cause wherefore they accused him

cause wherefore ye are come

certainty wherefore he was accused

he might know wherefore they cried so against him

more part knew not wherefore they were come together 32 >

show me wherefore thou contendest with me

wherefore abner with <2SA2 -:23 >

wherefore adonizedek king

wherefore all <2CH5 -:3 >

wherefore all israel made omri <1KI16 -:16 >

wherefore also it is contained <1PE2 -:6 >

wherefore also we pray always for you <2TH1 -:11 >

wherefore approached ye so nigh unto <2SA11 -:20 >

wherefore are they cast out

wherefore are we counted as beasts

wherefore are we kept back

wherefore art thou come

wherefore at

wherefore be ye not unwise

wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them

wherefore came

wherefore came this mad <2KI9 -:11 >

wherefore camest thou not unto me

wherefore come out from among them <2CO6 -:17 >

wherefore come these things upon me

wherefore come ye

wherefore cometh not <1SA20 -:27 >

wherefore comfort one another with these words <1TH4 -:18 >

wherefore comfort yourselves together <1TH5 -:11 >

wherefore commit ye

wherefore consider <2KI5 -:7 >

wherefore criest thou unto me

wherefore david arose <1SA18 -:27 >

wherefore david blessed <1CH29 -:10 >

wherefore david said unto <2SA21 -:3 >

wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants

wherefore dealt ye

wherefore did sarah laugh

wherefore didst thou doubt

wherefore didst thou flee away secretly

wherefore didst thou marvel

wherefore discourage ye

wherefore do

wherefore do

wherefore do

wherefore do ye

wherefore do ye spend money for

wherefore do ye tempt

wherefore doeth

wherefore dost thou forget us for ever

wherefore dost thou prophesy

wherefore doth

wherefore doth

wherefore doth

wherefore doth my lord thus pursue after his servant <1SA26 -:
18 >

wherefore gird up <1PE1 -:13 >

wherefore gloriest thou

wherefore glorify ye

wherefore god also gave them up

wherefore god also hath highly exalted him

wherefore god is not ashamed

wherefore goest thou also with us <2SA15 -:19 >

wherefore haman sought

wherefore hanun took david's servants <2SA10 -:4 >

wherefore hanun took david's servants <1CH19 -:4 >

wherefore hast thou

wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant

wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over jordan

wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us

wherefore hast thou despised <2SA12 -:9 >

wherefore hast thou done so <2SA16 -:10 >

wherefore hast thou gone <2SA3 -:7 >

wherefore hast thou made all men

wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes <2KI5 -:8 >

wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times -:32 >

wherefore hast thou stolen my gods

wherefore hath <1SA4 -:3 >

wherefore hath

wherefore hath

wherefore hath

wherefore hath

wherefore have

wherefore have

wherefore have thy servants set my field on fire <2SA14 -:31 >

wherefore have we fasted

wherefore have ye beguiled us

wherefore have ye brought us up out

wherefore have ye made us

wherefore have ye not eaten

wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task

wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good

wherefore he called

wherefore he called

wherefore he came down into <1SA23 -:25 >

wherefore he did evil <2CH22 -:4 >

wherefore he is able also

wherefore he put forth <1SA14 -:27 >

wherefore he said unto <1KI20 -:9 >

wherefore he said unto <1KI22 -:34 >

wherefore he saith

wherefore he saith

wherefore he saith

wherefore he saith also

wherefore he sent for him

wherefore he slew him also

wherefore he went again <2KI4 -:31 >

wherefore hear

wherefore hearest thou men's words <1SA24 -:9 >

wherefore henceforth know we no man after <2CO5 -:16 >

wherefore hidest thou thy face

wherefore hidest thou thy face

wherefore his servants said unto him <1KI1 -:2 >

wherefore if demetrius

wherefore if they shall say unto you

wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee

wherefore if ye be dead with christ from

wherefore is light given

wherefore is my lord <2SA24 -:21 >

wherefore israel turned away from him

wherefore it came <1SA1 -:20 >

wherefore it is lawful

wherefore it is said

wherefore it is said

wherefore it shall come

wherefore it shall come

wherefore jesus also

wherefore joab departed <1CH21 -:4 >

wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice <1SA2 -:29 >

wherefore king darius signed

