Uzziel 015 010 ICh /^{Uzziel /Amminadab the
chief , and his brethren an hundred and twelve .

Uzziel 007 007 ICh /^{Uzziel /and Jerimoth ,
and Iri , five ; heads of the house of their fathers , mighty
men of valour ; and were reckoned by their genealogies twenty
and two thousand and thirty and four .

Uzziel 006 018 Exo /^{Uzziel /and the years of
the life of Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years .

Uzziel 023 012 ICh /^{Uzziel /four .

Uzziel 024 024 ICh /^{Uzziel /Michah : of the
sons of Michah ; Shamir .

Uzziel 023 020 ICh /^{Uzziel /Michah the first ,
and Jesiah the second .

Uzziel 006 022 Exo /^{Uzziel /Mishael , and
Elzaphan , and Zithri .

Uzziel 025 004 ICh /^{Uzziel /Shebuel , and
Jerimoth , Hananiah , Hanani , Eliathah , Giddalti , and
Romamtiezer , Joshbekashah , Mallothi , Hothir , and Mahazioth :

Uzziel 003 008 Neh /^{Uzziel /the son of
Harhaiah , of the goldsmiths . Next unto him also repaired
Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries , and they fortified
Jerusalem unto the broad wall .

Uzziel 004 042 ICh /^{Uzziel /the sons of Ishi .

Uzziel 010 004 Lev /^{Uzziel /the uncle of
Aaron , and said unto them, Come near , carry your brethren from
before the sanctuary out of the camp .

Uzzielites 003 027 Num /^{Uzzielites /these are the
families of the Kohathites .
