
 wafer wafers wag
wages wagging wagon wagons
wail wailed wailing wait
waited waiteth waiting wake
waked wakened wakeneth waketh
waking walk walked walkedst
walkest walketh walking wall
walled wallow wallowed wallowing
walls wander wandered wanderers
wanderest wandereth wandering wanderings
want wanted wanteth wanting
wanton wantonness wants war
ward wardrobe wards ware
wares warfare warm warmed
warmeth warming warn warned
warning warp warred warreth
warring warrior warriors wars
was wash washed washest
washing washings washpot wast
waste wasted wasteness waster
wastes wasteth wasting watch
watched watcher watchers watches
watcheth watchful watching watchings
watchman WATCHMAN'S WATCHMANS_ watchmen
watchtower water watercourse watered
wateredst waterest watereth waterflood
watering waterpot waterpots waters
waterspouts watersprings wave waved
wavereth wavering waves wax
waxed waxen waxeth waxing
way wayfaring waymarks ways
wayside we weak weaken
weakened weakeneth weaker weakness
wealth wealthy weaned weapon
weapons wear weareth wearied
wearieth weariness wearing wearisome
weary weasel weather weave
weaver WEAVER'S WEAVERS_ weavest
web webs wedding wedge
wedlock weeds week weeks
weep weepest weepeth weeping
weigh weighed weigheth weighing
weight weightier weights weighty
welfare well wellbeloved wellfavoured
wellpleasing wells WELL'S WELLS_
wellspring wen wench went
wentest wept were wert
west western westward wet
whale whales WHALE'S WHALES_
what whatsoever wheat wheaten
wheel wheels whelp whelps
when whence whensoever where
whereabout whereas whereby wherefore
wherein whereinsoever whereinto whereof
whereon wheresoever whereto whereunto
whereupon wherewith wherewithal whet
whether which while whiles
whilst whip whips whirleth
whirlwind whirlwinds whisper whispered
whisperer whisperers whisperings whit
white whited whiter whither
whithersoever who whole wholesome
wholly whom whomsoever whore
whoredom whoredoms whoremonger whoremongers
whores WHORE'S WHORES_ whoring
whorish whose whoso whosoever
why wicked wickedly wickedness
wide wideness widow widowhood
widows WIDOW'S WIDOWS_ wife
WIFE'S WIFES_ wild wilderness
wiles wilfully wilily will
willeth willing willingly willow
willows wilt wimples win
wind winding window windows
winds windy wine winebibber
winebibbers winefat winepress winepresses
wines wing winged wings
wink winked winketh winneth
winnowed winnoweth winter wintered
winterhouse wipe wiped wipeth
wiping wires wisdom wise
wisely wiser wish wished
wishing wist wit witch
witchcraft witchcrafts with withal
withdraw withdrawest withdraweth withdrawn
withdrew wither withered withereth
withheld withheldest withhold withholden
withholdeth within without withs
withstand withstood witness witnessed
witnesses witnesseth witnessing WIT'S
WITS_ wittingly witty wives
wives_ wizard wizards woe
woeful woes wolf wolves
woman womankind WOMAN'S WOMANS_
womb wombs women WOMEN'S
WOMENS_ womenservants won wonder
wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering
wonderously wonders wondrous wondrously
wont wood woods woof
wool woollen word words
WORD'S WORDS_ work worker
workers worketh workfellow working
workman workmanship workmen WORKMEN'S
works WORK'S WORKS_ world
worldly worlds WORLD'S WORLDS_
worm worms wormwood worse
worship worshipped worshipper worshippers
worshippeth worshipping worst worth
worthies worthily worthy wot
wotteth would wouldest wound
wounded woundedst woundeth wounding
wounds wove woven wrap
wrapped wrath wrathful wraths
wreath wreathed wreathen wreaths
wrest wrestle wrestled wrestlings
wretched wretchedness wring wringed
wringing wrinkle wrinkles write
writer WRITER'S WRITERS_ writest
writeth writing writings written
wrong wronged wrongeth wrongfully
wrote wroth wrought wroughtest

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