wherefore lay apart all filthiness

wherefore laying aside all malice <1PE2 -:1 >

wherefore let <1SA25 -:8 >

wherefore let him <1CO10 -:12 >

wherefore let him <1CO14 -:13 >

wherefore let them <1PE4 -:19 >

wherefore levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren

wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face

wherefore lift up <2KI19 -:4 >

wherefore lift up

wherefore lift up

wherefore look ye

wherefore lookest thou upon them

wherefore my bowels shall sound like an harp for moab 11 >

wherefore my fury

wherefore my sentence is

wherefore nathan spake unto bathsheba <1KI1 -:11 >

wherefore neither thought

wherefore now do ye transgress

wherefore now let <2CH19 -:7 >

wherefore now return <1SA29 -:7 >

wherefore now rise up early <1SA29 -:10 >

wherefore now send <1SA20 -:31 >

wherefore one

wherefore our elders

wherefore passedst thou over

wherefore putting away lying

wherefore rebuke them sharply

wherefore receive ye one another

wherefore remember

wherefore saith my lord these words

wherefore saul returned from pursuing after david <1SA23 -:28 >

wherefore saul said <1SA18 -:21 >

wherefore saul sent messengers unto jesse <1SA16 -:19 >

wherefore say

wherefore say my people

wherefore say unto

wherefore say unto

wherefore say unto them

wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great

wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great

wherefore shall he be slain <1SA20 -:32 >

wherefore shall we die before thine eyes

wherefore she said unto abraham

wherefore she told him nothing <1SA25 -:36 >

wherefore she went forth out

wherefore should <2SA12 -:23 >

wherefore should <2SA2 -:22 >

wherefore should

wherefore should

wherefore should

wherefore should

wherefore should god be angry at thy voice

wherefore should he slay thee

wherefore should they say among

wherefore should this city be laid waste

wherefore show ye <2CO8 -:24 >

wherefore shut thou up

wherefore sighest thou

wherefore slew he him <1JO3 -:12 >

wherefore smitest thou thy fellow

wherefore standest thou without

wherefore take unto you

wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against judah <2CH25
-:10 >

wherefore their brethren <2CH29 -:34 >

wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery >

wherefore then

wherefore then are ye <2SA19 -:12 >

wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day

wherefore then be ye angry for this matter <2SA19 -:42 >

wherefore then didst thou not obey <1SA15 -:19 >

wherefore then do ye harden your hearts <1SA6 -:6 >

wherefore then dost thou ask <1SA28 -:16 >

wherefore then gavest not thou my money into

wherefore then hast thou beguiled me

wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out

wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord <1SA26 -:15 >

wherefore then hast thou thought such <2SA14 -:13 >

wherefore then layest thou <1SA28 -:9 >

wherefore then lift ye up yourselves

wherefore then should thy servant be yet <2SA19 -:35 >

wherefore then speakest thou so <1SA9 -:21 >

wherefore then were ye not afraid

wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood <1SA19 -:5

wherefore they

wherefore they are no more twain

wherefore they arose <2KI7 -:7 >

wherefore they called

wherefore they called these days purim after

wherefore they came again <2KI9 -:36 >

wherefore they cried unto

wherefore they said <2SA5 -:8 >

wherefore they say <1SA19 -:24 >

wherefore they sold not their lands

wherefore they spake <2KI17 -:26 >

wherefore think ye evil

wherefore thou art great <2SA7 -:22 >

wherefore thou art no more

wherefore thus saith

wherefore thus saith

wherefore thus saith

wherefore thus saith

wherefore tongues are for <1CO14 -:22 >

wherefore turn

wherefore we labour <2CO5 -:9 >

wherefore we receiving

wherefore we would have come unto you <1TH2 -:18 >

wherefore wentest not thou with me <2SA19 -:25 >

wherefore when he cometh into

wherefore when saul saw <1SA18 -:15 >

wherefore when we could no longer forbear <1TH3 -:1 >

wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread <1CO11 -:27 >

wherefore will ye plead with me

wherefore wilt thou go <2KI4 -:23 >

wherefore wilt thou run <2SA18 -:22 >

wherefore would ye hear

wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves

wherefore ye shall do my statutes

wherefore ye shall make images <1SA6 -:5 >

wherefore ziklag pertaineth unto <1SA27 -:6 >
