be their wives

besides jacob's sons' wives

but your wives

david took more wives at jerusalem <1CH14 -:3 >

david's two wives were taken captives <1SA30 -:5 >

give their wives unto others

had taken strange wives by

have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives 23 >

have wives be as though they had none <1CO7 -:29 >

his sons' wives with him

his sons' wives with him

his two wives also <2SA2 -:2 >

his wives turned away his heart <1KI11 -:3 >

his wives turned away his heart after other gods <1KI11 -:4 >

his wives upon camels

how shall we do for wives for them

how shall we do for wives for them

let all them which have taken strange wives

let their wives be bereaved

likewise did he for all his strange wives <1KI11 -:8 >

love their wives as their own bodies

midwives come

midwives feared god

midwives feared god

midwives said unto pharaoh

neither shall they take for their wives

so they shall bring out all thy wives

strange wives

take wives for your sons

take ye wives

tekoa had two wives <1CH4 -:5 >

their wives <1SA30 -:3 >

their wives <2CH20 -:13 >

their wives <2CH31 -:18 >

their wives

their wives

their wives

their wives

their wives

their wives

their wives against their brethren

their wives apart

their wives apart

their wives apart

their wives apart

their wives had burned incense unto other gods

their wives ravished

their wives took they captive

them had wives by whom they had children

them his wives <1SA25 -:43 >

they gave them wives which they had saved alive

they married wives

they took them wives

they took them wives

they would put away their wives

three wives

thy master's wives into thy bosom <2SA12 -:8 >

thy sons' wives with thee

thy sons' wives with thee

thy wives <1KI20 -:5 >

thy wives <2CH21 -:14 >

thy wives <2SA19 -:5 >

thy wives

thy wives also <1KI20 -:3 >

took his two wives

will take thy wives before thine eyes <2SA12 -:11 >

with wives

wives also

wives beside my daughters

wives out <2SA5 -:13 >

wives shall give

wives together

wives which he had mahalath

your wives have both spoken with your mouths

your wives shall be widows
