Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

Zalaph 16_NEH_03_30 After (00310 +)achar ) him repaired (02388 +chazaq ) Hananiah (02608 +Chananyah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Shelemiah (08018 +Shelemyah ) , and Hanun (02586 +Chanuwn ) the sixth (08345 +shishshiy ) son (01121 +ben ) of {Zalaph} , another (08145 +sheniy ) piece (04060 +middah ) . After (00310 +)achar ) him repaired (02388 +chazaq ) Meshullam (04918 +M@shullam ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Berechiah (01296 +Berekyah ) over (05048 +neged ) against (05048 +neged ) his chamber (05393 +nishkah ) .

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