain , in the coupling of the second .

uttermost 036 017 Exo /^{uttermost /edge of the
curtain in the coupling , and fifty loops made he upon the edge
of the curtain which coupleth the second .

uttermost 005 026 Mat /${uttermost /farthing .

uttermost 020 016 Num /^{uttermost /of thy border :

uttermost 024 022 Act /${uttermost /of your matter

uttermost 014 002 ISa /^{uttermost /part of Gibeah
under a pomegranate tree which is in Migron : and the people
that were with him were about six hundred men ;

uttermost 013 027 Mar /${uttermost /part of heaven

uttermost 015 005 Jos /^{uttermost /part of Jordan

uttermost 007 008 IIKi /^{uttermost /part of the
camp , they went into one tent , and did eat and drink , and
carried thence silver , and gold , and raiment , and went and
hid it; and came again , and entered into another tent , and
carried thence also, and went and hid it.

uttermost 007 005 IIKi /^{uttermost /part of the
camp of Syria , behold, there was no man there.

uttermost 001 008 Act /${uttermost /part of the
earth .

uttermost 024 016 Isa /^{uttermost /part of the
earth have we heard songs , even glory to the righteous . But I
said , My leanness , my leanness , woe unto me! the treacherous
dealers have dealt treacherously ; yea, the treacherous dealers
have dealt very treacherously .

uttermost 013 027 Mar /${uttermost /part of the
earth to the uttermost part of heaven .

uttermost 001 009 Neh /^{uttermost /part of the
heaven , yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them
unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

uttermost 006 024 IKi /^{uttermost /part of the
one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits .

uttermost 006 024 IKi /^{uttermost /part of the
other were ten cubits .

uttermost 007 018 Isa /^{uttermost /part of the
rivers of Egypt , and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria

uttermost 015 001 Jos /^{uttermost /part of the
south coast .

uttermost 065 008 Psa /^{uttermost /parts are
afraid at thy tokens : thou makest the outgoings of the morning
and evening to rejoice .

uttermost 011 001 Num /^{uttermost /parts of the
camp .

uttermost 002 008 Psa /^{uttermost /parts of the
earth for thy possession .

uttermost 012 042 Mat /${uttermost /parts of the
earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon ; and , behold , a greater
than Solomon is here .

uttermost 139 009 Psa /^{uttermost /parts of the
sea ;

uttermost 011 024 Deu /^{uttermost /sea shall your
coast be.

uttermost 036 011 Exo /^{uttermost /side of
another curtain , in the coupling of the second .

uttermost 007 025 Heb /${uttermost /that come unto
God by him , seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them
