weave , ISA , 19:9 , ISA , 59:5

weaver , EX , 35:35

weaver , ISA , 38:12

weaver's , 1CH , 11:23 , 1CH , 20:5

weaver's , 1SA , 17:7

weaver's , 2SA , 21:19

weaver's , JOB , 7:6

weavest , JG , 16:13



weave Interlinear Index Study

weave ISA 019 009 Moreover they that work <05647 + in
fine <08305 +s@riyqah > flax <06593 +pishteh > , and they that
{weave} <00707 +>arag > networks <02355 +chowr > , shall be
confounded <00954 +buwsh > .

weave ISA 059 005 They hatch <01234 +baqa< > cockatrice <06848
+tsepha< > eggs <01000 +beytsah > , and {weave} <00707 +>arag >
the spider s <05908 + web <06980 +quwr > : he that
eateth <00398 +>akal > of their eggs <01000 +beytsah > dieth
<04191 +muwth > , and that which is crushed <02116 +zuwreh >
breaketh <01234 +baqa< > out into a viper <00660 +>eph .


weave networks

- weave , 0707 ,

weaver EXO 035 035 Them hath he filled <04390 +male> > with
wisdom <02451 +chokmah > of heart <03820 +leb > , to work
<06213 + all <03605 +kol > manner <03605 +kol > of
work <04399 +m@la>kah > , of the engraver <02796 +charash > ,
and of the cunning <02803 +chashab > workman <02803 +chashab
> , and of the embroiderer <07551 +raqam > , in blue <08504
+t@keleth > , and in purple <00713 +>argaman > , in scarlet ,
and in fine linen <08336 +shesh > , and of the {weaver}
<00707 +>arag > , [ even ] of them that do <06213 +
any <03605 +kol > work <04399 +m@la>kah > , and of those that
devise <02803 +chashab > cunning <04284 +machashabah > work .



weave -0707 {weave} , weaver , weavest , wove , woven ,

weaver -0707 weave , {weaver} , weavest , wove , woven ,

weavest -0707 weave , weaver , {weavest} , wove , woven ,


weaver 0707 -- /arag -- {weaver}(-r).

weaver's 0708 -- /ereg -- beam, {weaver's} shuttle.




weaver 0707 ## >arag {aw-rag'}; a primitive root; to plait or
weave: -- {weaver}(-r). [ql

weaver's 0708 ## >ereg {eh'-reg}; from 707; a weaving; a braid;
also a shuttle: -- beam, {weaver's} shuttle. [ql


weave 019 009 Isa /^{weave /networks , shall
be confounded .

weave 059 005 Isa /^{weave /the spider's web :
he that eateth of their eggs dieth , and that which is crushed
breaketh out into a viper .

weaver 035 035 Exo /^{weaver /even of them that
do any work , and of those that devise cunning work .

weaver 038 012 Isa /^{weaver /my life : he will
cut me off with pining sickness : from day even to night wilt
thou make an end of me.

weaver's 020 005 ICh /^{weaver's /beam .

weaver's 021 019 IISa /^{weaver's /beam .

weaver's 011 023 ICh /^{weaver's /beam ; and he
went down to him with a staff , and plucked the spear out of the
Egyptian's hand , and slew him with his own spear .

weaver's 017 007 ISa /^{weaver's /beam ; and his
spear's head weighed six hundred shekels of iron : and one
bearing a shield went before him.

weaver's 007 006 Job /^{weaver's /shuttle , and
are spent without hope .

weavest 016 013 Jug /^{weavest /the seven locks
of my head with the web .


weave 2 *

weaver 2 -

weavest 1 -


weave Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they
that {weave} networks, shall be confounded.

weave They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and {weave} the
spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which
is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
