vigilant Interlinear Index Study

vigilant 1TI 003 002 A bishop <1985 -episkopos -> then <3767 -
oun -> must <1163 -dei -> be blameless <0483 -antilego -> , the
husband <0435 -aner -> of one <3391 -mia -> wife <1135 -gune -> ,
{vigilant} <3524 -nephaleos -> , sober <4998 -sophron -> , of
good behaviour <2887 -kosmios -> , given to hospitality <5382 -
philoxenos -> , apt <1317 -didaktikos -> to teach <1317 -
didaktikos -> ;

vigilant 1PE 005 008 . Be sober <3525 -nepho -> , be {vigilant}
<1127 -gregoreuo -> ; because <3754 -hoti -> your <5216 -humon -
> adversary <0476 -antidikos -> the devil <1228 -diabolos -> ,
as a roaring <5612 -oruomai -> lion <3023 -leon -> , walketh
<4043 -peripateo -> about <4043 -peripateo -> , seeking <2212 -
zeteo -> whom <5101 -tis -> he may devour <2666 -katapino -> :
